Unnamed Memory

Songs That Don't Bring Sleep 001

The rain came at night and was up at some point.

The clouds, still marginal, pass through the sky early enough. From that slice the moon star was blinking a white light.

Tinasha returns to her room after work to bathe and dry her hair. Much of the ill mood was deducted, starting with the noon incident, but the magic is still unusable. Unlike when you fell into a silent lake, you didn't drink the lake water and throw up. At least around two hours before the date changes, we won't be able to organize the configuration.

She stretches as she bites off her sighs.

At that time, the door was knocked lightly from the outside.


"Dear Tinasha, it's a customer."

Tinasha stood before the door in the voice of a bright spirit. Unlock and stiff without any alert.

Standing in front of Mira laughing with a pranky face was her fiancée, the man.

"Ghaaaa! Why!?"

"That's a pretty good reaction. Damn, run back while people take their seats off at work... Now let me preach."

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!!

Oscar walks into the room with her cheeks around. Mira closed the door with a flickering wave. The queen weeps at the ruthless maneuver.

"It's a terrible surprise..."

"Did you think I could delude you? I'm gonna have you throw up all washed up."


I wasn't expecting you to delude me, but I wanted to put off being angry.

But look at his face. That seems to be the limit, too.

Tinasha begins to talk about the circumstances leading up to today's battle, holding down her aching cheeks. A few things I tried to keep down. But every time I avoided it, Oscar noticed me and I got stuck, and ended up with a feather that told almost everything.

Tinasha, repeatedly twisted and breathing constantly, is stuck at the table. Oscar, looking at it from his seat across the street, opened his mouth with a heartfelt look.

"Idiot, you. Where was I supposed to risk my life?"

"No, I let him live... and it's a good condition for him to promise me future inviolability."

"If you want to be inviolable in the future, I'll kill him."

"Please wait..."

At the end of the day, the two of us were working together, so I thought the relationship was a little easier, and they're not at all. Tinasha stands up with her head in her arms.

"Uh. Do you want something to drink? There's alcohol too."

"You keep it for a drink?

"No, for ornamental use. Because the colors are beautiful."

The cabinets behind the fingers are lined with wine bottles filled with clear colors of amber, gold, and red. Oscar nodded as he looked over the woman's shoulder at the bottle, which seemed all unopened.

"Then the second amber one from the left"

"Okay. What do you need? Do you want to keep drinking?

"Just give me ice."

I usually pick it up with my own magic, but I can't do anything right now. Tinasha's face out of the room asked Mira, who was in the refrain room, to bring ice. As he painstakingly opens the bottle, Oscar takes it from the side and unplugs it.

"Hey, you can't do anything without something really magical, I..."

"That's normal, isn't it? I don't mind, I'd rather drink lake water all the time."

"Well, that's kind of..."

As Tinasha snorted around, Oscar complained as he poured his own liquor into the glass.

"For the most part, I wonder why you go so far and take care of yourself. Avoid a little."

"I owe you a lot for Travis. Because he's the only one who told me to use magic sleep."

Oscar rounds his eyes. Tinasha smiled bitterly at the man's expression.

"I never really thought of that, I can't believe I'm going to see you... The time to live was different, and there was no certainty. But Travis told me to chase him without rotting, didn't he? Strangely confident. Now I think he knew about Elteria..."

Dark eyes lay down to look away for a moment.

The eyes I used to show you when we just met. A look of solitude and sadness.

But when she looked up and saw Oscar, there was no more sentimental color there.

"But now I don't owe you anything. Don't worry."

"... right"

Oscar narrowed his eyes.

Much of people's encounters consist of coincidences.

But among them, we took it apart, and their encounter seemed a miracle born ahead of a perilous fate.

What would have happened if she hadn't met herself when she was a child? Thinking that far, Oscar leaned his neck in surprise.

"Why did I help you with the kid?


"You wouldn't have told me when I asked you before. Why?"


Tinasha twisted her neck with a refreshingly unaware face. Seeing a suspicious trick, Oscar remembers that she was drunk at the time.

"If you don't remember. So, why? What did I do 400 years ago in the first place?"

Asked three times in a short time, Tinasha just frowned. Open your mouth like reluctantly.

"Because I was your wife in these days."

"... what?

"Ugh... I didn't want to say it because I thought it would react that way."

Oscar reached across the table flat and pulled the hair of his tanned fiancée. Ask on top of each other.

"What is it? Why are you married?"

"I don't know! Wouldn't that be a bad hobby for a woman?"

"No, that's not what I meant... there would be a time difference"

The times of birth are different.

Now she came after Oscar.

Then in history before it was altered, why are the two of them married?

Tinasha frowns in arms.

"I heard that, too, but you didn't tell me, did you? But strangely, you know me, and I don't think you're lying."

"That's a frigid story... Did they tell you to come in 400 years or something?

"No, they told me I'd never see you again because I tampered with you. I was told to stay in power and be a good queen."

She smiled with a sad face.

The eyes that have ruined profound affection and loss are directed at another man in the far past. When I was a child, those memories that strongly supported her made her exist here and now over time.

In contrast to Tinasha, Oscar glanced.

"What is that? If you do that and you don't leave, I won't see you again. Think more later."

"Tell yourself!

Tinasha shouted so, holding her temples down. Oscar stares at her holding her head.

- It's really an encounter where coincidences are born in a pile.

I'm glad I never mishung one. Tinasha smiles when she realizes his sincere gaze at such thoughts. She came to the side as soon as she stood in the chair.

Oscar puts down his drink cup and lets her sit between his knees.

"Well, you're actually going to be my wife, so it turns out fine. Be the first to say that."

"I don't like it. I'm a person who suddenly meets and becomes your wife, isn't that just weird when I say... In fact, when I was a kid, I doubted your sanity."

"You said..."

That is indeed suspicious.

Unlike him in the past, who would have been familiar with her, his own wife, saying the same thing to Tinasha, who was just helped, is just cruel.

Oscar nods at his face as he combs his long dark hair. The scent of the flower fragrance was slight.

This scent, the soft limbs, and the eyes of the abyss drive him crazy.

Embracing a luxurious luxury, but he remembered something and looked up.

"Tinasha, you know what an insider is?

"Insider? You mean someone inside?

"Right...... What does that mean?"

Oscar tilts his neck.

I taught Travis, who asks how he sealed it after Tinasha lost his mind, that he had drunk the lake water that sealed the magic, and the Demon King...

"Oh, an insider's lake"

And I gave it back.

I didn't care so much then, but after they left, Fu and Oscar caught on feeling they'd heard the word "insider" somewhere before. But he could not remember where he had heard it.

Tinasha also doesn't know perfectly well, he's looking up at him with his black eyes round. stroking its head, Oscar concluded.

"Nothing, okay? It won't be a big deal."

"I'll ask Travis when I get the chance."

"No, don't meet him."

"Hey, we're not close..."

Tinasha drowned her head disappointingly, but this would be irresistible. I'd rather be disgusted if we were close.

With a gentle sigh she looked back at the man. At that time, the black eyes are slightly opened.

"Oh, has it expired?

She opens her hands and forms a configuration on it. She showed up beautifully. Make sure of that, Tinasha nodded.

"Looks fine."

"Can you use magic?

"Yes, I'm back."

"Then it would be helpful if you could repackage this even when you have free hands."

Oscar pulls out the ring on his left hand and gives it to her. Tinasha gripped the ring with a dry laugh.

Nor did she see that the first person to be used would be herself. But it was something that proved to work for her in a runaway state as well, and if you think positively, it was only because there was a ring that you could sedate quickly.

"I'm packing it now. I don't know what it is."

Say no, Tinasha starts chanting. After about five minutes of long chanting, she sealed the composition in the ring again. Return to Oscar's hands.


"No, I let you use it..."

Oscar mouths on the forehead of a woman who smiles bitterly. As he stroked her head with his eyes narrowed to sweetness, Oscar stood up as he let her stand.

"Then it's time for me to go home. You must be tired. Sleep tight."

"What, are you leaving?

"If I wake you, I won't be able to make it in the morning."

"Ugh... I'll send it"

"Fine. Ask the Spirit to go to sleep now. Sorry to keep you up late."

Tinasha shakes her head beside her in silence.

I came here worried about her not being able to use magic, but she may have figured it out without saying so. When Oscar restrained himself from shaking to look at him with regret, he gently embraced his beloved woman and left her room.

"What, are you leaving?

Mira tilted her neck just like her husband. That's kind of funny, and Oscar laughs. The Spirit looked up at her husband's fiancée wonderfully as she opened the gate to the occasion.

"Why don't you hold it?

"That's a straight ball. Well, a lot."

"Isn't that what this is about?

"No way. It's just the same this time, but he fights weird right away. I don't want to sharpen my powers while I'm out of reach."

It was Tinasha who used to hesitate for the same reason, but now he's more hesitant.

Of course, I was confident that Falsus would protect her if she was nearby, but she was the queen of her neighbors for some time.

I don't know what it is. That was pretty bone-dyed about this one.

"No matter how many times I tell you, you have no choice but to hide it from me. Not holding it is not a big deal. That would be ridiculous if we were to lose our lives."

"I wonder. I don't know what humans are, so I think we should do what we can while we can."

"It makes sense, but I don't live that fast."


The Spirit opens the gate with an adult laugh.

And as I thanked him, I dropped off the man who disappeared into it.

"It doesn't have to be pure like Tinasha or anything. It's a monster enough..."

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Shall Your Majesty sharpen his reign a little?"

Tinasha, having finished her morning job, turned her eyes round to what Regis abruptly told her.

It is almost four months from reign. Originally, there were still eight more months left to stay in office.

"Uh, me, was I messing around again?

Anyway, Tinasha tends to cut off the old one innovatively. But she's only in a position to keep the throne now. I intend to do the usual processing with considerable restraint.

But did I commit some kind of lapse before I realized it?

to the panicking Tinasha. But Regis laughed and waved.

"No, that's not what I meant. Your Majesty hasn't been in trouble since he took office."

"Ya, sure..."

When I think of it, it was only four months old, but the mysterious ruins, the curse, the kidnappers, and at the end of the sentence, the witches and the top demons were also the wings to engage. You won't have a choice if you say so with this.

Over Tinasha's head, which drips, a voice is heard from Regis.

"So, no one in Turdar is stronger than His Majesty, and I thought if Farsas had a wife, she'd be a little safer now."


"As a matter of fact, King Falsus also gave you a visit, didn't he? I was wondering if I could expedite my exit. I think I'm worried about you out of sight."


Tinasha held her head with both elbows on the table as she avoided the cup of tea.

I'd say she doesn't need to worry or anything, but she knows very well herself that she's in a very, but unable state.

"I don't know what...... Why do you come to me all the time?"

"If you come to anyone but Tinasha, you will be buried in the darkness with instant murder."

Regis, the next king, lightly says to the depressed queen.

If these hostile forces do come anywhere but her, they will most likely be erased without a trace, and the incident itself will not come to light. She is a different color herself who keeps teasing and winning them.

Regis smiled softly.

"If you want, don't say a year. You can do it sooner. You've helped too much already, and once in a while, ask for my help."

Meetings and bills to establish a parliamentary system are well under way. Now she's in charge of about a third of those jobs and day-to-day affairs, Regis said like nothing.

"I don't mind when it comes to executive duties. I was fortunate that you had been able to help, and it's not as big a deal as getting out of position a little faster. If you're safe and you can have a relationship with Falsus, you don't have to hope."

In a slightly loose word, Tinasha frowns with an arm wrap.

"Ugh... right. I'm not sure what's here when I'm here. The enemy will also come... Then I'll start getting ready to exit when the dress is ready. Okay?

"Of course."

The story is that the bridesmaid clothing, which began to be measured and made last month, can be done in about three months. If it goes well, it will be a disengagement in less than six months from reign.

Short but not unprecedented. About five hundred years ago, some kings left the country after two months in office.

The two had some brief scheduled meetings. Regis raises his eyebrows at the end as he mostly agrees on instant answers.

"What do you do with that magic ball? Do you want to transfer to Falsus?

"Oh... what shall I do? Valt says it's in Tuldar and Farsas, right? This one's sealed, but we need to seal it over there. I wonder if I should keep it beside me... I'm worried"

Even if the place is broken, they are both treasure trove of the castle. Valt can't handle it directly.

It just doesn't matter where she puts it, as long as he comes to Tinasha, if she knows it.

It's too dangerous to break it, and I can't think of any other storage.

A silent lake floats behind Tinasha's brain, wrinkled between his eyebrows, and then beneath Castle Farsas.

- That's an interesting idea. But execution will require thoughtfulness.

She eventually stood up when Regis took the paperwork she had made on the spot, without drawing any conclusions.

Lazar pressed silently with an unpleasant face when she came into the office. Seeing how it goes, the king smiles.

"What. Is something wrong?"

"I'm getting a little suspicious in here, but I don't want to be in your ear if I can. But he wants me to tell His Majesty..."

"Say it. From who?"

Lazar becomes an increasingly unpleasant face to the Oscars urging him.

But even he doesn't have a choice from the start. It is a story I have kept confidential that I want the king to tell me. You can't just not tell me because you don't want me to hear it. Lazar opened his mouth reluctantly.

"It's from nobles and merchants, but when I hear it in a whorehouse, it's sung a song that dies. In fact, there are nearly ten victims out there between them, but they don't want the place to be public just to the place... I've received a secret request to see if I can do something about it."

"A song that dies when you hear it? Pretty bad or something?

"No, that's not how it seems. Instead, they seem to doubt the curse, though. At the same time, there are people in the liquor store who still sing songs that kill themselves when they hear it. This is someone else, almost all the whorehouses have been sacrificed, whereas there are suicides in the audience."

"A curse..."

Oscar tilted his neck. I've heard of him a while back, too. It was sung by his fiancée, but surely there was something eye-catching about its power.

- It's troublesome, but there are dead people out there. You can't even leave them alone.

Besides, it sounds kind of interesting. The king laughed as he smelled the strange smell away.

"Okay, why don't you go ask"

"Are you insane!?

"You don't know what to ask. Below the castle, right? Wouldn't be long."

"Wait... let someone else go"

"If he dies, he doesn't sleep well. I'm fine, I'll go. Shall we start with the whorehouse?"

"Stop that unfounded confidence! It's a lot wrong to go to a whorehouse even though you generally refrain from getting married!

"Don't you have to break it?

And Lazar opened his mouth to the king, who answered him with a clear voice.

But at that time, the entrance door makes a different sound and distorts. They turned their eyes round and looked at the door.

Heavy doors made of thick oak trees sneeze and solidify to the floor as if they were circling paper, making noises that would make you want to block your ears. In just a matter of seconds, the original form was finished with no fine dust. There are also abnormalities.

And beyond that door stood Ars, with his head, and Tinasha, standing smiling and laughing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I heard something interesting about it."

To her smiling lovingly, but the temperature in the room feels like it's getting cold. Razal and Ars escaped the scene as soon as possible. That's the face.

Oscar holds his temples in trouble with his expression. I unconsciously confirmed my hip acacia.

"If you don't mind, I can help you, too, right? Are you sure you want to evaporate the whorehouse of your story?

Don't hesitate to simply boil the object and make it easier than making tea. "

"Wait a minute, Tinasha"

"Or should I evaporate you? Oscar."

The queen narrows her eyes. There was a frozen rage there.

enters the window vitreous behind Oscar. He just stood up. Forgive Tinasha with both hands in front of her.

"I'm sorry. Just kidding."

"It didn't sound like it!

"Easy, easy. Don't destroy things."

When Oscar opens his desk drawer, he removes the silver bracelet from it. When I opened it, I unleashed it unconstitutionally towards Tinasha. She punches her tongue, but when she receives her bracelet, it fits in her wrist.

The magic that was swirling in the room as soon as possible dissipated. The two of them sighed deeply.

Tinasha dyed her beautiful face red with anger and kicked the floor.

"If Regis hadn't asked me to run errands, I'd be home already!

"Don't bend the navel. It was my fault."

Oscar summons her angry with her cheeks swollen like a child at the behest. I went around the desk and I didn't like it. When I held her up, I sat back in the chair. When she takes up the paperwork she had in her hand, she glances all the way through.

"Did you expedite your exit?"

"I just regret it."

"Don't say that. I'm glad to hear that."

Oscar mouths on her forehead as he says. But still, Tinasha turned sideways on the swell.

"Totally... if your position were the other way around, you'd swell up so much..."

"Naturally. We're gonna go kill the other guy."

"Then I'll evaporate you too."

"Attempt. Attempt. Don't make things bigger. More than that, you can kill people with a spell?

Tinasha raised her eyebrows lightly about her fiancée trying to distract her from the conversation, but shrugged her shoulders as she gave up. Feet on a man's lap.

"I can't. Neither can I. I can depress you enough, though. That's not possible without that element originally in the person who listened to it. So anyway, the whorehouse is pretty eyebrow spitting."

"You mean there's a different cause?

"Aren't you killing them normally? I would if I were you."

"I see..."

"If you're going to ask, I'll follow you. Because I've already given Regis a day off. Oh, sign this paperwork instead"

The documents given are for bilateral border security separate from those informing her about her departure.

There are no fortifications or walls between Farsas and Trudar. It's just the streets stretching out into the meadows. There are a number of lookouts and stuffing blocks there and patrol guards are carried out, but the documents indicate that the scope of the junction for the investigation will be changed. Oscar nodded, confirming the changes to lay down an effective system with fewer personnel.

Tinasha tongues out hatred by watching a man sign her with her on his lap.

"You can always tell me if you want to welcome another woman of your choice, right? That would be normal."

"Aren't you going to evaporate?

"If you don't hold the rabbit, I'll curse you so you can't sleep."


I imagine you're scared. Oscar sighed. Hand the paperwork to Tinasha and she'll confirm it.

"- Then why don't you go ask. If I go without you, I'll be evaporated from castle to castle."

"Don't worry. You're the only one who evaporates."

The beautiful queen smiled gracefully, plainly speaking.

Tinasha, who took off her bracelet, said, "I'll leave the paperwork," and once she disappeared from Farsas, the three men in the office stroked down their chests relieved. See Ars as Lazar stands at the entrance.

General Ars, please let me know if Tinasha is here.

"I was with you there too... I didn't lurk, I tried to open it and I heard the story"

Rather, it is the content of the story that is bad. Lazar and Ars stood still and sent their gaze to the master. Oscar twitches white in the cold eyes of a mix of criticisms.

"Baked rice cakes are interesting."

"Where! Evaporation. Evaporation!

"It wasn't funny at all. I thought I was going to die."

We need to fix the doors and windows.

They shook their heads in their own ways to the inconvenient king.

Most of us know that the woman who will be the king's bride is jealous, but she was still alarmed because she hasn't come across such a scene since her engagement.

With Ars on his back avoiding the wreckage of the door at the end, Lazar looks up to the window vitreous with the crack.

"This is really not going to welcome you into your side room or anything."

"You don't need that. That kind of thing. With him, it's enough."

"If that's what you think, consider it more! Lots of things! You'll be caught in the love of it!

"It's not"

When the two swallowed more words with their frightened faces, they returned to work silently to make Oscar laugh at the light margin.

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