“Shopping? Okay, I just want to go out and play too!” Hearing Li Yalin’s suggestion, Sally first raised his hands in favor.

“That’s not bad. It’s boring to stay at home anyway.” Rose also agreed, so Li Yalin took a few girls out of the Academy resident and came to Tanni Capital City’s main On the street, even Lemmy and Lucia were dragged by Sally.

Tanni Capital City’s main street is still people coming, people going, the traffic is endless, and everyone’s face is full of smiles. After all, like this time, the Academy Friendship Discussion Assembly is very rare. Continent celebration, so everyone is happy laughter and cheerful voices, as if it is celebrating the festival.

“Look at Elder Brother Yalin, there are wandering poets singing there!” When Li Yalin and the girls came to a small square, Sally was very surprised to find a wandering poet playing there. He was playing the harp, and there were a lot of spectators around.

“It’s very interesting, let’s go and see!” Schley, who likes to join in the fun, also responded positively, pulling everyone to the crowd of onlookers.

The wandering poet in front of me is about 30 years old, dressed in a traveler’s costume, sitting next to the Magic Fountain in the small square, playing an unknown tune. However, Li Yalin also knows from the lyrics he sang. This is a song that praises an Epic hero. Although the audience next to it listens to it with keen interest pleasure, it is a bit monotonous to put it here in Li Yalin. And the lyrics of this song are full of gorgeous words, all of which are praising the Epic hero, which makes Li Yalin get goose bumps.

“Elder Brother Yalin, he sings really well.” Just when Li Yalin was about to turn around and leave, Sally pulled Li Yalin and said a little drunkenly.

“Good? Your hearing is okay, right?” After listening to Sally’s words, Li Yalin was really a little puzzled. Even this song can be considered good, even Li Yalin can make ten songs. Eight songs, this is not Li Yalin playing. After all, with the music inheritance of Lyra Constellation, Li Yalin’s musical talent can be regarded as outstanding. It is really no problem for him to simply make a song, even more how Li Yalin’s still has that many pop songs in his head.

“Of course my hearing is fine, Elder Brother Yalin, you are so weird, isn’t he singing well?” Sally asked strangely when he heard Li Yalin’s question.

“It sounds good, but I didn’t hear it, it’s just so-so.” Of course Li Yalin speak frankly, after all, this is also true.

“Well, Big Brother Lin is right, it’s just general.” Lynn on the side agrees very much with Li Yalin’s words. After all, elves are born artists. In terms of art, humans are far inferior to elves. Yes, so Lynn has been accustomed to listening to those High-Grade masterpieces since she was a child, and the songs sung by ordinary wandering poets are naturally out of her sight.

“Look, I was right.” Seeing that Lynn was also supporting himself, Li Yalin became more confident.

“snort! Elder Sister Rose, how do you think this wandering poet sings?” Looking at Li Yalin’s appearance, Sally was a little unconvinced, so she put her arms around Rose’s arms and said coquettishly.

“This…should be good.” Rose is also quite embarrassed. After all, one side is the younger brother and the other is the younger sister. It is not very good to say, so Rose only gave a fuzzy Vague answer.

But when Li Yalin and the others were arguing about how the wandering poet played and sang, they didn’t notice that the wandering poet had stopped playing, and the audience was watching Li Yalin and them.

“Hey, don’t say anything, everyone is watching us.” It was Schley on the side. She had already noticed that the atmosphere was a bit subtle, so she quickly pulled Li Yalin’s arm to remind her.

After Schley’s reminder, Li Yalin and Sally have also discovered that the onlookers are watching them. When there are many strangers, Sally, who is shy, quickly flashes to behind Li Yalin, as if He didn’t say anything, but Li Yalin was quite embarrassed. After all, what he said to Sally just now seemed to be heard.

“Well, the soy saucer passed by! It flashed.” Li Yalin was a bit sorry after being watched by so many people, so after he said something that everyone didn’t understand, he turned around and planned go away.

“This gentleman, please wait a minute.” Just as Li Yalin turned around to leave, the wandering poet who was sitting next to the Magic Fountain suddenly stopped Li Yalin.

“I’m in a hurry.” Li Yalin still planned to flash first, but Lynn on the side suddenly stopped Li Yalin.

“What’s the matter with Lynn?” Li Yalin was a little wondering why Lynn had to hold himself at this moment.

“Why are you leaving Big Brother Lin? After all, we are telling the truth.” Lynn said with some curiosity. After all, Lynn has always been in Elves Forest since he was a child, even though he has been on Milley Academy. I took a long class, but for some people’s sophistication, Lynn still doesn’t understand that many.

“This gentleman, please hold your steps. Actually, I don’t mean anything else. I also admit that my level is indeed average, especially for the fairy Young Lady.” This wandering poet is very Li Yalin’s humility is not irritating about Li Yalin’s previous words, but he is very polite to keep Li Yalin.

“This…sorry, I just talked casually. In fact, you sang pretty well.” Since the other party didn’t have any bad intentions, Li Yalin welcomed him with a smile.

“It’s okay. I traveled to various countries on the continent, just to improve my music level. I hope to see all kinds of music and feel the artistic atmosphere of various races. This is me. What you need, so sir, what you said has made me know more about myself. After all, it’s all compliments, and I will lose myself in compliments.” At this time, what wandering poet said was quite sincere. Everyone can feel good about him just by listening.

“That’s good, you also need to learn this.” Li Yalin is also very impressed after listening to the words of wandering poet. He now has an invincible army in his hands. Strength, there are so many people I love to help me, if time goes by, maybe I will be lost in it too. Now after listening to this wandering poet’s words, Li Yalin suddenly wants to understand a lot of things. .

“This gentleman, you are too polite, but from what you said just now, I can also hear that you should understand music, gentleman. I don’t know if we can communicate.” At this time, wandering Poet made such a request, but Li Yalin didn’t want to talk about it in the public. After all, there are still so many people watching.

“This…something is not good.” Li Yalin said hesitantly.

“It’s okay. I like to play my music in crowded places. This can give me a sense of satisfaction, especially when someone hears my music. , Then I’ll be very happy.” Wandering poets don’t care about this. Perhaps this is a common problem of wandering poets. They all like to travel around the continent, walk in every city and village, and play their own tunes. For everyone, if someone likes it, they will also give them some coins or food. This can be regarded as the way of life of wandering poet.

“Art knows no boundaries, and I also like to let everyone hear my singing.” Lynn agrees with wandering poet’s words. After all, for art, there is no race. Will be more fanatical than the elves.

“Well, that’s okay, but I don’t know how to make music communication.” Seeing everyone’s eyes looking forward to it, Li Yalin had to reluctantly agree, but he really didn’t How do you understand this so-called musical communication?

“I know this! Music communication seems to be you playing a piece of music, I will play another piece of music, so that everyone listens to each other’s music and feels more inspiration!” At this time Li Sally behind Yalin suddenly raised his hand and said, and also looked at Li Yalin as offering treasures.

“You little girl.” Seeing Sally’s naughty appearance, Li Yalin couldn’t help touching her little head.

“This Young Lady is right. Basically, this is also the communication between our music. Everyone plays their own music and listens to each other’s voices. This is a very beautiful piece. Matter.” When it comes to music, this wandering poet seems very intoxicated.

“Oh, so, please come first.” Seeing the intoxicated look of wandering poet, Li Yalin also made a gesture of please. It is better for this wandering poet to come first. , This allows Li Yalin to learn about the characteristics of the songs on Heavenly Wind Continent, but if it is the heroic song just now, then Li Yalin is still insensitive.

“Well, then I will show my ugliness first!” Seeing what Li Yalin said, wandering poet is very generous. I saw him sitting on the ground and posing the harp in his hand, and then started It’s playing.

Maybe Li Yalin just said that the hero song of wandering poet is not so good. At this time, wandering poet did not continue to play this kind of music, but changed to another style of first song. It sounds like a love song, and it’s still praising the greatness of love. In short, although the style of the song has changed a lot, the gorgeous rhetoric has not changed at all, and the change in rhythm is quite monotonous. It’s much better than the hero’s song, but in Li Yalin’s mind, it’s a far cry.

After the song, there was thunderous applause on the scene, and even Lynn nodded after listening. After all, this song is much better than the previous song, and it is considered acceptable.

For collection~

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