“Hello, I am Li Yalin, what can you do when you come to me?” Li Yalin asked knowingly.

“In fact, this is the case. Yesterday we got a report. I heard that His Excellency Li Yalin is a Mage of Light Element. I don’t know if this is true.” God Race led by God Race didn’t mean anything. It directly explained the intention.

“You are right, I am indeed a Light Mage, but what about it?” Li Yalin continued to play stupid.

“Since this is the case, I will speak frankly. We patriarch appreciate the strength of Your Excellency and your companions very much. Since everyone is the Light Mage, then we should join hands to fight against those The dark forces, so I am here to represent our patriarch this time to invite His Excellency Li Yalin and your companions to join our Light God Race.” The leader God Race continued after being frowned.

“It turns out that this is the case, but we are only travelers passing by here. Wouldn’t it be wrong to join you in such a hasty?” Li Yalin made a sudden realization, and then he returned A more hesitant expression was revealed. This hesitant and somewhat tempting expression made this God Race immediately feel that Li Yalin should agree to his invitation, as long as he keeps working hard, he can do it.

“There is nothing wrong at all. As long as you are willing to join us, when the time comes, we will give you the best treatment. I believe you will not regret today’s decision!” Headed by God Race Seeing that there is a door to this matter, I immediately spoke to Li Yalin vigorously about the benefits, hoping that Li Yalin could decide immediately, so that his Quest can be perfected.

‘I will definitely not regret it! ‘Li Yalin smiled in his heart, but the expression on his face didn’t show the slightest expression.

“This…I still need to seek the opinions of my companions. I can’t do this kind of thing without authorization.” Li Yalin continued to say with a hesitant attitude, which even led to God Race. The youngster in front of him will definitely agree, but it will take a little time for the illusion. So this guy did not continue to let Li Yalin express his opinion, but gave Li Yalin a room for relaxation. If this is the case, he would give the other party a little bit of sweetness. He believed Li Yalin would definitely agree.

“This is certain. After all, this is not a trivial matter. It is reasonable to ask for your opinions. Let’s go, my name is Nevada, which is the Captain of Light God Race Third Mage Squad. As long as you are willing to join us, you can come to our Third Mage Squad station to find me, when the time comes, you just need to mention my name.” After that, this Nevada gave Li Yalin one that I look forward to. After oh eyes, he took his two men and left.

“That’s pretty good, didn’t expect your acting is really good.” After Nevada left, Teresa appeared on Li Yalin’s side and said in admiration to Li Yalin.

“It’s just a trivial matter. It’s not easy to fool a few God Races.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, Li Yalin is full of confidence in his acting skills.

“Don’t be happy too early, it’s only the 1st Step now, and then it’s time to test your acting skills.” Seeing Li Yalin’s proud expression, Teresa couldn’t help knocking Li Yalin’s head warning Tao.

“I know, but Teresa, your temper has become a lot easier. I remember you used to be quite cold.” Although Teresa didn’t use force, Li Yalin still rubbed it exaggeratedly. Rubbing his head, then he said with a smile in a joke.

“Really? This seems to have changed after I contracted with you, and it’s not just me, the sisters in Evolved Space have changed a lot, but you didn’t care about it.” said At this point, Teresa’s tone actually had a subtle sense of sadness. Although it was not obvious, Li Yalin still found it very clearly.

“I said Teresa, are you complaining that I didn’t care about you?” Li Yalin asked Teresa with a smile at hee hee.

“Che, it’s not your own feelings to care about it, I just state a fact.” Before Teresa’s words fell, he turned and walked towards the room, not paying attention to Li Yalin anymore. This made Li Yalin couldn’t help laughing, didn’t expect Di Goddess to show the tsundere side, it’s really rare.

“How? The harem is on fire? Let you brat find so many MMs, now you know the bitter fruit?” At this moment, Headmaster Wendy came over from frivolous, and Headmaster Wendy’s was behind It was Dwight and the others as Headmasters. At this time, they all looked at Li Yalin with a joke, as if this scene was so interesting.

“I said Old Man Wendy, when can you be more serious?” Li Yalin looked at the Headmasters who were idle and painful. These guys are really boring enough, it’s okay. He even ran over to spy on himself.

“Why am I not being serious? I’ve always been serious, but you can’t find my pure heart.” Headmaster Wendy said triumphantly, and that face really made Li Yalin really want to go. Beat him before.

“Nonsense, everyone gather for a while, I have something to say.” Li Yalin simply ignored Headmaster Wendy, but summoned everyone to his room and told the story again.

“We don’t have to act today. It’s good to slap their appetites, but tomorrow we’re definitely going to that Third Mage Squad. If that’s the case, then Shizuka-nee, Rei, and Saya will just follow me, and the others will be here waiting for our news.” In front of everyone, Li Yalin said his decision.

“Are the four of you too few? Otherwise, I’ll go with you too.” Saber said hesitantly. She knew in her heart that Li Yalin would not let her follow Yes, but even so, Saber still has to say this.

“Toria, I understand your thoughts, but you are not the Mage of Light Element. Even if you go, we will be assigned to different units. Especially our number is so large and we have several strengths. The stronger Mage also said the past, but if everyone is very difficult to deal with, then it is bound to make the other person suspicious.” Li Yalin explained with a smile.

Finally, under Li Yalin’s insistence, the final plan was determined. In addition to Li Yalin and the four of them breaking into the enemy’s interior, Miyu, Nymph, and Saeko are also responsible for the exploration of the entire city, just The things on the map are simply not enough. Everything needs actual investigation to see if we can find any useful clues. Now Ice and Snow Goddess, who is going to investigate the situation of Angel’s relic, has no news again. I don’t know if she is in trouble or something, and there is no reply. It is really anxious, but there is no way.

In this way, Li Yalin and the others lived very peacefully this day. Except for a few laps on the street, they stayed in the hotel for the rest of the time. They waited until the morning of the 2nd day. Li Yalin took Saya and the others to the Third Mage Squad.

“Your Excellency Yalin, you are finally here, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!” Just after Li Yalin and the others were introduced into the door by the soldiers, Nevada left very politely come.

“Hello Captain Neveda, we all discussed for a long time, and finally a few of us decided to join your army. As for my other companions, they will settle in this city, and we are tired of wandering. , Now is a good time, and if you join you, we can also have a good income.” Li Yalin said to Nevada with a smile.

“Of course, as long as you have the strength, Brother Yalin, then everything is not a problem!” Seeing Li Yalin’s words, Nevada’s face was immediately filled with smiles, even calling Li Yalin’s All became Brother Yalin.

“If this is the case, let us not be too late. This is the first time we have joined the army and we don’t know what we should do. By the way, I haven’t introduced Captain to you. These two This is my wife Miyamoto Rei and Takagi Saya. This is my elder sister Marikawa Shizuka. We are all a family, and we are all Light Mage. Although my companions did not join us, at least our family joined the army. After hearing Nevada’s words, Li Yalin’s face showed a smile, and then introduced the three girls to Nevada.

Hearing Li Yalin’s introduction, Rei and Saya’s faces were blushing, but Shizuka was obviously a little unhappy, but on this occasion, Shizuka could not vent, only Can be snorted lightly.

“Brother Yalin, you really have a lot of good fortune in love affairs, you elder sister must not be your elder sister, right? Have a hand!” Seeing this situation, Nevada is in Xiao While startled, he gave Li Yalin a thumbs up. Although I can’t see the appearance of a few beautiful women, I can feel the temperament of Saya and the others. These girls are definitely not that ordinary.

In fact, Li Yalin said so for a reason. After joining this Third Mage Squad, it is inevitable that some people will covet the beauty of a beautiful woman, which will cause inconvenience to the movement. Li Yalin himself also Will feel very upset.

“By the way, Brother Yalin, what is your level? Let my big brother be prepared, so I can arrange the following work for you. Brother Yalin, you are really good, big Brother, I can’t tell your strength.” At this time, Nevada suddenly showed Li Yalin a business look, and began to ask Li Yalin about his strength, although I can clearly feel Li Yalin’s The strength is not so ordinary, but Nevada still can’t accurately tell how strong Li Yalin’s real strength is. There are actually some temptations to ask Li Yalin’s idea.

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