Soon, King Milley, who was notified, came to the city wall. After seeing Rose and Li Yalin returning safely, King Milley was very pleased and loudly ordered to open the city gates to welcome Li Yalin. There are Rose and the others, and Li Yalin and the others ordered the army to stay in place to rest, and then walked into Milley Capital City’s outer city together.

“Royal Father, we are back!” After seeing King Milley, Rose immediately rushed into the arms of his Royal Father. At this time, Rose’s heart was full of pride, after all This time, Li Yalin solved Milley Kingdom’s great crisis. Although Violent Wave Regiment has not been solved, I believe it is only a matter of time. After all, Violent Wave Regiment’s problem is similar to Storm Regiment, as long as the parasitic high-level military officer is solved. , Then everything else is easy to handle.

“Rose, my daughter.” Hugging his daughter, King Milley choked a little bit. With such a heavy burden on his shoulders, King Milley knew that Rose was actually not well. In King Milley’s mind, as long as his daughter is safe, it is better than anything else.

Looking at the warm scene between Rose and King Milley, Li Yalin’s heart was a bit bitter. Thinking of his parents, I don’t know what they’re up to all day long. I never see them. Li Yalin hasn’t felt such a touching warmth for a long time.

“Yalin…” Seeing Li Yalin’s depressed look, some Rei on the side didn’t know how to comfort him. She thought Li Yalin thought of him in the “Highschool of the Dead” world. As for the dead parents, Rei doesn’t know what Li Yalin is thinking now.

“Elder Sister Rose, Uncle Wang of the country, now is not the time to be excited, let’s consider Storm Regiment’s problem first.” Before the women can think about how to comfort, Li Yalin has sorted it out. After healed his emotions, he stepped forward and said to Rose and King Milley, after all, Storm Regiment can’t just stay here, it must be managed by a professional.

“Look at me like this, people, once I get older, I can’t control my emotions. Yalin is right. We should think about the next actions. You should follow Let me talk about what happened to you in the past few days.” After calming down a bit, King Milley smiled and said to everyone.

In the following time, Rose told King Milley about the general situation of the past few days. After learning that Necromancer was involved, King Milley’s expression also became ugly, and Red Lotus Cavalry The annihilation of Regiment and Crazy Wolf Regiment’s was also a big blow to King Milley’s. This is all Milley Kingdom’s relied on. More than 200,000 troops are gone. This time, Milley Kingdom’s military force has received an unprecedented blow.

After everything was explained, Li Yalin and the others left Milley Royal Capital. After all, according to Nymph and Galatea’s investigation, Violent Wave Regiment is only about a day away from Milley Royal Capital. In order to avoid the residents in the royal capital from falling into panic, Li Yalin decided that it would be better to meet in advance. As for Storm Regiment’s mess, it is better to hand it over to King Milley.

However, for this departure, Li Yalin did not continue to bring Kei and their students. After experiencing a war, I believe everyone will have learned a lot, and this time Violent Wave Regiment has not There is nothing to care about, Li Yalin is confident that it can be done easily.

Since the distance from Violent Wave Regiment’s is not far, Li Yalin’s troops quickly arrived at the previously negotiated stationing location, which is about ten kilometers away from Violent Wave Regiment, and this time, Li Yalin still used the previous method of dealing with Storm Regiment’s to carry out fixed-point snipers.

After having an experience, the sniper killing naturally went smoothly. After the sniper killing was completed, just like Storm Regiment, Violent Wave Regiment was also successfully accepted. This rebellious storm seemed to The curtain came down perfectly.

But at the moment, it seems perfect on the surface. In this rebellion, it brought a very heavy blow to Milley Kingdom. After all, he lost more than 200,000 soldiers at once. The loss of high-end battle strength is even more numerous. The deaths of all high-level officers caused all soldiers to lose their command. Not only that, the appearance of Necromancer brought even more haze to Milley Kingdom.

After bringing Violent Wave Regiment back to Milley Royal Capital, King Milley and Rose were more busy and exhausted. There are countless things that need to be handled by them, while Li Yalin and others are investigating this further. The Undead forces behind the rebellion, after all, up to now, apart from the three horse Necromancers and a few Evil Spirit Knights, none of the behind-the-scenes masters actually showed up, which is absolutely unacceptable to Li Yalin.

“How? Did you find anything from them?” At this time, the three Necromancers are being held in a secret room. Nymph is conducting energy analysis and investigation. Hope This can be used to find a clue, but after Li Yalin asked a question, Nymph shook the head helplessly.

“Except for the energy supply source, nothing was found, and even if the supply source was found, the exact location of the supply source could not be determined.” Although it is known that this is the result, But after hearing that, Li Yalin was still a little disappointed.

“Well, don’t worry about these guys for now, let King Milley have a headache.” Li Yalin said a little uncomfortable. At this time, even if he continues to investigate, he is just doing useless work. So Li Yalin gave up decisively, ready to start from other aspects.

After returning home, Li Yalin sat in a group with the girls and summarized what happened in the past few days. Obviously, this was a conspiracy against Milley Kingdom’s, but These Necromancer’s specific motives make Li Yalin a little confused. If it is said that the opponent wants to destroy Milley Kingdom, it is a little bit different. In the days when Li Yalin and the others solved these Legions, it is entirely possible for the opponent to make greater moves.

Just because this force can manufacture Necromancers in batches, it can be seen that the Undead Skills possessed by this force are definitely not ordinary, so if you want to manufacture Skeleton Soldiers in batches, zombies must be more with no difficulty, just like The legendary Dark Warrior, Lich, Undead Knight and even high-end battle strengths such as Bone Dragon will definitely appear, but these Units did not appear at all, which makes people a little confused.

Could it be that these guys just intend to simply control Milley Kingdom? There’s no reason. Milley Kingdom is located at the south-central end of Heavenly Wind Continent’s. Apart from the borders with a few small duchy, Galan Empire and Tanni Kingdom, the rest is also connected to Demon Beast Forest and the sea. There is absolutely no strategic significance to the capture. What is going on?

After discussing for a long time, Li Yalin did not discuss with the women what reason, but on the third day after successfully regaining the two major Legions, the accident finally happened again.

The accident happened this time in a small town located in the southwest corner of Milley Kingdom. It was originally a quiet and peaceful place. Due to the borders with several small duchy, it has always been very rich and prosperous. , Milley Kingdom and several Duchy merchants like to trade here.

But on this day, a huge plague broke out in the originally noisy town. The epidemic spread very quickly, and people were killed every moment, even the Light Priest stationed here. There was nothing he could do, and in less than half a day, this prosperous town turned into a dead city.

After receiving this news, everyone was shocked, and the single thought in Li Yalin’s mind is that it must be those Necromancers who made a ghost. You know that Necromancer is best at plague and Poison. Attack, according to legend, after being infected with the plague performed by Necromancer, the dead humans will become plague zombies. This is a very terrifying virus. Not to mention being bitten by ordinary civilians, as long as it is close to this plague zombies Longer, you will be infected with this plague, which is more terrifying than the zombies encountered in “Highschool of the Dead” dungeon, but fortunately, these zombies do not have the ability to evolve. If these zombies can evolve, it can It was really a catastrophic blow.

But now Li Yalin they don’t know if Necromancer is the ghost in this small city. All of this requires further investigation, and since it is not close to Milley Capital City’s, Nymph and Galatea are at all Unable to ascertain what happened there, so Li Yalin decided to go to the small town immediately after he got the news. If Necromancer is really at the trouble, then Li Yalin doesn’t need to be polite.

This action Li Yalin only informed Rose and King Milley and set off. Except for the daughters who contracted with him, Li Yalin did not bring them alone, and all the women I stayed in the Evolved Space, and Li Yalin was on his way alone. After all, Li Yalin still has the Dimensional Jump cheat tool. Although he can’t perform unlimited teleportation like Sun Wukong, Li Yalin’s Teleportation is still quite far away. Yes, only a few Dimensional Jumps are needed to achieve the original target.

After Li Yalin came to this small city, he did not directly enter the city. At this time, the city exudes a strong fishy smell, accompanied by bursts of stench. , Disgusting. Moreover, Li Yalin can clearly feel that there is a strong Undead aura in the city. It seems that Li Yalin’s previous speculation is completely correct, this time it is really the ghost of Necromancers.

After confirming what he was thinking in his heart, Li Yalin suppressed all the breath in his body and flew up to the city wall. At this time, there was no one on the city wall, but he faced the city from above. Looking at it, it was densely packed with zombies, and it was exactly the plague zombies mentioned before.

Thank you for beating the tiger tiger, the other side of Paris, Jian Linghuan, Οo drunk☆disappointed, the memory of star dust.

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