After Saya finished speaking, everyone was enveloped in a heavy atmosphere, and they didn’t talk to each other, and even the air seemed a little dull.

“What’s the matter? It’s okay, don’t be afraid of everyone, everything is mine.” Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Yalin had to come out first to ease the atmosphere, after all, he is everyone’s backbone.

“Yes, with Yalin protecting us, we are all assured. Besides, this Assassin is not aimed at us, we don’t need to worry too much.” Hearing Li Yalin said, Yuriko also helped Li Yalin to speak.

“That’s right, but Elder Brother Yalin, you have to catch the murderer quickly!” Sally stood up at this time. Although not very interested, he still smiled and said to Li Yalin.

“Don’t worry, this little thing can’t trouble me.” Li Yalin gave a thumbs up and said confidently.

After Li Yalin and Yuriko’s eased up, everyone gradually stopped being silent, and all of them returned to the happy laughter and cheerful voices of the past, although this matter at first made all the girls I was a little worried, but because of Li Yalin, everyone felt an inexplicable sense of security, so they all recovered quickly.

After dinner, everyone was chatting in the hall, but Li Yalin was sitting alone in a corner playing with Kämpfer Bracelet. In his eyes, although the ability to transform is just like to him A scourge, but improving strength is also very attractive, although this bracelet can only increase Li Yalin’s Level 1 strength.

“Big Brother Lin, what are you doing?” While Li Yalin was playing with Kämpfer Bracelet, Lynn suddenly came to Li Yalin’s side, some curiously asked.

“It’s nothing, just look at this equipment.” Li Yalin shook the bracelet in his hand and smiled slightly at Lynn.

“What a beautiful bracelet.” Looking at the blue bracelet in Li Yalin’s hand, Lynn was also amazed.

“By the way, Big Brother Lin, can I ask you a question?” But after admiring the bracelet, Lynn hesitated and said to Li Yalin.

“If you have anything, just ask, I found something wrong with you this afternoon, What’s going on?” Li Yalin said with some concern.

“Big Brother Lin, I want to know if you have anything to do with our Elf Goddess?” Lynn was silent for a long time before finally plucking up the courage to ask Li Yalin.

“Silly girl, what are you talking about? How can I have something to do with Elf Goddess?” Li Yalin was asked a little bit didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“But Nymph has the legendary wings of fairy, and Big Brother Lin, you have Unicorn, and the amazing Archery Technique, and the smell on your body is very similar to our Elf Race , Although I can’t see your look clearly, but…” At this point, Lynn is already a little excited,

“Let’s not talk about it, I said the younger brother, we’ve known each other for so long. We haven’t even seen you clearly. It’s too much to think about it now, right? You are wearing a hat at home!” After hearing Lynn and Li Yalin’s talk, all the women in the hall were also affected. The content of the conversation was attracted, but after Schley listened to Lynn’s words, he also cried out to Li Yalin with some excitement.

“This, it’s just a habit, and I didn’t mean to hide it from you in particular. Besides, Elder Sister Rose and Saeko have seen me look like it, it’s nothing strange.” Listen After arriving at Schley’s talk, Li Yalin also quickly quibbled.

“Elder Sister Rose, have they seen it? It’s unfair! I haven’t seen it!” But after Li Yalin finished speaking, Sally jumped out with 1.2 written on her face. Million points are dissatisfied, and the little mouth is also a pouting boss.

“Sally, haven’t you seen it, although I was wearing glasses at that time… Forget it, now I’ll show it to you, why are you.” I haven’t seen Li for some of you. Yalin’s dissatisfaction with the female appearance, Li Yalin only smiled helplessly, and then took off his hat.

“Ah…” Those who haven’t seen Li Yalin’s appearance are all startled at this time, but the girls who have seen Li Yalin’s appearance are not surprised at all. After all, even if they are surprised, they have already eaten before. However, Li Yalin’s face is really impressive, and it won’t be annoying no matter how you look at it.

“Wow! Elder Brother Yalin turns out you are so beautiful! You really look like Elf Race, but your ears don’t look like it.” Saya swooped after seeing Li Yalin’s appearance. Pounced on Li Yalin’s body, but then touched Li Yalin’s ears very curiously.

“Didn’t you know the look of my ears a long time ago, besides, I never said I was Elf Race’s.” Li Yalin squeezed Sally’s little nose, and said with a bit of doting.

“Even if you are not Elf Race, but your younger brother is so beautiful, do you have incomplete Elf Race Bloodline?” Orfina also analyzed at this time.

“Who said that, I am a pure and pure human!” Li Yalin gave Orfina a blank look, but the style of this glance almost made Orfina sink in.

“But Big Brother Yalin turned out to be like this. I thought you were wearing a hat before…” But Angy on the side patted her chest after seeing Li Yalin’s face. Some breathed a sigh of relief, but the words that followed did not continue.

“What do you think of me? Do you think I am disfigured?” But after Li Yalin made a joke, Li Yalin found that Angy’s face appeared to be what you said. This makes Li Yalin quite depressed.

“Sorry Big Brother Yalin, I misunderstood it!” Seeing Li Yalin’s depressed look, Angy also put his hands together and said a little apologetically.

“It’s okay, it’s also a misunderstanding that I caused by wearing a hat anyway.” Li Yalin waved his hand, looking at my greatest look.

“But Elder Brother Yalin, when you wore that weird glasses before, it was so different from you now. I can’t recognize you anymore.” But at this time, Sally was a little bit emotional. Said.

“That’s because the glasses have a special effect!” Rose, who knew the inside story, was fascinated by one eye, and said to Sally playfully.

“Do you know this too? This is really unfair! When I pulled Elder Brother Yalin into the Mercenary Group, Elder Brother Yalin, why did you hide from me with Elder Sister Rose!” After hearing Rose’s words, Sally quit, after all, among her knowledge, she and Li Yalin are the best in the Mercenary Group.

“Silly girl!” Facing Sally’s acting like a baby, Rose is a bit of Sally’s forehead, a little helpless but full of spoiling.

“But now the younger brother really looks like a Prince.” At this time, Schley murmured a bit, but then she was taken aback by her own guess. Is it true that Li Yalin Is it Prince? Seeing him now in a luxurious warrior suit, elegant and dusty temperament, coupled with that outstanding appearance, and expert guards like Ikaros and Astraea, Schley really thinks about it more and more. .

“Younger brother, tell me the truth, are you a Prince from a big country who sneaked out to play?” At this time, Schley came to Li Yalin’s with a serious face and asked.

“Of course not, Elder Sister Sch, why do you think that?” Li Yalin was asked a little bit didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, when did he become Prince again.

“But you…” Schley wanted to ask again, but she didn’t say it. After all, this is Li Yalin’s own secret. Even if she recognizes Li Yalin as the younger brother, she can’t do that. Asking people’s secrets bluntly.

“Okay Elder Sister Sch, you think too much, I really am not a Prince.” Seeing Schley’s tangled look, Li Yalin also quickly said with comfort.

“Okay, it’s not too early, let’s go to bed.” Li Yalin also said to the girls after chatting with each other for a while, after all, it’s getting late. Everyone’s rest is also very important.

Time passed quickly. Li Yalin got up early in the morning of the 2nd day. After all, today is the final of the Individual Competition, and there are only three participants left: Li Yalin, Saeko still has the Holy Knight. But after watching the match between Holy Knight and that style last time, Li Yalin already believes that Saeko can easily handle that Holy Knight, but the match against Saeko’s made Li Yalin a little uncomfortable, why always compete with his own.

Because the game is here, there are only three people left, so the champion must also be selected from these three, so it must be treated with caution, so yesterday the tournament It has been announced that today’s game will be a three-person round robin, which means that each person must play two games, and then conduct a comprehensive evaluation based on comprehensive strength. This can be regarded as increasing the difficulty of the game. After all, it takes within a day. Play with two people, so that the people who came to the second game took a big advantage.

After arriving at the competition stage, Li Yalin was very tragic to draw the first pick, but Saeko was lucky to get the third pick, so naturally Li Yalin will draw second with that The No. 1 Holy Knight fought for the First Stage, but it was a good one. It was very fortunate to meet Saeko without being in the First Stage.

However, Li Yalin’s opponent seems to be very modest in every aspect, and did not show any specialties in the previous games, so Li Yalin did not put the opponent too much in his eyes.

“Hello everyone, today is the last day of the Individual Competition in this tournament. After more than ten days of fierce competition, our tournament finally gave birth to the current top three players, but now What I want to say is that two of the top three players are students from Milley Royal Magic Military Academy’s. This is really incredible. Not only that, the students of Milley Academy’s also have excellent skills in this tournament. Performance, isn’t Milley Academy’s talents so many? Another player in the top three is from Light Empire’s Holy Knight Academy. Holy Knight Academy is also the veteran Academy on Heavenly Wind Continent, and it’s also full of talents, Holy Knight. Academy’s students also performed well in this competition.” The competition has not yet started, and the commentators in the audience have already begun to explain with excitement.

Thanks to Qixiandi for the reward~~There is also the customary ticket ticket~for collection

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