Through Vivian and Arania’s to lead the way, Li Yalin and the three of them quickly came to a Magic Equipments Shop. At this time, Tyr was checking the item list in this store, but when they found that Li Yalin and Vivian had returned Tyr was surprised when Arania came over.

“Oh? Brother Yalin, why did you come with Vivian and Arania?”

“hee hee, the Schoolmate Yalin we met on the street just now, but Big Brother Tyr , Do you have any good things here for my little girl to see and see?” Before Li Yalin could speak, Vivian had already laughed at hee hee to pick up Tyr’s words, and in Li Yalin’s surprised eyes, Vivian actually took it. With Tyr’s arm, the two looked very close.

“Well, that’s a coincidence. Speaking of good things, I really bought some interesting things here. I don’t know if you are interested.” Ignoring Li Yalin’s surprised eyes, Tyr very naturally guided everyone to a showcase and began to introduce the products in this showcase.

“…So, the role of this Magic Power Ring is based on Ice Element… I said Brother Yalin, what are you thinking? Did you hear what I just said?” Tyr, who was explaining the effects of Magic Equipment, awakened Li Yalin loudly from the daze after seeing Li Yalin who was still in a daze.

„Ah? Oh, I’m listening, Hehe.” Li Yalin, who was awake, said in Haha, but what surprised him even more was that Tyr was holding Arania’s hand at this time. She put on a ring, and Arania looked at the ring in her hand with joy.

“Schoolmate Yalin, are you really okay?” At this time, Vivian let go of Tyr’s hands and asked Li Yalin with a look of concern.

“No problem, just a little surprised. When did your relationship get so good?” Li Yalin calmed his mind, and then said a little embarrassingly.

“We have always had a good relationship with Big Brother Tyr’s, why did Schoolmate Yalin ask that?” Hearing Li Yalin’s question, Vivian was a little puzzled, but what she said made Li Yalin More depressed.

“Really? Haha…that…I think of something else, so I’ll leave.” This time Li Yalin didn’t know what to say, the atmosphere seemed very embarrassing, so Li Yalin hit Haha and prepared to leave.

“By the way, Brother Yalin, I still have something I want to tell you alone, can you wait for a while.” Just when Li Yalin was about to turn around and leave, Tyr suddenly stopped Li. Yalin, after hearing what Tyr said, Li Yalin naturally sorry to leave first.

“What’s the matter? Big Brother Tyr.” In a small separate room, Li Yalin looked at Tyr awkwardly, facing Tyr, Li Yalin really didn’t know what to say Although Li Yalin has only a slight affection for Vivian and Arania, but seeing Tyr and Arania, Vivian are so close, Li Yalin’s heart has an unexplainable sour feeling, what is this? Even Li Yalin didn’t understand it himself.

“In fact, it’s like this. It’s shown on our intelligence website that the dark forces have been active recently. Although you don’t know what conspiracy the other party has, you must be careful, Brother Yalin. I heard that after the game is over, in the way Hundreds of corpses appeared on the road of your house, and it has been verified that the other party’s body has Dark Aura in it. I think I can’t get rid of Brother Yalin, right?” Tyr doesn’t feel much about Li Yalin’s unnaturalness, just be careful. He told Li Yalin, and finally asked Li Yalin.

“Big Brother Tyr, you already know it, it seems that your intelligence is also very fast. Indeed, we were attacked, but the people who attacked us were wiped out.” Since Tyr is all like this I asked, Li Yalin naturally nodded admitted, after all, this is a fact.

“Sure enough, I can’t think of anyone other than Brother Yalin who has the ability to kill all these Dark Element Experts. It really is Brother Yalin.” See Li Yalin admitted, Tyr said in admiration.

“But apart from Dark Element, Brother Yalin in Church must be careful. Now Church has been divided into two forces, one of which is a moderate faction and the other is an extreme faction, like the Holy Knight Academy. The Headmaster and the Headmaster of Holy Light Academy belong to the extreme faction, neither of them is good.” After talking about the Dark Element, Tyr asked Li Yalin to be careful about the Church.

“Two forces? Hehe.” Speaking of Church, Li Yalin’s mouth showed a sneer. Li Yalin didn’t have a good impression of this idiot Church, but Li Yalin’s purpose was if others didn’t offend me i will not offend others, if anyone offends me, I will repay it ten times. It’s okay if Church doesn’t act. If the other party does something that shouldn’t happen, then Li Yalin doesn’t mind letting Church disappear.

“Now that the two forces of light and darkness are not good birds, so Brother Yalin, you have to be more careful. At this moment, you are in the light and they are in the dark. If there is any accident, you can also Come to Old Brother, I can’t help but define.” Finally, Tyr patted Li Yalin’s shoulder, and he came to me with a bold expression when there is a problem, but this expression appeared on Tyr’s handsome face, it was really somewhat A sense of violation.

Next, Li Yalin and Tyr chatted for a while, and Tyr told Li Yalin that a third batch of goods would be delivered before the end of the conference. After the time was confirmed, Li Yalin They said goodbye, and when Li Yalin left, Vivian and Arania took Tyr’s arm and sent Li Yalin out of the store.

“Elder Sister Tira, is this really good?” Just after Li Yalin left, Vivian suddenly said to Tyr.

“This guy is a piece of wood. If he doesn’t stimulate him like this, he would only treat you as good friends forever.” At this time, Tyr turned out to be a girly voice. It turned out that Tyr was a Girl, if Li Yalin is there, it will definitely startled.

“But Sister Tira, it’s not just us, you…” At this time Arania was planning to say something, but it was immediately interrupted by Tyr, which is Tira.

“Nothing to me!” Tira yelled suddenly, which shocked both Vivian and Arania, but Tira, who realized that he was in a bad mood, immediately lowered his voice and said, “Between us It’s impossible. Yalin treats me as the big brother. That’s it. Well, that’s fine…” Tira seemed to be comforting herself, but her voice was getting lower and lower. In the end, it made Vivian and Arania almost Inaudible.

“It’s really didn’t expect, Arania and Vivian actually like Big Brother Tyr, and their development speed is too fast?” Tira’s three daughters’ mood at this time will not be mentioned, let’s talk about Li Yalin, Li Yalin, who was walking on the main street at this time, was talking to himself a little surprised, but now Li Yalin is mostly unhappy, but after thinking about it, Li Yalin is relieved.

“Li Yalin, Li Yalin, you are not the sun, so why do those good girls want to turn around you? You are so passionate, you have to change this problem in the future! “If Vivian and Arania now hear Li Yalin’s words, they really don’t know what expressions they will make. They originally intended to make Li Yalin pay more attention to themselves. Didn’t expect unexpectedly be self-defeating.

After thinking about this, Li Yalin seemed to relax a lot, and then Li Yalin strode back home, but even so, Li Yalin’s face was still slightly stiff. After returning home, The girls in the family can basically see the unnaturalness on Li Yalin’s face.

“What’s wrong with Yalin? What happened?” Seeing Li Yalin’s expression, Rei hurriedly asked.

“It’s okay, Hehe,” Li Yalin gave a dry smile, even if he had figured it out, but the mood was not so easy to calm down, and Li Yalin had his own plans tonight. So after saying hello to everyone, Li Yalin went back to his room.

Speaking of tonight, Li Yalin intends to check again at Duke Kamir’s house. It would be best if he could meet the mysterious messenger again. With Li Yalin’s current strength, he wants to catch him. It’s easy to ask to understand, there is no need to wait for the other party to take the initiative like before.

Just as Li Yalin was thinking about how to act at night, there was a knock on the door. After opening the door, Rei stood hesitantly in front of Li Yalin’s and saw After Li Yalin, a blush suddenly appeared on Rei’s face.

“What’s wrong with Rei? Is something wrong?” Li Yalin asked Rei somewhat puzzled.

“Yalin…Your face is not very good today, what happened?” Rei asked hesitantly.

“You said this, it’s actually nothing. It’s just that Big Brother Tyr and Vivian, Arania and the others…some of them didn’t react. It’s completely okay now.” Li Yalin touched it. Said after touching his nose.

“Well, Yalin, do you like Vivian and Arania?” Rei asked suddenly.

“Why do you think that? We actually have nothing, really.” Listening to Rei’s words, Li Yalin quickly explained that it would be no good if Rei was misunderstood.

“In fact, it doesn’t matter if you like them… Yalin, you forever won’t leave me, do you?” After entering Li Yalin’s room, Rei locked the door easily, and At this time, Rei was already leaning on Li Yalin’s chest, and his tone of voice was getting smaller and smaller.

“What’s the matter with you? You silly girl, didn’t I tell you, we will be together forever.” Hearing Rei said that, Li Yalin at first was still slightly taken aback, but Immediately, Li Yalin smiled and hugged Rei firmly, and both of them were feeling this warm moment.

It’s a little bit to talk about it for a while~ The second one will be delivered sooner~ Let’s talk about the next monthly pass and subscriptions~ I’ve been a bit weak recently~~

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