It’s not easy. This large dinner is finally over. Since even the Drilling Armor Beast family has invited to dinner, it’s not the same to let Headmaster Wendy and the old fogey do it, so Li Yalin fortunately increased the weight tonight. Li Yalin mobilized all the cooking women like Saeko, Rei, Yuriko, Ikaros, but it took a long time to satisfy this group of big stomach kings.

The headache for Li Yalin is that Headmaster Wendy and Headmaster Dwight old fogey carefully licked all the dishes after dinner, which made Li Yalin directly use it. Throwing away all of his plates, it was disgusting, and I didn’t look at how old I was, I actually did such a shameful thing.

After dinner, Li Yalin was pulled aside by Rose and the others. Today’s affairs must be made clear. Of course, Sally, Lynn, and Angy are naturally on the top of the audience. They are also parties.

“That’s it, you can get these benefits after signing a contract with me, but the price is forever to be with me, now you choose it yourself.” Li Yalin will contract with me I explained the good and the bad to everyone, and then let them choose for themselves.

“Does this need to be said? I have already made a choice, of course I am with you! After this time I go back, I will persuade Royal Father to marry another princess, and try to get him as soon as possible Give birth to a Milley Kingdom’s heir!” Rose said very firmly.

“Yes, Schley and I were originally orphans. Milley Academy’s things are nothing at worst. There are no more teachers than the two of us, and the two of us are a lot less. We are not worried. , It’s just right to be with the younger brother!” Orfina and Schley looked at each other and smiled. They had already discussed this, but Headmaster Wendy would cry when he heard Orfina’s words? You must know that the faculty of Milley Academy’s has not had fresh blood for a long time, and the absence of Orfina and Schley must be a big loss.

“It’s okay for me, Leiden Family has a big brother inherited. Besides, Elder Brother Yalin said that he can come back!” Sally immediately followed nodded, as long as she is with Li Yalin, she is What will not care.

“I…I want to be with Big Brother Lin…but I’m going back to report mother and Her Highness the Goddess, I hope Elves Ancient Tree can give birth to another heir…” Lynn’s said Some hesitations, the contract with Li Yalin is not trivial. Lynn’s also shoulders the responsibility of inheritance Elf Race. It would be a bad idea if the queen of Elf Race loses gear on Lynn.

“Well, Elf Goddess where I will go and tell her, Lynn, don’t worry.” Li Yalin fully understands Lynn’s heart, when the time comes Li Yalin will personally communicate with Elf Goddess .

“I also don’t have a problem. Although my father is just my daughter, it is difficult to inherit Mercenary Guild’s as a woman. Let this trouble be given to my father. I still like it. Be with Big Brother Lin.” Although Angy was a little shy when she said this, her tone was unusually firm.

“Very good, so we can forever be together!” After listening to everyone’s words, Li Yalin jumped up very happily. Although Lynn is still a bit troublesome, Li Yalin is confident that Get it done.

“Look at how stupid you are.” Seeing Li Yalin’s smile from ear to ear, Schley couldn’t help but nod Li Yalin’s nose.

“Well, now that everyone has agreed, let’s start contracting, but Lynn, are you contracting with me now or telling Elf Goddess and your mother that we will contract again?” At this time Li Yalin asked Lynn again.

“I…now I’m going to contract with Big Brother Lin!” Lynn hesitated a little and then replied affirmatively to Li Yalin: “Mother and Her Highness the Goddess I’ll tell them later…”

“Well, this is the so-called boarding first and then making up the ticket! Haha…” After listening to Lynn’s words, Li Yalin was even more happy, even There was a bit of speaking without careful diction, which made all the six women present blush.

“What does it mean to get on the train first and then make up the ticket? You brat explained it clearly to me!” Orfina pulled Li Yalin’s ear and stopped letting go, which made Li Yalin begging for mercy.

“Voice slip, absolute slip of the tongue! I’m not too happy!” Li Yalin rubbed his ears and said with a bit of complaint, and immediately Li Yalin sorted out his mood and started talking to the crowd. The women conduct a contract.

The contract went very smoothly, but the next Class Change made Li Yalin difficult. Because it stands to reason that the Class in «Wind Fantasy 3» is very suitable for everyone, but a closer look is somewhat inappropriate.

Let’s take Rose and Schley as an example. If they are two Class Change, it is definitely not Swordman or Berserker. After all, the two girls are not Knight Class, and they are not good at using long spear, Martial Saint and Assassin. Not to mention. However, the route taken by the two women now is neither Swordman’s lightness nor Berserker’s recklessness, but a unique big opening and closing of Heavenly Wind Continent, which is somewhat similar to the combination of Swordman and Berserker, so it would be a little bad. chosen.

Orfina, Sally, and Angy are even more depressed. Forbidden Spell Mage, a BT class, needless to say. No one wants to be okay with a summon Skeleton or a Dark Apostle to play, but Holy Spirit The words of the Master are not specializing in one department. Sally and Orfina as Water Element Mage Fortunately, after all, Holy Spirit Master knows how to play Ice Element Magic. Icebound Spell and Blizzard are also considered powerful Magic, but Angy as Wind Element Mage is a complete tragic. No matter it is Forbidden Spell Mage or Holy Spirit Master, there is no Wind Element Magic at all, which makes Angy quite depressed.

And Lynn, if you say that Lynn’s Class is a good choice, it must be Hunter, but Hunter is too tasteless. Several attack skills are boring, not to mention, attack power and attack The range is not that strong. Especially the practice of animal training and what Demon Beast captures, what did Lynn do to capture Demon Beast? Increasing your own strength is the kingly way, Li Yalin that many Heroes of Might and Magic army is waiting there, do you need Lynn to catch Demon Beast?

After Li Yalin and the six girls studied for a long time, everyone finally finalized the Class Change. Rose and Schley all chose the dark Holy Knight. This is actually a somewhat helpless choice, but Holy Knight is indeed the best choice for Rose and Schley. As for Barbarian. Rose and Schley don’t have such a good voice, and the skills of Shout-type are not nothing serious, they need to be really shouted.

And Sally and Orfina chose Dark Mage. Although they still need to be proficient in the three-line Magic, in general, the Mage Class is indeed more suitable for two women than the Holy Spirit Master. In particular, Mage’s Teleportation can also give The two women added some life-saving tricks.

But Angy is more embarrassing. Even Mage in the dark does not have the skills of Wind Element. The only thing with Wind Element skills belongs to the Druid class, but even so, Druid’s Wind Element skills are also pitiful, and the fight that can be transformed into a bear or Werewolf is indeed a big blow for Angy. So in the end, after thinking about it, Angy chose Priest, which is the same as Class Change and Li Yalin, although this Class is not related to Wind Element skills.

In the end, Lynn chose Class Change. The class is the same as Li Yalin. They are Amazon female Warriors in the dark. Lynn, who is proficient in bow and arrow, has long liked this class. Before Li Yalin used Amazon’s bow and arrow skills. At that time, Lynn was already envious. Now if there is a chance for Class Change, Lynn will naturally not miss it.

After all the class changes of the girls are completed, Li Yalin will naturally prepare suitable equipment for everyone. Since everyone’s strength is not very high, Li Yalin did not bring out the best equipment. . This is not Li Yalin’s stingy. If the strength is insufficient, the original power of the equipment will simply not be exerted. Even if it is barely worn, it is just a cumbersome. This is like the level restriction in the game, but even if it is realistic There is no limit in the game, but insufficient capacity will also affect performance.

Li Yalin also feels a little helpless about this, but there is no better way. Except for Orfina and Schley, everyone’s rank is basically around Third Rank, and even Sally only has Second Rank. High-Level strength, this kind of strength is absolutely impossible to leveling in this kind of place. After coming to this foreign space, the lowest-level Demon Beast Li Yalin they met was Rock Ice Beast and Desert Violent Insect, and they all have their own secrets of survival, which shows how terrifying this space is. Up.

Nevertheless, Li Yalin still wants to improve the strength of a few beautiful women as soon as possible. Now there are two methods before Li Yalin. The first is from Trails in the Sky’s Magic Orbment on equipment, as long as After adding Quartz to the equipment, Magic can be displayed as long as it costs Sepith, and Quartz can also increase the User’s attribute to a certain extent.

And the second method is to give everyone the Kämpfer Bracelet drawn from the previous Lottery Exchange on equipment, as long as you put on the bracelet and become a Kämpfer Warrior, in addition to greatly improving User’s ability, you can also attach weapons. Or Magic Skill, can be considered a good method.

After comparing the two methods, Li Yalin finally decided to bring Kämpfer Bracelet to everyone. After all, increasing your own strength is the kingly way. If you rely on Orbment to use Magic, it will indeed be for everyone. The growth brings some dependence, so let’s talk about this Magic Orbment later.

After making up his mind, Li Yalin took out the nine Kämpfer Bracelets from the Evolved Space.

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