Walking along this dark corridor, the feeling of coldness is getting stronger and stronger. Even Li Yalin and the Saint Rank Experts, who have reached the cold and heat guard, shivered unconsciously. This is not Ordinary coldness, this coldness is mixed with a complex Undead force. If ordinary human beings are invaded by this kind of coldness, they will be severely ill, but they will die. Sally who are still very weak, they have all been protected by the Holy Protection Wall, and even a group of Headmasters have already been protected by the Holy Protection Wall. Open all their Magic Shields, because they also feel very uncomfortable with this cold attack.

After walking for nearly half an hour, the Li Yalin entire group finally reached the end of the corridor, but at this time what appeared before them was a huge iron door, which was already rusted. The iron door opened automatically when Li Yalin stepped forward to open the iron door. After the iron door was slowly opened, Li Yalin and the others were all sucked in a cold breath.

“What’s the battlefield here?” Saya looked at the scene in front of him with a puzzled look, and said with great uncertainty.

“Even if it is not a battlefield, it is a huge cemetery.” Li Yalin said in amazement.

Behind this iron gate, there is an endless piece of Heaven and Earth. It should not belong to the interior of this building, but an Independent that appears inside the building like the City of Hell. Space or foreign space. And in this space, countless corpses fell to the ground, as if they had been through tens of thousands of years. All the corpses had been turned into dead bones, not to mention, the number of these bones was staggering. Not marginal.

“This is really spectacular. How many are there? Hundreds of thousands? Or millions?” Looking at the miserable scene in front of him, Headmaster Wendy sighed and made a pity The expression, Li Yalin couldn’t help but gave him a blank look.

“No matter how many there are, it has nothing to do with us. Have you finished watching? After watching, we will continue to set off.” After saying that, Li Yalin was the first to pass through the iron gate and enter this A world full of bones within the realm.

But just after Li Yalin stepped into this World with his forefoot, it seemed as if a signal was sent. The whole earth trembled, and then something surprising happened, the bones that fell on the ground. After shaking for a few times, all of them slowly stood up and became an ordinary First-Rank Skeleton Soldier, which was also mixed with some Second Rank Skeleton Warrior and Skeleton Archer. Although the individual strength is not strong, the number is small. It is astonishing that there are as many pictures as locusts.

“What’s going on?” Li Yalin said very surprised. Originally, these Skeletons didn’t have a trace of Undead. This Li Yalin is very certain, and just now, countless Undead breaths were injected In these Skeletons, how powerful is this to do this kind of thing? Supreme? God Rank? Or is it the Lord God Rank of Eleventh Rank? The huge sense of crisis has already rushed into Li Yalin’s mind at this time.

“I don’t know, but what is certain is that we are in trouble.” After Saber groaned, Excalibur was held tightly by her, but these weak Skeleton Soldiers were not enough. In order to make Saber so vigilant, it seems that what Li Yalin has considered, Saber has already thought of.

“Take one step as one step, but in this place, we must always have a direction, like a headless fly. This is not a good way.” Looking at this vast space , Li Yalin’s frowned.

“It’s okay, just walk forward along the gate, as long as you keep walking, you can reach the bottom of Death Abyss.” At this moment, Ice and Snow Goddess’ voice appeared, Ice and The appearance of Snow Goddess at this time is no less than a gospel, which can save Li Yalin and the others a lot of wrongdoing.

“Adria, you are awake, has your Spiritual Power recovered?” Li Yalin asked very concerned.

“Well, almost recovered, I knew you would definitely be stuck here, so I ran over before I fully recovered.” Ice and Snow Goddess said with a smile.

“That’s really many thanks. Since Adria has said so, then everyone is ready to go.” After all, Li Yalin has already summoned five Green Dragons from the Evolved Space. After coming out, facing this piece of Sea of ​​Skeleton, if you want to walk over it, it won’t be exhausting to everyone, so it’s safer to go through the air.

At this time, the Skeleton Soldiers on the opposite side stood up staggeringly, but did not launch an attack at Li Yalin and the others. Instead, they stood still and motionless and did not appear to have violated their territory. If they do, they will not launch an attack.

After all the Li Yalin entire group was on the back of Green Dragon, Green Dragon moved towards the bottom of Death Abyss with a wave of its wings. With the flying speed of Green Dragon, Li Yalin still After flying for nearly 30 minutes, I completely got rid of the Sea of ​​Skeleton. From this, we can see how many these Skeletons are.

But just when Li Yalin thought that he could fly to the bottom, the Green Dragons suddenly figured like a kite with a broken line. They all fell headlong, even with the people on their backs. All fell to the ground.

“What’s the matter? Is everyone hurt?” Li Yalin was taken aback by the suddenness, and when he reacted, he asked loudly.

Although this incident happened very suddenly, because the Green Dragons did not fly at full speed, and the altitude of the flight was not very fast, no one was seriously injured, but they were all It’s just scratches.

Under Shizuka’s treatment, everyone quickly recovered to the same level as before, but Li Yalin was wondering about it at this time, and found nothing abnormal? Why did Green Dragon suddenly come down? There is nothing wrong with Green Dragon.

“This should be the so-called forbidden flying area. If this is the case, your Giant Dragon will naturally not be able to fly anymore. Although I have heard that this Death Abyss has a forbidden flying area, didn’t Expect was really met by you.” At this time, Ice and Snow Goddess’ voice came again, but Li Yalin was full of black lines.

“Since you know this forbidden flying area, why didn’t you tell me?” Li Yalin asked very depressed.

“People don’t know where this forbidden flying area is. This forbidden flying area is invisible. Even I can’t detect it. And with my strength, the forbidden flying area is just for me. No effect, this thing seems to only have an effect on the strength below Saint Rank. After reaching the Supreme, you can ignore this forbidden flying area.” Ice and Snow Goddess said very aggrieved.

“Even so, you should tell me in advance, so I have no preparation.” Although I understand that this matter has nothing to do with Ice and Snow Goddess, Li Yalin Can’t help but complain.

“Okay Yalin, let’s not talk about it, we are already in trouble.” At this moment, Saeko tapped Li Yalin’s shoulder. When Li Yalin reacted, he found There have been quite a few zombies moved towards oneself and the others.

“What’s the matter? I just passed Skeleton’s territory, do zombies appear again?” Li Yalin smiled wryly, first Skeleton and then zombies, so what else is waiting for him next? Maybe the final BOSS is either the powerful Bone Dragon or Lich, or the top Undead creatures standing on the apex of the Undead Race pyramid.

“It’s just ordinary Second Rank zombies. The number is not very large. There are probably only hundreds. I felt it and found that the number of Undead Races here is not as exaggerated as the previous Sea of ​​Skeleton. This space is very All the Undead Races are scattered. Even if this is the so-called forbidden flying area, we can move from the ground.” After sensing, Galatea finally told everyone good news.

“In this case, it’s very good, it’s just the zombies of Second Rank, Elder Sister Rose, are you going to practice your hands?” After learning about the situation, Li Yalin finally let out a sigh of relief, and then she Turning his head again, they moved towards Rose and they asked.

“I want to practice! I want to practice! I will definitely perform well.” Before Rose could answer, Sally on the side immediately jumped to Li Yalin’s and hugged Li Yalin’s neck with excitement. , Said again and again acting like a baby.

“Okay, okay, let you practice. Although it is only the zombies of Second Rank, you should also be careful not to be careless.” After Li Yalin exhorted, he agreed. Sally’s request.

“Lynn, let’s do a good job this time!” After getting Li Yalin’s consent, Sally happily took Lynn’s hand and said, while Lynn blushed and looked at Li Yalin After that, he nodded hard and made up his mind secretly, must perform well in front of Li Yalin.

“Well, I’ll go up and try, these guys will leave it to us.” Rose nodded at this time, and then moved towards zombies and walked over.

“Wait for Schoolmate Yalin, you just let them pass? They only have the strength of Second-Third Rank. It is still difficult to deal with so many zombies?” At this moment , Headmaster Helen asked in surprise when he came to Li Yalin’s side.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let Elder Sister Rose take the risk.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, and then continued moving towards Rose and the others and looked in the direction.

Since Rose, Sally, and Lynn are already on the stage, Angy, Schley and Orfina have no action. They are just hundreds of zombies. If you have enough time, you can do it alone. Three of these disgusting guys have gone out now. If a lot of people go out, it won’t be very interesting.

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