“No need to eat? How can it be done!” When Li Yalin said this, Nina certainly didn’t believe it.

“It’s really okay. Anyway, you just listen to me.” Li Yalin said with a smile, after all, the Unit in Heroes of Might and Magic doesn’t need to eat, as long as you have enough energy. Up.

“Then…Okay.” Although Nina is still a little worried, but since Li Yalin has said so, Nina has no choice but to stop thinking about feeding, anyway, so many days. They were not fed, but Unicorn and Wyvern King were still very in great spirits, and they did not show any signs of hunger and fatigue.

“Nina, do you like Unicorn and Wyvern King?” Li Yalin has seen Nina stroking Unicorn’s mane or looking straight at Wyvern King, so now Li Yalin also has This question.

“Yes, after all, I am also a Knight. Is it normal to like mounts.” When asked by Li Yalin, Nina at first was still a little confused, but she reacted and was very happy. Replied.

“Although you and Maris are both Third Rank Knights, I never seem to have seen you two’s mount.” Li Yalin is very curious about this. After all, Knight without a mount is very rare.

“The mount of my big brother and I…” When Li Yalin mentioned this, Nina seemed to think of some sad past, and she said with a face in memory: “I and my big brother back then It has its own mount. My mount is a pure white Fierce Gale Colt. Oh, I call it Little White. I liked it very much at the beginning, and the big brother’s mount is also a Fierce Gale Colt, but his That horse is azure-white, not as good as my Little White.” When talking about her mount, Nina looked very happy.

“But since the father passed away, Little White has also been sold, because a Second Rank Demon Beast mount is still worth a lot of money, I also cried a lot at the time, but not long after After that, I was cursed.” At this point, the smile on Nina’s face was gone, leaving only endless melancholy, and Li Yalin became one of the best listeners, quietly beside Nina’s Listening.

“Okay, let’s not talk about it, really, let Big Brother Yalin you laugh.” At the end of the talk, Nina’s face had a tear left, but Nina wiped it off immediately After tears, he smiled and faced Li Yalin again.

“Nina…” Looking at the strong girl in front of him, Li Yalin really didn’t know what to say.

“By the way, let’s go buy Little White back now.” Suddenly, Li Yalin thought of a good idea, so Li Yalin picked up Nina and planned to go out.

“Okay, Big Brother Yalin, I know your thoughts, but it’s no longer needed.” Nina withdrew the hand held by Li Yalin and stood in place to shook the head.

“Why? Don’t you like Little White very much?” Li Yalin asked with some confusion.

“Because Little White is already not in, after I was rescued by Big Brother Yalin, I also went to the place where Demon Beast was sold before and asked about it. Little White has already been bought by others. It’s been. But it’s. It’s been so long and it’s strange that Little White is still there.” Nina said to herself, but what she said seemed to be explained to Li Yalin, and it seemed to be comforting herself. .

“That’s it…” After listening, Li Yalin was also silent.

“That’s good, I’ll give you a Little White!” Looking at the slightly sad girl in front of him, Li Yalin really wanted to help her and bring her smile back to her On his face, Li Yalin raised his hand and summoned a Pegasus from Evolved Space. Of course, there was no Knight on this Pegasus. If even Pegasus Knight summoned out, then Li Yalin could not explain it.

“Big Brother Yalin, this…” Looking at the snow-white Pegasus with a pair of white wings in front of her eyes, and without a trace of variegation, Nina looked at Li Yalin in amazement.

“Do you like it? Give it to you. From now on, it will be your exclusive Little White.” Li Yalin said to Nina with a smile.

“No, no, this Pegasus is really too expensive, I really can’t take it.” Nina blushed and waved her hands again and again. It was also given to Nina and Maris Strength Ring before. In this way, both of them said that they would not accept it when they died, and in the end it was Yuriko and the others before they accepted it. And now, Nina naturally still refuses to accept this gift, but from Nina’s eyes, Li Yalin can tell that she still likes this Pegasus very much.

“Don’t say anything else, just say whether you like this Pegasus.” Li Yalin put his hands on Nina’s shoulder and said directly while looking at Nina.

“Like is like, but…” Nina wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Li Yalin.

“Nothing but, since you like it, then you accept it. This is a gift from my big brother to the younger sister. If you don’t accept it, it means that you have no intentions in your heart. Recognize me as a big brother.”

“Then I will accept it, but Big Brother Yalin, you really are.” I knew that Li Yalin could not be said, so Nina agreed with a slight twist, but then What I said was a bit coquettish. After this time, the distance between Li Yalin and Nina’s has been shortened.

“Is that right? In this way, Nina, you are a Pegasus Knight.” Li Yalin looked at Nina with a smile.

“En.” Nina, who was a little reddened by Li Yalin’s face, replied softly to complied, but her hand had been stroking Little White’s mane and did not loosen it.

Looking at Nina’s happy appearance, Li Yalin was also very happy, so the two people chatted here for a long time, but Nina and Li Yalin were getting closer and closer.

After Nina finished chatting, Li Yalin returned to the house, but when passing by the side hall, Li Yalin found that Schley was alone and silently looking at the Crystal Sword in his hands—— Cursed Flame was in a daze, not knowing what was on his mind.

“Teacher Schley, what are you thinking about?” Li Yalin is very strange to see Schley like this, because until now, Schley looks bright and vibrant in Li Yalin’s eyes. Teacher, it was the first time that Li Yalin noticed the silence like this time.

“Oh, it’s Teacher Yalin.” Thinking Schley was startled by Li Yalin’s sudden greeting, but after discovering that it was Li Yalin, Schley flushed with him. Say hello.

“What’s wrong? Teacher Schley, what’s on your mind?” Seeing Schley, Li Yalin asked with concern.

“No…nothing.” Schley replied a little vaguely, but at first glance it was really wrong.

“That’s it, then forget it.” Although he knew that Schley had something on his mind, Li Yalin knew that she wouldn’t tell her what Schley’s looked like, so he smiled at Schley. I plan to leave after a while.

“Wait a minute!” Just when Li Yalin was about to turn around and leave, Schley suddenly stopped Li Yalin, but after Li Yalin turned around, he did not knowing what to The look of do.

“Is there anything else, Teacher Schley?” Li Yalin asked with a smile, seeing Schley’s expressionless expression.

“If you can, can you talk to me?” Schley said softly, but the voice is too soft. If you don’t listen carefully, you simply can’t hear what Schley is talking about.

“Of course, it is my honor.” Although Schley’s voice was very small, Li Yalin still recognized her meaning, so Li Yalin also sat next to Schley’s.

“Orfina and I are both orphans in the orphanage. When we were young, we all grew up in the orphanage in the slum area. It was only when we were eight years old. Milley Academy’s teacher came to the orphanage. He was here to select some children with better aptitude to serve as Milley Academy’s back strength, so fortunately, Orfina and I were selected.” After Li Yalin sat down, Schley It was as if talking to herself, but also as if talking to Li Yalin, in short, Schley confided all she wanted to say at this time.

“Looking back now, when I was a child, it was really bitter. I fought with other children for a piece of bread. Orfina’s was not in good health at the time, so I was protecting her, but at the time I was I was thinking, could someone show up to protect me one day?” When he said this, Schley looked up at Li Yalin, and Li Yalin also smiled slightly at Schley and said: “There will be someone, there will be someone Protect Teacher Schley.”

“Really, if so, it would be very good.” Schley faintly sighed, and then continued: “After coming to the Academy, Orfina and I both worked hard. For myself, it is really a practice day and night, but it is precisely because of this desperate energy that Orfina and I can reach the Fifth Rank Low-Level before the age of twenty-five, and then we can stay in school as a teacher. , Think about it now, it’s like a dream.” Schley’s expression was very confused at this time, but Li Yalin was very sad after hearing it.

Being able to practice to Fifth Rank before the age of twenty-five, this is not something that only talent can do. After all, although talent is the main reason, there is no endeavor to have talent. If this is the case, it is impossible to do this. There are many talented people on the continent, but there are really very few people who can do this.

“Teacher Yalin, do you know how it felt like the first time I saw you?” At this time, Schley suddenly asked Li Yalin such a question.

„Ah? How does it feel?” Li Yalin curiously asked.

By the way, I’m going to have 10,000 recommendations soon~ Brother sisters give me a lot of support~ Strive for 10,000 recommendations tomorrow~ and continue to ask for collections~

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