“That…Look at your badge, you are also the 17th Platoon, I joined the 17th Platoon today.” At this time, Li Yalin deliberately looked at the squad badge on Felli’s collar and said.

However, after Felli looked at Li Yalin blankly, he ignored Li Yalin’s words and walked straight across Li Yalin’s side, as if Li Yalin was talking to the air. Li Yalin had known about Felli’s character a long time ago, so he wasn’t angry either. He just looked at Felli’s back and smiled slightly, and then turned back to his dormitory.

After getting up on the 2nd day, Li Yalin sent all the packed luggage to his new home. Today’s class Li Yalin simply didn’t have the mood to go, although the Martial Arts Department’s class was very relaxing. It can be done in one morning, but Li Yalin still has nothing to think about going to class.

Generally speaking, in the afternoon, every elite squad is training, but Martial Arts Department students who did not participate in the squad are free to move. There are no restrictions. As long as they pass the exam, there is no There is a problem, so Li Yalin now has one morning to practice the use of Kei. If you know, he will officially meet his companions in the afternoon.

After tidying up his new home a bit, Li Yalin sat in a chair to study this so-called Kei. Now Li Yalin’s internal and external forces in Kei are very clear, and in Li Yalin Under the powerful energy, I quickly figured out how to use Kei, and some of the moves Li Yalin that existed in the memory fragments can also be used.

After learning Kei, Li Yalin himself has a great feeling. Although his own energy has not increased, Li Yalin has a lot of experience about the use of energy, which can also be regarded as A little surprise.

When it was almost one o’clock in the afternoon, Li Yalin got up and walked out of the room. Yesterday Nina had already stated the time of the assembly. It was at 1:30 this afternoon. Now it’s time to meet Squad. Other members too.

After Li Yalin came to the 17th Platoon training ground, Nina was very enthusiastic. Just before Li Yalin opened the door and waited to speak, Nina took Li Yalin’s arm and started One by one introduced Li Yalin.

Needless to say, expressionless young girl Felli, the next one is 17th Platoon’s sniper Sharnid Elipton. Although this guy has some strength, he has a very flirty personality. He is a famous young girl. Nina’s childhood friend Harley Sutton, a DITE mechanic, is responsible for repairing the weapons used by the team members and developing new weapons.

To be honest, the strongest battle strength is Nina. Although Sharnid has the strength, it is rarely used. Not to mention Felli. It is an intelligence officer. If it is to deal with ordinary The person is okay, but if you deal with the students of the Martial Arts Department, Felli would be difficult. As for Harley, this guy doesn’t have to think about it. He is a completely non-combatant, not as good as Felli, but even so, this squad is still With its advantages, at least Li Yalin likes the atmosphere of the squad very much, although Felli is very uncomfortable.

After Nina introduced the members of the squad, she took out her DITE, and after a “Restoration”, a pair of double whips appeared in Nina’s hands.

“Then, start the exam for you now, don’t be too cautious, just to decide your next match position, Harley, give it to him.” Nina slightly smiled, giving Li As Yalin explained, he informed Harley next to him.

“This is a DITE for practice. Because there is no personal data entered, there will be no special usage habits. Which one do you want?” Harley, who got Nina, just took out a DITE filled with DITE The box was handed to Li Yalin’s. Looking at the DITE in different colors, Li Yalin didn’t know which one to choose. After all, he had never touched DITE before, but there were some ways to use it in his memory.

I took out a white DITE casually. After Li Yalin’s “Restoration”, a white long sword appeared in Li Yalin’s hands. Although it was a long sword, its sharpness was Quite bad, almost even the sharpness of Mid-Grade’s weapon is not up to, but the hardness of this DITE is quite amazing, at least it must reach High-Grade High-Level. If it is not for the comprehensive reasons, this is not up to the standard. DITE long sword must be at least an Elite Low-Level weapon. You must know that this is the most common DITE. If it is High-Level DITE, it will definitely be stronger, not to mention the equivalent to Divine Artifact’s Twelve Heaven’s Blade.

After waving the long sword in his hand for a few times, Li Yalin feels pretty good. Although it is not as good as his own weapon, it is not the time to study this, so after Li Yalin got used to it a bit , Made a defensive posture, indicating that Nina can start.

“I don’t know how to show mercy.” After seeing that Li Yalin was ready, Nina chuckled and leaned forward to Li Yalin’s, feeling that Nina’s is still very fast. Her strength can at least reach Fourth Rank High-Level, right? He is indeed a Captain-level figure. In such a peaceful Academic City, he grew to such a height with his own efforts. This is indeed inseparable from Nina’s own efforts.

Although Nina’s is fast in the eyes of others, it is just like slow motion in Li Yalin. Although the strength of Fourth Rank High-Level is already considered an Expert among Zuellni, it is Li Yalin didn’t work at all here, I saw that when Nina just swooped to Li Yalin’s side and was about to turn around with a whip, the long sword in Li Yalin’s hand was like an unknown prophet, which first blocked Nina’s left hand whip that was about to attack.

Although the whip on the left hand was blocked by Li Yalin, Nina’s right hand was still free. Although the 1st Strike was blocked before the 1st Strike was sent out, Nina was slightly taken aback, but her good fighting qualities allowed her He reacted immediately, and saw Nina’s right hand whip and immediately moved towards Li Yalin Counter-Attack.

Although Nina was confident in her attack, Li Yalin seemed to have expected her to attack like this. Li Yalin quickly drew his sword and knocked back, directly blocking Nina’s weapon, not to mention it. Nina’s counter-shock force even hit Fei’s double whip in Nina’s hand, which surprised Nina.

For this result, Li Yalin only smiled helplessly. He simply did not use his own energy, but was fighting against Nina with his physical strength. Even though he had already reduced his strength as much as possible, it was for Nina. In terms of it, it still seems a bit too powerful.

“Haha, this is the first time I have seen someone who can deflate Nina. It seems that our new teammate is not simple.” At this moment, Sharnid smiled heartily, and then moved towards Harley said.

“Although I am a little bragging, I am quite strong, Captain, you have to be mentally prepared.” Looking at Nina who was a little surprised, Li Yalin blinked at Nina. Said the eyes.

“The stronger you are, the happier I will be. If this is the case, then I don’t have to keep my hands. Will I use external force to attack Kei?” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Nina not only didn’t Angry, a happy look appeared on his face, and then he asked Li Yalin with a smile.

“I will know some of this.” Li Yalin nodded, and at this moment, Nina’s has already appeared on the blue Chong Kei. As I said before, External Type Kei and Battle Aura are very So just like Battle Aura wave, Nina’s Chong Kei has moved towards Li Yalin, but this kind of little Qi Kei is not worth mentioning for Li Yalin, but now I can’t make myself too new. Captain couldn’t get off the stage, so Li Yalin held the sword in both hands, and after a golden breath of Kei appeared on his body, he fought Nina’s against Kei as much as possible.

“It’s very good, next time our game has hope!” After seeing Li Yalin blocking her move, Nina did not continue to attack. Although I haven’t fully understood Li Yalin’s true strength, at least Nina understands that Li Yalin’s strength will definitely not be below her. With this alone, Nina will be 70% sure to win the next match, and then there is a tactical issue. Up.

In fact, it is not that Nina does not want to continue to understand Li Yalin’s strength, but they are now in an indoor training ground, where in addition to doing regular exercises, it is also a gathering place for 17th Platoon. If they continue to fight, the two will definitely make even more powerful moves. When the time comes, the training ground will be destroyed and the gain will not be worth the loss. You must know that now the 17th Platoon is on the verge of abandoning the team. Some financial problems are definitely not. It will be as abundant as a powerful elite squad, and repairing the training ground is a big expense.

“Yalin, tell Harley about the weapon you are good at. He will complete your exclusive DITE within today.” After the test, Nina was very satisfied, so she was smiling right now. Li Yalin said.

“I’m actually quite good at sniping.” But at this time, Li Yalin said something that stunned everyone.

“Sniper? I heard you right? Did we squad have twin snipers?” After Li Yalin finished speaking, Sharnid burst into laughter after being taken aback for a while, and then Sharnid He threw the sniper rifle in his hand to Li Yalin.

“Let me see and see your Spear Art, if your Spear Art is good, then I will go forward and close combat.” Although Sharnid said this, his voice was hearty, but the other party The slightest disagreement with Li Yalin that arises from the bottom of my heart can still be felt. We must know that Sharnid has experienced a lot of things. It is not easy to be accepted by him.

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