“Oh? This is what you want to take? It’s really an exaggeration. This sword won’t be made entirely of pure silver, right? The metal of these two swords also looks very special. It shouldn’t be an alloy. “Just after Li Yalin took the three swords to the Alchemy laboratory, Harley was very surprised to look at the three long swords and asked.

“Try to see if you can combine these three swords into a DITE, and then you need your skills.” Li Yalin smiled and patted Harley on the shoulder, and made a pair that I am optimistic about you Looks like.

“Let me give it a try. I have never seen these three metals, and only one day is too little. If you give me more time, maybe I can study some ways. Come.” Harley said with a bitter smile. Although these three swords are of great interest to Harley, if you want to make them DITE in the platoons competition tomorrow, the difficulty is not ordinary.

“Don’t worry, you can just get me a weapon tomorrow, and it’s not a particularly strong opponent, you can do it casually.” Li Yalin made an indifferent posture. Then he took a sniper rifle and a long sword DITE in Harley’s laboratory. After Harley’s debugging, Li Yalin said goodbye to Harley and watched Harley buried himself in the DITE’s silhouette, Li Yalin decided it would be better not to disturb him.

Today’s training Quest has been completed a long time ago, so Li Yalin did not return to the training field, but went directly to the dormitory to rest, but just when he returned to the door of the dormitory, Li Yalin It was discovered that there was a pink bento box hung on the doorknob. Seeing this, Li Yalin’s face couldn’t help but a wry smile appeared on his face.

If Li Yalin is right, this bento box should have been given by Mayshen. After opening the bento box, the food inside is the same as in the memory, it is a sandwich that looks very appetizing. However, Li Yalin remembered that she hadn’t helped Mayshen in particular. Why would she still send a lunch box anonymously like the original plot? While eating the sandwich, Li Yalin wondered.

Forget it, it’s useless to think so much. Just take one step and count. Anyway, Li Yalin doesn’t hate Mayshen, and there are free lunches to eat. Li Yalin also saves on cooking by himself.

In the early morning of the 2nd day, Li Yalin had already come to the platoons competition, but after seeing Nina, Li Yalin discovered that two big dark circles appeared in her eyes. . No way, because Li Yalin did not work in the cleaning department like the original protagonist, so all the janitor work yesterday was done by Nina alone. It seems that she didn’t sleep much last night.

“Captain Nina, are you okay? I think you might as well take a break.” Seeing Nina’s appearance, Li Yalin immediately stepped forward and said with great concern.

“Don’t worry, this is just a small matter, no problem at all!” Upon hearing Li Yalin’s words, Nina immediately beaten up her spirits, made a no problem gesture, and patted Li Yalin’s by the way. shoulder.

After changing into the black combat uniform, all the members of the 17th Platoon came to the squad rest area. Although the competition has not yet started, there are already vast crowds in the audience seats, and everyone is discussing enthusiastically. Today’s situation, but everyone is generally not optimistic about the 17th Platoon. Although there is a Nen-I User on the 17th Platoon, too few people are indeed a fatal injury. Even more how 17th Platoon today’s opponents are very good in all aspects. What about the 16th Platoon.

Shortly after Li Yalin and the others entered the rest area, the 16th Platoon players also appeared one after another. At this moment, Nina immediately ran to the 16th Platoon Captain and said very solemnly: “Please advise.”

“Does leading a squad think that you are equal to me? It is really exciting to rely on this group of people who put together to fight to what extent, snort! ” The Captain of the 16th Platoon is an uncle with long hair. I saw this guy dumped Nina once after being coldly snorted, and took his team members away with disdain. Not only that, even the members of the 16th Platoon were all Every eccentric laughed.

“This group of guys really reserves a beating!” Seeing this situation, Li Yalin immediately wanted to teach the other party a lesson, but just after Li Yalin stood up, he was taken aside Felli was stopped.

“Felli Junior Sister? Why did you stop me?” Li Yalin was very puzzled when Felli stopped him. If Harley or Sharnid stopped him, Li Yalin would not be surprised, but expressionless young Girl Felli stopped herself, which was really incomprehensible.

“The match is about to start. When the time comes, you can clean them up anyway.” Felli’s answer is very concise, and very indifferent, but it is also very reasonable, so I heard Felli’s After speaking, Li Yalin immediately relaxed his mind, and then waited for Nina’s instructions.

“The victory or defeat of this game will determine the position of the city battle, please don’t take it lightly.” Although she was thrown away by her long hair uncle, Nina did not make any response. After browsing slightly wrinkle, he turned to Li Yalin and said to them.

“Now there is a confrontation match with the 17th Platoon as the attacker and the 16th Platoon as the defender. Treat it like a real city battle!” After both sides stood in the middle of the field, a man with golden short hair started Announcing the pre-match requirements, at this time Sharnid also secretly said in Li Yalin’s ear: “This is the Head of Military Arts Boss Vanze.”

“Yes!” After the Captain of both sides answered, this Vanze He lifted the right hand and said, “Both teams! All go to the designated positions!” Then everyone went to everyone. At this time, the voice of the commentator also sounded on the entire competition stage.

“The 16th Platoon and the 17th Platoon are about to be held right now. Spectators, please remember to pay attention to the damage caused by stray bullets and other accidents…” Everyone knows this program very well, so the audience present No one paid any attention to the commentator. Instead, they all cheered loudly, hoping to arouse the fighting spirit of the squad on both sides, and the audience could enjoy a wonderful game.

“Our winning condition is to destroy the enemy’s squad completely, or destroy the flag placed on the enemy’s position. Now we have to make a choice among them. It is unrealistic to completely destroy the opponent, so My plan is to destroy the flag of the enemy’s position. Now the enemy’s goal is me, so I will lure the enemy into the bait. At this time, Yalin you will charge and Sharnid will support!” Nina said about the tactics of this game. After it was over, the entire squad went into action.

At this time, the DITE in Felli’s hand has become pink petals flying into the air, looking very beautiful, but Li Yalin and the others have no time to appreciate these now. Under the urging of Nina’s, Everyone was rushing towards the enemy’s position. Just after he could see the enemy’s flag, Sharnid stopped first, and then he found a condescending place to hide.

“Captain Nina, are you okay? I don’t think you can open your eyes anymore.” At this time, Li Yalin has been following Nina and moved towards the enemy’s position, although this confrontation is for Nina. It is very important, but for Li Yalin, this is just a game, so at this time Li Yalin is more concerned about Nina’s body.

“Don’t worry, I have no problem. After I have attracted the enemy’s target, I will rely on you to destroy the banner in the enemy’s formation, so I will put everything on you.” After Nina grinned reluctantly, she continued to run forward.

“But…” Just when Li Yalin wanted to say something, Felli’s voice suddenly appeared and interrupted what Li Yalin wanted to say.

“The enemy reacts, approaching.” Following Felli’s words, three 16th Platoon players have appeared in front of Li Yalin and Nina’s.

“Recover!” After the enemy appeared, Nina immediately took out her DITE, and at this moment, the opponent’s attack had arrived, and she saw a fatty eye holding a big axe sharply raised With the axe, the imposing manner moved towards Nina fiercely, but although this blow seemed very fierce in the imposing manner, the strength of this guy was only capable of reaching the Fourth Rank Low-Level, and it didn’t do much to Nina. At the same time, the remaining two guys holding long swords also surrounded Li Yalin.

“Although I’m not familiar with it, I’ll use you to practice.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, after restoring the long sword DITE in his hand, holding the sword in his backhand, and then just swiping a sword in the void. The huge Wind Pressure scraped the two guys holding the long sword away.

For this sudden blow, everyone present was stunned. At this time, Li Yalin was even more unreasonable. He swooped in front of the fatty in an instant of acceleration, without using it. With any move, he just kicked his eyes onto a big tree with just one foot. Although Li Yalin didn’t use any strength, but even so, the powerful impact caused the fatty eyes of the bad luck to faint.

“Yalin, you…” At this time, Nina looked at Li Yalin in amazement, almost speechless.

“What’s the problem? Captain Nina?” Li Yalin slightly smiled, and then he recovered the sniper rifle in an instant. After a seemingly random quick shot, a silhouette was He planted directly from the tree with a “pu-tong” sound. When everyone noticed there, everyone realized that this guy was a 16th Platoon sniper.

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