“Ha, I don’t bother to care about those guys. I just used them just to come here. I didn’t mean to help them. But I also introduce myself. My name is Haia Salinvan Lyia. The three-generation leader of Salinvan.” After Haia laughed, she introduced herself.

“What is your purpose here? Is it Fallen One?” Li Yalin frowns asked.

“It is indeed the original Heaven Blade’s Wielder. This intuition is really sharp. Queen Your Majesty already knows that Fallen One has appeared here, so she assigns us to the recycling work, but for the time being this is not Important, trifling a Fallen One to us is just something in the bag. On the contrary, I am more interested in you.” Hearing Li Yalin’s purpose, Haia immediately slapped her two chins. Then he showed a strange expression to Li Yalin.

“Interested in me? Your guy is a pervert, right?” Li Yalin couldn’t help shivering at the other’s hot eyes, not because of other things, but this Haia’s gaze was too much for Li Yalin It’s disgusting.

“What are you talking about! You don’t know yet, your Master and our second-generation Captain are related to the senior and junior brothers, so you and I represent the senior and junior brothers. Connected by the same Saihadian moves, why don’t you use a knife? I really want to know.” Even if Li Yalin looked at herself with perverted eyes, Haia didn’t make any other reactions, just gloomy. After a smile, he immediately swung his knife and slashed at Li Yalin.

“Is the senior and junior brothers? You guy is too high to look at yourself, right? Are you worthy?” Li Yalin just raised his hand in disdain, and a Holy Protection Wall appeared in Li Yalin’s In front of him, although Haia has the strength of Seventh Rank, he wants to break through Li Yalin’s Holy Protection Wall, but it is undoubtedly a fantasy story, so at this time, even if he is trying his best to break through the golden protective shield in front of him, it is just to no avail.

“you guy!” Seeing that I can’t even break through a shield that the other party randomly displayed, Haia has already creaked his teeth, but even so, his strength is huge The difference is that Haia has nothing to do.

“You are still far away, you should go home and practice again, but you are suspected of selling prohibited drugs, so you need to come with me first.” Just at Li Yalin’s tone barely fell , The Holy Protection Wall disappeared quietly, but Haia on the other side of the Holy Protection Wall almost didn’t fall into a shit because of inertia, but this guy’s reaction was very fast, just as his face was about to be close to the ground in an instant , A harrier turned over and squatted on the ground.

“This trick is pretty good, but your vigilance is really bad.” At the moment Haia just squatted on the ground, Li Yalin had already appeared behind Haia. I saw him kick on Haia’s ass. This time it was unavoidable to fall into a shit, and it seemed that this guy had fallen terribly.

“Kill the pretty Yalin, but where is this guy going to deliver? Is it to the Police Department or the Student Council?” Seeing Li Yalin successfully subduing Haia, Dalshena was very excited and came to Li Yalin’s. But looking at Haia on the ground, Dalshena’s brows frowned again. This guy is a scourge wherever he is sent. The Police Department can’t tolerate this big Buddha. The Student Council is similar, at least in Zuellni, except for Li Yalin. No one outside should be able to restrain this guy.

“Give him to the Student Council. Anyway, this guy should have contacted President Karian long ago. The Fallen One incident is not a trivial matter. If nothing else, this group of guys should have been found by Karian. Right.” Li Yalin had already thought about this.

“Fallen One?” The name Dalshena was the first time I heard of it, so she was looking at Li Yalin with a puzzled face.

“About this…” There is nothing to hide, Li Yalin directly explained the cause of the matter, and in the process of explaining, Li Yalin did not idle, and directly used Haia’s anger. After sealing it, he tied him into a zongzi, which was carried in his hands like a sandbag. The two talked and walked in the direction of the Student Council.

“Another small insect.” Just when the two walked halfway, Li Yalin was slightly smiled, and at this moment, an Arrow shot towards Li Yalin quickly. There is a very powerful Kei on the Arrow, but this is not a threat to Li Yalin. After Li Yalin raised his hand and flicked the Arrow, he dropped Haia and instantly disappeared in place.

After Li Yalin appeared again, there was another person in his hand. This is a blond girl with weak glasses wearing Salinvan Mercenary Group uniform, but at this time this girl with glasses Having lost consciousness, Kei was also sealed by Li Yalin. After binding her and Haia, Li Yalin continued to carry the two towards the Student Council.

“Schoolmate Yalin, are you looking for me? This is…” Originally President Karian was not in the Student Council, but Li Yalin brought President Karian back because of a situation report, but he After Karian entered the office, he saw Haia and the glasses girl who were thrown on the ground at a glance, so President Karian could only look at Li Yalin with some doubts.

“The guys of the Salinvan Mercenary Group, you should be the one who contacted them. These guys will be handled by you. I really don’t bother to take care of these messy things.” Li Yalin kicked it casually. Haia, who was pretending to be dead on the ground, had already recovered his anger with the glasses girl, Kei, but for some reason, this guy hadn’t made any moves.

“Schoolmate Yalin…” President Karian wanted to say something, but Li Yalin didn’t give him a chance, and took Dalshena out of the Student President’s office.

“Is this good, Yalin?” After walking out of the office, Dalshena asked Li Yalin hesitantly.

“What’s wrong?” Li Yalin asked, somewhat puzzled.

“President Karian is not a martial artist, so simply let him be with two powerful martial artists, won’t there be any problems?” Dalshena asked with some worry.

“Don’t worry, although this guy named Haia is not a good thing, but he still has to take care of the reputation of the Salinvan Mercenary Group. There is no doubt about it. You haven’t seen me mention Salinvan. What’s President Karian’s reaction after the name? They must have already contacted.” Li Yalin made a relieved expression and signaled Dalshena to be relieved.

Seeing that Li Yalin said so, Dalshena didn’t say anything. After the two chatted for a while, the two separated. Li Yalin wanted to go to the coffee shop to work, and Dalshena did. I want to have a chat with Ding. This is the last advice. If Ding still doesn’t listen to the advice, Dalshena can only choose to let Li Yalin abolish Ding’s martial arts.

Soon, the 17th Platoon vs. 10th Platoon match started, but when I saw Ding again, Li Yalin found out that instead of listening to Dalshena’s advice, Ding has gotten stronger. This guy actually started. Taking Kei Vein accelerators in larger doses. What is going on?

Seeing Li Yalin’s puzzled eyes, Dalshena seemed very helpless. He had advised Ding many times, but instead of heeding the advice, Dalshena became more and more crazy. Now Ding’s temper is very bad. Well, from time to time, it will flies into a rage, which makes 10th Platoon’s heart distracted.

“Shena-senpai.” Just after the two teams were ready to disperse, Li Yalin stopped Dalshena.

“Don’t worry about anything on the competition stage, Ding will leave it to me, and you don’t have to worry about the rest.” Li Yalin smiled and comforted Dalshena, then moved towards the position of the companions. past.

“Yalin…” Dalshena looked at Li Yalin’s back in confusion, but after being confused, Dalshena seemed to have figured out something, and his eyes became firm in an instant.

In this competition, the 17th Platoon is the defensive side, while the 10th Platoon is the attacking side. This time Li Yalin unexpectedly did not have the defensive flag, but chose to charge instead. At this time, the 10th Platoon players We have all attacked. As the attacker of 10th Platoon, Dalshena has already rushed to the forefront, but Li Yalin simply didn’t care about her charge, just let her rush over.

For this result, the audience outside the venue are all startled, what is this? There are other reasons for implementing the new tactics, but after the audience’s surprise is over, all the follow-up troops of the 10th Platoon have rushed over. At this time, Li Yalin did not give the opponent any more chances. After a flash of lightning, the 10th Platoon The ordinary players of Platoon can’t afford to fall to the ground, and Ding is the only one who can barely stand still.

“Li Yalin! I really didn’t expect, you hide so deeply!” Looking at Li Yalin opposite to him, Ding couldn’t help but straighten his body with his teeth, as if What a grudge against Li Yalin.

“You are hating me, why do you hate me? Is there anything I offend you?” Li Yalin was a little puzzled, although Ding looked at himself very bad before, but now his eyes It was full of hatred, and Li Yalin didn’t understand it very much.

“You are still pretending to be stupid! It was you who took Shena away, so you still dare to pretend not to know anything in front of me?” Ding roared loudly, and while roaring, his hands The hook has been thrown at Li Yalin.

“I took Shena-senpai? What do you mean by that?” After hearing Ding’s words, Li Yalin was startled. Where do you start? So after Li Yalin dodged Ding’s hook, he asked very puzzledly.

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