When I arrived near the town of Yoma, Li Yalin and the others did not rush into it. After all, they were not Yoma. If they entered the town so swaggeringly, a fierce battle would naturally be unavoidable, so Li Yalin and the The others chose a relatively hidden terrain near the small town of Yoma and began to carefully observe the conditions of the town.

Looking around, this small town is no different from ordinary towns. Yomas has already turned into a human form at this time, and the whole town is also very prosperous. People coming, people on main street Going is so busy that people can’t help but love this place at first glance. But behind this prosperous, Li Yalin can smell the blood very clearly. Because of this, Li Yalin has made up his mind to destroy this small town, and it can be regarded as killing the Northland.

Thinking of this, Li Yalin told his thoughts to the women around him. Saber was the first to agree with Li Yalin’s suggestion. After all, as King of Knights’ Artoria, he is the most likely to kill humans. Yes, especially the cruel eating of humans like Yoma, it makes Saber even more angry.

Ophelia and Saeko have the same opinion as Saber. Saeko’s situation is similar to Saber, and for Ophelia, Li Yalin’s words are the imperial edict. Even if Ophelia kills humans, she would not hesitate at all. Go ahead.

However, Galatea on the side expressed opposition. After all, Galatea, known as the “God Eye”, clearly felt the large number of Yoki in the town and faced so many enemies. Even Riful will be struggling to deal with it, especially there is a Yoki that makes Galatea feel scared, so Galatea’s means that there should be a well-planned action, so that the success rate of the battle can be guaranteed.

Riful on the side chose to follow the trend. He neither agrees nor disagrees, and follows the opinions of most people. In this way, everyone’s eyes are on Li Yalin again. .

“It’s useless for you to look at me, but Galatea is right. It’s a good choice to plan and act, but the point is that I don’t have any good plans now.” With our hot eyes, Li Yalin stretched out his hands helplessly, saying that he had no good ideas.

“What we need most now is intelligence. As long as we have more intelligence, we can figure out a good way.” At this time, Saber first came up with an idea.

“It’s simple, but this town is all Yoma, and the ones that can radiate Yoki are Ophelia, Galatea, and Riful. Ophelia and Galatea are The Organization’s Warrior, of course impossible. But…” Originally Li Yalin was a little depressed, but while speaking, he turned his head to Riful, and everyone looked at Riful in the same way.

“You…what are you looking at me, I won’t go.” Riful, who was seen by everyone, shook his head quickly.

“I said Riful-chan, now only you can exude pure Yoki, do you see if you sacrifice…” At this time, Li Yalin abducted like a weird uncle Riful, but now Riful doesn’t eat Li Yalin’s set. I only saw Riful turn his head and didn’t even look at Li Yalin.

“Forget it, don’t do that. I think we should lure Yoma out in batches and destroy them one by one.” Saeko couldn’t stand aside anymore, so she hurriedly stood up and ended the game, but she said The words are to make everyone shine.

“Yeah, wouldn’t it be enough to lead them out!” Li Yalin slapped his thigh, but it is easy to lead Yoma out of the town, but if you want to lead them out in batches, there is something wrong. It was easy, so after thinking for a while, Li Yalin decided to send the bait first. After summon from Evolved Space sent a few First-Rank Marksman, after Li Yalin gave the order, these Marksman started according to Li Yalin’s order. action.

I saw a few Marksman come to the door of Yoma town, beat them with the gongs and drums given by Li Yalin for a while, and then ran away. At the same time, the town naturally appeared Many come out to see the lively Yoma.

It seems that Yoma in the small town hasn’t seen humans for a while. After seeing those Marksman, dozens of Yoma chased Marksmen, but even though they were Chasing, but did not transform into Yoma, but chased Marksmen in a human state, which made Li Yalin and the others quite puzzled.

Because of maintaining the human state, Yomas’s speed is not very fast. In this way, Marksmen ran all the way, Yomas chased all the way, and Marksmen soon took the dozens of Yomas away from the town. This is a good time for Li Yalin to take action.

“The strength of these Yoma is not very high, the highest is only the strength of Fifth Rank Low-Level, which is not very useful to me, Saeko, it is up to you to solve them.” Looking at the breath of Yomas, Li Yalin handed over the Quest that cleared Yoma to Saeko. Although Saeko is now the Sixth Rank Low-Level strength, facing these Yoma, he can still get a lot of experience.

“Okay!” Li Yalin said so, which is also in line with Saeko’s heart. Recently, Saeko has experienced a very hard practice, and his growth in Sword Technique is also quite amazing. After all, he got the guidance of Teresa and the others. Now, like Li Yalin, Saeko is preparing to integrate Sword Technique and spell together. Although the process is very difficult, there has been a hint of eyebrows recently.

At this time, Marksmen had come to Li Yalin’s vicinity, so Saeko jumped out, just blocking Yomas’s way.

“Here is another one? And still a woman? You go and catch those people first, I will deal with this woman!” After seeing Saeko jump out, a High-Level Yoma who seemed to be the head was obviously taken aback. , But when he saw the protruding chest of the Saeko secret silver armor, this guy was instructing the younger brothers under his hands to capture Marksman first, and he walked towards Saeko with a smile, and he didn’t care about Saeko at all. His armor and dual swords in his hands.

“It seems that you are very confident of your own strength.” Looking at this High-Level Yoma, he moved towards himself without transforming, but Saeko walked over with a smile, but Saeko was slightly smiled, But then I saw the sword light flashed, and the left arm of this High-Level Yoma was gone, but Yoma didn’t know it, and was still walking towards Saeko.

“Boss… Boss, your hand!” Although this High-Level Yoma did not react, the boys under it could see clearly, and saw their trembling fingers. The arm of High-Level Yoma trembles even when he speaks.

“What’s the matter?” Originally, this guy was a bit impatient, but at this time, purple blood was sprayed from his arm like a fountain, which also made this bad luck Yoma cover himself The arm yelled, and at the same time, it had revealed Yoma’s real body, in an attempt to treat his wounds with Yoki.

“Doesn’t it feel too late to transform now?” Saeko sneered, and then a few sword lights flashed. Yoma, who hadn’t understood what was going on, was instantly divided. However, the death of this High-Level Yoma inspired the ferocity of its subordinates Yoma, perhaps because of the multitude of people. These Yomas did not escape in the face of Saeko, who was obviously stronger than them, but one by one. They all began to transform, and then they surrounded Saeko.

Faced with Yoma who surrounded him, Saeko’s mouth was filled with a cold smile. At this moment, there were countless sword lights flashing in front of Saeko’s, but it was not a sword light. It is completely correct. There are also some Wind Blade Edges in the sword light. In fact, this is Saeko who used the Wind Pressure spell together with the high-speed sword. However, because he is not skilled, only a small part of the Wind Blade Edge can be attached. , But even so, it is already a very big improvement for Saeko.

We must know that although the high-speed sword is extremely fast, it also has its own shortcomings. One of them is that the attack power is slightly weaker. After all, after increasing your speed and increasing the attack range, the attack power will also be Unconsciously decline. However, the addition of spell assistance will greatly improve the attack power of high-speed swords, especially Wind Pressure spell. In addition to increasing the attack power of high-speed swords, it can also increase the speed of some high-speed swords, but Saeko is in this respect It is indeed still not perfect. Li Yalin can clearly find that the sword that Saeko wields on several occasions is not in the same direction as she wants to attack.

But such a small quirk does not cause any fatal problems. After all, these Yoma in front of Saeko are just a bunch of bento goods. Saeko can handle them very easily, and now they only It’s just using them to practice swords, so that you can increase your actual combat experience, and secondly you can discover your own shortcomings. It is indeed a good way to one move, two gains.

Under Saeko’s high-speed sword, Yomas were all killed one by one. After a dozen Yomas were left, Yomas finally found out that it was not good. A Yoma was terrified. After yelling, Yomas started to run around, but of course Saeko would not let them go. After Saeko cast a Flame S in an instant, all a dozen Yomas turned into barbecues.

“Good job.” After killing all Yoma, Li Yalin also came to Saeko and praised Saeko with a thumbs up.

“I’m still far behind. There are many unsatisfactory points in the attack just now.” But Saeko is very dissatisfied with herself. In her eyes, she is far behind Teresa and Ilena. They, as for Ikaros, they are even farther away. Because of this, Saeko from start to finish is working hard, for themselves and for Li Yalin.

Thanks to the memory of star dust, book friend 110219141119882, love wood Yika, beating tiger tiger, book friend 110224182256302, gentle contact, memory of star dust, I really want to read this good book to learn from the past, lonely Demon, book Friends 081209164311152 rewards, this chapter will continue to be a thousand words free, here Xiaoshuai also asks for monthly pass and recommendation, please support~~~~

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