The whole Kei-Ra Cannon looks like a huge pistol from the outside, but this pistol is gundam nearly 30 meters away. After checking the Kei-Ra Cannon carefully, Li Yalin also has it. A preliminary understanding.

In general, Kei-Ra Cannon’s equipment is equipped with a device that can accumulate different kinds of energy. This device integrates the collected energy and then further catalyzes the energy to emit The energy that goes out reaches the strongest, which is similar to the principle of Concentration Ring, but it is slightly different.

After trying it, Li Yalin found that Kei-Ra Cannon can absorb considerable energy. If he can supply it alone, he can fire at least ten shots. In this way, Li Yalin is completely relieved. , If ordinary martial artists were to fire this shot, then Li Yalin would lose a lot.

“I feel good, President Karian, even if I fire a shot, it will not affect me.” After understanding, Li Yalin smiled and said to Karian.

“Really? Doesn’t this affect you in any way?” President Karian asked in surprise. This is Zuellni’s final weapon, the strongest weapon that will not be used until the last moment. The main reason is that after one shot, Zuellni will lose a lot of battle strength.

Although it is recoverable, time is life at the critical moment. The Filth Monsters will not give you a few hours to recover energy. Now Li Yalin actually said that Kei-Ra Cannon can be launched independently, which makes How could Karian not be surprised after listening.

“No problem at all. If I fire a shot, it is still within my tolerance. You don’t have to worry about it.” Li Yalin nodded, this is also a more euphemism. It is not necessarily too shocking. Good thing.

At this time, the Filth Monster group is still a long way from Zuellni. It is estimated that it will take at least a few hours to meet. So at this time, Li Yalin did not immediately activate Kei-Ra Cannon, just let the Alchemy Department The students continued to debug, striving to maximize the power of Kei-Ra Cannon during launch.

This time apart from Li Yalin and the 17th Platoon, other elite squad members are also dispatched, but they are dispatched by the most elite members of the squad, and the number is not very large, but Each strength is high and strong. And the guys from Salinvan Guidance Mercenary Gang have also accepted President Karian’s employment, and all of them will attack Filth Monster.

Three hours later, the Filth Monster group has entered the range of Kei-Ra Cannon, so Li Yalin immediately released the energy of the body, and the energy gathered in Kei-Ra Cannon reached a critical point After clicking, a giant cannonball with golden light flashing moved towards Filth Monster group was launched.

The power of Kei-Ra Cannon is indeed huge. The recoil force caused the entire city to recede a dozen meters away, just like a nuclear bomb exploded. A white light flashed across Zuellni, even heaven. There was a loud noise of -shaking, earth-shattering, the shells bloomed among the Filth Monster group, and even Zuellni was affected by the heat wave caused by the explosion.

“Let’s go!” After Zuellni issued this blow, all the squad members who had been prepared immediately set off. After completing the blow, Li Yalin also left the launch site and moved directly towards Filth Monster The group rushed over.

Before the battle started, Li Yalin and the others had already made a battle plan. Larva handed it over to Li Yalin and Salinvan’s Mercenary to deal with. The ordinary team members were responsible for dealing with the juveniles. Although there are not many Filth Monsters left, there are more than a thousand in number. It is still difficult to clean up quickly.

At this time, Li Yalin didn’t think about that many. After restoring the Sword of Silver in his hand, he quickly rushed into the Filth Monster group. He can’t see ordinary juveniles at all now, so at this moment Where there is the existence of Larva, there will be Li Yalin’s silhouette. At this time, whoever grabs it will be served first. After all, it is not just Li Yalin who can kill Larva.

But just as Li Yalin was killing, a colorful aurora suddenly appeared in the sky, which made Li Yalin a little puzzled, and from the gap between the aurora, Li Yalin It is clear that there is a human presence, so Li Yalin also no longer paid attention to the Filth Monster on the ground, but jumped up to the sky in an instant, wanting to see what is there.

In the midair, Li Yalin vaguely found a silhouette in the aurora. He was a man with orange hair. He was not very old. He was holding Zuellni, who had disappeared for a long time.

“Zuellni!” Li Yalin yelled, ignoring anything else, and moved towards the other party and flew over, but the orange-haired man on the opposite side didn’t care much, just let go of Zuellni and let him go. She directly moved towards Li Yalin and flew over.

“Take care of this little Princess.” The orange-haired man disappeared without a trace after saying this, and the colorful aurora in the sky also disappeared. Only now did Li Yalin react. The guy should be the dick Nina had seen before, and didn’t expect Zuellni to be with him.

“It’s okay, Zuellni?” Looking at the Electronic Fairy, which is just like a little girl, Li Yalin asked her affectionately, but Zuellni couldn’t speak yet, so he could only shake his head to indicate that he didn’t. The question, Li Yalin smiled slightly, and then slowly landed on the ground.

“Listen well, Zuellni has returned, all retreat!” At this time, the battle has entered a stalemate. In order to avoid excessive casualties, Li Yalin decided that it would be better to retreat immediately.

But just as everyone got Li Yalin’s order to retreat, a loud hong long long bang reached everyone’s ears, and a shocking scene appeared. There were three huge ones. Filth Monster appeared up ahead of Zuellni, and the huge silhouette was at least hundreds of meters high. Neither juvenile nor Larva could compare with it.

“Retreat! Retreat now!” After seeing this situation, Li Yalin was also taken aback. Now, three of the matures that didn’t expect that didn’t appear in the usual way came out all at once. This is not a normal phenomenon.

“Nina, Zuellni will leave it to you. Don’t worry about me. After Zuellni returns, the city will return to normal. When the time comes Zuellni will avoid Filth Monster on its own. As for these three matures, I Just stop it.” After Li Yalin found Nina, he directly stuffed Zuellni into Nina’s arms. After speaking, he moved towards Mature before Nina could answer.

“Yalin!” Nina did not get an answer after shouting, which made Nina stomped with anger, but she also understood that Mature is not something she can deal with now, so she found Dalshena and After Naruki and the others, they rode on their motorcycles and retreated towards Zuellni.

Nina and their first retreat will not be mentioned for the time being. Of the three Film Monsters Li Yalin has encountered now, two are the first stage of the old body, and the other is the second stage of the old body. It seems that the old body The second stage is quite powerful, and it can control two old bodies for one stage, so it is difficult for Li Yalin to easily kill them.

To deal with such monsters, even Li Yalin must be vigilant. After Filth Monster has evolved into an old body, whether it is in attack, defense or sensitivity, it is very amazing. It is hard to imagine them. How does that huge body make such a flexible attack.

“Don’t try hard, now Zuellni has changed its route and moved towards a safe route. If possible, please retreat back immediately.” At this moment, Felli’s Nen-I Terminal has already flown. On Li Yalin’s side, from Felli’s words, Li Yalin can hear a deep sense of concern.

“How long do you think these three guys will be able to catch up with Zuellni after I retreat? Besides, they might make me retreat so easily?” Li Yalin smiled bitterly, no helper The days are just sad. I knew it would be nice to let Saya and Rei come with me at the beginning, and now I feel like I’m alone, and I can’t organize a team to fight monsters.

“…, please be careful, no matter how you want to save your life, I will try my best to help you!” After a long silence, Felli’s tone suddenly brought a trace of emotional fluctuations, which made Li Yalin was surprised but showed a knowing smile.

“Understood, my girlfriends are still waiting for me! I’m not prepared for the heroic sacrifice at such a young age.” Li Yalin said after a loud laugh.

“If you can come back safely! Then I will be your girlfriend!” At this moment, Dalshena’s words came from Nen-I Terminal suddenly, but these words were Li Yalin was stunned.

“And me, Yalin-senpai, if you don’t mind, I will be your girlfriend too!” Dalshena’s voice did not fall, but Mayshen’s voice came from the other terminal. Although Mayshen’s voice was still so soft, Li Yalin was very moved by the trace of firmness in the words.

“Yalin, if you still want it, I can be your girlfriend. Of course, Nakki is also possible!”

“Ami, what are you talking about? Of course? Now, if Yalin doesn’t mind…it’s wrong…I don’t know what to say…” At this time, the voices of Mifi and Naruki also came over.

“Plus me, if you come back alive!” Something surprising happened. Nina, who had been silent for a long time, also said surprisingly, but what do these girls mean? Isn’t this going to die, does it need to be so sensational?

“Have you heard? So many people are going to be your girlfriends, so you must come back, and…what they can do, I can do it too!” Before Li Yalin could react, Felli closed all the beautiful women’s terminals, leaving her and Li Yalin’s single line, but after hearing Felli’s words, Li Yalin’s mouth couldn’t help showing a wry smile.

“Don’t worry, I said I won’t die, besides, I still have you.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, and then suddenly accelerated, the Adamant DITE in his hand has been moved towards an old body. Cut it down, (to be continued, if you want to know what’s going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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