“Can I choose not to answer?” Looking at all around, Li Yalin gave a wry smile. Regarding this question, in addition to Mifi and Mayshen, Nina and Dalshena are the first to hear it. Said, so they all looked at Li Yalin in amazement at this time, as if they had met Li Yalin for the first time.

“This question is my personal issue, so I don’t need to write it in the report, but I still hope you can tell it, at least everyone is very concerned about this issue.” Mifi spit out very playfully. Tongue, and then pulled everyone on the front of her side unexpectedly.

“Okay, let me tell you a little bit. My girlfriends can be considered martial artists. At least they are still very strong. For some reasons, they haven’t come to Zuellni yet. , Of course they are not in Grendan, if there is an opportunity, I will bring them over for you to see.” Li Yalin could only pick up some and say it.

“It feels like you are just perfuncting us. Forget it, you know that you don’t want to answer the question properly. Just continue to the next question…” Then Mifi asked Li Yalin some more questions. Li Yalin also picked some unimportant explanations. Mifi is very satisfied with this result. As for the others, it can be considered that they have a better understanding of Li Yalin.

The three-day special training passed quickly. The past few days everyone was very happy, but Zuellni’s vibrations were very frequent recently, which made Li Yalin frown. He knew in his heart. This should be the fault of Fallen One, but when he probed, he simply couldn’t find the trail of Fallen One. Even Felli did the same. Every time he searched for Fallen One, he always found nothing. This guy seemed to have evaporated in this World. general.

Soon, the 17th Platoon vs. First Platoon match will begin. For this day, Nina has spent countless efforts. At this moment, she can no longer conceal her inner excitement, Li Yalin, Felli, Sharnid , Dalshena, Naruki and Harley. These players have allowed 17th Platoon to grow from a weak team on the verge of disbanding to a team that can stand on Zuellni Peak. How can Nina not be so excited?

In the deafening cheers of all the spectators in the audience, the 17th Platoon and First Platoon players appeared. This time the 17th Platoon was the offensive side and First Platoon was the defensive side. So Li Yalin and their Quest this time only need to destroy the opponent’s defensive flag, but Li Yalin doesn’t want to win so easily, because he wants to completely destroy First Platoon.

“Is this possible? The opponent is Boss Vanze. Besides, the guys of First Platoon are not eating for nothing!” After hearing Li Yalin’s suggestion, Sharnid first made an expression of disbelief.

“It’s very interesting, I think what Yalin said is very interesting, I agree!” Dalshena looked at Li Yalin very appreciatively and said, after all, First Platoon had always maintained the myth of unbeaten. Record, Dalshena is definitely in favor of giving the other party a bit of color now.

“Now our strength has been unprecedentedly improved, and what Yalin said is not impossible. If that is the case, then I agree, at least we must have the spirit of fighting!” Nina pondered for a while. , Very unexpectedly agreed. Originally, Sharnid thought that Nina would act cautiously. They didn’t expect Nina to be so passionate.

“Agree!” expressionless young girl Felli only said such a sentence.

“I also agree that although the opponent is very powerful, I believe in Yalin!” Naruki also nodded agreed. As for the DITE maintenance staff, Harley has no say at all, so this situation makes Sharnid somewhat Helpless shrugged bladder.

“Since everyone agrees, let’s start a collective action. The number of attackers is enough, so this time you will be responsible for the long-range sniping of Sharnid. The opponent has only one sniper. Felli is responsible for finding him at first, and he can’t make him mess up at a critical moment! Next, don’t disperse and fight, it’s more conducive to get together to destroy each other’s members!” Seeing everyone’s agreement, Nina immediately made it. Fighting arrangements.

“Understood!” After everyone replied to complied, they each entered the battle area. After the alarm sounded at the beginning of the battle, Felli’s Psychokinetic was already full of the audience, and Sharnid rushed in quickly Looking for cover in the bushes, while hiding his figure, while looking for the opponent’s sniper under the guidance of Felli’s.

As for Li Yalin, the four of them directly moved towards the local position and rushed over. In this case, there is no need to use special tactics. Meet force with force is the best choice. Li Yalin believes, With your current strength, even if you don’t make a move, you can still win First Platoon.

After destroying the opponent’s various traps along the way, the Li Yalin entire group quickly entered the enemy’s 3rd line of defense. This was also the enemy’s last line of defense, because the first two lines of defense did not have First The defense of Platoon’s players is just some machine traps, so Li Yalin and the others are effortless, but in the 3rd defense, all the First Platoon members are waiting here.

“You are finally here. Didn’t expect you to use this tactic. It is indeed beyond my expectation.” Head of Military Arts Vanze said with some admiration, originally he thought it was 17th Platoon Will use the usual attracting tactics, so he planned to fight on two fronts at first, but didn’t expect Li Yalin and they did not separate, which surprised Vanze.

“Nina, go to duel him, let me see your growth.” Li Yalin ignored Vanze, just pointed to Vanze and said to Nina with a smile on his face.

“Well, then, the others will leave it to you.” Nina was taken aback, but then she laughed, very determined and nodded, Nina moved towards Vanze and walked over.

But the members of First Platoon were not so kind to get Nina close. As long as Nina was defeated, the 17th Platoon would be lost. So after Nina just took two steps, there were two First Platoons. ‘S members stopped Nina.

“Your opponent is not her!” At this moment, Li Yalin appeared in front of these two guys in an instant. Before the two of them could react, Li Yalin took one hand. He caught the two and threw them in front of Naruki and Dalshena. Except for these two guys, the remaining two First Platoon team members did not escape this bad luck. They were all thrown out by Li Yalin.

“These guys are left to you, let me see your growth!” Li Yalin smiled and said to the two women. Li Yalin’s main purpose is not to win the game, but to test the training. The result is nothing more.

It is very easy to win, but in that case, in addition to completing the Quest, it loses the meaning of the game. So after learning that the opponent is First Platoon, Li Yalin gave birth to the test everyone Idea of ​​strength.

“Are you alone? Don’t you think it is too sloppy to do this?” Although Li Yalin’s method is puzzled, if the opponent is just Nina’s, Vanze hasn’t put her in his eyes. , After all, Nina is also Vanze’s focus. Vanze thinks her strength is very clear. Although the strength shown by Nina in the previous two matches is quite surprising, this strength is still common sense. Knowing that training Nina’s is a super powerhouse, it would be surprising if Nina hasn’t improved at all.

“The grass is not sloppy, you will know next.” Nina holding a double whip is very calm, and after leaning over, Nina has rushed to Vanze’s face, this kind of speed is greatly improved. To Vanze’s surprise, he was hit hard by Nina’s before he even had time to recover his DITE.

Although Nina’s attack was powerful, it was just an ordinary one after all. Vanze, who had already been transported by Kei to resist, did not suffer much damage, but shock was inevitable.

After restoring the DITE in his hand, a large saber-cutting knife appeared in Vanze’s hands. At this time, Vanze had also increased his vigilance. The saber-cutting knife continued to slash at Nina, but Nina’s The speed was very fast, and Vanze’s attack was dodged after a few dodges.

“Is it just like this? Then I’m not welcome!” didn’t expect his own strength has been improved to such a level, the originally unattainable Head of Military Arts Vanze is actually like that. . Because of this, Nina’s self-confidence skyrocketed at this moment. After a burst of purple electric sparks appeared on the double whip, a powerful lightning appeared in an instant, and moved towards Vanze rushed straight away.

This is how Li Yalin taught Nina’s External Type Kei before-Lei Xun. This kei skill Li Yalin is also very skilled. After all, he has the power of lightning. Controlling lightning is for Li Yalin. It is too familiar to say, and Li Yalin understands some of the essentials and know-how, so this move Nina learned very thoroughly.

In the face of Nina’s powerful blow, Vanze is not so easy. To deal with this range of offenses, Vanze has no choice but to fight hard, because Dodge will leave the opponent with weak Apart from the spot, there will be no other benefits, but just after Vanze’s Vajra Kei resisted Nina’s Thunder, Nina has suddenly appeared behind Vanze. At this time, Vanze’s back has no defense at all. , Nina just broke the opponent with a Kei spin.

After Vanze fell, the sirens for the end of the game sounded throughout the venue. The other members of First Platoon had already been killed. Nina was still slow.

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