Northern Lands ——Alphonse, where there is snow all year round and there are few people. However, because of this, this is also the place where Yoma activities frequently occur, and after stepping into the north, Li Yalin and the others found that the place is indeed full of Yoma’s atmosphere.

Originally in other areas, even if there are a lot of Yoma, most of them are hidden in the mountains and forests. Only some Yoma who are strong or good at hiding breath will appear in the town. Above. However, Yoma in the Northland is so arrogant living in a small town. Take Li Yalin in the small town where they are now. There are eight-stranded Yoki entrenched in the small town. It seems that Alphonse does. It is a good place for grinding mobs.

Since Yoma has appeared in the town, of course it must be cleared, but these ordinary Yoma can no longer bring Li Yalin experience, so the heavy responsibility of conquering Yoma must naturally be entrusted to Li Yalin’s subordinates. MMs.

Recognize carefully. One of the eight Yoma has the strength of Fifth Rank Low-Level. It seems that it should be a good High-Level Yoma, and two Yoma are Fourth Rank High-Level. The strength of the remaining five Yoma are all Third Rank High-Level.

In this way, the Fifth Rank Low-Level High-Level Yoma should be the leader of this group of Yoma. To deal with these eight Yoma, everyone finally decided to let Yuriko, Shizuka with the lowest strength. There are three of Rika to complete the kill together. After all, only the three of them are now Fifth Rank Low-Level strengths. Although the proficiency of spell and the use of various weapons are not inferior to the others, but Insufficient energy is one of the shortcomings of the three beautiful women.

After the decision was made, the entire group began to move in the direction of eight Yoma. Of course, the girls from Evolved Space did not all appear on the stage, so except for Yuriko, Shizuka and Rika three levelings. In addition to the personnel, Li Yalin, Galatea and Riful remain.

At this time, Yomas is almost like an ordinary person. The Fifth Rank Low-Level Yoma is selling apples at an apple stand, and the two Fourth Rank High-Level Yoma are pretending to be one. A middle-aged couple, as for the remaining five Yoma, each disguised as a member of the town. If it weren’t for Li Yalin, he could feel the blood-reeking qi bursts from them. Li Yalin even thought they were real. Is integrated into this small town.

“I said younger brother, there are so many people on main street, do we want to shoot directly?” At this time, Shizuka on the side was a little worried and said to Li Yalin. After all, there are indeed some on main street. Many people, Shizuka worried that they would harm the innocent townspeople if they rushed to make a move.

“As long as you act quickly, then there is no problem at all. Believe in yourself.” Li Yalin is slightly smiled. In fact, there are Li Yalin and Galatea. Riful is here. Simply don’t worry about this problem. If there is any accident, Li Yalin will definitely appear immediately.

“Then let’s get started, Rika, you are responsible for containing the Fifth Rank Low-Level Yoma. As for the two Fourth Rank High-Level Yoma, Shizuka, you and I will be one of you, and you will be cleared. After the Fourth Rank High-Level Yoma, we will deal with the remaining five Third Rank Yoma.” Before the shot, Yuriko first stated his own battle plan. After all, Yuriko and Claymores’ combat methods are completely different from those of Claymores. , So Yuriko naturally has to be more careful.

“Don’t worry, if possible, I will kill the head directly.” Rika smiled confidently. After all, she is a long-range blocker, even if the opponent is Fifth Rank Low- Level Yoma, but Yoma without any defensive skills is a moving target in Rika’s eyes. Although it will waste some time, she still has the confidence to complete the Quest.

“That’s good, start acting!” Yuriko a nod, then moved towards her goal is a dark spell, at the same time, Shizuka’s light burst has also been moved towards her goal and launched, As for Rika, the H&K41 in her hand has accurately hit the Apple-selling High-Level Yoma. With the burst bomb attached to the H&K41 and Rika’s inherited skill to block it, High-Level Yoma’s body burst out in an instant. A huge blood hole, it seems that Rika’s blow is more real than Yuriko and Shizuka.

Although the attack strength is not as strong as Rika, Yuriko and Shizuka’s attacks still caused a lot of damage to the two Fourth Rank Yomas, not to mention the corrosive darkness, and the light with bright energy. The explosion also caused a lot of damage to Yoma, so even if the two Fourth Rank Yoma did not die, they would not live long.

merely this sudden attack made the originally peaceful town suddenly noisy, “Killing!” After someone yelled this sentence, the town was messed up. Everyone was running away blindly, and occasionally two people would collide with each other because they just bury their heads in the run. It can be described as a mess.

In such a chaotic situation, the remaining five Third Rank Yoma, look at me, and after I look at you, they all revealed their true bodies and started moving towards Yuriko and Shizuka pounced Come here, but how can trifling’s Third Rank Yoma cause harm to the two women? Although the two beautiful women are not as good as Saeko and Rei in melee combat, they are still much stronger than these Third Rank Yoma, so they pounce on the five Yoma At the same time, Yuriko and Shizuka had already launched Flame Sspell at the same time. Although it was not compressed, the five Yoma were also hit in an instant, and the huge Flame completely swallowed the five Yoma.

After solving the five Yoma very easily, Yuriko and Shizuka’s targets have also been transferred back to their respective targets, but at this time Rika has perfectly killed the Fifth Rank Low- Level’s Yoma, it turns out that just after Rika 1st Strike hit the Yoma, the Fifth Rank Yoma has already begun to transform, but Yoma will have a moment of time when it transforms, that is, in that second. , Rika hit Yoma’s eye socket with a burst bullet, so this bad luck guy received a lunch box during the transformation process.

Although the two Fourth Rank Yoma are still struggling on whilst at death’s door, how can they survive in the face of Yuriko and Shizuka’s attacks? Among the two beautiful woman Flame Spell, the two Yoma were also shattered by the bombardment.

After killing Yoma, the body of Yoma that has not yet transformed has gradually turned into Yoma’s appearance. As for the five Third Rank Yoma, everyone present saw them transforming. At that time, they all exclaimed loudly. After Yuriko and the others killed Yoma, the residents of the town gradually recovered their peace.

“Thank you very much for your help, I really didn’t expect that there are so many Yoma hidden in our small town, I really…” At this moment, about fifty The middle age person who was many years old came in front of Li Yalin and they thanked them while facing Li Yalin, while still complaining about themselves.

“There are eight Yomas here. It’s a miracle that your town can survive.” Ignoring the thanks from the middle age person, Li Yalin teased the middle- with interest. aged man.

“Yeah, yeah, I am also grateful.” Li Yalin’s forehead was sweating, so at this time the middle-aged man was a little humbly nodded.

“Are you the Chief-In-Charge of this town? People often disappear for no reason, don’t you know it? And you should think that there will be Yoma in your town, right? If that’s the case, why don’t you hire Claymore?” Li Yalin said word by word while squinting at the middle-aged man in front of him.

“This…In fact, our town is also having difficulties. The cost of hiring Claymore is too high, and our town really cannot afford it.” Li Yalin asked, this middle -aged man at first didn’t know what to say, but then he rolled his eyes and said to Li Yalin.

“Oh? The cost of hiring Claymore is too expensive? But depending on the living conditions in your town, it should not be a poor town. Isn’t it even the cost of hiring Claymore? “After looking around all around, Li Yalin continued to ask the Town Chief again. At this time, the residents of the town had already swarmed up. Everyone looked at the Town Chief in the town and saw how he responded. .

“This…” was asked by Li Yalin. The Town Chief really didn’t know how to answer, but Li Yalin immediately answered him for him.

“I’m afraid you’ve colluded with Yoma a long time ago? You made a deal with Yoma. Although you don’t know the content of the deal, it’s nothing more than Yoma can live in a small town and eat by the way. Eating humans, but what benefits can you get? This requires you to confess yourself…” At this point, Li Yalin did not continue, but the townspeople on the side were all facing the Town Chief to glare at.

“Kill him!” I didn’t know it was shouting such a sentence, and then the angry town residents all swarmed up and started punching and kicking the bad luck Town Chief.

“I said Yalin, how did you know that the Town Chief has a problem?” At this moment, Yuriko leaned over Li Yalin’s ear and asked Li Yalin softly, from Yuriko The scent from the mouth made Li Yalin’s ears soften, but Li Yalin already had a certain resistance to Yuriko’s temptation, so Li Yalin’s answer was also very calm.

“Actually, I can feel it from just now that this Town Chief has a Yoki that seems to be there. Although it is not carried by him, it is often contaminated with Yoma. Yoki, and when he killed Yoma just now, this guy didn’t show anything strange. Although he was a little surprised, it was definitely not fear. Look at the aunt at the apple stand. She saw her husband as Yoma. Facial expression, then if that’s the case, why does this guy spend so long with these Yoma?” Li Yalin asked Yuriko with a smile.

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