“hee hee, okay, anyway, I have nothing to do now, and I also miss the elder sisters…” Angy didn’t say the rest, but Li Yalin naturally understood that Angy had agreed.

Just when Li Yalin was pulling Angy to go home together, an accident happened. At this time, the entrance of the Mercenary Guild was surrounded by people, not even one drop of water can pass through. Take a closer look. It turned out that it was Antoine, who was kicked out of the gate by Li Yalin before, leading a bunch of people around the door, and moved towards Mercenary Guild yelled to hand over Li Yalin.

“Hand over the guy in the white cloak, or I will level your Mercenary Guild!” The arrogant young Mercenary was shouting at the Mercenary Guild’s door at this time, and the one who was confronting him It is Mercenary Guild’s staff, the atmosphere of both sides with swords drawn and bows bent, as long as there is a slight error, they will start their hands.

“Antoine, you must understand, this is the Mercenary Guild, not your Blood Fiend Mercenary Group’s old nest, you must know the consequences of doing this!” At this time, a slightly older man on the guild side looked serious Said to Antoine.

“I know very well what I am doing. I have lost such a big person for the first time in the continent for so many years. If I don’t get this face back, then how will Antoine face me in the future? Brothers? Hand over that youngster, I can assume that nothing happened today.” Antoine’s expression is very gloomy, it seems that Li Yalin’s kick just hit him hard.

“For whatever reason, you are now damaging our entire Mercenary Guild’s face, and your face has been recovered. Then how can we Mercenary Guild gain a foothold on the continent? Antoine, I warn you , Don’t refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit!” didn’t expect Mercenary Guild One side was very strong, facing the threat of hundreds of people on Antoine’s side, it did not regress in the slightest.

“I can’t take care of that many now! Heavenly Wind Continent is so big, I don’t believe that I can starve to death without you Mercenary Guild. Now anyway, my face is the most important thing!” What Li Yalin thinks This guy seemed to be looking for faults deliberately.

“If this is the case, we won’t have to talk about it, let’s see the real chapter!” The elderly man headed by Mercenary Guild was lightly sighed, and then took out the long sword behind him. , Made a defensive posture.

“hehe, since you are not on the road, then don’t blame me for being impolite!” Antoine smiled, and moved towards the Mercenaries behind him made an offensive gesture, but Judging from the situation, Mercenary Guild has fallen into a considerable crisis. After all, there are only more than 20 members in the guild, which also includes the little girl standing in front of the service desk just now. And those Mercenary who watched the excitement simply couldn’t refer to them. They were not even the strength of the Third Rank, and going up was dead.

“Stop it for me!” At the crucial moment, a voice suddenly came from the Mercenary Guild, stopping everyone who was about to fight, and everyone turned their heads. When I saw it, I realized that the protagonist who started the battle had appeared at this time.

Li Yalin knew that if he didn’t play again, Mercenary Guild would definitely be hit hard. Even if the elderly man in the lead was good, he almost reached Sixth Rank Peak, but he was bloody on the face. All of the Mercenaries have reached Fourth Rank, and some even reached Fifth Rank and Sixth Rank. It seems that these should be the entire High-Level battle strength of Blood Fiend Mercenary Group’s. It can be seen that this Antoine’s does not exist. What a good idea, even if there is no such thing as Li Yalin, it is estimated that he would use an excuse to trouble Mercenary Guild’s.

“Haha, the protagonist has appeared. Boy, today is your bad luck! Take it!” After seeing Li Yalin and Angy appear, Antoine Haha laughed, and then the Mercenaries behind him turned out to be They all took out a handful of Arbalests, and hundreds of them were directed at Li Yalin, Angy, and Mercenary Guild’s. Just after Antoine’s gave an order, hundreds of Arbalest shot crossbow arrows at the same time.

At this time, the crossbow arrow’s launch distance is less than 20 meters away from everyone. If this is the case, everyone will simply not be able to defend effectively, but at this time Li Yalin suddenly appeared in front of everyone. As soon as Li Yalin raised his hand, a protective wall gleaming with white golden light suddenly appeared, blocking all the Blood Fiend Mercenary Group’s crossbow arrows.

“Who the hell are you?” Originally thought that this wave of attacks would cause heavy casualties to the opponent, but Li Yalin unexpectedly showed an amazing defense. At this time, Antoine’s eyes shrank. Seeing Li Yalin kicking himself out, and thinking that he is a Warrior Class, he didn’t expect the other party to show the Magic Shield again. What is the origin of this guy? How come you have never heard of such a person in Milley Royal Capital?

“I am your Uncle!” Li Yalin slightly smiled, then appeared behind Antoine’s instantly, and kicked him to the ground with one kick. Li Yalin’s foot is not light, even if Antoine has the strength of Sixth Rank, but without any preparation or defense, Antoine’s face is already full of blood on the hard ground.

“You guy, shoot an arrow! Shoot him to death!” Seeing Antoine’s miserable appearance, the arrogant Mercenary panicked for a while. At this time, he was very nervous and directed the Mercenaries to shoot at Li Yalin. I have long forgotten that crossbow arrows pose no threat to simply Li Yalin.

“Although you don’t know what conspiracy you have, please don’t treat everyone as fools. You don’t think about it for such an obvious excuse? Forget it, I’m not in the mood to kill you either, Angy, these You guys will leave it to the Mercenary Guild.” Li Yalin simply ignored the crossbow arrows that flew over. Instead, he leaned down and punched Antoine, but this fist was not an ordinary punch. The force has completely destroyed the meridian in Antoine’s body.

After stunned Antoine, Li Yalin turned around again. At this time, hundreds of Arrows had gathered in front of him, all of which fell down on the Holy Protection Wall. There is no mercy for these accomplices, Li Yalin. The five fingers of his left hand and several lightning bolts all the Mercenary down. These bad luck guys are just like Antoine. They are all meridians who have been discarded. It’s a bit difficult to move.

Of course, if these guys accept Dark Clan’s Secret Technique like Ruze, they may still appear in front of Li Yalin’s alive, but if Dark Clan really dares to fight against Li Yalin, then Li Yalin Wouldn’t mind smashing to the end with each other.

“Big Brother Yalin!” Seeing Li Yalin, he smoothed out these faulty Mercenary very easily. Angy swooped into Li Yalin’s arms. At this time, Angy was quite proud and hugged. Li Yalin’s arms showed off like people all around.

“Okay, Angy, like a little child, these guys are left to you. As for the Blood Fiend Mercenary Group’s surviving members, I believe you will do it too, right?” Li Yalin touched Angy’s hair, but the Mercenaries on the side at this time all bow their heads and dare not speak anymore. Who calls Li Yalin strong! Even the Blood Fiend Mercenary Group of A-Rank is not an opponent, so I should be my little Mercenary safely.

“I understand, Big Brother Yalin will leave it to me.” Angy patted her chest very confidently, and then she walked to the elderly man and told him After a few sentences, he pulled Li Yalin away from Mercenary Guild.

“Is it all done?” Walking on Milley Capital City’s main street, Li Yalin asked Angy with a smile.

“Well, the matter here is left to the Chief-In-Charge of the guild. As for what the Blood Fiend Mercenary Group’s does, my father will personally come forward. I think they simply did it this time. Prepared for it, it is entirely a conspiracy against Mercenary Guild’s. Father will conduct a thorough investigation to see who is behind the scenes.” Angy nodded, it seems that she also sees some of the profound mystery.

“Yeah, my appearance is just to give them an excuse. Forget it, let’s not mention them, while it’s still early, let’s go to Big Brother Tyr again. It just so happened that the last shipment from his side was also delivered.” At this time, Li Yalin looked at the sky, and then proposed to Angy.

“Okay, anyway, I am now booking Big Brother Yalin.” Regarding Li Yalin’s proposal, Angy naturally agreed. As long as she can be with Li Yalin, she is already very satisfied.

Tyr gave Li Yalin’s address as Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce in Milley Kingdom’s branch. The outer layer of this branch is a Magic Item store. After explaining his intention to the store clerk, the clerk will Li Yalin And Angy guided the back door of the store. After entering through the back door, there was a very wide yard and building inside. It really feels like a place of charm and beauty.

“Didn’t expect Brother Yalin, did you come pretty fast, how is it? Have your business been done?” Not too long after the clerk went in to inform, Tyr was already laughing Hehe Came out of it.

“Well, I heard Nina say that Big Brother Tyr is looking for me. No, I found Angy and rushed over.” Li Yalin also replied with a smile.

“It turned out to be Young Lady Angy. It’s really long time no see, but Brother Yalin, you really are… Only after seeing a beautiful woman can you think of my big brother.” Although Tyr’s laughed like that It’s hearty, but why does Li Yalin always feel such a bit of resentment in Tyr’s words?

“Long time no see Mr. Tyr.” Although he is not very familiar with Tyr, Angy greets him politely. After all, Tyr is also a friend of Li Yalin’s, but the strange Angy in Tyr’s words is natural It can also be heard, so when looking at Tyr’s, Angy’s eyes flashed a little.

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