“Forget it, guys who can’t be kidding me, if you don’t have a house, then you can find me an open space. There should be a lot of open space in this Academy, right?” See Headmaster Wendy. The volcano is about to erupt again, Li Yalin He gave up on playing tricks on Headmaster Wendy, and asked Headmaster Wendy directly.

“There are a lot of open space, but what do you want to do? You can’t make a house out of thin air?” Listening to Li Yalin’s words, Headmaster Wendy didn’t understand.

“Just leave it alone, I naturally have my own way.” Li Yalin did not directly answer Headmaster Wendy’s question, but a mysterious smile, which further raised Headmaster Wendy’s curiosity.

“Forget it, this is the Academy’s map. The red dot on it is an open space without any buildings. You can choose one yourself.” Although curious, Headmaster Wendy knows Li Yalin, as long as he doesn’t want to say Yes, it’s useless even if you ask him how you want, so Headmaster Wendy didn’t ask him, but just took out the Academy map for Li Yalin to choose.

“Well, there are a lot of open spaces. It’s a good place. It’s close to my original home. I’ll choose this place.” After reading the entire map carefully, Li Yalin finally After choosing a location, it is an open space not far from Li Yalin’s original address. Li Yalin has been there before, and it is indeed an ideal place to live.

“Well, although I don’t know what you plan, but you have to remember and don’t mess with me.” Seeing Li Yalin had chosen the address, Headmaster Wendy was a little uneasy and told Li Yalin Tao.

“calm down, don’t worry.” After Li Yalin dealt with it nonchalantly, he quickly left the Headmaster room. Now he must quickly settle the housing problem, otherwise it will be true tonight. It’s time for everyone to return to Evolved Space for the night.

After arriving at the selected open space, Li Yalin observed the terrain all around and found that it was not bad, the foundation was fairly level, and the compaction of the lower soil was quite dense. If you process it, you should have no problem with your own ideas.

After the observation, Li Yalin displayed Earth Element Magic. Although Li Yalin is not very proficient in Earth Element Magic, it can be done simply by modifying the ground. Later, Li Yalin used Magic Power to reinforce the foundation. After completing the foundation construction, Li Yalin took out a long-selected villa from Evolved Space, and then connected the villa to the foundation. Even Li Yalin was successfully accomplished.

This villa has been carefully selected by Li Yalin and the women, and the villa is also engraved with Magic spell, whether it is a bathroom, a kitchen or a bedroom, it can be said that this is a building A new villa full of modern style but combined with Magic craftsmanship.

After setting up their own home, Li Yalin and the others naturally moved in with joy, but in addition to Li Yalin, Rei, Saeko, Rose, Sally, and Orfina, they all moved too. When we arrived at Li Yalin’s villa, Maris was mixed with Kiruvere and Maca. At this time, this villa has become Li Yalin’s harem not just in name only, but also in reality.

For this sudden appearance of the villa, the Academy has caused an uproar. This modern villa appeared for the first time on the Heavenly Wind Continent. Naturally everyone is very curious and wants to go inside. Wait and see, Li Yalin is very annoyed this time, but Li Yalin can’t make heavy moves for these students, but as a teacher, Li Yalin naturally has a set of methods to deal with students.

At the moment, Li Yalin contacted Headmaster Wendy to issue an announcement. From now on, all students who stay in front of Li Yalin’s villa, look out, and observe will be punished with a deduction of one hundred credits. Not only that, Li Yalin also summoned 20 Cerberus from the Evolved Space. These 20 hell’s watchdogs all exude a dark breath, facing the strength of the Third Rank High-Level. Cerberus, these are just the students who have just reached the Third Rank, how dare to get closer? This time these students are all stunned. If the credits are deducted, it’s all, but if they are eaten by this group of Cerberus, they can even Can’t find a place to cry.

In this way, a farce-like storm subsided, but Li Yalin and their peaceful days did not last long, because on this day, Rose received from her father, that is, King Milley’s emergency summon , I learned from the story of Knight that Milley Kingdom seemed to be in big trouble this time.

“Elder Sister Rose, I will go with you this time.” After receiving the news, Li Yalin immediately said to Rose, although Milley Kingdom has nothing to do with Li Yalin, it involves Rose’s words, Then Li Yalin couldn’t sit idly by.

“Well, I don’t know what’s the trouble, but if my younger brother is with me, no matter what happens, I will face it calmly.” Rose, who was upset, was getting Li After Yalin heard what Li Yalin said, his irritability disappeared in an instant, and Rose also wanted his father to meet Li Yalin. After all, they are the two most important men in Rose’s heart. Haven’t met yet.

In this way, Li Yalin and Rose came to Milley Capital City’s inner city together. With Rose as the Princess identity, Li Yalin naturally did not encounter any obstacles, but at this time in the inner city In a tense atmosphere, the soldiers looked like everyone was in danger. It seemed that a major event had indeed occurred.

Shortly after the announcement, Li Yalin and Rose received a response from the king’s summoning, but the place where the king summoned them was not the great hall of the palace, but the king’s study.

Although it is a study room, this study room is indeed not small. It looks like a small library. It seems that King Milley should often work here. All kinds of office supplies are available, but in two After people entered the study, King Milley was not here, but after about half an hour, the His Majesty the King hurried over.

“Sorry, I have been busy with the deployment of troops just now. Have you been waiting for a long time?” Surprisingly, King Milley didn’t put on the king’s profile after entering the door, but was somewhat sorry. Sorry, this made Li Yalin feel good about him. A good attitude is one thing, and judging from the breath of the other person, this King Milley should be an upright person. I can’t feel the yin and evil aura at all on my body, but there are more magnanimous imposing manners.

“It’s okay, but long time no see Royal Father, is your health okay?” Rose stepped forward and hugged King Milley, then began to introduce Li Yalin to King Milley “Royal Father, this is the younger brother I recognize, his name is…”

“Teacher Li Yalin, I have heard of your name from Headmaster Wendy a long time ago, and this In the Martial Great Competition of the subcontinent, you gave our Academy a big to add glory. It’s really Heroes come out from the Youth. I can’t accept the old.” Before Rose finished speaking, King Milley was already there. He called out Li Yalin’s name, and from his words, he seemed to have a good impression of Li Yalin. At this time, he even walked over and patted Li Yalin’s shoulder affectionately.

“Hello, His Majesty the King.” For King Milley of Hajimemashite, Li Yalin did not feel any difference, but out of politeness, Li Yalin took off his hat, by the way Say hello to King Milley. At this time, Li Yalin also carefully observed this His Majesty the King. He was about forty years old. He looked very handsome, but was covered by a beard and had the same red hair as Rose. It looked like I have practiced martial skills for a long time, and my current strength is about Fifth Rank.

“Oh…” After Li Yalin took off his hat, King Milley was visibly taken aback. He did not expect that this rumoredly powerful teenager would look so delicate and pretty, even delicate and beautiful. Pretty is a bit too much, it’s not like a male child. But after all, it was His Majesty the King who had experienced winds and waves. After a little dazed, King Milley immediately recovered.

“Haha, calling me His Majesty the King is really a life. You are the younger brother Rose recognizes. Although you can’t be my heir, it’s okay to call me Uncle, right?” King Milley smiled and said to Li Yalin.

“Since this is the case, then forgive me for overstepping.” Li Yalin Weiwei a nod, after all, Li Yalin is very unaccustomed to calling His Majesty the King.

“A family, don’t be so polite.” King Milley looked at Li Yalin with a smile on his face. He was nodded. The first impression Li Yalin gave him was very good, calm and atmospheric. For his imposing manner, there is no sense of fear, but what King Milley does not know is that, let alone his king’s aura, even if the so-called God of Light is standing opposite Li Yalin, Li Yalin will not There is a trace of fear, and the deterrence of power simply has no effect on Li Yalin.

“Okay, Royal Father, what happened this time? Why is it calling me so urgently, and I see that the hearts of these soldiers are lost, what is going on?” At this time Rose But he asked his father anxiously, after all, this was the main reason why she and Li Yalin came here.

“There has been a rebellion in the kingdom. The three Legions I have and a cavalry regiment participated in this rebellion, and now I don’t even know who the head of the rebellion is, and I don’t have any at all. The news is like a mystery. It started without reason. It was like as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves. Since yesterday, all the kings of the army have opened up, and the other side has gone through it. All those who resisted have all suffered bloody suppression. It seems that we are bode ill rather than well this time.” King Milley faintly sighed, it seems that this rebellion has indeed caused him to lose his head.

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