“Well, what you said makes sense.” After Ice and Snow Goddess finished speaking, Li Yalin thought that it was indeed a problem. When he first entered Death Abyss, Li Yalin had already been attacked once, although not I don’t know if God of Undead caused the ghost, but these Saint Rank Undeads have no less intelligence than humans. If the opponent prepares a sneak attack or cooperates with other Undeads to attack themselves, it is really a troublesome thing.

“Anyway, speed is the first priority, Galatea, please work hard and take care of the investigation work. If you find any changes in Undead Race, report it to me immediately!” Finally, Li Yalin lowered his mind. , It’s really not worth wasting time here, it’s better to focus on speed.

“Understood.” After Galatea nodded gave a gesture, Li Yalin and the others immediately got on the back of Green Dragon. Speed ​​moved towards the deepest part of Death Abyss.

I also want to talk about Teresa’s situation here. After the battle, Li Yalin did not send Teresa back to Evolved Space, but left her outside. In any case, the current Teresa is also a very powerful battle strength. With the release of 100% Yoki and the enhancement of Wind Fantasy’s Phoenix Dance Sword, Teresa can even reach the Supreme High-Level strength, even Li Yalin, Ikaros and others Saber is a bit inferior.

Since Teresa has stayed outside, it must be introduced. After all, Teresa appeared in front of everyone for the first time. Surprise is naturally unavoidable, but Headmaster Wendy is not much better. What did you ask, and Rose and the others were explained by Li Yalin.

The journey on this road is not bad, and there is no accident. With Galatea’s perception, some of the more powerful Saint Rank Undead territories have all been bypassed, and some ordinary Seventh Rank High The Undead of -Level or Saint Rank Low-Level was under the power of Li Yalin and the others, and they did not dare to attack without permission, so Li Yalin and the others quickly flew to the destination-the lowest level of Death Abyss.

“Is this the bottom layer? There is nothing special.” After Li Yalin jumped off Wyvern’s back, he went around a lot of the surrounding environment, except that he did not see Undead. Everything went as usual, and I didn’t feel anything special, and I didn’t find the whereabouts of the fifth Magic Gem, which Li Yalin was puzzled.

“Don’t worry, you’ll know soon.” Ice and Snow Goddess gave a playful smile, and then guided Li Yalin to a very unremarkable little dirt pit.

“What does this mean?” Li Yalin asked very puzzled.

“Use your light power to directly strike here, and then you will know.” Ice and Snow Goddess said very mysteriously.

“Mysterious…” After Li Yalin muttered to himself, he raised his hand and a Brilliant Star Strike shot out, hitting the small dirt hole, but after a hit, Xiaotu Apart from the dust that was blown up in the pit, nothing else happened, which made Li Yalin even more confused.

Just when Li Yalin wanted to ask what was going on, this unremarkable small dirt pit suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and as the light gradually dissipated, it appeared in Li What Yalin was in front of turned out to be a barrier formed by the power of light, and a fiery-red Magic Gem was floating in the barrier.

“In fact, the mechanism here must be activated with Light Strength, otherwise this Magic Gem will be sealed underground.” Ice and Snow Goddess explained this at this time.

“It’s really a weird mechanism.” After Li Yalin sighed, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the direction of the Magic Gem. The bright barrier did not resist Li Yalin’s idea at all. Li Yalin easily moved the Magic Gem. Hold it in your hand.

After Magic Gem left the light barrier, the Teleportation Gate to the Sixth Area opened. After moving towards everyone nodded, Li Yalin was the first to step into the Teleportation Gate.

After everyone came to the Sixth Area, they found that they could only see the high mountains. The Sixth Area is also a mountain range in addition to the mountain range. It can be said that this is composed of large and small mountain ranges.

“There are so many mountains here!” After Li Yalin looked at it for a while, he sighed for a while. Li Yalin had never seen so many mountains through childhood. This time it was true. Enough of sex.

“Of course, the Sixth Area is all made up of mountain ranges. You have to be careful here. This is not just a bare mountain range, but there are many villages and towns in the mountains. The races living here are very messy, Human Race, Dwarf, Elf, Beastman, and even Demon Race and God Race. It can be said to be a very complicated place.” At this moment, Ice and Snow Goddess’ voice rang. .

“Oh? According to what you mean, this is like a miniature of Heavenly Wind Continent’s?” After hearing this, Li Yalin asked with interest.

“Not only that, the situation here is more complicated. In addition to the villages and towns that are independent of each race, there are also many mixed towns, where there will be many races living together, but There are good and bad in these towns, and it’s not that simple.” Ice and Snow Goddess explained.

“There are good and evil? What does this mean?” Li Yalin asked in confusion.

“It means literally, there are good people and bad people in any race, some kind people, in order to avoid wars and struggles. The Organization has become an independent town and Ping City to resist evil forces. , And those evil villains have established the evil capital, where cruelty and violence are staged every day. These mixed towns are interspersed with various forces, and even the rights of ethnic forces are actually scattered, very Maybe the previous mountain range will be a small country, so I said that the form here is very complicated.” Ice and Snow Goddess continued to explain.

“It’s a bit complicated to hear you say that.” Li Yalin curled his lips. There are so many things in the big fart. I really don’t know the guys who live here. What do you think.

“Of course, not only that, but wars often break out here, and there will be some friction between each force, so the form will become more and more complicated.” Speaking of which, Ice and Snow Goddess gently sighed, she didn’t understand very much, why did these wars? Is it not good to live in peace? It is because of this perennial war that Ice and Snow Goddess dislikes Sixth Area very much. Although his body is here, Sixth Area Ice and Snow Goddess comes the least.

“If it is according to according to what you said, then there are some places that we cannot go to. For example, if the races that hate the Human Race, we need to take a detour. There is no need to get involved. This kind of meaningless war.” Li Yalin said after thinking for a while.

“Indeed, generally speaking Dwarf and elves are OK, but more Beastman and Demon Race are more hostile to humans. Beastmen Race is the faithful brother of Demon Race, and many Human Races are attached to Behind God Race, the war is basically on both sides.” Ice and Snow Goddess also agrees with Li Yalin’s.

What I want to explain here is that the so-called God Race and Demon Race are not gods and Demons in the conventional sense. To be precise, they belong to the servants of the gods and Demon. Their strength is not So powerful, except for some unique racial characteristics, God Race and Demon Race are actually almost the same as humans, but their physical fitness is much higher than that of ordinary humans, and they are also more talented in practice than ordinary humans. Human beings are much stronger.

Beyond the Heavenly Wind Continent’s barrier, there are other worlds, such as God Realm, Demon World, World of Undead, the natural world, and the independent world of Demon Beast. Before the Great War of Gods and Demons tens of thousands of years ago, these Worlds were all connected, so on Heavenly Wind Continent you can see a lot of races, these God Race and Demon Race can also be seen everywhere. But after the Great War of Gods and Demons, the gods and demons fell one after another, and the rest were driven out of Heavenly Wind Continent. These God Race and Demon Race also returned to God Realm and Demon World with their masters. So far, there is no information about Gods and Demons on the continent. Li Yalin has only seen things about these races in the Milley Academy’s library.

About the characteristics of God Race, that is, in the practice of Light Magic and Battle Aura, they have extraordinary talents. Generally speaking practice to Seventh Rank is very easy. As for God Race of Saint Rank Although few, but once they reach the Saint Rank, their backs will grow Angel wings. God Race cares about wings. I heard that the purest God Race even has golden wings. Of course this is just a legend. No one has ever seen a God Race with golden wings.

The characteristics of Demon Race are even more. In addition to the amazing talents of learning Dark Magic and Battle Aura, two small horns will grow on the head of Demon Race after birth, until it reaches Saint After Rank, Demon Wings and tails will continue to grow. Although they cannot become a real terrifying Demon, they can be regarded as an out-and-out Demon Race.

After recalling the data of the Gods and Demons, Li Yalin began to check the Quest in the Sixth Area. The sixth Magic Gem is located in a place called the Sealed Temple. Just get there to get the sixth Magic Gem. After the Gem, Li Yalin can complete the Quest. Thinking of this, Li Yalin’s face can’t help but show a smile.

“You still want to laugh, do you know where the sixth Magic Gem is?” Ice and Snow Goddess said irritably when he saw Li Yalin laugh.

“Of course it’s in the Sealed Temple, what’s the matter?” Li Yalin asked a little puzzled.

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