3 3. Interrogation
Chapter 3
Still strapped to the hospital bed, the lost girl was consumed in deep thoughts. Even though she was quiet, her face said a million words. Confusion, depression, anxious, angry, revenge... the list goes on. 'Who are these people. How did they escape from those guards? There was over 100 guards.' But before she could get too deep, she started hearing voices outside of the room.
"Wait! What? You can't just do that!" a voices rose up.
"Gabe, just lis-" Henry reasoned.
"No, she's hurt and I don't just mean physically. I saw the pain in her eyes when we met in the woods. I can't explain it, but she was running for a reason, and i'm going to find out why."
"So you had some special 'connection' with this girl?"
"Oh, shut up. But just give her a chance. I'm sure she'll wanna talk after not being held down against her will to a hospital bed, and also if she gets some food in her system too, don't you think?"
Henry knew he wasn't going to win that argument, so with a sigh of frustration, "Fine, but if you get killed in the process, that's on you."
As he headed his way towards the door, the girl was in deep thought again. 'Why would he stand up for me? But they think of me as a threat.' He finally opened the door and came into the room.
"Uh, hey. H- How you feel?" Gabe stuttered.
"Fine." She stammered, "I... I won't kill you. Just so you know." she gently laughed.
"A kill me? You a, you heard that?" 'How did she hear that? We were in another room.'
"Ah, jeez. No, Henry was a little, um.." Gabe faltered. He took a deep breath and continued. "So look, so far no one here trust you."
"Not the first." The girl smirked.
"If you want us to trust you. Then you have to help us out a little bit, okay?"
The girl pondered on what he said. 'How can I help him out? They all want to kill me for all I know.' But this strange girl was curious about who they were. So with a lot of hesitation she said, "I'll answer your questions. Only if you answer mines."
"Ok then, let me get those straps off," he comforted with a smile.
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
"Sir, there's something you need to see. A lady said motioning Henry to come over.
"What is it?" Henry replied.
"While she was unconscious I took a blood sample..." she explained leading him to the computer, "She had WCTGPP, in her bloodstream, also a lot of other chemicals." They both took a look at all the information on the screen running through the list of chemicals.
"Wait, I haven't seen that one before," Henry questioned confused. "Or any of those."
"Me either, sir, and she seems to have a lot in her. She should have died with at least one of these new chemicals going in her system, but there's more than eighty on this list." She faltered, "Could she be the one, who we heard the rumors about." The nurse proposed fearfully.
"No. No I doubt that. As you said, she should be dead." Henry reasoned, "I think our guest should stay with us a little longer." He reached for his walky-talky and warned security about what they found out and told them to find the girl.
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
Soon after Gabe and the girl was sitting in a cafeteria eating a sandwich. The girl started looking around, observing the way people act. 'This place is... weird... People aren't holding weapons to my head -besides that one guy in the woods- and forcing me on the ground or anything. It's so different here. I need to lea-'
"What?" she shuddered.
"You must really like that food to not hear me." he laughed, "I asked if the food was good."
"It's fine."
She was still worried about what might happen if she trusted these people. Just as she was about to ask him something, the group of kids with Gabe the night they found her; sat down right at her table.
"Hey," blurted Natalie.
"What's up, guys," Marly said grabbing an apple.
"Isn't she that weird girl we found a few days ago?" Izon muttered into Gabe's ear.
"Yeah." the girl faltered.
"H- how did you hear me?"
"With my ears." She smirked quietly.
"Not even I could hear him a- ouch! Gabe, you just kicked me." Marly protested.
Gabe shot a glare towards Marly and silence sat at their table for five minutes while they ate their food. But the girl couldn't keep quiet any longer. "Um.." She began, "Well, I have a question... So, who are you people.. And, uh, how did you find me that night? And no secrets." she demanded.
"That's two questions." Gabe snickered, "But I'll answer them both. We are apart of RGST, and we normally don't leave here, but that night we wanted some fresh air."
"Nope my turn." he provoked, "Why were those people chasing you, and why were you in the woods too?"
"I kinda did something they didn't really agree with. I was in the woods because where I live is near it."
"I thought you said no secrets?"
"Yeah I did, but it seems like there's a lot your hiding from me too." She quivered as she gave a sharp look to Marly, and silence hit them again.
"How could you hear me earlier?" Izon asked.
"And also how are you almost completely healed from your bullet wound?" Gabe chipped in.
The stranger girl looked down in fear. 'I just can't. They could use it against me. Or I can hurt other people.'
"Tell me first, what is RGST?" demanded the girl.
"I asked first," Izon instigated.
"I'm not sure if I can trust you yet." she muttered.
"No, no, no, we asked first." Marly snarled in frustration.
Natalie, Izon, and Marly raised their voice and started integrating the quiet girl. Everyone in the cafeteria looking at them and was watching them go at it with each other.
"Everything all right?" questioned one of the guards coming to there table.
"Y- yes." the girl muttered quietly, "I was just leaving."
"No, actually you can't. You'll be staying with us for a few days." Gali announced as he reached for the girl's arm. The frightened girl started putting up a fight, not just to start one, but because she was scared of what they may do.
"Stop!" she yelled as they pulled her away."You said you would help me."
"And we are. We are helping you in a nice closed room where we can have a little chat," Gali smirked escorting her away.
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
'Why do they have to know my business? I have a lot to hide which they don't have to get themselves in. It's like, do you wanna die? Do you wanna go face to face with the devil. But no they try to get me to spill everything. And that one guy, I think his name is Gabe, turned his back on me. Oh, that little-'
"So let's talk," Gilly demanded as he hit the chair on the floor and sat down. 'Ugh Gali, don't be so harsh. She probably not even a threat.' Gabe's thoughts plowed through as he looked through the window of the Interrogation Room.
"What is there to talk about?" the girl lashed back.
"We'll start simple, what's your name?"
She froze for only a moment, and with a small smirk on her face she continued, "Hart..." she stopped and looked down.
"That's you first name?"
"That's my... last name.."
"Then what's your first name?"
"R.." She began, but looked down in disappointment.
"'R' what?"
The girl looked back up and flared her eyebrows.
"What? 'r' what?" Gilly questioned leaning forward. He then leaned back in his chair."What did you forget or something?"
She shook her head and looked back down.
"We can get that arranged." He continued."So who were those men chasing you that night?"
The girl knew she couldn't do anything about it. She was going to tell them. Not all of it, just enough to get by.
"They were... were sent to get me." she hesitated.
"Who sent them?"
"W-" she paused. "WWIDI..."
A gasp was heard from everyone on the other side of the glass. 'How would they know them?'
"Why were they coming after you?" Gilly asked.
"I- well I took something." She explained."That belongs to an old friend."
"And who's that?"
The girl swallowed the lump in her throat and answered. "Her father is the man over WWIDI."
An even louder gasp was let out.
"I heard about the rumors, but did not know it was true." stated Gilly. "What did they want with you before you left."
The girl took a deep breath and looked down trying not to face Gilly. Angry and depression rolled up as memories came back, and she looks like her body froze over.
"Um, hello?" Gilly interrupted.
"S-sorry, um." Ryela stuttered struggling to get it out.
She soon replied with her voice cracking, "They needed me... for a project."
"What project?"
"I think I said enough."
"No you didn't. So please continued." Gilly smarted off.
"A lab rat project."
Those words echoed painfully in her ears, and Gilly got defensive quick.
"So you have certain... abilities?" he questioned getting tense. Other guards started coming in and had their hand on her hip where their guns are. 'They can't be serious? They don't want to try me.' The girl's thoughts started flooding her mind.
"Um, I'm not sure." She responded
"You're not sure. How are you not sure!"
"No, I really don't know."
"You better not be lying."
"I guess we will have to get you to talk another way then."
He looked at the guards behind him and they came and grabbed her. Of course, she did not go without a fight. She started kicking, screaming, and punching the guards to get free. So they stuck a tranquilizer dart in her neck, but all it did was make her dizzy. So they got out there tasers, but right before they could uses them a lady flung open the door.
"Stop it! Right now."
"MaryAnn?!" Gilly argued, "Step out of the way she's a threat."
"How do you know that? Just because she is different doesnt mean that." MaryAnn argued.
"Yes, it does."
"So all the kids here that we saved are a threat to you and the RGST, huh?"
Ryela stopped resisting immediately, and Gilly gave her the meanest glare.
"Wait." Ryela questioned.
"There's more?" She looked down in surprise, but that soon turns into relief. 'This is crazy. There's more like me.'
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
Still strapped to the hospital bed, the lost girl was consumed in deep thoughts. Even though she was quiet, her face said a million words. Confusion, depression, anxious, angry, revenge... the list goes on. 'Who are these people. How did they escape from those guards? There was over 100 guards.' But before she could get too deep, she started hearing voices outside of the room.
"Wait! What? You can't just do that!" a voices rose up.
"Gabe, just lis-" Henry reasoned.
"No, she's hurt and I don't just mean physically. I saw the pain in her eyes when we met in the woods. I can't explain it, but she was running for a reason, and i'm going to find out why."
"So you had some special 'connection' with this girl?"
"Oh, shut up. But just give her a chance. I'm sure she'll wanna talk after not being held down against her will to a hospital bed, and also if she gets some food in her system too, don't you think?"
Henry knew he wasn't going to win that argument, so with a sigh of frustration, "Fine, but if you get killed in the process, that's on you."
As he headed his way towards the door, the girl was in deep thought again. 'Why would he stand up for me? But they think of me as a threat.' He finally opened the door and came into the room.
"Uh, hey. H- How you feel?" Gabe stuttered.
"Fine." She stammered, "I... I won't kill you. Just so you know." she gently laughed.
"A kill me? You a, you heard that?" 'How did she hear that? We were in another room.'
"Ah, jeez. No, Henry was a little, um.." Gabe faltered. He took a deep breath and continued. "So look, so far no one here trust you."
"Not the first." The girl smirked.
"If you want us to trust you. Then you have to help us out a little bit, okay?"
The girl pondered on what he said. 'How can I help him out? They all want to kill me for all I know.' But this strange girl was curious about who they were. So with a lot of hesitation she said, "I'll answer your questions. Only if you answer mines."
"Ok then, let me get those straps off," he comforted with a smile.
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
"Sir, there's something you need to see. A lady said motioning Henry to come over.
"What is it?" Henry replied.
"While she was unconscious I took a blood sample..." she explained leading him to the computer, "She had WCTGPP, in her bloodstream, also a lot of other chemicals." They both took a look at all the information on the screen running through the list of chemicals.
"Wait, I haven't seen that one before," Henry questioned confused. "Or any of those."
"Me either, sir, and she seems to have a lot in her. She should have died with at least one of these new chemicals going in her system, but there's more than eighty on this list." She faltered, "Could she be the one, who we heard the rumors about." The nurse proposed fearfully.
"No. No I doubt that. As you said, she should be dead." Henry reasoned, "I think our guest should stay with us a little longer." He reached for his walky-talky and warned security about what they found out and told them to find the girl.
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
Soon after Gabe and the girl was sitting in a cafeteria eating a sandwich. The girl started looking around, observing the way people act. 'This place is... weird... People aren't holding weapons to my head -besides that one guy in the woods- and forcing me on the ground or anything. It's so different here. I need to lea-'
"What?" she shuddered.
"You must really like that food to not hear me." he laughed, "I asked if the food was good."
"It's fine."
She was still worried about what might happen if she trusted these people. Just as she was about to ask him something, the group of kids with Gabe the night they found her; sat down right at her table.
"Hey," blurted Natalie.
"What's up, guys," Marly said grabbing an apple.
"Isn't she that weird girl we found a few days ago?" Izon muttered into Gabe's ear.
"Yeah." the girl faltered.
"H- how did you hear me?"
"With my ears." She smirked quietly.
"Not even I could hear him a- ouch! Gabe, you just kicked me." Marly protested.
Gabe shot a glare towards Marly and silence sat at their table for five minutes while they ate their food. But the girl couldn't keep quiet any longer. "Um.." She began, "Well, I have a question... So, who are you people.. And, uh, how did you find me that night? And no secrets." she demanded.
"That's two questions." Gabe snickered, "But I'll answer them both. We are apart of RGST, and we normally don't leave here, but that night we wanted some fresh air."
"Nope my turn." he provoked, "Why were those people chasing you, and why were you in the woods too?"
"I kinda did something they didn't really agree with. I was in the woods because where I live is near it."
"I thought you said no secrets?"
"Yeah I did, but it seems like there's a lot your hiding from me too." She quivered as she gave a sharp look to Marly, and silence hit them again.
"How could you hear me earlier?" Izon asked.
"And also how are you almost completely healed from your bullet wound?" Gabe chipped in.
The stranger girl looked down in fear. 'I just can't. They could use it against me. Or I can hurt other people.'
"Tell me first, what is RGST?" demanded the girl.
"I asked first," Izon instigated.
"I'm not sure if I can trust you yet." she muttered.
"No, no, no, we asked first." Marly snarled in frustration.
Natalie, Izon, and Marly raised their voice and started integrating the quiet girl. Everyone in the cafeteria looking at them and was watching them go at it with each other.
"Everything all right?" questioned one of the guards coming to there table.
"Y- yes." the girl muttered quietly, "I was just leaving."
"No, actually you can't. You'll be staying with us for a few days." Gali announced as he reached for the girl's arm. The frightened girl started putting up a fight, not just to start one, but because she was scared of what they may do.
"Stop!" she yelled as they pulled her away."You said you would help me."
"And we are. We are helping you in a nice closed room where we can have a little chat," Gali smirked escorting her away.
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
'Why do they have to know my business? I have a lot to hide which they don't have to get themselves in. It's like, do you wanna die? Do you wanna go face to face with the devil. But no they try to get me to spill everything. And that one guy, I think his name is Gabe, turned his back on me. Oh, that little-'
"So let's talk," Gilly demanded as he hit the chair on the floor and sat down. 'Ugh Gali, don't be so harsh. She probably not even a threat.' Gabe's thoughts plowed through as he looked through the window of the Interrogation Room.
"What is there to talk about?" the girl lashed back.
"We'll start simple, what's your name?"
She froze for only a moment, and with a small smirk on her face she continued, "Hart..." she stopped and looked down.
"That's you first name?"
"That's my... last name.."
"Then what's your first name?"
"R.." She began, but looked down in disappointment.
"'R' what?"
The girl looked back up and flared her eyebrows.
"What? 'r' what?" Gilly questioned leaning forward. He then leaned back in his chair."What did you forget or something?"
She shook her head and looked back down.
"We can get that arranged." He continued."So who were those men chasing you that night?"
The girl knew she couldn't do anything about it. She was going to tell them. Not all of it, just enough to get by.
"They were... were sent to get me." she hesitated.
"Who sent them?"
"W-" she paused. "WWIDI..."
A gasp was heard from everyone on the other side of the glass. 'How would they know them?'
"Why were they coming after you?" Gilly asked.
"I- well I took something." She explained."That belongs to an old friend."
"And who's that?"
The girl swallowed the lump in her throat and answered. "Her father is the man over WWIDI."
An even louder gasp was let out.
"I heard about the rumors, but did not know it was true." stated Gilly. "What did they want with you before you left."
The girl took a deep breath and looked down trying not to face Gilly. Angry and depression rolled up as memories came back, and she looks like her body froze over.
"Um, hello?" Gilly interrupted.
"S-sorry, um." Ryela stuttered struggling to get it out.
She soon replied with her voice cracking, "They needed me... for a project."
"What project?"
"I think I said enough."
"No you didn't. So please continued." Gilly smarted off.
"A lab rat project."
Those words echoed painfully in her ears, and Gilly got defensive quick.
"So you have certain... abilities?" he questioned getting tense. Other guards started coming in and had their hand on her hip where their guns are. 'They can't be serious? They don't want to try me.' The girl's thoughts started flooding her mind.
"Um, I'm not sure." She responded
"You're not sure. How are you not sure!"
"No, I really don't know."
"You better not be lying."
"I guess we will have to get you to talk another way then."
He looked at the guards behind him and they came and grabbed her. Of course, she did not go without a fight. She started kicking, screaming, and punching the guards to get free. So they stuck a tranquilizer dart in her neck, but all it did was make her dizzy. So they got out there tasers, but right before they could uses them a lady flung open the door.
"Stop it! Right now."
"MaryAnn?!" Gilly argued, "Step out of the way she's a threat."
"How do you know that? Just because she is different doesnt mean that." MaryAnn argued.
"Yes, it does."
"So all the kids here that we saved are a threat to you and the RGST, huh?"
Ryela stopped resisting immediately, and Gilly gave her the meanest glare.
"Wait." Ryela questioned.
"There's more?" She looked down in surprise, but that soon turns into relief. 'This is crazy. There's more like me.'
●"{ --------------------◇--------------------"}●
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