“As the Seeded Contestant of this tournament, Schoolmate Miles has a very good performance in the competition. Schoolmate Miles, who is only 24 years old, is already a Fifth Rank Low-Level expert. In previous competitions In, Schoolmate Miles is like as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves. No one is his opponent at all. Will Schoolmate Miles continue his unbeaten record in this game? Let’s wait and see! “At this time, the off-court commentator first introduced Saeko’s opponent.

“Yalin!” “Yalin!” On the other side, Asami and Rei after leaving the field one side, each holding Li Yalin’s left and right hands arms, looking very affectionate.

“Yalin, I’ll go up first.” Saeko looked at Rei and Asami slightly smiled, then blinked at Li Yalin, put on his Mithril helmet, and walked towards the competition stage. Go.

“Let’s go to see Saeko’s game too.” Li Yalin, who was hugged by two women, also suggested at this time. Of course, Rei and Asami agreed with a smile, so the three of them walked out of the lounge together and looked at the competition stage.

“Then Schoolmate Busujima Saeko, one of the dark horses in this tournament, has already played. To say that Schoolmate Saeko is really unfathomable, so far Schoolmate Saeko’s opponents have not been able to reveal her. Out of true strength. And Schoolmate Saeko himself is also a member of Milley Academy, saying that Milley Academy’s Expert is so much, let us now see how Schoolmate Saeko will perform in this game. Will Schoolmate Miles perform? Will Schoolmate Saeko show his true strength? Well, with the referee’s order, the game will begin!” After Li Yalin and the three of them walked out of the lounge, the off-court commentator was introducing Saeko, but now the game is also It has already started, and the three of Li Yalin are also watching the battle on the field attentively.

This Miles is a Warrior, but the weapon in his hand is strange, but it can’t be said to be strange. Everyone knows that Swordman is generally divided into Dual-wielding Swordsman and sword and shield Warrior. The one-handed swords used by the Sword and Shield Warrior are long swords with a width of about three to four fingers, and the length is about one meter. The dual sword of Dual-wielding Swordsman is very wide, about six to seven fingers wide and nearly two meters in length. These two swords are mainstream weapons among Heavenly Wind Continent’s Warrior.

But Miles’ long sword is different. His long sword is about four fingers wide, but it is nearly two meters in length. However, he doesn’t look like a sword and shield Swordman, but he does. Using only this lengthened one-handed sword, this made the audience unable to understand.

Miles did not take the initiative to attack after pulling out his long sword from behind, but stood there quietly, unfolding all his Battle Aura, watching Saeko motionlessly.

Looking at Saeko again, Saeko did not take the initiative to attack. After all, his opponent at this time is different from his previous opponent. He is an Expert of Fifth Rank. Although Saeko had fought with Schley who is also Fifth Rank before, but he didn’t have much fun at that time, but was blocked by Li Yalin after fighting a big move. So when facing this Fifth Rank Expert today, Saeko It also appears to be extra cautious.

After the two sides looked at each other for about thirty seconds, Miles finally couldn’t help but took the initiative to attack. He was holding a sword in one hand and rushing towards Saeko’s direction, and at the moment he was all over. The Battle Aura has all erupted, and the air current generated by the flow of Battle Aura has scraped all the pebbles on the field.

Seeing that the opponent is coming fiercely, Saeko will naturally not sit and wait for death. At this moment, Saeko is already dual swords in his hand, and all the energy in the body has exploded. Facing Miles’ attack, Saeko actually stood up to welcome him. Up.

Because Saeko and Miles’ are both very fast, so in the blink of an eye of the audience, the weapons of both sides have collided together, and the collision between the weapons produced a huge energy flow. , But fortunately, the barrier is displayed on the venue, otherwise the audience present would be dangerous.

Although the two weapons have collided, Saeko’s side has taken a lot of money. First of all, in terms of weapons, you must know that although Miles is now using an Elite High-Level Long sword, but the long sword that Saeko is now colliding with Miles is Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi. You know, Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi is a Legendary Low-Level weapon. It’s not a matter of one or two points.

There is another reason that Saeko is still equipped with Dragon King’s Claw. This equipment that can increase attack power by 50% can be regarded as a product of cheating. The equipment is equipped with Dragon King’s Claw. Don’t say that Saeko’s is a Miles of the same level as her, even if the opponent’s strength is Fifth Rank High-Level, it is completely inferior to Saeko’s in attack.

So for these two reasons, Saeko shot Miles directly after the two sides struggled for less than three seconds. However, Miles is not an ordinary person. After being bombed by Saeko, Miles has continuously transformed his body in the air, and finally landed safely.

“Oh my God, in the first game, both players have already fought fierce battles. Schoolmate Miles’ is indeed extraordinary, but Schoolmate Saeko is even more amazing, even with Fifth Rank Low-Level. The powerful Schoolmate Miles is not actually Schoolmate Saeko’s opponent, and was shot off in a reckless fight with Schoolmate Saeko. However, Schoolmate Miles is not infamous, and although it has a disadvantage, it is not injured, but With his flexible posture, he landed safely.” Seeing the fierce collision on the field, the narrator under the stage has completely turned on the excitement mode, and he has already been dancing and explaining at this moment, but the audience present also understood very well. His mood, after all, the audience was very excited to see such a big game.

Although Miles landed safely, Saeko’s strength really made him startled, because Miles also knew that his opponent was just an 18-year-old girl. He didn’t. I thought that someone could reach this level at the age of eighteen. However, even though Miles was surprised in his heart, he did not relax his vigilance. Instead, he continued to condense his Battle Aura. While preventing the opponent’s sneak attack, he was also brewing his own tricks.

However, the appearance of Miles condensing Battle Aura has already been seen by Saeko. Of course, Saeko will not be too stupid to go straight to Miles’ tricks, so at this time Saeko also quickly compressed a Flame. Spell was on his long knife, and a Flame Slash slashed towards Miles.

Seeing that Flame Slash is coming on fiercely, Miles can only choose to issue his own tricks when he can’t avoid it. However, due to time, the tricks have not been fully condensed, so they fight Flame Slash. Naturally, the effect is much worse.

“Appeared! Schoolmate Saeko’s Flame Slash has once again appeared on the competition stage. How can Schoolmate Miles resist this time? Oh! Schoolmate Miles has also made a move, it’s Schoolmate Miles’ stunt— —Rapid Thunder Slash, this is the Lightning Magic attached to the Schoolmate Miles weapon plus Schoolmate Miles’ own Battle Aura fusion blow, but this blow seems to be released very hastily, I don’t know if it can be resisted by Schoolmate Saeko What about this blow?” After Saeko showed Flame Slash, the commentator in the audience started a new round of commentary.

Is Saeko’s Flame Slash so easy to deal with? The answer is of course impossible. Although Flame Slash attaches a Magic attack, the bonus of Dragon King’s Claw does not work, but don’t forget that Saeko’s own combat energy is included. Strictly speaking, this move belongs to Magic Skill. , So the bonus of Dragon King’s Claw can also increase the power of this move by about 20%.

So it is said that Miles’ Rapid Thunder Slash was completely swallowed by Flame Slash after less than three seconds after the Flame Slash collided. Although Rapid Thunder Slash did not resist Saeko’s Flame Slash, it still gave Miles time to dodge. I saw him jumping and jumping fast Dodge. Although it looked ugly, he finally avoided Saeko’s blow. .

Although Saeko is already proficient in using Flame Slash, he wants flexible control but it is impossible. Otherwise, just after Miles dodges this blow, he backhands the Controlling Flame Slash back. Then Miles would lose so much that he couldn’t find a place to cry. But it’s useless to say so much. Saeko is still not proficient in controlling Flame Slash, so this game will continue, but now Saeko has the absolute upper hand, so the victory is only a matter of time.

Although he was embarrassed, Miles was not injured, so his battle strength is still very sufficient. I saw that after getting out of Saeko’s Flame Slash, he immediately launched an attack on Saeko. Miles’ attack rhythm is very fast. Although he is holding a sword in one hand, his attack is extremely heavy, while Saeko also swings the sword back. However, because Saeko has two swords, under the attack of Saeko’s dual swords, Miles It is inevitable that some weak spots will be exposed. No, Miles didn’t pay attention, so Saeko hit the arm with a single knife.

“Schoolmate Miles’ great crisis is coming. In your attack just now, Schoolmate Miles was hit in the arm by Schoolmate Saeko. This will definitely affect the performance of Schoolmate Miles’, but Fortunately, it was Schoolmate Miles’ left hand that was attacked. I believe Schoolmate Miles is still capable of a battle!” Seeing Miles in the knife, the commentator in the audience quickly explained the situation.

“You are really strong, you are the strongest in the hands I have met so many opponents!” After swinging his sword to block Saeko’s blow, Miles retreated and withdrew from the team. Then he said with some admiration.

“Don’t talk nonsense with me when fighting.” At this time, Saeko is getting addicted to the fight, and of course he won’t chat with Miles.

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