It turns out that Mayshen thought that he lost the letter to Li Yalin’s. After being unable to find it, Mayshen was about to cry. Naruki also knew that Mayshen would be sorry to say this to Li Yalin, so he took the initiative to mention it. Come out to help, but didn’t expect Mayshen and Mifi to come over.

“Oh, it turned out to be the case. In fact, this letter was picked up by Felli, so I have received it, Mayshen, you don’t have to apologize anymore.” I couldn’t stop apologizing after seeing the facts. Mayshen, Li Yalin quickly took out the letter in his pocket and shook it, and said comfortingly.

“Is picked up by Felli-senpai? Very good!” Hearing what Li Yalin said, Mayshen finally let out a long sigh of relief. This matter has troubled Mayshen all day. Now the hanging heart can finally be let go.

“Apart from this? Is there anything else?” At this time Li Yalin had welcomed the three girls into the room, took out three bottles of drinks and handed them to the three girls, Li Yalin continued Asked Naruki.

“This…I do want to ask Yalin…” Hearing Li Yalin’s question, Naruki was a little bit hesitant, looking quite sorry.

“It’s okay, just tell me if you have anything, we are not good friends!” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“Actually… I want to ask if you can help the City Police. I have a job that requires me to act as a temporary mobilizer, and my boss, the Department Head of the Police Department, he knows You are my acquaintance, so I told me to tell you…” After Li Yalin finished speaking, Naruki said hesitantly. At the end, Naruki’s voice was almost inaudible.

“This is fine, but Naruki, do you really plan to join us at the 17th Platoon?” Without any hesitation, Li Yalin immediately agreed to Naruki’s request, but it seems that Naruki is an iron I want to join City Police.

“In fact, this is not the case. I submitted the City Police application before Yalin you said. This time it is a test. Whether to join the 17th Platoon or the City Police To be honest, I haven’t figured it out yet, but now that the Police Department has issued an order, then I think at least I have to do this Quest well, but the Department Head asked me to trouble Yalin. I really have something wrong. Willing…” Naruki said with some distress.

“It’s okay, these are all small things, as long as Naruki you follow your heart, you don’t have to worry too much about other things.” Then, Li Yalin joined the three girls again. After chatting for a while, Li Yalin didn’t stay with the three girls for long because it was getting late. After arranging a time to meet tomorrow, Li Yalin sent the three girls on the tram to the girls’ dormitory.

After returning home, Li Yalin looked at Leerin’s letter carefully. After reading the letter, Li Yalin immediately wrote to Leerin and wrote a reply. Of course, the content of Leerin’s letter and Li Yalin’s reply This is the secret between the two.

After finishing the 2nd day squad training, Li Yalin and Naruki came to the City Police Department. There, the Police Department Department Head gave a detailed account of the Quest. The main thing is to catch the wandering intelligence dealer who steals Zuellni’s intelligence. Although this is very difficult for ordinary students, it is no effort at all for Li Yalin. Of course, this is also in the face of Naruki.

“Sorry, you have to go to work soon, but now you have to trouble you.” At this time, Li Yalin and Naruki are monitoring the movements of the intelligence dealers, and they are watching each other’s activities in Li Yalin. In the circumstances, Naruki suddenly said to Li Yalin very sorry.

“It’s okay, it’s just a small matter. If you work part-time, it’s no problem to delay some time. Anyway, it only takes an hour.” Li Yalin smiled and looked back comforted.

“But… Yalin, you may not know that the members of the elite squad generally speaking will not act as temporary mobilizations. I know, if it weren’t for me…” Anyway, Naruki I feel that I owe Li Yalin a little bit. If I were not myself, Li Yalin simply didn’t use it here to waste time. Why did I go to Li Yalin when my head was hot? Naruki now feels very regretful.

“I don’t know what others are like, but if Naruki is yours, I would be very willing to help.” Li Yalin smiled and rushed to Naruki wink, and at this time the two City Police in charge of probing were already When I walked into the building, I seemed to be negotiating something with it.

“Yalin…” After Li Yalin said this sentence, Naruki’s face showed a hint of red. Li Yalin’s words moved Naruki very much, but Naruki also When I wanted to say something, the building opposite suddenly produced a huge explosion.

“A total of five people, then it’s my turn to play now!” At this time, after the explosion, five silhouettes emerged from the building, followed by several City wearing battle uniforms. Police also followed closely from behind and rushed out, but these strengths are only better than ordinary Martial Arts Department students. How the City Police is the opponent of these experienced wandering intelligence dealers, they were all defeated in three hits, Li Yalin knew it was time for him to play, so after Li Yalin notified Naruki, he rushed towards the five intelligence dealers.

Simply did not use weapons. Li Yalin defeated all the intelligence dealers present with just three punches and two kicks. Naruki could startled this time. Although he knew that Li Yalin was an Expert, he didn’t expect These prisoners who could easily defeat Senpai on May 4th could not go through a round in Li Yalin’s hands. Li Yalin didn’t even use DITE. Isn’t the gap too big?

Because of the news blockade and the 14th Platoon, almost all of Nina’s hands were played, so Naruki was the first in addition to seeing Li Yalin’s strength when meeting for the first time. When I watched the platoons competition this time, Li Yalin showed a few hands. Now after seeing Li Yalin’s strength again, Naruki feels still very shocked.

“Well done! What a good skill!” After capturing all the prisoners, the Police Department Department Head patted Li Yalin’s arm and exclaimed, but after praising Li Yalin, Chief of The Police Department was somewhat puzzled and said: “But what puzzles me is that the data chip of these guys doesn’t know where it is. It really makes me wonder.”

“Data chip?” Naruki I looked at the Chief of Police Department with some confusion.

“Yes, according to the information, these guys should have a lot of data chips, but now I have not found one. It’s a pity. If I find it, it should be sold. That’s a lot of money.” The Chief of Police Department sighed repeatedly.

“Sell for money? Department Head, are you going to sell it?” Naruki asked incredulously.

“Of course, it is impossible to return it to the owner, and if it is sold, it is considered to have contributed to Zuellni, but now it’s useless, simply can’t find the data chip. .” The Chief of Police Department made a look as it should be by rights.

“Does these guys end up in exile?” Li Yalin suddenly asked, seeing the prisoners who were caught on the stray bus.

“Yes, we won’t stay in the city for this kind of prisoners, and the mouths of these guys are also very hard, so we can only remove their weapons and let them put on prison uniforms. Exile them out, damn it, if President Karian gives me some more time, I will definitely be able to ask the whereabouts of the data chip!” At this point, the Chief of Police Department still has some resentment.

‘You can’t find these data chips even if you give you a lifetime! ‘Seeing the Chief of Police Department’s resentment look, Li Yalin laughed secretly in the heart. Long before he fell the five prisoners, Li Yalin had already noticed those data chips. Of course Li Yalin’s skill can be fascinated. Unknowingly taking the data chip as one’s own, it was just a moment of effort, and the data chip had already appeared in Li Yalin’s Evolved Space.

Some of these data chips are about DITE, some are about urban architecture, and some are about kei skill practice. In short, Lili always has a suitcase. After storing the data chips, Li Yalin will These chips were handed over to Feifei for analysis by Super Military Factory.

Actually, Li Yalin had already planned this incident at first. Li Yalin had also seen the information dealers in the original plot, so Li Yalin naturally did it a long time ago. Attention to the problem of the data chip. Of course, even if there is no data chip, Li Yalin will help Naruki, but wouldn’t it be better to have one move and two gains now?

“By the way, Naruki, you performed well today, that is, the past few days. The official admission notice from City Police should be sent!” At this moment, Chief of Police The Department said to Naruki.

“Thank you sir, but the sorry Department Head, Yalin has invited me to join the 17th Platoon before, and now I think about it, I think I should join the 17th Platoon better!” Unexpectedly, Naruki suddenly chose to give up joining the City Police, and instead joined the 17th Platoon, which stunned Li Yalin and the Chief of Police Department.

“It turned out to be like this. The 17th Platoon is indeed a strong team. Naruki, you should be able to learn a lot there, so I will congratulate you first.” After a pause, Chief of The Police Department reacted immediately, but he was not angry at Naruki’s words, but rather agreed.

“Thank you sir!” Naruki raised his hand to salute and shouted very loudly.

“Why did you choose to join 17th Platoon so suddenly?” After leaving the scene of the crime, Li Yalin asked Naruki with some doubts.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that City Police may not be suitable for me.” Naruki didn’t face to answer, just said vaguely.

Thank you very much for wanting to read this good book, Saberalter, Jane Linghuan, just for YY reading, bloodthirsty black feather for the reward.

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