“Captain, leave the main attack to me this time.” Li Yalin said to Nina.

“Yalin, you… well, the main Quest will be handed over to you. We will be responsible for raiding the opponent’s position and destroying the flag.” Looking at Li Yalin’s serious expression, Nina hesitated for a while. nodded agreed.

Because the area of ​​the confrontation field is not large, 5th Platoon’s every move cannot be concealed from Li Yalin’s perception. Li Yalin’s current goal is 5th Platoon’s Captain Gorneo Luckens, although it is not a special favor. But this guy is much better than his big brother, Heaven Blade’s Wielder Savaris, at least in terms of character.

Without any hesitation, all the traps along the way were destroyed by Li Yalin, and by the way, three 5th Platoon players who wanted to sneak attack themselves were solved. Before coming to a hillside, Gorneo finally Appeared.

“Gorneo Luckens, Zuellni’s strongest attacker and a loud voice, is here! What kind of fierce fighting sparks will he have with Li Yalin? It is really exciting!” After Gorneo appeared on the stage, the excitement of the commentator immediately sounded from outside the field.

Li Yalin and Gorneo looked at each other like this, only saw Gorneo’s eyes shrink, and the right hand suddenly clenched a fist and thumped on the ground. “Kei’s change of training-violent strike!” As Gorneo’s Kei penetrated deep into the ground, he turned the ground into two soil spikes and attacked Li Yalin, which has the same effect as Earth Element’s Magic.

It’s just two soil thorns, and simply poses no threat to Li Yalin. Li Yalin just flashes, and the two soil thorns rubbed Li Yalin’s body and passed.

“It’s not over yet!” Seeing that he missed a hit, Gorneo immediately clenched his fists with both hands and thumped it to the ground again. In terms of the number of thorns, they are much stronger than the one-handed attack just now.

But even if there are a few more soil thorns, can this be an obstacle to Li Yalin? The answer is of course no, Li Yalin’s DITE hasn’t been taken out yet, just a little jump, and then jumped out of the attack range of the soil thorns.

Seeing that Li Yalin escaped his attack so easily, Gorneo was also taken aback for a while, but when he was stunned, a small silhouette sprang out from behind him.

“Leave it to me!” The red-haired monkey Shante Laite sprang out from behind Gorneo. Her weapon was a fiery-red long spear, and the color was the same as Li Yalin’s Burning Angel. Spear is almost the same, but it’s powerful, but it’s far worse.

“Yan Kei will flash!” Along with Shante’s shout, a fire gas with a diameter of more than one meter appeared in front of her. When the Fireball reached the critical point, it immediately He attacked Li Yalin.

“The temperature is the same as a match.” Li Yalin looked at the Fireball attacking from mid-air with disdain. He just stretched out his index finger and flicked it lightly, and the Fireball was attacked along the same path. Going back, he directly hit Shante in the air.

“Shante!” Seeing that his opponent was hit, Gorneo immediately ran to Shante’s fall site with great concern, because the attack was not powerful, and Li Yalin didn’t do anything from it. Hands and feet, so Shante only suffered minor burns plus some fall injuries, but there were no other major problems.

“Why are you here? How about the flag’s defense?” After seeing that his teammates were okay, Gorneo asked loudly while sighed in relief.

“I stayed there, and if I knock this guy down, the 17th Platoon is nothing!” Shante leaned on his long spear and stood up, just after saying this , He picked up the long spear and pierced Li Yalin straight.

“Use long spear in front of me, don’t you think some display one’s slight skill before an expert?” Li Yalin slightly smiled, slightly tilted his head, and Shante’s long spear was pierced. . But the inertia brought by the charge made Shante continue to move forward, but at this time Li Yalin had already grabbed the long spear in Shante’s hand, and then shot Shante back with the palm of his backhand, and Shante’s long spear Spear was in Li Yalin’s hands at this time.

“What?” Shante, who was sitting on the ground with a palm shot by Li Yalin, looked at Li Yalin with an incredible face, and his DITE was taken away. What a shame!

“Long spear, you don’t use it like that.” Li Yalin smiled and squeezed the DITE in his hand. The Ruby DITE is of decent texture and the quality can reach Elite-Level. This should belong to the Alchemy Department’s boutique work. It may be tailor-made for Shante. This long spear is a bit short for Li Yalin. Forget it, just use it as a short gun.

With Li Yalin’s continuous dance, the long spear in Li Yalin’s hands has been danced into a red Whirlwind. With this Whirlwind getting bigger and bigger, almost the entire competition stage is covered by Whirlwind. It was full, but before the stunned expressions of Gorneo and Shante could react, Whirlwind suddenly stopped.

“What the hell is going on?” Everyone present didn’t react. The Whirlwind Spear Art that Li Yalin danced just now is pretty good-looking, but what’s the actual effect? Isn’t it just for good looks?

Just when everyone was very confused, there was a sound of’kacha’ in the protective clothing on Gorneo. With this continuous sound, the protective clothing on Gorneo and DITE turned out to be all Cracks occurred, and in the end, it seemed that they could no longer withstand this continuous burden. In the end, Gorneo’s protective clothing and DITE all turned into fragments.

“Gore!” After seeing this situation, Shante on the side was very anxious to check the situation of Gorneo, but when she moved a little, her protective coat turned out to be It also shattered into pieces, leaving only the underwear left on her body.

“Ah!” Although she was still wearing underwear, her protective clothing was shattered in full view. Shante couldn’t stand it anymore. After she shouted, she squatted on her chest. Sat in place.

“Shante!” After seeing this situation, Gorneo immediately ran to Shante’s side. After seeing that Shante was okay, it was considered sighed in relief.

“You!” After seeing that his teammates were unobstructed, Gorneo’s angry eyes shot at Li Yalin immediately, but Li Yalin shrugged helplessly and pointed to behind Gorneo.

Following the direction of Li Yalin’s finger, Gorneo turned his head hesitantly, but after turning his head, Gorneo found that his 5th Platoon flag had been carried on Nina’s shoulder.

“The victory has been divided, and the 17th Platoon has won!” At this time, the outside commentator had announced the end of the game, and the siren for the end of the game sounded at the same time.

“Gorneo Luckens? So Gahard Vallen is your Senior Brother? Let that rubbish be your Senior Brother, you are really unfortunate.” When it comes to the name Galalut, Li Yalin’s A look of disdain flashed from the corner of his mouth.

“What did you say?” Hearing Li Yalin calling his Senior Brother rubbish, Gorneo immediately wanted to rush over to talk to Li Yalin, but after seeing Li Yalin’s eyes, he didn’t Consciously stopped.

“Am I wrong? The Little Monkey in your team hates me because of what you said? Although I don’t know what the news is, I was Acting in accordance with the will of Queen Your Majesty, and even if there is no Queen Your Majesty’s will, I will not let go of that rubbish!” Li Yalin continued to disdain.

“Queen Your Majesty’s will? Impossible! What the hell is going on? What is the reason? What happened to Senior Gahard?” Upon hearing Li Yalin’s words, Gorneo rushed to Li. Yalin’s asked with an incredulous expression on his face.

“Want to know the truth? Then come with me, I will tell you.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, and then ignored Gorneo, just turned back and moved towards his teammate.

“Yalin, we succeeded.” After Li Yalin returned to the team, Nina was very excited to say with a smile to Li Yalin.

“Yeah, I won again, but don’t be dazzled by the victory.” Li Yalin nodded, but he reminded him immediately.

“Okay, I know, now I really don’t know if you are Captain or I’m Captain, or you will replace me as Captain. As long as our 17th Platoon can become stronger, who will be Captain? It doesn’t matter anymore.” Nina was suddenly sighed. Now Squad can achieve this result thanks to Li Yalin. After Li Yalin joined the 17th Platoon, the squad began to slowly grow stronger. Now Nina feels that she is real. Some are not qualified for the position of Captain.

“Forget it, I’m not in the mood to take your place. Besides, being a Captain is very hard. I have to think about this and that every day, so this thankless job is better left to you. Yes. Yes, didn’t Sharnid said before that we should celebrate after winning this game? I have already told my boss that the maid coffee shop has been packaged by me tonight. Let’s celebrate there.” Li Yalin Shook the head, he never thought about being Captain, but after rejecting Nina’s proposal, Li Yalin smiled and told everyone about the celebration tonight.

“Really worthy friend! I thought of going together.” Hearing that Li Yalin had booked in the maid coffee shop, Sharnid immediately gave Li Yalin a frivolous thumbs up.

“Will it be a celebration? Okay, then celebrate it. The cost will be out of the team fee.” After Li Yalin rejected her proposal, Nina seemed to be sighed in relief , But a little bit lost. In short, his heart is indeed very complicated. Even Li Yalin said he wanted to celebrate, but he agreed without thinking about it.

Thanks to Rongguang Knight, Saberalter, Tianhen Wuji, Jian Linghuan, and Mengzhixi for their rewards.

Originally, it was said yesterday that there will be three shifts, but something was delayed, but today we will make up three shifts~~~ (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please visit www.qidian. com, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!)

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