“Haha, are you stupid? This is my proud work, for which I have collected tens of millions of souls! Isn’t it very artistic?” The three of them stared at their Divine as Li Yalin Artifact, God of Undead seemed very proud, but what he said shocked Li Yalin and the others.

Tens of millions of souls, what an amazing number, just to make two Divine Artifacts, so many souls need to be used, it is simply unforgivable, Li Yalin decided, Must completely destroy this God of Undead.

“Yalin, can you hear me? Hurry up and reply to me!” At this moment, someone in Evolved Space was contacting Li Yalin. It turned out to be Teresa. What did Teresa ask for at this time?

“What’s the matter with Teresa? We are very busy now.” Li Yalin quickly replied.

“I know you are in danger right now, send me out immediately, I can also help.” Teresa said.

“No, this time the opponent’s strength is beyond imagination, I will not let you take the risk.” Li Yalin immediately refused.

“It’s okay, you have to believe in my strength. Now I am very strong. Don’t look at you already with Supreme Low-Level strength, but you may not have beaten me.” Evolved Space Teresa among them chuckled lightly, and then immediately continued.

“Yes, Master, let Teresa play. Don’t worry, she will bring you unexpected surprises.” At this moment, Little Elf Feifei also came out to help, which made Li Yalin But I wonder. Although Li Yalin doesn’t understand Teresa’s true strength, no matter how strong it is, Teresa is impossible to reach Supreme. Why are these two people so confident?

“Well, although you are allowed to come out, but you have to do what you can. If you lose, I will send you back right away.” After Li Yalin groaned for a while, he agreed Teresa, but in the end Li Yalin still urged again and again.

“Understood, you are really long-winded.” Teresa slightly smiled. After Li Yalin summoned himself out, he immediately unfolded a pair of Seraph’s Wings. The scattered wings looked so beautiful. Now Teresa Just like a real Goddess, it is noble and elegant at the same time, but the smile on the corner of the mouth makes people feel her tenderness from the heart.

“When did you put on the Seraph’s Wings? Why didn’t I know?” Originally Li Yalin planned to catch Teresa, and then exchanged for a pair of Seraph’s Wings so that Teresa could fight in the air, didn’t expect Teresa actually had equipment on Seraph’s Wings a long time ago, which made Li Yalin a little puzzled.

“Feifei gave us the redemption, not only me, but the sisters have Seraph’s Wings. When the strength is not up to the standard, this kind of flying item is still very useful.” Teresa laughed and replied.

“It turned out to be Feifei redeemed it. That’s okay. I thought you still need to adapt to air combat, but now you can play directly!” It seems that Feifei is still very visionary, Li Yalin simply I didn’t think of this problem, just like Teresa and their melee class, they want to fly freely in the air with their own strength, and at least they need the strength above Supreme.

“How is it possible? How did you summon this person? No matter if you can summon your own Magic Pet, I can understand that you have Space for Pet Ring, but this is human, although Bloodline It is not so pure, but it should also belong to the category of non-summon. According to the law, as long as the Teleportation array is closed, no one or god can pass through the barrier and come to this space. Why does she appear here? It doesn’t exist in this space! Do you have the power to break through the law?” After Li Yalin summon came out of Teresa, Ice and Snow Goddess cried out incredibly.

“About this matter, it’s still a secret, I can’t tell you for the time being.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, Ice and Snow Goddess is impossible. He realized that he has an Evolved Space. Evolved Space is the same as Ice and Snow before. Goddess said Space for Pet Ring is very similar, but it is more High-Level, so Li Yalin can certainly bring Teresa summon out.

“Secret? Really stingy. Forget it, even if I keep on asking, you won’t necessarily tell me the truth. You can tell me when you can.” Ice and Snow Goddess’ voice was a bit wronged, But she also understands that everyone has their own secrets, and even if they are gods, they can and cannot ask.

“You have been annoying chirp chirp twitter twitter since just now! You dare to ignore me, I’m going to kill you!” At this moment, the opposite God of Undead felt that he had become a Passer -by B, this made him very dissatisfied with his strong self-esteem. After lifting the Undead Divine Sword in his hand, a Dao Accumulation containing the energy wave of the dead Spiritual Qi moved towards Li Yalin and attacked in their direction.

“Disperse!” If such a powerful energy wave was hit, it would be acceptable. After Li Yalin’s gave an order, the four of them immediately dispersed, and the energy wave was very fast. , Almost flew past Li Yalin.

“By the way, Teresa, catch this sword!” After avoiding the energy wave, Li Yalin suddenly thought that although Teresa’s current weapon Spatial Slash Sword is an Epic-Grade equipment, Facing the God of Undead, this sword didn’t play a big role, so Li Yalin quickly exchanged the one by one Divine Artifact-Wind Fantasy’s Phoenix Dance Sword, which is the only one-handed sword.

Li Yalin spent a lot of money to redeem this Wind Fantasy’s Phoenix Dance Sword, which cost a total of 10 million Energy Points. You must know that even summon Ikaros only cost 550 Energy Points. , But it’s worth the money. Wind Fantasy’s Phoenix Dance Sword is already a weapon of Divine Artifact High-Level. God of Undead’s Undead sword, which has just reached Divine Artifact level, is compared with Wind Fantasy’s Phoenix Dance Sword. It’s nothing.

“Good stuff.” Teresa’s eyes lit up after catching Wind Fantasy’s Phoenix Dance Sword. Although Spatial Slash Sword is a pretty good weapon, when compared with this sword, then It’s just a scum.

After closing his eyes tightly and squeezing the Divine Artifact in his hand, Teresa’s began to exude a Divine Might all over his body. Teresa, who originally seemed to have only Seventh Rank High-Level, now the imposing manner skyrocketed and soon surpassed it. I reached Saint Rank and reached Supreme. After reaching the Supreme High-Level Peak state, Teresa’s breath stopped growing. When Teresa’s eyes opened, a pair of golden eyes flashed with light, and then Teresa immediately disappeared in place. After she appeared, Teresa was already there. Behind God of Undead.

Wait until Teresa’s long sword stabbed out, God of Undead could be considered as a reaction. After panicly displaying a ghost shield to block Teresa, God of Undead quickly summoned seven Bone of Saint Rank. Dragon, intend to use them to resist Teresa’s attack.

But Teresa was not the only one in the air. Just after God of Undead summon exited the Bone Dragon, he was immediately hit by the Ikaros’ homing missile in the back. Although he did not suffer any damage, This is enough for God of Undead fly into a rage out of humiliation.

Although he was very angry, there is no time for him to think about it, because Saber’s lightning speed sword has already attacked God of Undead. Although Saber’s lightning speed sword is fast and powerful, but the defensive power of God of Undead’s ghost shield is amazing, Saber’s attacks are all absorbed by the shield.

“Haha, you can’t break my defense!” God of Undead is very proud at this time. What he is best at is not Undead summon Magic, but Undead Defense Magic. After many years of God of Undead With dedicated research, God of Undead can already turn the Undead collected by itself into a shield. When guarding against other people’s attacks, just consume the Undead collected by yourself. Li Yalin and the other one they encountered in Elves Forest The Undead defense used by Bone Dragon is actually given to it by the God of Undead.

“It’s the Undead shield again, this thing is really annoying!” After Li Yalin cursed, several Brilliant Star Strikes were thrown at God of Undead to deal with this Undead shield. , The best way is the light system Magic. Sure enough, after Brilliant Star Strike hit the Undead Shield, the Undead Shield wanted to be splashed with sulfuric acid and began to slowly melt. And God of Undead immediately increased the energy of the Undead shield after seeing things badly, and continued to replenish the Undead, which restored the Undead shield to its original shape.

“I can’t go on like this! Let me do it! Ex——Excalibur!” After seeing Li Yalin’s hit did not help much, Saber released Noble Phantasm’s real name, followed by a burst of light Afterwards, the Plasma Light Speed ​​Sword stabbed the Undead shield and released the real name. Noble Phantasm is very powerful. It is almost the same as Teresa’s Wind Fantasy’s Phoenix Dance Sword, even slightly higher. Thanks to Saber’s efforts, Excalibur finally After breaking through the Undead shield, the point of the sword pointed at God of Undead and pierced it.

If it were so simple to be hit by Saber, then this God of Undead would be a bit too rubbish. Just as Saber took the sword, God of Undead had disappeared in an instant. It made Saber’s sword fall to the ground, and even everyone present was taken aback.

“Don’t be in a daze. How can I say that he was once an Eleventh Rank powerhouse. Even if he is best at Undead Magic, he is still slightly involved with other Magic, this kind of low-level space. Moving is nothing to Stuart.” At this moment, Ice and Snow Goddess reminded.

“Adria, what’s the use of just talking about it? Why don’t you show up? Oh! I know, are you also sealed? Only Spiritual Power can come out? Haha, this is a pay for one Report!” At this moment, God of Undead suddenly appeared opposite Li Yalin’s. After hearing the words of Ice and Snow Goddess’, at first God of Undead was still a little puzzled, but then he thought of this probability. Judging from his expression, he is really happy. Does he hate Ice and Snow Goddess so much?

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