Even if Dauf’s whole body is extremely hard, he is also so vulnerable to the powerful attack of Li Yalin. The original huge head is now pierced by Burning Angel Spear. Not only that, but also in the power of lightning. Under the effect, Dauf’s entire head was scorched. In this way, even if Dauf’s recovery ability is strong, even if the entire head is destroyed, it is impossible to resurrect again.

But what made Li Yalin wonder is that after successfully killing Dauf, Riful didn’t make a difference, but stood there quietly, even though Li Yalin had performed the last blow before. Riful intended to make a move, but when he saw that he was powerless even to make a move, Riful actually chose to be silent.

“Why, isn’t Dauf your man? Why can you be so indifferent if he was killed by me?” Standing in front of Riful’s, Li Yalin said something that surprised Galatea.

“Dauf is not my man, he is just my boyfriend. You have to understand that these two points are completely different. Besides, even if I do something, Dauf will still be killed by you. Huh? But since Dauf was killed by you, then you have to replace Dauf and become my toy!” After speaking, Riful’s little loli burst out with countless tentacles. In the blink of an eye, Riful has become Her Abyssal One is complete.

“Sorry, I don’t intend to be anyone’s toy yet.” Even though Riful has exploded in the imposing manner of Saint Rank High-Level at this time, Li Yalin still remains unmoved at all. Galatea has been stunned by the huge Yoki Riful.

“Why? Isn’t it good to be my toy?” At this point, Riful’s tentacles have stretched towards Li Yalin, facing Riful’s attack, Li Yalin is moving quickly. This caused all Riful’s attacks to fail.

“It seems that you are still quite confident in yourself, but what if that is the case?” Seeing that ordinary attacks cannot touch Li Yalin, Riful also changed his strategy. At this time, Riful has gathered Hundreds of tentacles attacked Li Yalin together. This time Li Yalin can no longer deploy an effective Dodge like last time. After all, there are too many tentacles.

“little loli, don’t cry if it hurts!” Since you can’t Dodge, let’s attack! In the face of countless tentacles, Li Yalin also directly used his own large-scale attack-Brilliant Cold Honor Shot, but this time there are some minor changes in Brilliant Cold Honor Shot, all of which are changed from dropping from the sky attack. After using Li Yalin as the launch source, he launched countless Light Arrows directly at Riful’s tentacle.

“Who the hell are you?” Facing such a large and powerful Light Arrow from Li Yalin, Riful felt quite a headache. At this time, his tentacles could not attack Li Yalin at all. However, Li Yalin’s Light Arrow can cause damage to himself. Although the damage is not great, it can’t stand up to more attacks, so Riful also shouted loudly at this time.

“You don’t need to know this for the time being, you just need to know that I need your power.” Li Yalin slightly smiled and stopped attacking Riful’s.

“Need my power?” After being taken aback by Li Yalin’s words, Riful also stopped his tentacles.

“Yes, I need your power to destroy The Organization.” Li Yalin nodded said in agreement.

“Destroy The Organization? But the freedom I’ve lived now, isn’t it good too.” Riful thought for a while but didn’t answer Li Yalin’s question directly, but changed back The appearance of little loli, and then looked at Li Yalin curiously, as if waiting for Li Yalin’s answer.

“As the No.1 of the first all-female generation warriors, I don’t believe that you don’t understand the things in The Organization, and don’t you feel that destroying The Organization is a good thing? “Looking at Riful pretending to be tender, Li Yalin was also slightly smiled, but then his words were full of temptation.

“Well, that’s what I said, but if there is no more good reason, I won’t promise you!” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Riful was also nodded, but she immediately pointed at Li Yalin wink, said somewhat playfully.

“Well then, let’s make a deal.” After thinking for a while, Li Yalin finally thought of a good way.

“What deal?” Riful looked at Li Yalin with interest.

“Recognize me as your Lord.” Li Yalin actually said a word that almost caused Galatea to lie on the ground.

“Recognize you as your Lord? Is there anything wrong, why don’t you say recognize me as your Lord?” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Riful seemed to be extremely angry and laughed, but with her Smile, Yoki on Riful’s body has been multiplying.

“Listen to me first.” Seeing that Riful has a tendency to go crazy if you don’t explain it clearly, Li Yalin hurriedly stepped forward and explained: “In fact, even if you recognize me as your Lord, then It’s just a matter of form. Let’s talk about the disadvantages first. If you recognize me as your Lord, then you must be with me forever, and you cannot refute my orders, but This is only a mandatory order. If it is normal, you are still you, and there will be no change at all, and I will not force you to do things you don’t like.”

“Since you said there are disadvantages, then there must be benefits, right? You can talk about the benefits.” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, the Yoki on Riful gradually faded, but Riful still didn’t treat Li Yalin. What a good face.

“Of course there will be benefits. For example, you don’t like to be like Abyssal One, so you will rely on Yoki to maintain yourself as a human being. If you sign a contract with me, you You can make a choice. If you choose to become a human, then you will forever the state of being a human. Of course, if you release 100% of your Yoki, you can still selectively change back to Abyssal One. Look like.” After Li Yalin said the first benefit, Riful was already a little excited.

“As for the second benefit, that is, you don’t have to eat human innards anymore. Your Abyssal One is not like the ordinary Awakened Being. They can no longer control their own consciousness, but you are different. With your own complete consciousness, I believe that if you are given the opportunity to stop eating viscera, you will be very happy?” Li Yalin is like a weird uncle who abducts little loli at this time, and his tone is full of temptation. And Riful is the little loli who was abducted, but at this time she has been abducted successfully, and she is constantly nodded in agreement.

“There is a third benefit, which is about improving your strength. After signing a contract with me, I can let you improve your strength quickly, I think your strength It’s been a long time since there’s been a significant increase, right?”

“Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and contract with me!” After Li Yalin finished talking about the third benefit, Riful immediately jumped When you get to Li Yalin’s side, you don’t let go by pulling Li Yalin. It seems that the three benefits Li Yalin proposed have successfully seduced the little loli of Riful.

“But you have to think about it. If you really contract with me, you can no longer regret it. This is your life’s thing.” At this time, Li Yalin made a final confirmation.

“I think it’s okay, anyway, I don’t have any loss to eat, and Dauf is dead, and there are no toys for me to play with, so I might as well sign that contract with you. I can do that too. She has returned to being a human.” Riful’s expression was still gloomy when it came to Dauf’s, but then she regained her lively side.

“Sorry, I killed your man.” What Li Yalin said at this time was very awkward, but Riful fully understood Li Yalin’s idea.

“I’ll say it one last time, Dauf is my boyfriend, not my man. Besides, Dauf is just upgrading from a toy to a boyfriend soon. He is not qualified enough to be my man. “After Li Yalin finished speaking, Riful said with a small mouth and a little disdain. It seems that although Riful has some feelings with Dauf, the feelings are not as deep as imagined. It is no wonder that Riful has not been too extreme after killing Dauf. In her eyes, Dauf was just a subordinate or someone close to her.

“Okay, okay, even if Dauf is your boyfriend. But forget it, now that you have agreed, let’s start the contract.” After speaking, Li Yalin told Riful signed the contract. After the contract was signed, Riful naturally chose to become a human being. Of course, Riful’s strength has not declined. Now Riful fully releasing Yoki should be between the High-Level and Low-Level of Saint Rank. It is Saint Rank Low-Level’s Peak status, and the distance from High-Level is just a short shot.

“It’s incredible.” After signing the contract, Riful looked at her hands with an incredible face, because she actually turned back into a human being. This is simply impossible.

“There is nothing incredible, this is normal. After that, your strength will get higher and higher, so that you will have one more helper to destroy The Organization’s.” Li Yalin said somewhat proudly, but this Galatea at the side of the time was talking.

“Why did you guys destroy The Organization?” Galatea also asked Li Yalin somewhat puzzledly. After all, it was a Warrior cultivated by The Organization. Galatea is still very Believe in The Organization’s, although some things that happened before made Galatea feel confused, at this time Galatea’s still has a trace of doubt about Li Yalin’s obsession with destroying The Organization.

“Because The Organization is really unforgivable, I must destroy The Organization’s by myself!” At this time, Li Yalin’s answer was that Galatea was taken aback. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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