Just when Li Yalin appeared at the other end of the Magic Array, Li Yalin was surprised to find that all the women gathered around the Magic Array with a worried look. After Li Yalin appeared, everyone was stunned. Encircled up, everyone talking at once asked Li Yalin.

“How is Yalin? Are you okay?” Rei asked urgently.

“I said Yalin, why didn’t you tell us, don’t you know we are worried?” Yuriko immediately complained to Li Yalin with some resentment.

“As your Sevant, I have the responsibility and obligation to walk with you. I hope this kind of thing will not happen next time.” It seems that Saber is very dissatisfied with Li Yalin’s solo action this time.

“Okay, okay, I know!” Faced with the concerns and dissatisfaction of the women, Li Yalin could only surrender.

“Yalin, you are indeed too reckless this time. I hope you can at least let us know, so that we can also be mentally prepared for us.” At this time, Saeko also spoke earnestly to Li. Yalin said.

“I see, isn’t it a special situation this time, but this time I’ve gained a lot, I’ll tell you a lot…” Next, Li Yalin took it after meeting Elf Goddess Pokky I told the story again, this time there are many problems that have not been understood before are already clear.

“It turned out to be the case, but since it is the case, there are still some things that have not been understood. Where did these Undead troops appear? Since this Elf Goddess said that there is barrier protection on the continent, any People can’t get in and out, so there shouldn’t be so many Undead skeletons on the continent to allow Necromancer to summon. Let’s not mention the Low-Level Skeleton Warriors. Those Seventh Rank’s Evil Spirit Knight and Saint Rank’s Bone Dragon are both. Where did it come from? Can there really be so many Giant Skeleton Dragon and High-Level Knight corpses on the continent?” Saya was analyzing at this time, and after the analysis, Saya’s eyes were fixed on Li Yalin Don’t let it go.

“It’s useless for you to look at me, I forgot to ask.” Li Yalin touched his nose, but what he said made the girls almost fall.

“Forget it, if you haven’t asked, then don’t ask, but now that the matter has developed to this point, then we should all be more cautious.” Faced with Li Yalin’s answer, Saya had no choice but to Some helpless sigh.

“Haha, confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth, when the time comes.” Li Yalin awkwardly smiled, and then led everyone out of the room.

“Yalin, you finally came out. If you don’t come out again, I guess these girls will die in desperation.” After Li Yalin and the others walked out of the room, Queen Catherine outside the room was slightly sighed in relief, After learning that Li Yalin was going to meet Elf Goddess, the women burst into a terrifying breath in an instant, which made Catherine, the Elf Queen of Saint Rank, feel very heart palpitations.

“I make you worry, Aunt Catherine.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, then comforted Lynn and Rose beside Queen Catherine with a comforting look.

Now that the talk is over, Elf Goddess has also met. There is no sign of Undead Race activity now, and as long as something unexpected happens, Li Yalin and the others can Teleportation back to Elves Forest immediately. , So now everyone can safely return to Milley Kingdom.

But when Li Yalin and the others set foot on Teleportation, Queen Catherine was still a little reluctant. Although she didn’t get along for a long time, Queen Catherine was very happy with everyone, and she also They are very reluctant to Lynn, but Li Yalin and the others have their own business, and they cannot stay in Elves Forest for a long time. Even if they are reluctant, they still have to leave in the end.

After returning to Milley Royal Capital, Li Yalin entire group returned home directly. After yesterday’s battle, everyone was somewhat tired. But just after returning home, Nina told Li Yalin that Angy and Tyr had come separately yesterday afternoon and this morning, saying that they had something to look for Li Yalin. After learning that Li Yalin had something to go out, both of them left their contact information, hoping that Li Yalin would go to them when they came back.

“Does Angy still have Tyr?” Li Yalin looked at the two addresses in his hand. These two people should come to Li Yalin’s for the previous goods. After returning to Milley Royal Capital, Angy has already prepared Li Yalin’s Demon Core, ore and amethyst coins worth more than 50 million gold coins. Looking at it now, the preparations should be complete. As for Tyr, this should be the last shipment that has been delivered. It seems that Li Yalin can enrich his Evolved Space again.

After looking at the two addresses, Li Yalin decided to go to Angy first. The address Angy gave was Milley Capital City’s Mercenary Guild. Just go there and you can find Angy. But since he came to Milley Royal Capital, Li Yalin has not been to Mercenary Guild. He seems to be a Mercenary, but this Mercenary is indeed a bit incompetent.

After talking to the girls, Li Yalin alone came to Mercenary Guild’s Milley headquarters. After coming here, Li Yalin discovered that Mercenary Guild here is much larger than Kaka Town’s, and it is indeed the Milley headquarters. , Whether it is area decoration or personnel, it is not comparable to the branch of a trifling town.

Raising his foot into the Mercenary Guild, Li Yalin found that there are not a few Mercenary here. After all, such a big Milley Royal Capital, the daily Quest is also indispensable, although Milley Capital City’s all around does not have any Demon Beast. Kill, but Quests from Milley across the country and even the entire continent can be seen here, but some Quests are simply not what these ordinary Mercenary can complete.

Looking at the Quest bulletin board on the guild, a whole row of unlimited S-Rank Quests made ordinary Mercenary discouraged, and the next A-Rank Quests are only those of large Mercenary Groups. I would choose to give it a try and look at those Quests below C-Rank. This is the field that a small Mercenary Group or a slightly more powerful Mercenary can set foot in.

However, after watching the so-called S-Rank Quest, Li Yalin couldn’t help but want to laugh. What about exploring Divine Forbidden Land and capturing Saint Rank Demon Beast? The most interesting one is actually getting Pope’s Scepter, I really don’t know what strength Mercenary Guild has, and even dare to release this kind of Quest. Isn’t this obviously hitting Church in the face? Isn’t Mercenary Guild afraid that Church will fly into a rage out of humiliation?

Although there are not many Mercenary Guild’s Mercenaries at this time, almost all of them are on the notice board in the viewer’s lobby. After looking around, Li Yalin came to the guild’s service desk.

“Hello, what can I do for you?” Standing at the front desk is a young girl who is about 18-19 years old. In other words, the service attitude here is very good, and you can see that, The little girl in front of me has received very professional training. The movements and smiles are very classy, ​​just like a waiter selling goods in a shopping mall.

“Hello, I’m here to find someone, I don’t know if Angy is there?” Li Yalin asked directly to the other party without talking nonsense.

“Are you looking for Young Lady Angy? She is working upstairs. I don’t know what you are looking for with her? I can tell it for you.” The little girl was looking for Angy and directed at Li Yalin just smiled sweetly. Although outsiders don’t know much about it, the insiders of the guild know that Angy is the only daughter of the guild president, so it’s equivalent to Mercenary Guild’s little Princess. Naturally, that little Princess’s friend Don’t neglect.

“I am Angy’s friend, my name is Li Yalin, you just need to tell Angy my name.” Li Yalin nodded, said with a smile.

“Okay, I see, please wait a moment.” The little girl at the service desk gave a slight salute, and then walked out of the service desk and headed upstairs.

“I said, buddy, did you hear that? Necromancer has appeared again, and now the whole continent is full of people were alarmed, for fear that one day my home will become Undead’s old nest.” Just in Li Yalin While waiting for Angy, Mercenary A moved towards Mercenary B, who was sitting on the table beside him, said.

“You’re all old news. I heard that a large number of Undead troops went to attack Elves Forest recently. I don’t know what is going on now, but I heard that Church is going to send troops to assist Elves Race. The relationship between Elf Race and Church is not so close. We don’t know what is going on.” Mercenary B disdained Mercenary A’s news, and then he gave out the latest news.

“Really? Undead attacked Elves Forest? Those elves like flowers and jade MM, it’s wasted!” Mercenary A started to hear, and then he couldn’t help shaking his head and sighing. The guy is a wolf friend, he only knows to follow the wizard MM.

“That’s still false, or it’s going to be messed up on the continent. If Elf Race is taken down, then we may decide which race is next! Maybe the next one is our Milley Kingdom! “Mercenary B also shook his head and sighed, but this guy is still a bit worried, much better than the guy who only knows beautiful women.

“Who would say no, now this world, let people not live.” At this time Mercenary A is no longer YY, it seems that this Undead incident has caused the entire continent to be born. There was a big earthquake.

“Big Brother Yalin, you are here!” Just when Li Yalin was about to continue listening, Angy’s voice had already been heard. After learning that Li Yalin had arrived, Angy seemed very excited. , Trot all the way to Li Yalin’s side.

“Well, I’m back.” Li Yalin smiled and touched Angy, who was panting from running, but this move caused an uproar among the Mercenaries present.

“Who is this guy? I dare to touch Young Lady Angy’s hair?”

“I’m going to kill this guy, this guy dares to defile my Goddess!”

“Why? My Young Lady Angy! As long as you call, I will definitely save you right away!”

Thank you for wanting to read this good book, I have a fate for no fate, Xing Xing’s memory Rewards.

Speaking of clicking the ticket or something………… I still want it. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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