I saw that the eight atomic balls in front of the eight girls gradually merged into one, forming a huge atomic ball. Finally, Saeko, the strongest among the women, led the ball, and moved towards Demon City Lord’s direction. past.

Actually, Demon City Lord is not without discovering the actions of the girls, but now he has nothing to do. He only has to destroy them one by one, so as to have a glimmer of survival, but everyone’s atomic blasting Directly and completely broke the situation on the court.

Although the atomic blasting ball does not seem to be big, it is full of power. After hitting the Demon City Lord, it has an extinguishing blasting effect. This power is even next to Li Yalin. They have all been affected, not to mention the Demon City Lord who was directly hit.

The blow that Saeko and the others issued at this time is almost comparable to the Supreme High-Level full strength attack. Everyone should know that Saeko and the others have only just reached Saint Rank for a short time, then if Saeko Do they reach Supreme Rank or God Rank? This atomic blast is definitely the biggest killer.

After the smoke and dust from the extinguishing blasting gradually dissipated, the Demon City Lord who appeared in front of Li Yalin had been blown off one arm and two legs, even the left side of his head. The horns were blown in half, and the tragic appearance made the women laugh, and Li Yalin even laughed out loud.

“Haha, good job!” Li Yalin laughed, and moved towards the women admiringly, but at this moment, Demon City Lord’s appeared very powerful again. Dark Aura, and the injured parts of his body have gradually healed, which makes Li Yalin and the others startled.

“Don’t give him time to recover. If you let him continue like this, he will definitely recover completely.” Suddenly, Ice and Snow Goddess’ voice appeared in everyone’s ears. After hearing the words of Ice and Snow Goddess’, Li Yalin immediately reacted. Moving towards Demon City Lord was a blow to Brilliant Cold Honor Shot. Unexpectedly, Brilliant Cold Honor Shot was originally intended to be used as a harassment. At this time, dozens of wounds were exploded on Demon City Lord’s.

“This guy was the weakest when he was recovering, everyone took this opportunity to do it!” After Li Yalin yelled, all the women moved their strongest blow Towards Demon City Lord threw it over, and the Demon City Lord was overwhelmed by everyone’s various skills in an instant.

Because everyone’s skills are different, the explosion caused by the mixing of elements even blows up the ceiling of the entire main hall. At this time, Rose and the others have already evacuated from the City of Hell’s main. Hall, only Li Yalin is left, they are still in Ikaros’ absolute defense circle, and they are not affected by the explosion.

“No…impossible…” After the element exploded, the Demon City Lord hadn’t died yet, but even if he wasn’t dead, this guy was not far from the lunch box, just a breath. The dark energy on his body has also dimmed almost imperceptibly. At this time, the Demon City Lord was looking at Li Yalin and the others with incredible eyes. In his eyes, he was clearly the powerhouse of Ninth Rank High-Level. Why was he killed by these Eight Rank guys?

“Nothing is impossible, but before that, tell me where is the Magic Gem in this area? Obediently and honestly tell me, I will give you a happy one too.” Li Yalin stepped forward and said.

“Magic Gem? What is that? I don’t know!” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, the Demon City Lord unexpectedly came to ask three questions, saying that he died without telling the whereabouts of Magic Gem. , I don’t know when I ask.

“I said Her Highness Adria, should you tell us what to do next?” Now time is running out, I don’t need Galatea, even Li Yalin can feel it. Then, the entire City of Hell has been mobilized, countless Seventh Rank and even Eight Rank Demon have moved towards the main hall. If you don’t solve this soon, then you have to face it. There was a group battle.

“The Magic Gem should be on his body, or in his Spatial Ring. Even if he is a Ninth Rank High-Level powerhouse, he does not have the ability to open up space independently.” Ice and Snow Goddess I also felt the City of Hell’s commotion, and quickly replied with her.

“Since this is the case, he is useless!” After Li Yalin listened, Burning Angel Spear lifted up instantly. This guy is a Supreme High-Level powerhouse. Just kill this guy. He can definitely be promoted to the Supreme Low-Level, but Saber and himself are both Saint Rank Peak’s strengths, so who is going to kill this guy?

“Wait…Don’t kill me, I said…I will tell you what I know!” At this moment, Demon City Lord didn’t have the dignity of being a powerhouse at all, so he was busy Begged for mercy.

“Are you a dead duck with a hard-mouthed mouth? Why don’t you speak of which now?” Li Yalin looked at the Demon City Lord with interest, but for his words, Li Yalin was not at all I don’t believe it. Whoever believes Demon is an idiot, but Li Yalin is more interested in what lies this guy intends to make up to deal with him.

“Magic Gem I have! It’s just not on my body, but let me hide in my treasure chest!” Demon City Lord repeatedly nodded and said with a bow, but at this time this guy His energy plummeted, and his physical strength had already bottomed out. It was basically impossible to support his huge body. Because of the fierce a nod, this guy lay directly on the ground. The huge smoke and dust produced after the huge body collided with the ground. Li Yalin’s eyes were blocked.

At this moment, the Demon City Lord actually gathered a little bit of Power of Darkness that he had left, and moved towards Li Yalin issued his last move-Dark Night Curse, no matter what the opponent is Who, as long as he is hit by this trick, he will suffer the pain of the heart, and this pain will continue, as long as the victim dies.

I saw a black light flashing by, and Li Yalin’s complexion turned pale in an instant. This is also something Li Yalin was careless about. I originally thought this guy had no resistance, but didn’t Expect this guy even kept his last hand.

“Do you think this little thing can hurt me?” Although the heart hurts like a knife cut, Li Yalin smiled and said to the Demon City Lord. Li Yalin, a Priest Naturally, it is clear that this is a curse. Since it is a curse, Li Yalin can’t be troubled. I saw a pair of huge golden energy wings appear behind Li Yalin’s. With a golden light flashing by, Li Yalin’s Archangel’s Kiss has already played It worked.

“Impossible…My Dark Night Curse has never failed!” Demon City Lord said with an incredible expression.

“Have you never heard the saying that everything is possible? Forget it, Toria, both of us will kill him at the same time, when the time comes, it depends on luck who can upgrade!” After taking a look at the Demon City Lord, Li Yalin turned around and said to Saber.

“Well then, let’s come together.” After looking at the Demon City Lord and then at Li Yalin, Saber originally planned to refuse, but when he saw Li Yalin’s eyes that could not be denied After that, Saber only nodded agreed.

“No…don’t kill me!” Seeing Li Yalin and Saber approaching gradually, the Demon City Lord backed away, but after realizing that he really had no chance of surviving, the Demon City Lord finally began to be disordered. The dark energy in my body intends to use self-destruct to pull a few backs.

Li Yalin, who has had this kind of experience for a long time, will let the other party succeed. When the Demon City Lord is still disturbing the energy, Li Yalin and Saber have launched their own attacks earlier. Li Yalin’s new move-Thunderclap Rupture Spear and Saber’s plasma light speed sword hit the Demon City Lord together, causing the opponent to be submerged in countless flashing gun shadows and sword shadows in an instant.

After the Demon City Lord was killed, this guy’s body began to gradually dissipate. After his body disappeared completely, besides his weapon, there was an earth-yellow that remained in place. The Magic Gem is really traveling far and wide looking for something only to return and find it easily. The Magic Gem that I originally planned to spend some time looking for has now appeared directly. I have to say that this is a surprise.

And just after the Demon City Lord was killed, a Teleportation Gate in the main hall suddenly opened. If you look out the door from here, there should be the entrance to the third pass—that’s A cyan sea.

What I want to explain here is that after completing the kill, Li Yalin and Saber were upgraded at the same time. Maybe Demon City Lord’s experience is huge enough, maybe because Li Yalin and Saber themselves have accumulated That’s enough experience. Maybe it’s for two reasons. In short, both of them have become Ninth Rank Low-Level Supreme, so that there are three Supreme Experts in the Li Yalin’s team, and The number of Saint Rank High-Level is also not a few, such as Astraea and Riful, they are also about to reach the strength of Saint Rank Peak.

“You go to the third pass first, I have something to do here!” After a little bit of the power of the upgrade, Li Yalin asked everyone to go to the third pass and wait, and he wanted to destroy this evil The City of Hell.

“Anyway, I will be by your side.” At this time Saber came to Li Yalin’s side and said to Li Yalin with a smile.

“Let’s not go, let’s go together!” The women also said in unison.

“Why, I’m not going to be heroic, I just want to see if there are any good things here.” Li Yalin shrugged a little helplessly, although seeing everyone’s heart is indeed I’m very happy, but I’m not going to die, why are you so tragic?

“It turned out to be like this, so why do you have a calm expression on your face?” When Saya’s heard Li Yalin say this, Saya’s rolled his eyes at Li Yalin.

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