Early in the morning of 2nd day, Li Yalin and the others have already arrived at the door of the town. According to the plan made last night, today’s main attackers are Li Yalin and Saeko. As for Saber and Riful, they are Responsible for cleaning up a fish that escaped the net. As soon as Li Yalin and the others entered the town, a group of Yoma had already surrounded them.

“Are you who? Now our town does not accept outsiders, you should leave as soon as possible.” Before Li Yalin and the others could speak, a High-Level Yoma came to Li Yalin and said, It seems that after yesterday’s incident, the town of Yoma is already in a very tense state.

“In fact, we are just a little curious, your boss here, I am very interested in it.” Ignored Yoma’s warning, Li Yalin is only slightly smiled, but this one is High- Level Yoma doesn’t seem to be a fool either. From Li Yalin’s words, it has already heard something wrong. After all, Li Yalin is talking about the boss, not the town chief.

“I don’t know what you are talking about, you should leave as soon as possible. If we don’t leave, we will execute the exorcism!” At this time, this High-Level Yoma looked at Li viciously. Yalin, but it did not show that it directly attacked Li Yalin in its original form. Instead, it had been chasing Li Yalin and the others away, which made Li Yalin’s interest more and more.

“I’ll say it again, if your leader doesn’t come out, then don’t blame me.” After all, Burning Angel Spear in Li Yalin’s hands has aimed at this High-Level Yoma, but Li Yalin didn’t kill the opponent. Now Li Yalin just wants to catch the big fish here.

“I think you are full and free!” Seeing Li Yalin threatening himself with a weapon, High-Level Yoma couldn’t help the anger in his heart. In its heart, since this is in front of him If a few humans are so ignorant of current affairs, they can only be blamed for their bad lives. Although the leader is forbidden to transform into Yoma, this Yoma can no longer pay attention to the leader’s orders.

At the same time as this sentence was finished, this High-Level Yoma began to transform, and many Yomas on the side saw that the headed Yoma turned out, so these ordinary Yomas also began Their respective transformations.

“Since you don’t look for it, then I will have to force it out.” Li Yalin seemed to shook his head helplessly, but then he sent it out without mercy. There is a Brilliant Cold Honor Shot, and this Brilliant Cold Honor Shot uses the greatest power of Li Yalin, but all Yoma shrouded in the range of the incoming bombs are bombarded with scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

As soon as Li Yalin shot, Saeko also followed his shot. In the face of numerous enemies, Saeko also directly sent the Dark S, and countless dark balls moved towards Yomas and flew past. Due to the double attack of Li Yalin and Saeko’s cooperation, most of the Yomas present were wiped out in an instant, and the rest of Yomas was panicked under the situation saw that the situation was far from good, and all fled in all directions.

“It’s just a bunch of little guys, don’t care about them, let’s go in and take a look.” Just when Riful was about to transform to kill the escaped Yoma, Li Yalin stopped Riful. , Because at this time Li Yalin could clearly feel that a huge Yoki suddenly appeared in the center of the town, which was not the same as the results detected by Li Yalin and Nymph before, so Li Yalin was going to find out.

At this time, there is no Yoma on the main street of the town, but there is a large amount of Yoki in the center of the town. This amount of horrible Yoki has already made Li Yalin and the others I was also feeling palpitations. What happened in the center of the town? Thinking of this, Li Yalin and the others hurriedly speeded up their pace, directly moved towards the center of the town and flew away.

The speed of everyone is very fast, so in a short while, Li Yalin and the others have already arrived at the center of the town, but at this time the center of the town has all been shrouded in In the darkness, there seemed to be a blood-colored barrier opened here, casting a blood-colored shadow on everything, and there was a smell of blood everywhere around the street, except for human blood stains. There is also Yoma’s purple blood.

“What happened here?” At this time, Riful was already looking at all around with a look of surprise. After all, the Yoki exuding here has shocked Riful, and went to the most important one. There is no one in sight here, as if Yoki emerged from space.

“Everyone is on guard, the enemy may attack at any time!” At this time Saber has held Excalibur in his hand, and looked at all around with a vigilant look. It seems that even Saber has not noticed anything. The clues of ah.

Just when everyone was surprised, the sprinkler square in the center of the town suddenly bulged, as if something was about to break out of the ground. This thing was constantly bulging, raising, very Soon its true appearance will be revealed in front of everyone.

At this time, what appeared in front of Li Yalin and the others was an arched stone gate. At this time, inside the stone gate was exuding a very large Yoki. It seems that the town is The huge Yoki gathered are basically all the things in this stone gate are messing up.

This stone gate looks very old on the outside, like it has been stored in Old Antique for many years, and the stone gate is also full of unknown lines, which looks like It’s like possessing a spell, if you watch it for a long time, you will feel a little uncomfortable.

Since the target has been found, it is not Li Yalin’s character not to go in and see, so Li Yalin pushes the stone gate with his hand. Li Yalin felt that he didn’t use any strength at the time, but the stone gate But with Li Yalin’s push, it slowly opened.

After opening the stone gate, more Yoki was emitted from the inside of the stone gate, and it was all shrouded in darkness, and there was a very gloomy feeling when I couldn’t see my fingers. At this time, Li Yalin’s practice Light Element Magic came in handy when he was bored. Li Yalin immediately used Light Element’s Low-Level Magic-Flare. To say that this Magic’s lethality is really weak and weak. There is simply no lethality, even a First-Rank Demon Beast can’t kill, but this Magic is very useful for lighting at night, no, Li Yalin uses it now.

With Flare in his hand, Li Yalin walked at the forefront of the team, and after Li Yalin was Saber who remained vigilant at all times, Saeko, Ophelia and Galatea were in the middle, and finally Riful was interrupted. After walking into the stone gate, Li Yalin and the others discovered that the place of charm and beauty here is much bigger than the outside. At this time, Li Yalin and the others seem to be in a foreign space, simply not like In the underground of the town.

“It feels like something is wrong here, but I can’t tell you what is wrong.” Looking around the situation of all around, Saeko said with some confusion.

“Of course, anyone who sees something like this coming out of the ground will feel wrong.” Li Yalin also said with a smile, but at this time Li Yalin is very relaxed, as if Just come to participate in the adventure game.

“It’s this time, you can still laugh.” Saeko gave Li Yalin a white look, and then looked around all around vigilantly.

“There are a lot of Yoki here, and it’s very complicated. It’s so messy that I don’t know what it is. It seems that we can only take one step and count one step.” At this time, Galatea was using Yoki to explore After walking deep into the cave, she said with a bit of frustration. Now she is completely unable to detect the specific situation inside. All around Yoki is almost in form, and you can see one after another Yoki going back and forth. The looming.

“The big brother will protect me anyway, and I will also protect the big brother.” At this time, Ophelia was like an infatuated, stepping forward and hugging Li Yalin’s arm, which made Li Yalin But very helpless.

“I said, I’m still messing around with me now. If it’s really dangerous for a while, I shouldn’t care about you.” Li Yalin sighed, but at this moment, Li Yalin and the others are already in front of you There are dozens of silhouettes, and all of these silhouettes are more than three meters tall, and look almost the same as Yoma, but judging from the Yoki radiating from them, they are not ordinary Yoma.

Judging from the Yoki radiated from these dozens of guys, they are probably all above the Seventh Rank, and judging from the killing intents that emanate from them, they don’t carry Came here in good faith.

“Beware!” After Li Yalin yelled out such a sentence, everyone had all their weapons in their hands, and just after these guys approached, they first launched against Li Yalin. attack.

“Damn, just start fighting without even saying a word, you are really unjust.” At this time, Li Yalin muttered dissatisfiedly, and he had already cast Holy to everyone present. Protection Wall, Power Blessing, and Iron Wall blessing these series of Support Skills. Who would call one of his Class Priest a big nanny?

After accepting these support skills, Saeko, Saber and the others have benefited a lot from Ophelia and Galatea. Now their strength has been increased a lot in an instant, and their lives are also Has been greatly guaranteed.

After Li Yalin used the Support Skill, Riful, a Necromancer, also began to show off. Although she did not use the summon Spell, the curse skills she lost at this time was a joy, and the damage deepened. , Weakening, attacking backlash, fear, confusion, these negative skills are like no money, thrown at Yoma’s body, and while losing skills at Yomas, Riful is still muttering: “I was worried. I don’t have time to practice skills. Now it’s just time to give me a chance.”

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