Now things have become clearer a lot, but there are still mysteries surrounding Li Yalin’s mind. This Duke Kamir sent Assassin to assassinate Maris’ murderer. This is no doubt, but why did Duke Kamir assassinate Maris? Did Maris master Duke Kamir’s secret? Did you say that Duke Kamir had contact with Church? Why do his men have the energy of Dark Element? What exactly is this Netherworld Ring? Is it the ring that opened the hidden treasure? And this Lord Emissary that Kamir is talking about now, what is his identity? Why does Duke Kamir want to be so low-pitched to him?

But just as Li Yalin lowered his head to think, the Lord Emissary in the study said again: “In short, I will give you another chance this time. We will continue to allocate more manpower to you. You must Keep working hard and don’t let me down anymore.” After that, the so-called Lord Emissary left Duke Kamir’s study room in a shadowy way. Fortunately, Li Yalin outside had already blocked the energy of his whole body at this time, or he would have almost lost it. It was discovered by the other party.

At this time, Li Yalin has not killed Duke Kamir’s mood anymore, because now all the clues are concentrated on Duke Kamir’s, and all mysteries need to be solved from Duke Kamir’s. Especially behind Kamir’s is a huge secret mastermind, which is also secretly manipulating everything. As a result, Duke Kamir is just a little shrimp, killing him will not solve any problems, and keeping him alive is also equivalent to Put a long line to catch a big fish.

Thinking of this, Li Yalin also flashed back home, and when he got home, he was worried that Li Yalin’s girls were also surrounded, chirp chirp twitter twitter kept talking.

“Okay, you all tell me how I can understand! Now everyone listens to me!” Finally, Li Yalin couldn’t help it. After finally yelling, the girls All were stunned, and then explained to everyone what happened during this Duke’s Mansion trip.

“putting it that way, there is a bigger black hand hidden behind the scenes.” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Saya touched her chin and said with a pensive expression.

“Indeed, judging from their fear of Bishop Harry and the dark fluctuations emanating from them, they are likely to be members of the dark church, but all of this remains to be verified. “Yuriko also helped analyze.

“In this way, we can offend all these Two Great Influences.” At this time, Li Yalin laughed at Haha, his tone was very relaxed, as if this matter had nothing to do with him. .

“When is it all, I am still in the mood to laugh.” Looking at Li Yalin’s relaxed expression, Rose on the side also gave Li Yalin annoyingly.

“But that’s okay, the past few days everyone is too nervous.” Schley stretched out and said lazily, but it was true, everyone the past few days The spirits are tense, after all, more things have happened in the past few days.

“By the way, call Maris over, I still have something to ask him.” At this time, Li Yalin thought that he should also confirm to Maris, after all, this matter has something to do with him.

“Big Brother Yalin, are you looking for me?” After calling Maris over, Maris also looked at Li Yalin with some doubts, the past few days Maris recovered quite well, but Li Yalin communicated with Maris There is very little time for Maris, so Maris is also a little puzzled to call Maris over so suddenly.

“Yes, I want to ask you, about this Duke Kamir, have you had any hatred with him?” Li Yalin asked, looking at Maris solemnly at this time.

“Of course not. People are so Grand Duke, what can I have with him.” Maris laughed at himself at this time, after all, his current identity is nothing more than a little Mercenary.

“That’s weird, why did Duke Kamir send someone to assassinate you?” Now Li Yalin was a little puzzled. Since Maris has nothing to do with Kamir, why did Kamir want to kill you? ? Especially to not let the Maris family go, wait, the Maris family? Li Yalin seemed to have thought of something suddenly.

“Maris, you said that your father was killed by a Duke.” Li Yalin had a slight answer in his heart at this time.

“Yes, but I don’t know who this Duke is at all. Since the death of his father, all the friends in the family have gone, and no one cares about us anymore.” Speaking of this, Maris’ tone is also very sad.

“This is when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter.” Yuriko on the side also sighed slightly. Maris’ words reminded her that after the outbreak of Resident Evil, Takagi Family’s actually had a lot of people. Most of them chose to escape on their own, and only those who were most loyal to Takagi Family’s subordinates would obey the command of themselves and Takagi Souichirou. But thinking about it now, it’s really like dreaming. A few months ago, I was still seeking survival in the city full of zombies, but now I am adventurous in Sword and Magic World, which is really incredible.

“That said, Duke Kamir is very likely to be the murderer who persecuted your father in the first place, and I also suspect that Nina’s curse should also be caused by him. After all, Dark Element is very Proficient in curses.” After listening to Maris’ words, Li Yalin also said the answer in his heart.

“What! Is that him? I’m going to kill him now!” After Li Yalin finished speaking, Maris’ eyes reddened instantly! After hearing the name of the enemy who killed his father, the name of the man who made his family ruined, and the name of the man who put his younger sister under the curse, Maris has completely ignored anything. He just wants to kill Duke Kamir to get revenge. avenge.

“Maris, calm down!” Seeing Maris going crazy, Li Yalin kicked Maris to the ground with one foot, and then made up again.

“Yalin…big brother…” After being kicked twice by Li Yalin, Maris was also a little awake.

“What’s going crazy? Is it possible to get revenge on your own? Do you have this strength? What a joke!” Li Yalin scolded Maris loudly at this time. After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Maris’ face was also sad.

“But Big Brother Yalin…This is a great hatred. I can’t let my father die!” Although Maris was worried, he couldn’t let go of this hatred.

“Don’t worry about this, I will avenge you, this guy has been included in the Must Kill List anyway, but now all we have to do is put a long line to catch the big fish. All the black hands behind him have been found, so you don’t be impatient now, and everything will be fine with me.” Li Yalin also comforted Maris at this time and gave Maris a guarantee.

“Then… I will ask Big Brother Yalin to you. Now that Nina and I are all loyal to your big brother, I have nothing more to say. From now on, Maris will only use the big brother. . “Speaking of which, Maris made another Knight Ritual towards Li Yalin.

“I said, I don’t need your allegiance to Nina’s.” Li Yalin didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“The big brother is right, even if you don’t admit it, Big Brother Yalin and I have decided to stay loyal to the big brother for life, so Big Brother Yalin you can’t get rid of us. That’s it.” At this moment, Nina also came up to join in the fun. In fact, after listening to Li Yalin’s just now, Nina was also very excited, but out of trust in Li Yalin’s, Nina did not say anything, just silently Just looking at Li Yalin and Maris.

“Forget it, I don’t care, it’s true.” Looking at the firm eyes of Maris and Nina, Li Yalin also knew that it was difficult to change their minds, so Li Yalin had no choice but to Let them go, but Li Yalin’s helpless look made the girls on the side laugh very happily, and Li Yalin was also very painful.

The night always flies quickly. The 2nd day is coming soon. Today’s competition is already the semi-finals competition of the Academy Team Competition, which has improved both Schley and Orfina. Be vigilant, after all, none of the other three academies are vegetarian. However, Li Yalin was very sure about this, after all, he was already confident.

After the drawing lots, the first to compete is Holy Light Academy and Icebound Academy. It is actually quite lucky to say that Icebound Academy can enter semi-finals. After all, when First Stage is playing Magic Fire Academy’s, Icebound Academy has completely occupied the advantage of attribute restraint. In the second game, Earth Academy, Earth Academy also had more defense but insufficient attack. This also made Icebound Academy a bargain.

However, what Icebound Academy has to face this time is the holy Light Academy, which is known as the most nasty to start the game. It seems that Icebound Academy is going to be bad this time. Speaking of the Holy Light Academy, in the previous competitions, Pet was basically used to compete. Although Low-Level Light Magic is not powerful, it is obvious that the Priests of Holy Light Academy are already Fifth Rank. The power of the Light Magic above Middle-Level is still very good, but relying on Pet to win is really upsetting the audience, so the title of the trivial Academy is also poured into the head of the Holy Light Academy.

The competition between the two sides started soon. This time the two sides drew a sequential battle, which would be even more unfavorable for the beauties of Icebound Academy’s Water Element. If it were a team battle, maybe Icebound Academy still has the power of a battle. After all, the power of Water Element Magic after being combined is also amazing.

Thank you for not being broken, not breaking up, Daqin Xianfeng’s rewards, it turns out that they have become the hall master again~ really amazing~ the second one will be sent today~ there will be another one in a while~ ask for votes~ Seek collection~~

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