It can be said that all three games were very exciting, and there were a lot of shining points. It can be said that it was a high-level battle, especially the team cooperation of Holy Knights. Let alone the problem of Pet, it is just cooperation. The generals of various countries already want to learn very much. This is not to say that the coordination of the military of various countries is much worse than that of the Holy Knights, but that the Holy Knights can combine the imposing manner into one when launching an attack. This alone is not simple. If the elite troops in the army can also possess this ability, it will greatly enhance the battle strength of the army.

Not much gossip, let’s talk about Li Yalin’s side. After watching the game, Li Yalin also knew what he knew. In the next game, Li Yalin is very confident that he can play with Ikaros and others. If you don’t make a move, you will win directly.

But just when Li Yalin and the other girls were planning to leave the field, an accident happened. A large number of soldiers suddenly appeared outside the field, surrounded the entire competition stage, and the leader was one person. About 50 years old, it looks a bit similar to Ruze, but it is much better than Ruze in the imposing manner. It seems that this should be Ruze’s father, Duke Kamir.

“Listen well, everyone, I have no intention of being an enemy, but my enemy is inside, so I have to do this. I just need to catch my enemy. Please don’t Be impatient.” Facing the noisy audience in the audience, Duke Kamir first understood and comforted everyone, but his intention was also very obvious.

“Who you are? Why are you here to make trouble?” Headmaster Wendy and headmasters from other countries also came to Duke Kamir’s at this time. After all, they are also the Chief-In-Charge of the conference. Although I don’t know what idea the person in front of me is making, his goal is obvious. The person who came is not good.

“I’m Tanni Kingdom’s Duke Kamir. Yesterday, because of some minor conflicts, Li Yalin from Milley Academy’s Schoolmate killed more than 50 people under my son. Even my son Ruze was seriously injured. I’m already a waste person, so this time I’m going to beg for justice!” At this point, Kamir already has some gnashing teeth.

“Oh? I’m Milley Academy’s Headmaster, I want to hear what kind of contradiction it is that can make Schoolmate Yalin kill. We must know that Schoolmate Yalin is a very gentle person. Everyone in the Academy knows that if I can make him so angry, I really want to see and see.” After hearing Duke Kamir’s words, Headmaster Wendy immediately stood up.

“It’s just a little bit of spat. The young child is young and vigorous, and I can understand the stumbling, but more than 50 people have been killed so cruelly, it is not an ordinary child. It’s a trouble.” Looking at Headmaster Wendy, Duke Kamir first minimized the cause of the incident, and then exaggerated Li Yalin’s cruelty, and judging from his righteousness, people who didn’t know really thought he was a just incarnation.

“No one can be partial to one side of the word. Let’s invite Schoolmate Yalin and let them face it.” After hearing Duke Kamir’s words, everyone present was frowned, but they were not partial. Letter, so there is a Headmaster who made the above suggestions.

“Okay! Get Schoolmate Yalin! I want to see what is going on? As long as my old fogey is here, then no one wants to do it!” Headmaster Wendy’s White Beard It was also a tilt, looking at Duke Kamir panting with rage.

At this time, Li Yalin and the other women naturally found something wrong with the outside situation. From a distance, Li Yalin had already seen Headmaster Wendy talking with Duke Kamir, so Li Yalin also brought everyone to Headmaster Wendy and Duke Kamir.

“Schoolmate Yalin, you are…” Headmaster Wendy didn’t expect that, just after he finished speaking, Li Yalin showed up with a group of girls, which made Headmaster Wendy feel a little dazed.

“Okay, Headmaster Wendy, this is my business, I can settle it by myself.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, but then looked towards Duke Kamir’s but the look in his eyes was very unkind. This Duke Kamir finally came to revenge , And come to retaliate under broad daylight in full view, is there something to rely on?

“You are Li Yalin? You hurt my son?” Seeing Li Yalin, Duke Kamir still looked very calm.

“Yes, it’s me. You’re the idiot his father yesterday?” Li Yalin squinted at Duke Kamir, then said in a very disdainful tone.

“You!” Hearing Li Yalin’s words, Duke Kamir’s anger surged and almost burst out, but then he endured it and asked Li Yalin solemnly: “Schoolmate Li Yalin, although Ruze’s It’s true, but your punishment is too heavy, right? And depending on your young age, the attack is too harsh, right?”

“Is it too heavy? For this kind of scum, I think this is still the lightest? As for my attack, if it weren’t for you to attack me first, would I have a Counter-Attack? Besides, it’s just that you are not as good as others. What can I complain about?” Li Yalin continued to say in a disdainful tone, Li Yalin still didn’t believe it, and Kamir was always so calm.

“Indeed, our skills are not as good as others, but you have to explain to me! Ruze impossible was abandoned in vain, and the more than fifty people under my son’s hand can’t die in vain.” Listening to Li Yalin’s After speaking, Duke Kamir finally couldn’t keep calm. Although he did not burst out, Li Yalin could still see that Kamir was desperately suppressing himself at this time.

“Oh? I want to hear what you want me to explain?” Looking at Duke Kamir, Li Yalin said with great interest, and Li Yalin’s eyes at this time were also full It’s a joke.

“This…I need Schoolmate Yalin to compensate my over fifty innocent people who died, and I need you to heal Ruze, and apologize to Ruze, and promise us two more conditions. After hearing what Li Yalin said, Duke Kamir told Li Yalin the answer he had thought beforehand.

“Do you think it’s possible?” After Kamir finished speaking, Li Yalin almost laughed. It really shines with a little sunshine. Give him a ladder and climb up. Isn’t Kamir really not? Do you know how thick your face is?

“Even if it is impossible, I can make it possible by force.” Kamir smiled yinly at this moment.

“Duke Kamir, didn’t you hear what I said just now? I said, as long as I’m here, no one wants to do it!” At this time, Headmaster Wendy jumped out.

“Milley Academy’s Headmaster, even if your strength is strong, but this time I brought 20 troops, even if it is 20 pigs, I believe you will kill for a while? Let alone a human, but If you really forced me to do it, then the audience present would be hard to say.” Duke Kamir didn’t care about Headmaster Wendy’s words at all at this time, and Li Yalin also discovered that there are indeed a lot of troops behind Kamir. Look They look like elite teachers.

“You! You are threatening the whole continent’s future!” Headmaster Wendy was blowing his beard and staring, and the headmasters on the side looked at Duke Kamir’s with very bad eyes.

“My only son is already a useless man, so I am not afraid of losing anything. Even if I am an enemy of Quancontinent, I have to avenge it! If Schoolmate Li Yalin really refuses to follow If I say to do, then don’t blame me for being impolite! Please understand my feelings as a father.” Duke Kamir is now filled with righteous indignation and full of grief, but Li Yalin and the girls behind him are all It was a bit of cold, and the acting was too fake.

“Those you said are impossible, so please try it out if you have any other tricks.” Li Yalin looked provocative at this time, not caring about Duke Kamir’s threat at all, but Li Yalin secretly deployed troops in Evolved Space to gather all the Units that could be played.

“Then you don’t blame me for being impolite!” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Duke Kamir also flashed back after making a ruthless sentence. It seems that this Old Guy is also very cunning , It seems that he intends to return to the rear to launch the army again.

But catching the thieves and the king is an unchanging principle since ancient times. Li Yalin believes that as long as Duke Kamir is caught, the 20 army behind him will also become a straggler, when the time comes Li Yalin’s invincible army comes out , I believe it can be done very easily. So Li Yalin was secretly preparing to perform Dimensional Jump, when the time comes Teleportation directly to Kamir’s to catch him directly, but accidents are always inevitable. At this moment, a voice suddenly came, making everyone’s sights all Transferred over.

“Wait a minute, I don’t know if I can say something fair?” An old man wearing a red robe walked over slowly at this time. The Bishop Regian thrown by Li Yalin is almost dressed. It seems that this person should also teach one of the Red-Clothed Bishops of the Church.

“It turned out to be Bishop Harry, I wonder why Lord Bishop came here?” Seeing this red-clothed bishop, Headmaster Wendy and many other Headmasters also came forward to salute, it seems that Headmaster Wendy is still very respectful This Bishop Harry didn’t say the kind of gibberish in Regian at all.

“This is Schoolmate Li Yalin, right? It’s really Heroes come out from the Youth. What Bishop Regian did before is indeed a bit improper. I also apologize to you for old fogey here.” After the headmaster returned the gift, the Bishop Harry first came to Li Yalin’s and said to Li Yalin with a smile, and his words were also very kind, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

Thank you for not broken ‖ not scattered”, Daqin pioneer, I really want to read this good book, Lily Han and Jun Biyou’s rewards~ and the first deacon of this book has also appeared~ that is It’s not broken, I’m not going to leave, my classmates, congratulations~ But the update of 12,000 is really nothing more~ Here Xiaoshuai also apologizes, there will be a driver’s license test next Tuesday, so the past few days are also busy I’m here to practice the car~ Finally, I still have to ask for a small ticket~~ Thank you~

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