“Okay, Mother, don’t get in the way of me here. I have to chop the firewood. If I can’t finish the firewood, I will be late!” At this time Todd said to his mother impatiently.

“Are you bored and crooked, little cowboy? Even your mother dare to drive?” Aunt Ox Head Man glared, and she shrank Todd’s neck, but she turned her head back. However, Aunt Ox Head Man said to Li Yalin very gently: “Since you have made friends with my cowboy, then you call me Aunt Taylor. Now let’s go sit in the house?”

“Okay Aunt Taylor, my name is Li Yalin. You can call me Yalin. But I won’t go in. Since Todd brother is still in a hurry and there is so much firewood, then I will help. Be busy.” After Li Yalin introduced himself with a smile, he planned to help Todd cut the firewood on the ground together. Anyway, there is nothing to do now, and I am idle.

“How can that be? Seeing you are so thin and weak, you can chop the firewood! Let me do it!” After hearing Li Yalin’s words, Todd was the first to express his opposition, in his eyes , Maybe it’s all about Li Yalin’s inability to hold an axe.

“Don’t worry, I can still chop firewood with trifling.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, and then picked up the axe on the ground, this axe weighing nearly 20 kilograms was lightly Li Yalin carried it in his hand, as if he hadn’t held anything. This made the two Todd and Taylor startled. You must know that this axe Todd is not only used for chopping wood, but also Todd’s weapon. Although Todd can round two large axes, he is an Ox Head Man Warrior. In terms of strength, there is of course an ordinary person type. An incomparable advantage, but Li Yalin, a seemingly insignificant human, took Todd’s axe very easily. Could this not surprise the two of them.

But what surprised the two of them was still behind. They picked up the axe and took a look at it. It was just an ordinary Low-Grade weapon. If the weight and sharpness are not up to the standard, it can’t even be graded. Enter, this weapon for Li Yalin, even if it is placed in the Evolved Space, it takes up space.

After shook the head, Li Yalin took out the Sword of Silver from the Evolved Space. This used Sword of Silver Li Yalin was fairly easy to use. I also used it when covering up before. Although this sword can be used for chopping wood, it is a little overkill, but it is also much faster than this kind of unfamiliar axe.

In the surprised eyes of Todd and his mother, the Sword of Silver in Li Yalin’s hands flashed several sword lights, and then the log in front of Li Yalin was chopped into neat and tidy firewood.

“Brother Yalin, what are you?” Todd stared at Li Yalin, his eyes widened, as if he had seen some prehistoric creature, the surprise was not mentioned.

“It’s just a little trick.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, then inserted the Sword of Silver behind the scabbard that was also taken out, and then carried the Sword of Silver on his back.

“Then you sword…” Todd wanted to ask again, but it was related to Li Yalin’s secret, so he hesitated when asking, and did not ask all the questions. .

“Have you heard of spatial equipment?” Li Yalin did not answer directly, but after a rhetorical question, he stopped saying it again. Although Todd is honest and gossip, he is not a fool. Naturally from Li Yalin’s words It can be heard and understood.

“Brother Yalin, you are really amazing, I really missed you!” At last Todd gave a thumbs up and showed a very admiring expression. The hand that Li Yalin showed just now made him open Vision.

Just now, Li Yalin this move was actually an ordinary high-speed sword, but it was just a few flashes in the eyes of Todd and her son. Li Yalin had practiced the Sword Technique before, and now I found it after using it. It’s okay, not too unfamiliar. Although some places don’t seem to be satisfactory, it’s just a few small quirks, and there is no big problem.

“It’s okay, after all, I’m quite good at martial skills.” Li Yalin nodded, and did not feel complacent because of the compliment of the other party. In front of a third Rank High-Level novice What can be proud of? Just now Li Yalin just couldn’t bear the fact that the other party treated himself as a Little White face that he didn’t have. Although he knew that he was too young to be a child, Li Yalin didn’t have much in front of these two simple Ox Head Man. Scruples.

“Haha, now my firewood is finally finished, then I can go hunting at The Organization now. Today I want to show my skills and must capture a lot of prey back!” Sure enough, Todd finished in Li Yalin After that, he didn’t pursue this issue too much, but shouted loudly at Li Yalin and his mother very happily.

“Is Big Brother Todd going hunting? Can you take me with you? I am also very interested.” Hearing Todd said this, Li Yalin’s interest was also raised. .

“Is Brother Yalin also interested? Let me just say, as long as you are a man, you will be interested in hunting. This is a man’s romance!” Todd laughed and patted Li Yalin’s shoulder. As if he was the number one man in the sky, Li Yalin couldn’t help rolling the eyes.

After saying goodbye to Aunt Taylor, Li Yalin followed Todd to the open space where the dinner party was held yesterday. At this time, there was no one on the open space. It seems that it was Li Yalin who arrived first.

“These guys are really dull, Brother Yalin, wait here first, I’ll call them over.” After Todd complained, he said to Li Yalin.

“It’s okay, I just want to tell my companions, you go find someone first, and then we will gather here.” Then Li Yalin separated from Todd, and Li Yalin was here. When the girls were in front of the house, they found that everyone had already gotten up. Except for the girl who made breakfast and tidy up the room, everyone else was sitting and chatting together.

After Li Yalin arrived, Li Yalin immediately became the protagonist here, but Li Yalin didn’t plan to stay any longer, just told everyone that he was going to hunt with Todd, so everyone didn’t worry about it. .

Just as Li Yalin turned around and planned to return to the open space, the women began to speak. Everyone wanted to go hunting with Li Yalin. This is a new thing for everyone. However, Li Yalin did not agree, and finally wanted to relax. What does it mean to bring so many girls? So after Li Yalin refused, he immediately returned to the previously agreed open space. After returning to the open space, Li Yalin found that it seemed that Todd and the others were already there, and they were waiting for him alone.

“Sorry, I’m late, something just took some time.” Li Yalin said apologetically.

“Nothing, we just came here. Huh? Brother Yalin, did you put your hat on again?” Todd said very boldly, just as he just finished saying that Li Yalin had already The hat on cloak was put on.

“Well, I’m used to it, so you should also introduce your friends to me?” Li Yalin didn’t say much about this, but turned his attention to other people.

“Brother Yalin, if you don’t tell me, I’ll forget it. I’ll introduce to you now. This is Brother Yalin, who just arrived in our village yesterday. He is a very nice person and has a good temper with me. The martial skill is also very good, he is an Expert!” Todd patted his bull head, and then first introduced Li Yalin to his friends.

“These are my good friends who have played together since childhood, this is Burke, this is Homos, this is…” Then Todd introduced his friends to Li Yalin, Li Yalin took a closer look at the people in front of him, and found that the people in front of him are not very old, probably less than twenty years old, and they have all races, like that Burke is a Lion Clan Warrior, and that Homos is a male Half-Elf, and the remaining men and women are of different races, but what makes Li Yalin a little puzzled is that there are a total of 13 people here, all of them are Warriors, and there is no Mage.

“Don’t you have Mage?” Li Yalin asked very puzzled.

“Where do we have that kind of noble Class, even if it is Homos, the guy who is most likely to learn Magic, not to mention others. In our area, Mage is very rare. There are not many Mages in those Great Influences, let alone our small village.” Todd smirked and replied.

“It turned out to be like this.” Li Yalin said clearly, didn’t expect that the Mage here is so scarce, it seems to be scarce than the Mage on the Heavenly Wind Continent.

Later Li Yalin quickly integrated into this small group. After all, they are youngsters. Everyone can chat together. Everyone is very happy to talk and laugh, but just after walking out of the village , The atmosphere of the entire squad immediately changed. A dignified atmosphere suddenly appeared in the squad. Everyone took up their weapons and watched the situation all around very carefully. Only Li Yalin was like an outing. There was no sense of tension at all, just Carefree and walk forward with everyone.

“I said Brother Yalin, should you be vigilant? After leaving our village, there is no barrier to protect us. We must always be cautious. The mountains are fierce. There are a lot of Demon Beasts. If you encounter a Fourth Rank Demon Beast, it will be terrible!” Seeing that Li Yalin was not at all nervous, Todd walking beside Li Yalin immediately told Li Yalin.

“calm down, there is no Demon Beast in this neighborhood. If you continue to move forward, you may only meet it.” At this time, Li Yalin’s answer was very relaxed, which is no wonder, although Li Yalin’s found out Not as good as Galatea, but it is also a good player, within 500 meters of a radius with Li Yalin as the center, except for two First-Rank Demon Beasts, there are simply no other dangerous creatures.

Thanks to Saberalter, Jian Linghuan, 0zero007, Lord. The magnificent rewards.

For votes and clicks, I hope that the essence of next week can be more~~~(To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, more chapters, support the author , Supports genuine reading!)

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