Since only the building full of evil aura was found in this desert, Li Yalin decided to target that building for the time being, and all his staff started to move forward. After all, there are only so many clues now.

Walking in this hot desert is a pain for Arania, Vivian and many Ice and Snow Kingdom’s teachers. They have never walked in such a hot desert. Headmaster Helen is not bad, and the strength is not bad. She has already opened up a Magic Shield of Water Element. It looks refreshing in this Magic Shield, but it requires continuous consumption of Magic Power. The strength is only Fourth Rank Fifth. Rank’s Arania and the others simply couldn’t achieve this kind of continuous consumption for a long time.

For this kind of problem, Li Yalin is also a little helpless. I can’t let Li Yalin open the shield to maintain consumption, right? After thinking for a while, Li Yalin had an idea, took out several bottles of Magic Power Potion from Evolved Space and sent them to Arania and the others.

“You can solve the problem of opening the shield yourself. If you don’t have Magic Power, drink a bottle. Continuously releasing Magic Power can be regarded as a special training!” Li Yalin is not disappointed. Responsible said.

“Is this the potion that can restore Magic Power? How can we accept such a precious thing?” Arania quickly declined. Arania also knows that it was on Tanni Kingdom’s auction last time. Was robbed crazy.

“It’s okay, you can drink it boldly!” Li Yalin said nonchalantly, saying that he had the most potion in the Evolved Space, the past few days because of the rebellion and the Elf Race incident. , Li Yalin and the women killed at least hundreds of thousands of enemies. This is a very staggering number. Although they are all Undead or Legion soldiers who are controlled, they are Low-Level or Middle- There are still a lot of Level potions, which can be said to be piled up. If Evolved Space had no capacity limit, Li Yalin would have taken it out a long time ago.

“Well, thank you Schoolmate Yalin.” Arania looked at the Magic Power Potion in her hand, and then at Li Yalin. At last there was a hint of red on her face, and then she lowered her head. Down.

“Thank you, it’s just a trivial matter.” Li Yalin didn’t care about this, but the women on the side had already seen the way. Only Li Yalin was carefree about everything. I didn’t see it.

In this desert, Earth Academy’s Headmaster and the teachers are the most fascinating. They are like returning home. After all, the desert in Desert Empire is the most. These guys grew up in the desert, and of course they are very used to it.

And for this kind of hot weather, Headmaster Dwight and their Magic Fire Academy’s teachers are also very adaptable. Although Andra Kingdom and Ice and Snow Kingdom are neighbors, the climate and geography are completely different. It is very rare for you to find a rainy day in Andra Kingdom, where the climate is dry and hot, and it is difficult for ordinary persons to adapt to it. It is very strange that the people of Andra Kingdom’s are very adaptable to this living environment. The animals and plants there are also the same. They are still alive and moisturized in a water-scarce environment. This has to be said to be a big mystery. .

But Galan Academy, Phoenix Dance Academy’s people and Rose are very uncomfortable with this kind of weather, especially Sally, who is the lowest in strength, has now started on the verge of collapse. For this situation, Li Yalin can’t just sit back and watch. Galan and Phoenix Dance Academy’s guys Li Yalin can ignore it, but Sally, Lynn and Angy are different.

In fact, if you don’t want to be hot, Li Yalin’s has many methods, but few are suitable for the current situation. Finally, after thinking about it for a while, Li Yalin summoned four waters from Evolved Space. Element, four Ice Element. The Water Element and Ice Element of Li Yalin summon are quite different from the image in the game. They are not like a snake girl in the game, which makes people look a little nauseous.

The image of Water Element is somewhat similar to that of a young girl, with a medium figure and watery blue skin. She looks very gentle and moving, and has a gentle feeling like flowing water. Although it is not the highest beauty, it is soft and beautiful. The name “Water Element” is worthy of the girl. The Ice Element looks more mature than the Water Element. It has the feeling of Onee-san, the skin is deep blue, and the beautiful face also has a sense of coldness and determination.

Just when Water Element and Ice Element were played by summon, the teachers and students of Icebound Academy headed by Headmaster Helen were all stared wide-eyed, looking at these eight unknown creatures from their bodies. You can clearly feel the pure elemental fluctuations, and there is no trace of impurities at all, which is simply incredible.

“Schoolmate Yalin, I don’t know what these eight creatures from your summon are?” At this time, Headmaster Helen could not bear his excitement, and trot all the way to Li Yalin’s side. Some Gasping for breath asked Li Yalin, but Headmaster Helen did understand a lot of knowledge. Even if Water Element and Ice Element have the appearance of human beings, Headmaster Helen did not regard them as Demi-Human, but used the word biological to describe them. they.

“Water Element and Ice Element, don’t you use them often?” Li Yalin was a little puzzled when he heard this question from Headmaster Helen. It seems that Water Element Magic also has summon Water Element this move, right? ? Although Li Yalin himself has not used it.

“Water Element and Ice Element? This is impossible! Our summon Water Element is like this!” After Headmaster Helen showed an incredible expression, he quickly summoned a Water Element. This Water Element is probably Only more than one meter tall, simply not in human form. The twisted and slanted ones are just like those made with plasticine, and the body that is formed has a lot of impurities, which is quite different from the Water Element produced by Li Yalin summon.

“I have never seen such a pure Water Element, it is like the purest source of water.” Stroking Li Yalin’s Water Element, Headmaster Helen said obsessively.

Helen, as a beautiful Headmaster, is now stroking the Water Element in the image of a beautiful girl with fascination. He looks like a lily that can be seen from a distance and is not playful, but if you touch If the Headmaster Helen of Water Element is not Headmaster Helen but the other old man Headmasters, Li Yalin definitely kicked it without saying a word.

Li Yalin summon did not produce these Water Element and Ice Element for everyone to watch. I saw that under Li Yalin’s command, the Water Element quickly opened the water curtain of a path of, and The Ice Elements exuded bursts of cold air, and the hot temperature all around dropped rapidly.

Speaking of Conflux’s Unit, Little Elf with the lowest strength, not to mention for the time being, the three elements, Water Element and Fire Element, all have Fourth Rank High-Level strength, although they are nominally equal The ranks are different, but in terms of overall strength, the three elements are actually comparable. After all, they are elements of mutual restraint.

Thunder Element, Ice Element and Fire Element have reached Fifth Rank. Like Earth Element, although it is slightly inferior to Rock Element, it is actually not much different from the game. It is also very different.

“Elder Brother Yalin, you are so amazing, now I am not hot at all!” Under the water curtain of the Water Element, Sally quickly regained his vitality. At this time, Sally was pulling Acting like a baby with Li Yalin’s hands.

“Okay, Sally, I will spoil you Elder Brother Yalin as soon as you recover.” Rose on the side petted Sally’s head. Although Rose was a little uncomfortable just now, she was better than Sally. Shao, seeing Sally’s groggy look made Rose’s distressed. Now that Sally has recovered, Rose is naturally very happy.

“I didn’t mess with Elder Brother Yalin!” Sally pouted, and said unconvincingly.

“Yes, yeah, Sally didn’t mess with me at all, it just caused me a little trouble!” Li Yalin also smiled and stroked Sally’s hair, the first sentence Sally sounded very happy, but after Li Yalin finished the second sentence, Sally pouted again and ran into Yuriko’s arms to act like a baby.

“Really, like a little child.” Rose shook the head, looking at the lively Sally in Yuriko’s arms, and finally couldn’t help but pffft laughed.

“But is this also the characteristic of Sally’s? If it weren’t for Sally like this, I would be a little uncomfortable, but Elder Sister Rose, you really look like a good wife and mother.” Li Yalin nodded, but After saying this, Rose’s face turned red all of a sudden, and he even stuttered a bit.

“What… a good wife and mother… I’m not that good yet…” Rose waved his hands again and again.

“Elder Sister Rose, don’t worry, just talk slowly.” Li Yalin smiled and said jokingly.

“Really, it really teases the elder sister.” Rose gave Li Yalin a bit complaining, but the blush on his face did not diminish in the slightest.

“Elder Sister Rose, I have something to ask you, I hope you can answer seriously, it is related to our future.” At this moment, Li Yalin suddenly looked at Li seriously. Yalin, although his voice was not loud, it sounded like a thunder in Rose’s ears.

“I…I…our future?” Rose’s stammered again, and his face was getting redder.

“Yes, this matter is very serious. It is related to your and my future. I hope you can consider it carefully and give me an answer.” Li Yalin nodded, actually in Ice and Snow Goddess After knowing some of his own knowledge, Li Yalin felt that it was time for Rose and the others to get to know themselves.

“Well then, younger brother, please tell me, I will definitely consider it carefully.” After seeing Li Yalin’s expression has been serious, Rose also took a few deep breaths and calmed down.

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