“Okay, Asami has done his best!” Li Yalin smiled and touched Asami’s short hair. The longer you stay with Asami, the more you will find that Asami is like a little child, and they often need Li Yalin. The care of Asami’s, especially after having Li Yalin’s dependence, it should be said that Li Yalin and Miyu are all Asami’s.

“Yes, Elder Sister Asami is also very difficult to deal with!” The women also comforted Asami by everyone talking at once, saying that Asami’s current strength is indeed good, at least in the near future. The physical attack is countable among the women, especially in the aspect of boxing.

“Since the second pass has been successfully passed, let’s move towards the third pass!” Although it is a pity that the Earth Exploding Ape Beast’s Saint Rank Demon Core of self-destruct, but the first Exploding Ape Beast’s Demon Core is still complete, so Li Yalin’s harvest is not bad. After the second pass came to an end, Li Yalin opened the door to the third pass.

After coming to the third pass, Li Yalin and the others completely understood why Earth Exploding Ape Beast is living near the volcano. It turns out that the entire third pass is made of lava. Watching that roll One after another bubble pops out of the lava from time to time, as if it can swallow the entire world.

“What’s this? It’s not that simple, let us pass, right?” Li Yalin looked at the entrance of the fourth pass in the distance, and said in disbelief. There is a reason why Li Yalin said so. Although there is no road connection between the two sides, it is easy to pass through this lava. But since that many Demon Beast has appeared in the second pass, it is now impossible in the third pass. Can you pass easily?

“No strange breath was found.” After perceiving the third pass, Galatea didn’t notice anything strange.

“Anyway, everyone must stay vigilant!” After Li Yalin exhorted everyone, he unfolded Seraph’s Wings and flew over Lava. Although it is very hot, there are no other abnormal phenomena, and the entrance of the fourth pass is only less than one kilometer away from Li Yalin. As long as Li Yalin is a single thought, you can fly there in an instant.

After seeing Li Yalin without any accident, everyone spread their wings, or used Wind Element Magic to fly into the air, moving towards the fourth pass, but at this moment, the accident happened Up.

As everyone was flying, a fiery-red creature suddenly appeared in the lava. Its speed was quite fast. In Headmaster Wendy’s eyes, it was just a red shadow flashing. The target of this fiery-red creature is Headmaster Helen.

All this happened very quickly, but because Li Yalin was always on alert, Li Yalin had already discovered something was wrong when the opponent showed up. Just when the opponent flew towards Helen, Li Yalin has teleported to Headmaster Helen. In addition to covering himself with the Holy Protection Wall, Ragnarok also appeared in Li Yalin’s hands.

This fiery-red guy is not very big, probably only about one meter tall, and he is thin, but his strength is amazing. When Li Yalin resisted the opponent’s attack, He actually took a step back to stabilize his figure. From this, it can be seen how amazing this small thing within the body contains.

After Li Yalin blocked this guy’s attack, this fiery-red creature showed his appearance in front of everyone. It turned out to be a fiery-red monkey, but it was different from ordinary monkeys. What’s more, the hair on this monkey’s body is all made up of Flame, and the body is also covered with various patterns of patterns, all of which are made up of different shades of red.

“This guy is called Fire Melting Monkey. He is a Saint Rank High-Level Demon Beast of pure Fire Element. He lives in lava and is completely immune to Fire Element Magic. Moreover, this guy has a grumpy temper and is quite strong. As long as he violates his territory, he will be madly hit by the other party. I am afraid that we violated his territory just now!” Rei who started Exploring Unknown Existence quickly explained.

“che, shit’s territorial consciousness, I don’t believe that this air belongs to your family!” Li Yalin curled his lips in disdain, raising his Ragnarok to be a Jab, dozens of shots shot all It hit the Fire Melting Monkey on the opposite side and made a sound of ding ding dong dong. This sound sounded very strange, just like the sound of two weapons colliding.

It turned out that at the same time Li Yalin shot, Fire Melting Monkey used his own weapon like Li Yalin. Fire Melting Monkey’s weapon is very peculiar, because that’s his tail, this guy The tail of the Fire Melting Monkey is almost like steel, and Li Yalin’s Ragnarok did not cause any damage to the tail of the Fire Melting Monkey at all.

“It’s a bit of a doorway, what about it!” Seeing that his attack did not cause any harm to this little one, Li Yalin’s mouth showed a sullen smile, and then Li Yalin long spear continued Jab, and Li Yalin’s Each strike is accompanied by the power of lightning. Gradually, more and more lightning condensed in the air, and gradually formed a big net, and Fire Melting Monkey was struggling to resist Li Yalin’s attack and did not pay attention to this lightning. Wang, but when he noticed it, it was already too late.

Just when Li Yalin was fighting with Fire Melting Monkey, Saber and Saeko had led the girls and Headmaster and they moved towards the fourth pass entrance quickly, except for Li Yalin and In addition to the Fire Melting Monkey, there is only the intertwined lightning network. After arranging the lightning in the sky, Li Yalin immediately teleported to the beautiful women, and the air grid was under the control of Li Yalin’s The aggregation is carried out, and Fire Melting Monkey is completely networked in it.

“Bye bye, you are having fun by yourself, we will leave first!” Li Yalin smiled and waved his hand to the Fire Melting Monkey in the air, then turned around and prepared to go to the fourth pass, but just At this moment, the Fire Melting Monkey in the air was very mournful scream, and then a somersault plunged into the rolling lava.

“What’s this? Suicide performance? This guy seems to fall into the lava without drowning?” After hearing the sound, Li Yalin turned his head and took a look, then moved towards Rei beside him. I made a joke, but before Rei could answer, a huge silhouette suddenly appeared above the lava.

“Beware, everyone!” After seeing the huge silhouette that appeared in front of him, Saber first protected Li Yalin, and then ordered everyone to be on alert. This silhouette is completely different from the previous Fire Melting Monkey. , Judging from that violent appearance, the other party is definitely not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead.

“I said Toria, I’m not so delicate, am I?” Saber, who was protecting himself in an instant, lit up Li Yalin’s face with a wry smile, although it was a sudden situation, but Saber is a little too make a fuss about nothing, right?

“Sorry, I’m a bit sensitive.” Saber also saw that he was a little too nervous. Even so, Saber still looked cautiously at the huge Demon Beast that suddenly appeared in front of him.

“This is…” Li Yalin was taken aback for a while when the huge silhouette of the other party was fully presented in front of everyone. This guy is simply the upgraded version of the Fire Melting Monkey! Except that it has been enlarged many times, the expression has become more fierce, and the body has become stronger. It is exactly the same as the previous Fire Melting Monkey.

“This is the Fire Melting Monkey after the raging. After the Fire Melting Monkey’s anger reaches a critical point, it will begin to burst out and become Raging Flame Fusing Fire Monkey, at this time Fire Melting The Monkey will become irrational, only knowing to destroy the immediate target, and its anger will also cause the eruption of lava!” At this time, Shizuka is responsible for the explanation. After Shizuka finished speaking, it seemed to be in cooperation with Shizuka’s lines. At that time, the lava began to roll violently, a path of lava column soared into the sky, forming a gorgeous Rei’s red firework in the sky.

“Why don’t I just say, monkeys… will transform most!” Li Yalin muttered dissatisfied, saying that he has no ability to transform, but he glanced at everyone After that, Li Yalin’s eyes were fixed on Flame Lion Snowflake.

“What are you going to do? I tell you, don’t hit my mind!” Looking at the eyes of Li Yalin harboring malicious intentions, Snowflake stepped back again and again, hiding directly behind Saber, a little scared. Li Yalin said, it seems that Snowflake is very afraid of Li Yalin.

“Snowflake obedient, aren’t you also the Demon Beast of Flame Element? Show my big brother a look!” Li Yalin looked like I was a weird uncle and said to Snowflake with a smile.

“I won’t transform, I will never!” Snowflake denied it again and again. Seeing her like that, she almost burst into tears.

“Okay, Yalin, don’t tease Snowflake. If you have this time, you might as well think about how to deal with this Raging Flame Fusing Fire Monkey.” At this time Saber finally couldn’t see it, he was knocking. After a glance at Li Yalin’s head, some helplessly said.

“Well, I’m not here to ease the tension!” After Li Yalin finished speaking unconvincingly, he dashed forward, moved towards the still roaring Raging Flame Fusing Fire Monkey rushed over.

“Dead monkey, come and die!” After Li Yalin loudly roared, Ragnarok in his hand issued a powerful attack-Anger of the Sound of Thunder, which was caused by Lightning Attack and Lightning Rage Although the combined skills are not the strongest skills, after the addition of Zeus God Cloth, their power really cannot be underestimated.

Facing the lightning attacked by Li Yalin, Raging Flame Fusing Fire Monkey didn’t mean to evade in the slightest. From its hands, suddenly countless lava Flame appeared in front of Fire Melting Monkey. A lava wall was formed. After the collision of lightning and lava, there was no explosion. Instead, it froze in mid-air. Li Yalin increased his power attack on one side, while Raging Flame Fusing Fire Monkey increased his defense on the other side. Energy, neither giving way to the other in a moment, started a fierce and protracted battle.

Three changes are sent…For those who want to subscribe…(To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading! )

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