“Didn’t your wish come true? You will not be a Nen-I User anymore.” Li Yalin pretended to be innocent shrugged, and then turned and left, simply not giving Felli a chance to speak.

“You…” Felli wanted to say something, but Li Yalin had disappeared at this time. After Felli opened her mouth, she could only do that’s all. Although Psychokinetic was lost, the expressionless young girl still showed no expression on her face, but after lowering her head and thinking for a while, she continued to walk forward.

What is Li Yalin doing at this time? Of course he is watching a show. What would be amazing to lose the expressionless young girl of Psychokinetic? Li Yalin is very curious.

However, to Li Yalin’s surprise, while resting in an outdoor pastry shop, Felli actually joined Mifi’s three-person part-time plan, which was to go to an abandoned Alchemy Department laboratory building tonight Search for news materials, and Mifi has to do a report on superb hotspot experiences. I thought that after Felli decided to continue working in a coffee shop, he would not look for other part-time jobs, but now it seems that Felli’s determination to change his status quo is really great.

As a result, Li Yalin has to sigh again for the inertia of the plot. Li Yalin has not seen this plot in the original plot. It can be said that this part-time job is not simple, this abandoned building There is really an amazing guy in it. However, this seems to be the conspiracy of the Student President. The purpose should be to make Felli face his Nen-I User identity, but this time Karian’s wishful thinking was wrong. Now Felli has lost his Psychokinetic ability.

Because of this, Li Yalin decided to follow Felli and their entire group secretly. If Li Yalin is not there, what dangers these four girls might encounter, it is not safe to guess by the plot alone. heaven knows what will happen when the time comes.

Sure enough, when I came to this abandoned laboratory building, the sky was already completely dark, and the whole building could not be seen, but Mifi was very active, she was excited now Take pictures everywhere, it looks like I want to dig out all the secrets here.

As Mifi was taking pictures around, Mayshen and Naruki had already started to eat their lunch, but at this moment, Mifi’s scream made the three people present startled. Just when everyone was in a daze, Mayshen and Naruki were also swept away by the sudden monster tentacles. I really don’t know what wickedness the guy who made this monster had, and even made such a disgusting creature.

As for Mayshen and their three daughters being arrested, Li Yalin can no longer continue to watch, and Li Yalin found that the Department Head Vanze of the Martial Arts Department has arrived at Felli’s, so Li Yalin is naturally fast When I arrived at the place where the three beautiful women were, I saw Mayshen who were already entangled in their tentacles at this time and they seemed to be hypnotized.

“Ara Ara, I really don’t worry about it.” After Li Yalin shook the head, he waved a few energy blades to chop off all the tentacles, just before the three girls landed. Li Yalin caught the three women, one by one, and landed safely on the ground.

Now let’s talk about Felli’s side. Vanze and Felli have discovered the monster in the building. After Vanze temporarily pushed back the monster, he turned and ran to a safer place with Felli. But when Vanze ordered Felli to use Psychokinetic to find missing persons and seek help, Felli stopped because she simply couldn’t use Psychokinetic at this time.

“No way, I can’t use Psychokinetic.” Felli murmured. Although there was no expression, Felli’s had an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

“What are you talking about? Now if you don’t use Psychokinetic, the missing people below are dead, aren’t they your companions? Are you just watching them die like this?” Vanze He didn’t understand the entire process of development. At this moment, he simply thought that Felli was awkward and refused to use Psychokinetic.

“No, I really can’t. I can’t use Psychokinetic.” Rarely, Felli’s showed a trace of pain. Now she really wants to use Psychokinetic, but Spiritual Power can’t. After starting, after thinking of Mifi’s three daughters who were captured by the monster, Felli could no longer maintain the three-no expression.

“Felli, you…Forget it, you stay here without moving, I will look for the people who were captured by the monster.” I realized that Felli’s did not seem to be pretended, and Vanze also felt something It’s serious, but now the most important thing is a few people who were taken away, so Vanze flew into the depths of the building after giving Felli a call.

“Why? Why? Why are you always by my side when I don’t want to use them, but you disappear when I want to use you?” Felli was covering his face at this time Kneeling down, after losing Psychokinetic, Felli thought she could live like a normal girl, but now it seems that this is not the case at all. She has never wanted to have Psychokinetic like she does now.

“No, I can definitely use Psychokinetic.” After a period of depression, Felli stood up with a serious face, and after restoring the DITE in his hand, Felli still tried to manipulate the Spiritual Power. Efforts, continuous efforts, and finally under Felli’s unremitting efforts, Felli found that his Spiritual Power can be mobilized a little bit. Since Spiritual Power can be mobilized, then there is hope of recovery. Felli’s mind and body are concentrated. Finally, Felli’s spirit sounded like a blast, and when the roar passed, Felli found that her Psychokinetic abilities had been fully restored, and she was finally able to use Psychokinetic again.

In the immediately available Psychokinetic, Felli divided his terminal into two parts, one to find Mayshen and the others, and the other to fly out of the building to look for Li Yalin, but it was there At this time, there was a burst of applause in the dark corner of the building.

“It’s a very good job. This time, the Psychokinetic ability was acquired by your own hard work, so in the future, you have to make precious this ability.” Li Yalin patted his palms and laughed hee. Hee said, and behind him are the smiling Mayshen three daughters and the depressed head of the Vanze Martial Arts Department.

Just now when Vanze was playing against the monster, Li Yalin had already rescued Mayshen and the three girls, and Li Yalin had not even come forward to help Vanze. So Vanze quickly fell into a hard fight. Just when the saber in his hand was knocked by the monster and was almost killed, Li Yalin took a sudden shot and killed the monster with one blow. That’s why the Vanze Department Head was at this time. Will be so depressed.

“Have you been watching by the side all the time?” Just after Li Yalin came next to Felli’s, Felli suddenly asked such a sentence.

“Haha, I’m not watching it all the time, it’s just…Ah! Pain! Pain! Pain!” Just when Li Yalin scratched his head and prepared to beat Haha to fool around, Felli was fierce. The expressionless young girl’s flying kick was performed by Li Yalin, who was unprepared. Although he did not use his own energy to resist, Li Yalin’s physical quality could make Li Yalin ignore this flying kick. In order to calm Felli’s anger, Li Yalin decided to pretend to be better.

“No such thing will be allowed in the future!” Seeing Li Yalin’s exaggerated expression, Felli’s mouth turned up slightly, but then she found that there were many people nearby, so Felli immediately Restored the expression of the three noes.

“Don’t worry, but in the future you have to face yourself as a Nen-I User.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, and then gave Felli a thumbs up. After seeing Li Yalin’s hearty smile, Felli’s face could not help but a blush, but because the light was very dim, everyone did not see this rare scene.

“Yalin-senpai, thank you so much for saving us.” After a lesson from Vanze Head of Military Arts, Mayshen and the others are free from the sea of ​​suffering, and now Mayshen is flushing. Come to Li Yalin’s side and thank you.

“It’s okay, but it’s better to be less involved in this kind of thing in the future. If you really need it, you can come to me. This time I happened to meet me, but maybe you guys next time Not so lucky.” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“Since Yalin has said so, don’t refuse when I look for you in the future!” Before Mayshen could speak, Mifi on the side had jumped in front of Li Yalin’s and was very excited. He said while holding Li Yalin’s hand.

“You guy, don’t go too far. I’m sorry, Yalin, I’m causing you trouble again this time.” At this time, Naruki landed a hand knife on Mifi’s head, and then a little sorry to Li Yalin Said.

To say that these three girls call Li Yalin’s really subtle, Mayshen has always insisted on calling Li Yalin Yalin-senpai, while Mifi is just like old acquaintance, usually called Yalin, but Naruki is like A good friend called Li Yalin Yalin, and the three girls had three different names. No, Felli on the side still has the fourth name.

“Let’s go Lili, I’m going home.” Before Li Yalin could answer, Felli on the side had already pulled the sleeves of Li Yalin’s clothes, which meant that I wanted you to send me right away. Come back home.

“Hehe, it’s not too early, the three of you should go back to the dormitory as soon as possible. Please contact me if you have time. Goodbye.” Seeing Felli said so, Li Yalin could only move towards Mayshen. He smiled slightly, and after waving goodbye, he walked towards home with Felli one after the other.

“Felli…” After walking a section of the road in silence, Li Yalin said suddenly.

“What’s the matter?”

“Have you found your way?” Li Yalin asked suddenly.

“Maybe I found it, maybe I haven’t found it…” After a long silence, Felli answered.

“Really? Then continue to look for it in your future life.” Li Yalin stretched out and looked at the bright moonlight in the sky slightly smiled, but this moon should be Ain Lei Because of the incarnation, right? Why do you smile at him? Suddenly Li Yalin realized that he seemed to be complaining to himself…

Second change is sent~~~Today is Monday, please ask for votes~~~~ (to be continued, if you want For more information, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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