“Hehe, we have nothing to do with this matter. It just brings up a topic. These are the words from Ikaros and the others. These children really like you in their hearts. You can’t let them down. “Yuriko covered his mouth and chuckled for a while, then touched Ikaros’ hair and said very softly.

“Of course, didn’t I say, we will forever be together.” Li Yalin also touched Nymph and Astraea beside her, the tenderness on her face almost made both girls melted.

“Aiya, it’s really sweet, but Schoolmate Yalin, you haven’t heard it yet, don’t you want to know what you are in the hearts of Yuriko and Rika?” At this time, HeadMaster Christo said to Li Yalin with a playful look.

“Why did it involve us again?” Just after Christo said, a blush flashed across Yuriko’s face, not only Yuriko, but also Rika and Shizuka.

“Then I’m really interested, Yuriko Aunt, just talk about it.” Li Yalin asked Yuriko with interest.

“This…it’s not too early, everyone should get up and pack up and move on. I don’t want to waste time here.” Yuriko stood up in a panic, then moved towards Saya. Their tent ran away, and Shizuka and Rika on the side did the same, with a blush on their faces, stood up and left where they were, which made Li Yalin very puzzled.

“What’s the matter with them?” Li Yalin asked Christo and Helen with a look of surprise.

“You need to ask them yourself, some things can’t be said from our mouth.” Headmaster Helen crafty smiled, which made Li Yalin even more confused.

“Master…actually…” Ikaros wanted to say something, but Nymph on the side immediately grabbed Ikaros and prevented her from speaking. After being grabbed, Ikaros wanted to say something again. Stop, but in the end she still didn’t say anything.

“Forget it, when the time comes, I will ask myself, since Helen and HeadMaster Christo have said so, then some things must be discussed separately, Ikaros, you don’t need to say. “Looking at the tangled look on Ikaros’ face, Li Yalin touched her hair and did not let her continue. Hearing Li Yalin’s words, Ikaros’ face immediately showed a sense of relief. It seems that just now Her pressure is really great.

Under the urging of Yuriko and the others, everyone quickly woke up. After a night’s rest, everyone’s physical strength was fully restored. After breakfast, a new day’s journey began again. .

It was another morning, Li Yalin and the others finally left the deep and dark cave tunnel. At this time, they had reached a very wide and huge cave, which is hard to imagine. There is a huge cave of Gundam nearly 30 meters under the ground, and the air here is very fresh, and the smell of moisture made Li Yalin immediately affirm that there is a wealth of water here, which is completely different from the previous tunnel.

“Everyone, be careful, it’s not safe here.” Li Yalin warned everyone carefully. From the fresh air, you can feel that there are definitely vents to the outside world, and vents. It was directly above the cave, but looking up, there was nothing but blackness.

Enough fresh air, abundant water, huge space. With these three alone, it is completely conceivable that this is definitely the best place for Demon Beast to inhabit. In this cruel Fierce Poisonous Worm-hole, if you want to take this kind of territory as your own , Then the strength of this Demon Beast entrenched here can be imagined.

Why don’t you just say it’s a coincidence? Just after Li Yalin told everyone, Galatea’s sensed that several breaths were rapidly advancing in the direction of Li Yalin and the others. .

“Everyone is on alert!” After receiving this news, Li Yalin immediately defended everyone from The Organization. At this time, Li Yalin can also detect it. It is indeed four very powerful auras, which are very fast. It’s time to get here.

In less than 3 minutes, the entire cave began to shake violently. The stalactites on the cave broke apart. Fortunately, everyone’s skills are good, and all the stalactites that fell down Everyone dodged them.

“What kind of Demon Beast is it?” Looking at the cave like a big earthquake, Saya said in disbelief.

“It’s definitely not a good stubble. Everyone pays attention. These guys came from underground. The earthquake just now was caused when they passed through the underground.” After a closer inspection, Galatea hurriedly yelled at everyone.

“Here!” After careful identification, the Burning Angel Spear in Li Yalin’s hand pierced directly into the ground, and the huge lightning force was guided into the ground along the Burning Angel Spear. During the game, Demon Beast, hidden underground, was forced out.

Only heard a loud bang, the Demon Beast hit by Li Yalin broke the ground. This Demon Beast was quite huge, and the powerful impact directly flew Li Yalin into the air. Looking at this Demon Beast again, I saw it was about three meters tall, with two tentacles growing on its head, and the barbs on it were as sharp as a knife. It was covered with fiery-red hard armor and six underneath. The sturdy foot is also full of sharp barbs, just like a heavily armed Warrior armed to the teeth.

As everyone’s attention was focused on Li Yalin, Christo and Helen suddenly appeared in their positions with the same Demon Beast, the impact produced by the breakthrough ground All the Warrior Mages on the same place as Christo and Helen were rushed into the air, and the Warriors were fine, but Helen and the Mages would suffer at this time. Even if they were resisted by the Magic Shield, The impact of falling in midair is not something these weak Mage can bear.

“Suck!” After Li Yalin muttered in the air, a Dimensional Jump passed by Teleportation. The impact just now did not cause any damage to Li Yalin. He just hovered in the air. .

Ikaros and Saber also acted in the same way as Li Yalin. Just after the opponent’s Demon Beast appeared, the two women had already acted. When everyone was knocked into the air, the two women had also flown into the air. In midair.

Christo and the Warriors don’t care for the time being, they can land on the ground independently without much harm, so Li Yalin directly Teleportation to Helen’s side and hugs her in his arms.

In addition to Headmaster Helen, the other three Icebound Academy’s water element teachers were also rescued by Ikaros and Saber. After Li Yalin sent Helen to the ground, Headmaster Helen blushed and pushed Li away. Yalin, this makes Li Yalin a little puzzled.

Now it’s not the time to worry about this. Just after Li Yalin and the others rescued Headmaster Helen and the others, two Demon Beasts of the same type popped up on the ground, and Saya was already on at this time. Exploring Unknown Existence tells everyone about Demon Beast.

“Flame Stink Bug Beast, the Demon Beast of fire and poison two elements, can eject strong Flame and poisonous smoke from the mouth, and there are poison glands behind it, which can release poison mist, the most important It’s this guy who still has the ability to fly, is extremely fast, and the carapace behind it is very hard. It is a kind of Demon Beast that is quite difficult to deal with.”

“Is it Double Element Magic Pet again? Really annoying. The attribute.” After Li Yalin complained in a low voice, he put away the long spear, took out the Angel of Wisdom’s Golden Bow, drew out an Arrow and aimed it at the tallest Flame Stink Bug Beast. The freezing arrow shot past.

Faced with the freezing arrow shot by Li Yalin, this stinkbug keenly perceives the icy breath in it. Naturally, it hates this kind of restraint of the stinkbug, I saw Flame Stink Bug Beast has a big mouth, and a Flame with a diameter of more than one meter aimed at the freezing arrow and sprayed it over.

The two forces of the freezing arrow and Flame jet entangled together and launched a fierce collision. However, the freezing arrow obviously lacks the stamina, while the Flame jet has the continuous afterburner of the stinkbug, which was still there. The stalemate was quickly broken, and Flame of the Stinkbug began to slowly gain the upper hand.

Seeing this, Li Yalin quickly bend bow and place arrow, and two consecutive freezing arrows were added, and the flame of the other party was slowly pushed back. Under the strong pressure of the three freezing arrows, Flame’s jet gradually became weaker, and Flame Stink Bug Beast’s stamina began to be somewhat insufficient. At this moment, the remaining three Flame Stink Bug Beast suddenly squirted out Flame. After extinguishing all the three freezing arrows, not to mention, the four Flame fuse together formed a more powerful Flame, and the direction moved towards Li Yalin’s changed and sprayed in the past.

Meet force with force is not always Li Yalin’s style. Seeing four powerful Flame sprays over, Li Yalin dodges immediately, but just after evading Flame spray, it is slightly purple. The stench of smelt was filled in the air unexpectedly.

“It’s the poison mist of Flame Stink Bug Beast. Don’t inhale it, or you will be poisoned soon!” Saya hurriedly shouted at everyone, but it seemed that Saya was screaming late, just in With her tone barely fell, she has already fallen down two, and one of them is Tragic’s Old Fox Wendy.

After seeing someone being poisoned, Shizuka, who is a holy technique, immediately used the poison spell. After the splendor of spell dissipated, Headmaster Wendy and another Earth Academy’s instructor were confused and sober. Come here.

“This poisonous gas is very powerful, as long as a little bit is inhaled, it will cause people to coma. We have to find a way to dispel this poison mist, otherwise it will cause us a lot of trouble!” Saya is very worried! Said to Li Yalin.

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