Looking at the silhouette of Li Yalin flying around, Nina and the others can only sigh with excitement. With their current strength, they can’t easily rush to the city shell of gundam several hundred meters without any external force, so they only After shook the head, he took out his climbing equipment and entered the abandoned mobile city.

After entering the interior of this mobile city, Li Yalin and the others first came to the outer edge. Like Zuellni, it is a barren land. After all, this is the buffer zone of the entire city. If it happens In case of any accident, the battle will basically take place here. But now here is dead silence. The remains of Filth Monster that can be seen everywhere, these all are unable to evolve into Larva larvae. Due to insufficient nutrients, they can only become fossils here.

“That’s right, this is the so-called ghost town.” After entering the city, I looked at the broken streets and broken houses. Due to the damage of the ventilation equipment, there was a cool breeze in the city. , Sharnid couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“It’s very strange. Although it is certain that Filth Monster has attacked this place, why are there no remains of the victims? Even if it will become the nourishment of Filth Monster, it is impossible to eat so cleanly, right?” Li Yalin frowns looked at the ground of the city and the walls of the houses and said that in his perception, the whole city is basically like this. Simply cannot see a trace of blood or battle marks on the surface. The destroyed places in the city are basically The above are all caused by the movement of Filth Monster.

“Anyway, I will start to confirm whether there are survivors.” Nina was also taken aback after hearing this. She has not experienced this kind of thing, but for her, finding survivors is the most important thing. Things.

“Hope is very slim.” Just after Nina finished speaking, Sharnid said untimely.

Although they said that, everyone was still looking for survivors under Nina’s orders. However, Li Yalin knew that finding survivors was almost impossible, although the city had not yet been fully integrated. The perception is clear, but as long as Li Yalin perceives, there is no living thing. I believe Felli also knows this.

When I came to the center public square, Li Yalin entire group discovered the mobile city logo, but after seeing this logo, Nina was completely stunned.

“This is impossible! It is Gandoweria, who only fought two years ago!” Nina looked at the sign that had made her sad for countless nights in disbelief, and said hesitantly.

Two years ago, when Nina was a freshman in the Martial Arts Department in the first year, she was promoted to the elite squad very quickly due to her strength, but she was soon promoted to the elite squad. During the city battle, Nina tasted despair, and it was this mobile city called Gandoweria that gave her this taste.

“Yes, I remember, it is indeed Gandoweria who fought before!” At this time, Sharnid also reflected that he had participated in that battle. In fact, that battle was for him. It can be regarded as a turning point, so he is still fresh in his memory.

“Impossible! This city has beaten Zuellni, the selenium mine should be very abundant, the city’s battle strength is also very sufficient, and the degree of unity is also…” Nina still can’t believe the facts at this moment. She was talking to herself in an unbelievable tone, but before Nina could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Li Yalin.

“Do you think these are useful for Filth Monster? It’s not that Zuellni hasn’t been attacked by Filth Monster. You should know this best, let’s take a look at this!” After all, Li Yalin It refers to the fact that all its nutrients have been supplied to the juvenile body and it has become the maternal body of the fossil. Even if the huge body becomes a fossil, it will give people a very powerful deterrent. This is beyond doubt.

“Anyway, people can’t beat Filth Monster. Are you trying to tell me this fact?” Nina bit her lip and asked unwillingly.

“I don’t mean that, I just want to tell you the fact that Filth Monster is not indefatigable, but it varies from person to person. You will become stronger and stronger in the future, when the time comes There will be more and more things you have to face. This is just the beginning.” Li Yalin’s mouth showed a slight smile, but Nina didn’t understand what he said.

“I don’t understand, what exactly are you trying to say?”

“You will understand in the future.” Li Yalin did not continue to explain anything, just answered vaguely After one sentence, the investigation continued.

After temporarily confirming that there are no survivors in the upper layers of the city, the next thing to do is to determine the Filth Monster data and search for the Gandoweria data. Of course, this kind of broken work on August 07 can be handed over to the 5th Platoon team members. Li Yalin and the others are now mainly responsible for finding out whether there are any survivors in the lower levels of the city. At this time, the main players are Li Yalin and Felli. As for Nina, she has found Gorneo just now, and she seems to be discussing something with him.

After an afternoon of searching, the overall work has basically come to an end. Although this city has been abandoned for two years, the automatic circulation system allows the water and electricity facilities here to remain complete. Besides, the two squads also sat together for dinner. Although the 5th Platoon just lost to the 17th Platoon, the atmosphere of everyone is still good, at least not with swords drawn and bows bent, they are basically friendly. Except for Shante, the red-haired monkey, she has always looked at Li Yalin very uncomfortable.

After having dinner, everyone was ready to go to bed after a lot of freshening, but when Li Yalin lying on the bed was about to go to sleep, the door of Li Yalin’s room was knocked awake.

“Yalin, are you asleep?” Nina’s voice sounded outside the door.

“It turned out to be Captain, please come in, what’s the matter?” Li Yalin quickly replied.

“Nothing, can’t sleep, can you go out and chat with me?” After closing Li Yalin’s door, Nina’s face flashed red, but she still wanted to talk to Li Yalin about herself In my heart.

“Okay, I’m not sleepy anyway. I don’t feel comfortable in changing places occasionally.” Li Yalin nodded, I don’t know what Nina wants to say, so after Li Yalin called Haha , He got up and walked out of his room with Nina.

“Yalin, are you Grendan’s Heaven Blade’s Wielder?” When she reached the outer edge, Nina asked Li Yalin while looking at the bright moonlight in the sky.

“Listen to what Gorneo said? Indeed, I did have this name once, but this name has been abandoned by me.” After learning that Nina had a conversation with Gorneo, Li Yalin thought that Nina would ask herself this, and there was nothing to hide. Li Yalin directly admitted it.

“Why? Why abandon this title? Listening to Gorneo’s tone, you can find that he is very dissatisfied with your approach. He thinks that your approach insults the dignity of the martial artist!” Li Yalin bluntly admitted, Nina was taken aback, but then she continued to ask.

“Is the dignity of a martial artist? It is, but I can’t understand your so-called dignity.” Li Yalin shook the head, saying that he couldn’t understand it. This is indeed true. Li Yalin has changed from a powerless Otaku to the current Supreme powerhouse, and it took less than a year. Of course, there have been many killings, but it is impossible for Li Yalin to understand so quickly that he learned martial arts from a young age and regards martial arts as the so-called dignity of the martial artists of his second life.

“Why? Aren’t you also a martial artist?” Nina asked in surprise immediately when Li Yalin said this.

“It’s different, I’m different from ordinary martial artists, and even different from other Heaven’s Blades. About this, maybe you’ll understand later, if it’s true If it’s that day.” Li Yalin smiled helplessly. No one knows what will happen in the future, even though it’s Nina, Felli, or Mayshen, and even Leerin and Li, who have never met but have a deep bond. Yalin has a good impression of them, but Li Yalin is not sure whether he will contract with them after completing Quest, so now is not the time to explain everything, maybe after completing Quest, Li Yalin will confess the truth to everyone Right.

“Is that so? I see, if this is the case, I will look forward to that day. But Yalin, I have something else I want to tell you.” Since Li Yalin has said so, Nina did not continue to ask, but then she suddenly changed the subject.

“You can say Captain.” Li Yalin made a gesture that if you have something, please speak up.

“Don’t call me Captain anymore, just call me Nina.” At this point, there was a hint of blush on Nina’s face.

“It turned out to be this, since the team…oh no, since Nina, you have said so, then I am disrespectful.” Li Yalin smiled and promised nodded, but Nina still wanted While saying something, Felli’s silhouette suddenly came over from a distance.

“What are you doing?” Felli asked blankly.

“I didn’t do anything, I just couldn’t sleep, so we went out and walked together, what’s the matter Felli?” Nina’s face flushed, and then immediately explained to Felli.

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