When the entire volcano started to move, Li Yalin had already released the Green Dragon and carried everyone into the air. At this time, the lava in the entire volcano began to surging out, and there was also A circular halo. Looking from the air, the halo emerging from the lava is hollow and transparent, with countless Magic inscriptions attached to it. After the halo rises to a certain level, the halo begins to transform into a translucent Teleportation Gate After Li Yalin observed it carefully, he determined that the other side of the Teleportation Gate should be the Deep Sea Forbidden Territory.

“My Highness the Goddess, is this Teleportation Gate a quasi-trust!” Although 80% has been determined in his heart, Li Yalin still has to get the most accurate answer from Ice and Snow Goddess, just in case If this is not the Teleportation Gate leading to the Deep Sea Forbidden Territory, wouldn’t Li Yalin waste a lot of time?

“Well, this Teleportation Gate is indeed correct.” After confirming it, Ice and Snow Goddess gave Li Yalin an affirmative answer. Just after Ice and Snow Goddess confirmed, Li Yalin They rushed into the Teleportation Gate first, and the Green Dragons followed closely from behind. Just after the last Green Dragon passed the Teleportation Gate, Li Yalin and the Teleportation Gate behind them suddenly disappeared.

“It’s worthy of the Deep Sea Forbidden Territory, it’s really in the deep sea.” After passing the Teleportation Gate, Li Yalin carefully observed the all around environment, and immediately Li Yalin uttered a sound Sound of admiration.

Now Li Yalin and the others are in the deep sea. Because of the support of the barrier on their heads, there is not a trace of sea water poured in. Looking up from their heads, they can see the deep blue sea. It is indeed far from the sea, so only a faint light can be seen from here, and nothing else can be seen clearly.

“Of course, but you have to be careful, there are a lot of deep-sea Demon Beasts here.” At this time Ice and Snow Goddess’ voice rang again, she is really everywhere.

At this time, Li Yalin and the others are in front of a wide and straight avenue, which also shows that Li Yalin and the others have only this way to choose. They can have twenty if they follow this avenue. Minutes later, Li Yalin and the others saw a building. To be precise, it was a semi-artificial nest. It was rough and simple, and it didn’t match the delicate ground.

“This isn’t another Demon Beast’s lair, right? I am really tired of this road.” Li Yalin said depressed looking at the lair in front of him.

“Unfortunately, you really guessed it right. There really is a Demon Beast inside, and it’s still a very huge one.” After sensing the situation in the lair, Galatea made it A look of sadness.

“I know, it’s really depressing, when will it end? It’s only the third area, and there are three remaining areas! Either you meet Demon Beast or Demon, can you give I have a new look?” Li Yalin said frantically.

“Don’t worry, the Demon Beast here is guaranteed to keep you fresh!” At this moment, Ice and Snow Goddess suddenly said very playfully, but as long as Ice and Snow Goddess issued this Voice, Li Yalin knew that nothing good had happened.

Sure enough, Ice and Snow Goddess’ tone barely fell. From a nest not far away, a huge red Demon Beast was drilled. This red Demon Beast is as tall as May 04. It was rice, and its body length was over ten meters. After Li Yalin took a closer look, he discovered that this Demon Beast turned out to be a huge lobster.

“Damn! Such a big lobster must be very enjoyable to eat.” Originally, Li Yalin still had some resentment. Why did he always meet Demon Beast, but after seeing this big lobster, Li Yalin said These resentments are all polished, but whether the lobster should be steamed or fried? Otherwise, do both, there must be a lot of lobster meat in it anyway.

“Vise Dragon Scale Shrimp, a very dangerous deep sea one of the Demon Beasts, can survive on land. It belongs to the carnivorous Demon Beast, but it has a mild temper. As long as it does not invade its enemies, Then it won’t make any response.” As soon as the giant lobster appeared, Saya had already explained it first.

“No matter what kind of shrimp it is, it’s going to be an extra meal tonight.” Li Yalin laughed, but after hearing what Li Yalin said, Saber’s in the eyes immediately released dazzling rays of light.

“Actually, I don’t care, but since Yalin has said so, the main thing is to ensure the integrity of this guy first. I think I will deal with it.” Saber looked around all around After that, he said immediately, it seems that Li Yalin’s addition to the meal has already made Saber’s heart beat.

“Hehe, don’t worry, in addition to this big lobster, there are guests moved towards here.” Before everyone could speak, Galatea had already said with a smile. Perceived, at least three Demon Beasts moved towards Li Yalin in their direction.

“Are there any reinforcements? If this is the case, Yuriko Aunt, take Elder Sister Rose and them back for a while.” After hearing Galatea’s words, Li Yalin immediately moved towards Yuriko and said.

“Understood, you have to be careful.” After Yuriko nodded slightly, he took Rose and the others out of the battlefield temporarily, and Rose and the others, who already have experience in this area, are naturally very Skillfully began to retreat, but while retreating, everyone glanced worriedly at Li Yalin and the others who were preparing to fight.

Unsurprisingly, this big lobster named Vise Dragon Scale Shrimp did not attack Li Yalin and the others. Instead, after waving a few pliers, he stood quietly in front of his lair. Is this guy waiting for rescue? Or is it another purpose?

Just as Li Yalin and the others were wondering, the opponent’s reinforcements had already arrived, but after seeing the opponent’s reinforcements, Li Yalin was even happier, because the other three reinforcements turned out to be one. Crabs, an octopus and a squid, although some wonder why octopus and squid can survive in such a waterless environment so leisurely, but Li Yalin thinks more about eating seafood tonight It’s a big meal.

“Yalin, they are all delicious food, right.” Looking at Li Yalin with bright eyes, Saber asked quickly.

“Not only are they delicious, my craftsmanship will definitely maximize their taste!” Li Yalin said very confidently, and after Li Yalin finished speaking, Saber’s expression immediately It became serious.

“Since this is the case, I have even more reason to eliminate these Demon Beasts, but please be careful and use melee weapons to meet the enemy as much as possible. Do not use Fire Element and Dark Element Magic. “After speaking, Saber rushed towards the other party first moved towards.

“Since Toria has said so, let’s go on.” After Li Yalin glanced at each other, a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. As long as it was about food, Saber Always rush to the forefront.

Just after Saber rushed over, Li Yalin, Saeko and Astraea, which are good at close combat, followed closely from behind. At this time, the most powerful Li Yalin picked the giant blue crab. According to Saya’s explanation, this guy’s name seems to be called the Flying Crab Crab, Wind and Fire Double Element Magic Pet, and he is also very good at close combat. Don’t look at this guy when he walks unhindered in general, if you really make it anxious If not, this big crab can also run upright.

At this time, Saeko, Rei, and Astraea have already met the azure-white squid, and Saya is behind it for remote support. The name of this squid is Profound Ice Squid King. As the name suggests, this guy is good at Ice Element Magic, and the ink it spit is also very troublesome. This ink is not only black in color, but even contains some corrosive toxins. But Saeko and Rei are quite a headache.

The last red giant octopus confronts Ikaros, Asami and Miyu. The remote supporter is Rika who is good at sniping, but this giant octopus named Deep Sea Overlord is not so easy. It can even be said that it is the most difficult to deal with among the four deep-sea Demon Beasts, which can be heard from its name.

Just after Saber’s Excalibur collided with the Vise Dragon Scale Shrimp’s vise, a fierce battle storm formed on the originally empty field, although Saber’s rank was higher than Saint Rank. Level’s Vise Dragon Scale Shrimp is higher than Level 1, but facing this Saber’s Excalibur, this big lobster did not fall in the slightest, because Excalibur did not cause any damage to this guy’s pliers at all, which made Saber Slightly startled.

At this time, Li Yalin is more relaxed. Although this big crab is the Demon Beast of Feng Shui two elements, Li Yalin’s Lightning Magic is exceptionally powerful. Now Li Yalin has completely restrained Xiang. The empty claw crab, I believe that victory is only a matter of time that’s all.

Saeko and the others can be considered relaxed. Although they are still lively dragon and animated tiger after leaving the sea, they are marine creatures after all. If they leave the sea, they will still reduce some of their battle strength. The black ice squid is only in the Ink with toxins was sprayed continuously, but all the ink was blocked by Astraea’s Aegis-L, and in this gap, Saeko and Rei’s attack would cause serious damage to the squid.

But when the camera turns to Ikaros and the others, the situation is not so optimistic. Normal octopuses have eight tentacles, but this Deep Sea Overlord has dozens of huge ones. The tentacles, and the suction cup on the tentacles also has a very powerful suction force, which can suck its opponents over, which is quite a headache. Not only that, but the giant octopus’s regeneration ability is also terrifying. After cutting off one of its tentacles, it can recover in just three seconds. It is even stronger than Xiaoqiang. It is no wonder Ikaros and the others are in a hard fight. Up.

Thanks to SABERALTER, Jian Linghuan, Asura Fighting God, Seven Realms Wuhen, and the memory of Star Swarf. I really want to see this good book for rewards.

Today, my grandma was hospitalized and was busy for a long time. The past few days is estimated to be even busier. It seems that the saved manuscripts have been saved, but two changes a day are still necessary…( To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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