After Naruki’s binding rope was thrown out, Felli, who had just entered the door, was immediately tied up tightly. After Naruki gave a light force, Felli was dragged to everyone’s eyes.

To say that the relationship between these three girls is really good, don’t look at Naruki’s strict appearance towards Mifi, they are actually defending her, and as long as Mifi wants it, Naruki He would immediately come forward to help, and Li Yalin can see through this. Although he was tied up by the lashing rope, Felli was not injured at all. From this, it can be seen that Naruki does have a set of skills in lashing, and he certainly does not practice much.

“I’m Mifi Rotten of the weekly Look’n, and I’m currently writing a report on “Rookie strongman players-Li Yalin and 17th Platoon and his friends who appear like a comet”, please be sure Accept my interview!” At this time, Mifi had abandoned Li Yalin and said to Felli with a smile after showing the reporter, but that smile was really scary.

“What?” The expressionless young girl Felli just said a word as if she didn’t understand it.

“I said it was an interview!” Seeing Felli’s reaction, Mifi felt a little helpless.

“What?” As if he would say this sentence, after repeated repetitions, Mifi has found that the subject of this interview seems to have chosen the wrong person.

“By the way, Yalin, I have something to ask you!” After hitting a wall at Felli, Mifi’s attention immediately turned back to Li Yalin’s body, and at this time she still folded her hands together After bowing to the end, it was as if there was something very important to ask Li Yalin.

“If there is something to be done so solemnly, let’s talk about it first.” Li Yalin knew that there was nothing good when he saw it, but it seems that this is only the second meeting, the other party It shouldn’ What non-discriminatory request is made by t be.

“Please take off your glasses and let me take a picture of you. Yalin, your true appearance has always been a mystery. After interviewing your classmates in the Education Department, they seem to be right. You have no impression of your appearance. You have always been a low-key three-good student. After entering the third year, you will shine. This is indeed a very eye-catching topic. If your appearance is published now, I guess I The report of the magazine will be extremely popular!” By the time Mifi said this, Mifi’s expression was already intoxicated, as if she had seen the special issue sell well and she was appreciated by the editor-in-chief.

“Is there such an exaggeration? Besides, my appearance is so important?” Li Yalin said somewhat puzzled. Although he doesn’t care much about appearance, if his appearance is published, It will definitely cause some unnecessary troubles.

“Of course it is important, and we are also very curious, who told you that you are always mysterious and secretive.” Mifi made an expression of approval, while Mayshen and Naruki on the side did not Speaking, but the expression on her face is also very curious, even the expressionless young girl Felli, who has been expressionless, is staring at Li Yalin.

“It doesn’t matter if you guys see it, but I really don’t want to be published in the newspapers. It’s completely unnecessary.” Looking at the curious appearances of a few girls, Li Yalin could only take it off with a wry smile. After wearing the glasses, just after Li Yalin’s glasses were taken off, the few girls present were all stunned.

“What’s the matter? Why are the expressions so exaggerated? Is there anything wrong?” Look at the expressions of these girls, just like when Rose and the others first saw them, one by one All are dumbfounded, which makes Li Yalin feel quite interesting.

“Yo! Will a girl come to our squad as a guest? Welcome, eh? This beauty has never been seen before, is she a new student in the first year? Will the beauty have time tomorrow? Do you want to be with me? Going on a date?” At this moment, Sharnid had changed his clothes and walked out. After seeing Li Yalin and the others, he frivolously walked over, and what made Li Yalin depressed the most was that after seeing Li Yalin , Sharnid this guy actually came over shamelessly to strike up a conversation, which made Li Yalin’s mind full of black lines.

“I said Sharnid, now gender can’t stop you anymore?” Li Yalin asked Sharnid disdainfully.

“It sounds familiar to you, no! You are Yalin? Are you? You are a girl?” After Sharnid recalled the voice in surprise, he pointed at Li Yalin exaggeratedly. Tao.

“Do you have problems with your eyesight? Or do you need to change your brain? If you need to change your brain, I can help for free!” At this time, Li Yalin’s head is covered with black lines. Then, the DITE in his hand was also restored, and the powerful Kei was covered with the sword, and it seemed that a slight error would cut off Sharnid’s head.

“cracking a joke, cracking a joke, how could my Brother Yalin be a girl? I just wanted to tease everyone.” After seeing this, Sharnid immediately looked cold and sweaty. Shaking his hand, judging from Li Yalin’s expression, he is definitely not cracking a joke. Sharnid wants to live a few more days. Die an untimely death is not what he wants.

“Should be less of this kind of joke in the future, otherwise your head will not disappear from your neck someday!” Li Yalin was staring at Sharnid’s face, if If he dares not agree, Li Yalin will leave a few memorials on him immediately. Although he won’t really kill him, Li Yalin can still make him suffer.

“Understand, understand, it will never be like this in the future.” Sharnid’s head is like a chicken pecking rice. After Li Yalin took back the DITE, he brow beaded with sweat and ran out. After leaving the lounge, facing the blackened Li Yalin, it was too terrifying. The imposing manner made Sharnid tremble.

“I said Mifi, it looks like I have seen it for you, but you are not allowed to publish my photos.” After putting on the flat glasses, Li Yalin smiled again. Mifi said.

“Understood, I won’t be on the board.” Mifi was sober again and again nodded. Today’s shock has been enough. Although she is a little unwilling, she doesn’t want to follow in Sharnid’s footsteps. Li Yalin’s just now was a bit terrifying, at least Mifi doesn’t have the courage to take pictures of Li Yalin now.

After talking for a while, Mifi and Mayshen got up and left, and Li Yalin also got on the tram home with Felli. At this time, the sky was approaching dusk, and they sat After getting on the tram, Li Yalin and Felli started a new round of silent game.

“That…Just now Naruki tied you with a rope, please don’t take seriously, they are not malicious.” Li Yalin, feeling a little embarrassed, can only find some topics at this time, but it’s in Li Just after Yalin finished speaking, Felli’s answer surprised him a little.

“Nothing. Regarding the rope issue, I am actually quite happy.” Felli said blankly.

“You still feel good?” Li Yalin asked helplessly.

“Leave aside this matter for the time being, let me talk about you first, are you sure you are not a girl?” At this time, Felli’s words made Li Yalin even more depressed.

“I said Felli Junior Sister, I don’t believe that you, as a Nen-I User, can’t distinguish between men and women. What do you want to say?” Really unrelenting, what he said really made Li Yalin angry, but he couldn’t deal with Felli like Sharnid, and when he said this from the plain Felli’s mouth, it really had a subtle sense of unfathomable mystery.

“From today, I’ll call you Lili.” After a long silence, Felli finally spoke out, but what she said made Li Yalin embarrassed, Lili? This title really makes people want to complain.

“Lili? I said Felli Junior Sister…” Li Yalin immediately wanted to refute after hearing this name, but Felli simply didn’t give Li Yalin a chance, but looked at Li expressionlessly. Yalin, blocked everything Li Yalin wanted to say.

“The name Felli Junior Sister is too old-fashioned, I don’t like it very much, I ask you to change the name. Let me think about it…you will be called Felli, then I will call you Lili.” This kind of self-talking left no room for Li Yalin at all, as if Felli had already decided.

“So what I said was about this Lili…” Li Yalin wanted to say something, but Felli immediately interrupted Li Yalin’s thinking.

“Didn’t those girls call you Yalin just now!” Felli continued.

“Then you can call me that too, at least I’m used to it.” Although only Saya and Rei called Li Yalin before, but a few more girls call themselves that way , Li Yalin thinks it doesn’t matter, it’s better than this Lili, who makes people want to complain.

“This is not good. I don’t like to call you by the same name as others. If you are not satisfied with the name Lili, then I will call you Li Li, Ya Ya, Little Lin, Xiao Ya, you Which one do you think is better?” After Felli listed these four titles, Li Yalin was completely helpless. What a bad name is this, not as good as Lili before!

“Forget it, do what you like.” Li Yalin in desperation can only follow Felli’s meaning, Li Yalin can be regarded as the kind of helpless feeling that knows the original pig’s feet, for this expressionless young girl , If you don’t follow her heart, then she will embarrass you to death.

“Since you are all this time, I’d better call you Lili.” When Li Yalin didn’t notice, Felli’s mouth showed an imperceptible smile, which is for expressionless young girl. It is very rare.

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