Unnamed Memory

Falling into the water

Everyone reacted differently to Tinasha, who went back to the castle and announced that she was a witch.

Many people avoided her being Oscar's guardian, based on a very different agarity from the facts, but most people who knew her firsthand took it favourably, whatever the difference in degree.

There would have been a few Goto's there. Tinasha just gave them a complicated smile, but not put it on the table.

In the meantime, Oscar started his father king and was to introduce Tinasha once again to a few people who knew about the curse.

Not between sights, but gathered in a room in the hall privately used by royal mortals were King Kevin, Interior Minister Nesan, Old General Ettard, Mage Chief Kum and five Lazars who grew up with Oscar. They were listening to Oscar's explanation, accompanied by a witch, with a contemplative expression.

"That's why I plan to be my wife"

"I won't! If you'd just shut up and listen, you'd have a terrible explanation!

Because of the difference in height, the king stood up to forgive the witch who was rocking the Oscar as she floated.

"I'm sorry about the one who says the unscrupulous things. I apologize. I thought I saw you somewhere for a reason. Once upon a time, I stole my grandfather's diary, and there was a portrait of you."

"If you still have it, I'd like you to dispose of it..."

Tinasha goes down to the floor blushing. The king faced her as he stood.

"What about it as a matter of fact? Will it work out?"

The witch smiles like trouble at it.

"I'm also trying to analyze it for once, but the witch of silence is far superior to me in this area. You can see that the analysis alone will take months, and you may not want a complete curse if you can analyze it. But, well, I'll figure it out eventually. Rest assured."

"If you can't, you're responsible."

"Don't say no!

Ettard whispered to the neighbor Lazar when he saw Tinasha, who had begun to rock Oscar again.

"It looks like we're close..."

"We're close."

In the shade of the training ground, Meredith held her knees.

I haven't felt well since my expedition to Magic Lake. I know the cause, but I didn't know how to digest it.

I can see Ars approaching me in the slightest sight I can see from my eyes lying down on my arm. When he stood in front of him, he looked down at Meredith as if she had been stunned.

"Don't you dare."

Leave me alone.

"You're the one who can't help it"

When Ars laid his sword, he sat next to him unconstitutionally.

"You know, I'm fine with losing, but don't recess because you can't beat a witch. How many times do I think you're alive?"

Meredith knows that very well. Still, I can't break it off neatly, I'm sure it's because of her presence as the King Prince she serves.

But if the witch didn't show up, I don't think he chose me. She swells her cheeks like a child.

"Just one more day. Then I'll make it right."


Ars walked away with his hips floating, but looked back as if he remembered something.

"Speaking of which, did you hear that rumor?

"What's that?"

When Meredith looked up, Ars finally laughed at her.

"That there will be ghosts?

"That's right, it's a rumor now"

In the castle talking room, Oscar and Tinasha, magicians Sylvia and Carve were listening to Lazar over a cup of tea.

All of a sudden, they whisper their ears at the strange stories they bring up. Lazar took the gavel and nodded.

"At night, there's a woman walking down the hallway. That's right. After she went through, the floor was sneezing like this."

"Sounds like a lot of cleaning."

Next to Tinasha, who answered firmly, Silvia has a blue face. This adorable magician apparently doesn't like these stories. I looked up across the street as Carve was peeking into the cup.

"But I heard it from other magicians, too. He said he met a wet woman in the hallway. He said he got a silent peek into his face. So, when I got scared and closed my eyes and opened my eyes because nothing was going to happen, no one was there and the floor was wet."


Sylvia held her ear and lay down on the table. Tinasha smiles bitterly and slaps her on the shoulder.

"There is no such thing as a ghost. The soul is a kind of way of being powerful, but it disperses naturally after death. Even witches can't keep their shapes and consciousness even after death."

"Is that true?

"True, true. So if there's such a thing, you're not human."


Sylvia gets stuck again. The witch gave her tongue with the expression, Shit. Oscar, who has been silent until now, listens to it.

"You think something's in there?

"Maybe. If I could, wouldn't you be like a demon? I haven't seen it..."

"That's a lot of ghost noise. Let's get an investigation out of here later."

Oscar stood up when he looked at the clock.

"Now to work. Tinasha, what are you gonna do?

"I'm going to go get some clothes. It doesn't fit my body anymore. Sylvia, you promised to show me around."

"Oh, yes."

Sylvia stood up in a voice of temper as she tried to plump her fears. Seeing a brunette witch and a blonde magician lined up, Carve ears to Lazar.

"You stand out when those two are together"

Did you hear that or not? Oscar looked back and looked at the two of them and spoke to Sylvia, who was still pale.

"Pick some black or white clothes for him."


'Cause you like me.

"You know what!

When the witch made a small light sphere with her right hand, she threw it at the Oscar leaving the room. But the light sphere hits her own guardian just before it hits her back and disperses.

Without looking back, he laughed and disappeared across the door.

"Falsus clothes are thin, right?"

Tinasha spoke to the magician behind her as she picked out her clothes in Castle Town.

"Oh, yes, it's warm..."

Tinasha looks back bitterly at Sylvia's reaction.

"Are you that scared? Ghost Tales"

"I really can't do that..."

She leaned down sorry. The witch makes her wave with a bright laugh.

"I don't care. I don't care. There are things that everyone doesn't like."

"Is there something Master Tinasha doesn't like, either?

"Dear Sir, please stop..."

When Tinasha aligned her chosen clothes over her arms, she put a neat, short white dress on top of it from the shelf. I don't run around from time to time, but something would be more convenient with easy moving clothes.

"I used to be pretty bad at something...... Right now, you're still not good at being put to sleep."

"What is it, that? Are you talking about sleeping to be a child?

Sylvia tilted her neck and listened back.

But the witch says nothing about it, and instead remembers something else and tongues.

"I don't like Oscars any more. Because I have no idea."

"You look like you're close."


To a witch who silenced herself with an unintelligible face, Sylvia laughed dullly as to whether she had also forgotten the fear of rumors.

"There's a ghost?

The story was also widespread among the soldiers taking a break in the stuffing. Suzuto, still a young soldier, lifts his face when he stops his hand, which was polishing his sword.

"Ghosts? Never heard of them before"

"Lately, see, since you got back from your homecoming,"

"Isn't it since the witch revealed her identity?"

"Well, that's the neighborhood."


My buddy tells me to tinkle with his mouth. He replied raw as he returned to polish his sword again.

"Have you seen the witch yet? It's amazing. She was beautiful before."

"I haven't seen it since I got back"

"Don't think you should see that one. That's what I call a beautiful woman."

"His Royal Highness seems obsessed too, and at last Falsus does not fall into the hands of the witch"

Suzuto caught a cold eye on his fellow laughing joyfully.

"You guys are hiccups. I told you when she was here. You were sweet and a good girl."

"Well, yes..."

The irresponsible rumors squeezed quickly like the air had gone out.

At midnight that day, Oscar and Lazar, who had finished their work, were walking down the dark corridor. A candlestick attached to the wall at equal intervals illuminates the two shadows for a long time.

"What would you do if you were working to this hour and met a ghost..."

"I told you Tinasha didn't have anything like that. If you're here, you're a monster."

"It's extra bad..."

Oscar looked at his hips. I'm basically not wearing an Acacia sword when I'm in the castle. Only with a simple protective sword.

I wondered if I should have brought Acacia, and put my hand on the sword pattern and he ascertained how it felt.

"For the most part, Your Highness..."

That's good to go, and Lazar accidentally collapsed. Oscar stops and looks back at the sound of hitting the buttocks.

"Don't fall where there's nothing"

"Nothing... slip..."

Lazar, suspiciously, puts his hands on the floor into the fine light of the candle.

The hand was soaking wet for some reason. He opens his mouth to scream unexpectedly.

But sooner than that, a cold woman's arm stretched out from behind her back, hugging her to wrap the razal around her.

"Tinasha! Wake up!

The witch, who had already fallen asleep in her room, was caught with her white hand by a man who suddenly opened the door and came in.

Her room is being reassigned to the room she was using seventy years ago by the king's reckoning. With Legius' life, all the conditioning remained intact for seventy years, and only the cleaning was done. When she was passed into her former chamber, she had a complex grin.

The witch was dragged out of her tranquil bedroom and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"What's wrong?"

With her dark eyes open, Tinasha looks down at the contractor holding herself up like a toddler. His complexion looked slightly blue because of the light of the moon slipping through the window.

"Lazar... is he dead?

"Why questionable?"

She was to know immediately why.

Several humans have already gathered at the scene where they rushed to hear the circumstances. Lazar lying in the corner of the hallway had no trauma, but no matter what she did, she didn't wake up and her body was chilling out like ice.

"My soul is plucked."

Tinasha looked at Lazar and said so in a pompous manner.

"Is that gonna help?

To Oscar's words she bit her lip. Gather your magic in the palms of your hands and touch the body of the Lazar.

"I will keep my body... but my soul is three days long. If we don't get it back soon, it'll be scattered."

Tinasha called out to the soldiers around her and asked her to bring Lazar to a separate room.

"I'll look for it for once, but I'm sure your soul isn't in the castle anymore...... You can think they took it away. Have you seen a ghost?

"I saw it. She has blue and white skin and green hair. I slipped through the sword. It was as good as cut off water."

"I think it's a water demon..."

Looking back, a water reservoir is formed in the hallway. Tinasha frowned.

"Anyway, ask everyone in the castle if they haven't been to the water lately. Because water demons don't usually leave their habitats. There's got to be some reason I'm here."


The witch rushes after Lazar, who is carried in haste.

Oscar, on the other hand, turned his heel straight back to gather people.

Those who remained in the stuffing were woken up in a hurry and listened to one by one, despite the late night.

Suzuto, of course, spoke as one of them, but Ars, who had listened to him in silence, visited a room in the castle when accompanied by Suzuto.

It is the sleeping area placed at the front window where he usually barely enters the castle, entering the room and being distracted first. Someone is sleeping there, with a woman standing on her back beside her. I thought Suzuto saw the long dark hair somewhere.

"Are you here?"

A man's voice can hang from his right hand. Because the voice was well known to Suzuto, he saluted him most toward those who spoke.

"Let me hear it"

Oscar encouraged Tin to stay in his chair.

"Yes. I stopped at a lake nearby the other day when I got off and went back home. I was strolling, and there was a dead fountain near that lake, and the part where the water came out was stuffed with stones, so I took it..."

"Did you remove it?"


"Anything unusual then?

"Nothing happened. The water just came out a little bit."

Oscar looked by the window when he put his arms together.

"Tinasha, what do you think?

"I think it's a hit"

Seeing the woman looking back, Suzuto lost her voice.

Black silky hair, white magnetic skin, dark eyes had a strange gravitational pull inside the dim room. The beauty of outsiders makes them tinkle with such metaphors as trapped blue moon and night in the shape of a person. I knew my people would make a scene.

"The fountain was originally connected to the bottom of a lake inhabited by water demons, wasn't it? Someone must have sealed it."

"Did the seal unseal connect you?"

"Maybe there's water on the tin when you unseal it... and you came this far after that. I don't know why Lazar was taken away."

Suzuto was called by his own name for a little while, but soon he remembered that this woman was the same person as the girl he was auditioning with. Then I get anxious about Lazar's name.

"Um... I did something wrong...?


Ars and Oscar face to face. Tinasha immediately turns her back again and seems to be doing something toward the bedroom.

"Anyway, let's get out of here soon. You, take me to the lake."


Suzuto left the room to prepare the horse with Ars.

Oscar stood up and walked over to the window to peek into Lazar's face. Oscar shrugged at an unawakened squire.

"Wait a minute."

To a quiet voice, Tinasha looks up a little worried about the contractor.

"Are you still going?

"Who else is there"

The witch took a small breath when she saw the sworn acacia.

"Be careful, the guardian kingdom may not prevent the spiritual system technique used by some demons and fairies. Don't get caught in the truth...... And then..."


Tinasha was slightly reluctant to say, but opened her mouth.

"If you are in danger of your life, I will go to you. In that case, we won't be able to extend Lazar's life, you know?

Oscar showed no upset, at least superficially. Looking down at her, she strokes her little head.

"I know. So don't look like that."

Her face looked terribly subtle, crying, or perhaps because of the shadow of the moon.

But the witch didn't say anything. Make him smile with just his mouth.

"I'll win at my leisure"

Oscar left the room with a glimpse of Lazar's, blue-white face.

Under the moon, the four horsemen, Oscar, Ars, Doan and Suzuto, who left the castle, ran their horses east with Suzuto at the head. The distance to the lake in question is three hours towards normal and about two hours if you hurry.

When he left the castle, a loud bird jumped through the darkness without sound and Oscar pulled out his sword, but soon realized it was a narc.

Nark stops on Oscar's shoulder when he shouts.

"Hey, what's that?"

Suzuto pointed a horrible finger at the dragon he saw for the first time. Oscar scratches Nark's throat with his neck stretched out.

"I guess I got worried."

Nark rang small as if to affirm it.

By the time the line was next to the lake, the sky was starting to whiten.

Doan sighs of admiration at the landscape as it passes through the trees to the point where the lake water is visible.

"This is... amazing"

The western half of the big lake is wooded. In the eastern half there was a hill bordering the lake, and on it was an old castle. The castle's decaying gardens stretch down to the bottom of the hill and the lake water soaks it in half. The columns that stood in the water gave the fantastic impression, in a row, as if this was already a different realm.

I wonder if I'd be happy to bring Tinasha, and Oscar forgot why he came here. I also wondered for a moment, but behind that, Suzuto is out of line.

"By the time I got here, the water hadn't eroded this far east..."


"Excuse me... I kind of felt sick about the stones packed then..."

You recognised the seriousness of the situation, and Ars slapped that shoulder so as to encourage a nagging tin.

Oscar goes down the horse and connects the reins to the tree.

"Well, do you dive a little?

"No, I feel dark magic in the woods. Let's go there first."

Nark leaves Oscar's shoulder and slowly begins to fly towards the woods, as he demonstrates the credibility of Doan's allegations.

Oscar followed, I see, when he muttered small.

It is depressing and dark in the woods, and the day it begins to ascend can barely hold its hand.

Nark flies fluffily through the woods, where there is no way, but to keep up with it, Ars, who is in the lead, had to proceed with his sword pulled out and his branches cut.

"Your Highness, watch your step."

"Oh," Oscar replied, looking up and gazing at the forest.

"That's a lot of magic... looks like fog"

The magician says so, but the other three have no idea. Anyway, I nodded with Ars to push in case it went off.

Tinasha's words that the soul that was plucked was three days resurrect behind Oscar's brain.

But it hasn't been a day yet. We should be in time enough. Because there's no way a lassard can be lost here.

The unsuspecting smile of the boy who grew up in the castle together from a young age and followed him around blurred his memory.

"... why are you following me when you know you're going to pull the poverty label"

Though I have tried to smile so bitterly, it is regret that my chest hurts. There was nothing I could do to tame a child who was so scared of ghosts, even though he was attacked in front of me. Oscar bites his inner teeth into frustration with himself.

- - That's when Nark, who was thinking, hit his head, who was turning back.

"What the fuck?"

Oscar reaches out and peels off the narc sticking to his head.

My surroundings got into my eyes, and he realized that at some point he and Naak were the only ones there.

"... Shit"

I don't know what method they took, but they split it up nicely.

Will Ars be okay with the other two anyway? Oscar pulled out his sword to cut out the branches while worrying about his men.

Ars looked back at the strangeness of the signs and was stunned when he realized there was no one behind him.

"You're lying."

If you look closely, you should have cut off the branches and walked in, but there's no sign of it anywhere.

I don't even know where I'm coming from or where I'm headed.

He sighs and looks up to heaven.

In that vision, I saw three shadowy things coming from above, attacking me.

Doan and Suzuto looked at each other unexpectedly.

I have a horse in front of me that I just connected to a tree. And no one else.

This is the result of the sudden loss of sight of Ars, who was walking in the lead, hastily scratching the trees and moving forward.

And of course there was no Oscar who was supposed to be behind it.

"Duh, what should I do..."

Suzuto leaked a grunt of pomposity and self-loss.

In the meantime, Oscar proceeded in the direction indicated by Naak with his neck extended, removing the branches and avoiding the roots at his feet.

I'm so thankful that Naak stayed with me more than I could feel the magic out of Doan. Oscar thanked the little dragon and his master, the witch.

Unexpectedly foot, pizza, and sound.

When I saw it, there was a slight build-up of water in the gap between the roots of the trees strewn out. Apparently the lake is gradually eroding from there. He steps out with greater caution.

From behind me then, there were signs that something was approaching with great momentum. The wind passes over the head of the retracted Oscar. "It," he laughed kickingly as he stopped at the forward branch. It's a green kid with bat-like feathers.

The sneering laughter was heard more than once from behind.

"Oh man..."

Oscar set up Acacia, checking again the tree roots and the water-covered scaffolding. The little ones jump like they were waiting for it.

He first blanketed his empty left hand at the little devil jumping from the top left. Shortly before he hit his hand, the little ghost hits the guardian stretched out on him and braces himself in the air. Oscar snuffed it off with the little ghost in the front.

He lowers his center of gravity one step back to avoid the little ghost jumping from the right. Each and every one of them is weak, but Oscar proceeded by choosing the roots of a few steps of tree, as he pioneered them around indefinitely like a feather worm. Nark signals the direction and rings small.

"Going on and on"

Avoiding the little ghosts and branches, and slashing off anything that was disturbing him, he proceeded in search of a flying stone scaffold. Gradually, the water gets deeper, and all that is out on the water is thick roots, and that number decreases.

Almost no more little ghosts followed him as well, and when he finally took a breath, Nark flew all the way forward away from his shoulders.

I hear my husband's beautiful voice in the head of the red little dragon.

"- Destroy the junction."

In answer to that life, the dragon exhaled a flame that burned space as he inhaled his breath deeply.

What appeared after the flames cleared was a slice of the trees.

I didn't burn a tree. I burned something that was blind, which means I can peek at the thick trunk without a trace of burning.

"Wow. How does that work?"

When Oscar entered with admiration, it had become a small square there. The flat ground is filled with clear water up to the flattened tibia, surrounded by trees.

And on the driftwood lying in the center of it sat a beautiful woman with green hair and a friend from his childhood.


When he calls his name, Lazar slowly looks at Oscar.

His body is at the castle witch's. So this is not an entity. Oscar reached out as he confirmed that in his head.

"I came to pick you up. We're leaving!"

"Your Highness..."

The woman next door gave an uneasy look to Lazar's grunt. Grab his arm beside him with thin, blue-white hands.

He stared at the woman's sad face. Gentle emotions come to my attention. As Lazar glanced back at Oscar again, he lay down his eyes and shook his head.

"I'm so afraid you've come all this way for me... But I'm not leaving. I'm sorry."

Oscar doubted his ears for a moment for Lazar's response, which he did not anticipate. Ask back with a frown.

"What is that? Tell the joke alive."

It can't be anything but a joke. But now that we're here, it wasn't even acceptable. He grips Acacia and takes a step forward. The woman was frightened and stuck with Lazar.

Once Lazar holds that hand to reassure her, she goes down the driftwood and shelters her and comes forward.

"Wait, Your Highness... She was betrayed by her lover. I also promised to marry you, but to another woman..."

Oscar skewed his face into discomfort.

I'm not here to ask you about the water demon's past. Whatever the misfortune, it can't be a good reason to take Lazar away.

Oscar threw up at a man who was too good of a person, not even for the victim.

"Then you can take that lover with you"

"It was hundreds of years ago. You've seen that decaying castle. He's already dead. But to her..."

Lazar looks back at the woman.

She took Lazar's gaze and smiled.

A smile that reminds me of pity, like a stray finally found. There is sanity and soul there that has rubbed off, scorched, hated, waited, and rubbed off in search of a man who loved you for hundreds of years.

He turned his loving eyes to her smile.

"... you're gonna die"

Oscar said hiding the tension.

- - I have long thought that the goodness of a Lazar man will one day be his life.

But I was also confident that I could manage as long as I was beside myself. I never saw him reject a hand he reached out to like this.

Lazar looked at his husband and smiled sorry as usual.

"Still, I don't mind. For hundreds of years she has always been alone. I wanted to die and I didn't... I wanted to kill my lover and I didn't want to... I want to save her. If that's not possible, give me solace."

You could at least have that much salvation.

Lazar shook her hand. Cold as ice, my hands gently grip back. I could see tranquillity floating in the same green eyes as my hair. Remember pity love. It clogs your chest like that.

My husband's chilling, but hurried seeping voice rang.

"Don't think about it. Is that what you do?

In harsh words, Lazar laughs bitterly. He looked back at his husband's blue eyes and asked what he most wanted to hear.

"Does His Highness look at her and think nothing of it?

Oscar was surprised for a moment by the unintended question, but understood immediately.

Hundreds of years of loneliness.

Not to people. Not to people.

Without saying anything, Lazar asks this poor waterdemon if he doesn't recall his witch, who continues to live alone with immense magic.

Nature and Oscar zeroed their sighs.

Close your eyes.

Her grief, seen on the tower, floats behind her lid the dripping smile she sees as she leaves for Magic Lake.

That's why Oscar thought of her as if she were a real girl who needed someone to protect her.

Now I realize it's not so much anymore. That she's still different from people.

Oscar slowly opened his eyes and regained his grip on Acacia. Proceed to the woman who sees herself with her innocent eyes like a child.

A glance at Lazar standing beside the woman, he had a terribly sad face. Oscar thinks he may never forget those eyes for the rest of his life.

"I hear grudges in the castle"

No reply.

And he swung up his sword.

A line back to the castle was greeted by about ten people starting witches at the castle gate. Tinasha, dressed in magic, nods when she sees Oscar.

"Good luck. Your soul is back."

Naak stepped down on her shoulder smiling. When she looks up at the bragging dragon, she strokes her hard work, and her head. Ars sighed as he gave the horse to the soldier.

"I was going to go around the same place like me and cry a little bit"

"You're stunning."


Oscar asked Tinasha where Lazar was when he worked for Doan and Suzuto, who seemed to be snuggling around in the same eye.

The witch answers the earlier hospital room because she will be back soon.

"Your Highness..."

Lazar woke up half a body when he saw Oscar coming into the room. I still can't move my body because I was being plucked out of my soul.

"You can sleep."

Oscar fastened so, but Lazar knelt down the bunk and before him. Drop your head deep.

"Sorry for your disrespect..."

"I'm not going to apologize.... you don't have to do that either"

Lazar didn't give him a face. Instead it only leaked a mixed voice of tears.

"Starting tomorrow...... I will do my best to serve you again"

"Rest till you get back on track."

No matter how intimate you are, there are not many things you can put into words.

So Oscar didn't do that, but returned it with a dear voice.

"You can't wake me up because I'm not in the mood yet."

When the witch came in with a circular vessel filled with water, Lazar had already returned to her bedroom and had fallen to a sleep that was unlikely due to fatigue.

Oscar hangs his voice on its back as he watches her place the circular vessel and squeeze the cloth.

"You, why don't you marry me and live permanently in Falsus?

"I won't! What's wrong..."

Tinasha looked back to Oscar's words to feel something different from his usual teasing. He looks back at the witch's dark eyes with a serious look.

"You've been alone for hundreds of years, haven't you?"

The witch was neat for a moment, but grinned bitterly at the question.

"That's kind of dreary, because that's what I think it is"

Suddenly, why? In her eyes answering, Oscar saw a little pity and cruelty.

There is no such thing as a poor water demon who disappeared into the woods, who cannot live without it, who will never let go of his heart.

So I can go through eternity.

Just beautiful, tattered, lonely.

She looks at the raw, distant human beings as events.

There is no madness in that separation, in dying, in grieving.

From her immense power, from her loneliness, this cruelty is what makes her more of a witch.

And perhaps she knows how cruel she is.

Oscar looked at her smiling with his eyes closed and now wanted to touch those cheeks.

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