“So that’s the case. Is this the reason you left Grendan?” After hearing Li Yalin’s words, Leerin’s expression didn’t change much, but he nestled calmly on Li Yalin’s chest and asked indifferently.

Leerin’s meaning Li Yalin understood very well. She thought that Li Yalin wanted to leave Grendan because she learned that she was the heir of the gods, but this can be considered is wrong, since Leerin If you have misunderstood this way, let this misunderstanding continue. At least this is a good thing for Li Yalin and Leerin.

“This is one of the reasons, but the reason for Queen Your Majesty is bigger.” Li Yalin half true half false said, but when it comes to Queen Your Majesty , Li Yalin’s face showed a very strange expression.

Speaking of us Queen of Grendan, she is really a very strange person, she is also one of the few people who have seen Li Yalin’s true face, although the relationship between the two is very good in private, After seeing Li Yalin’s appearance, Queen Your Majesty will often tease Li Yalin. Even if these only exist in Li Yalin’s memory, this is one of the few deepest memory fragments of Li Yalin, so after mentioning Queen Your Majesty, Li Yalin’s expression will be so strange.

“Queen Your Majesty? She is indeed a weird person.” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Leerin’s brows are also slightly frowned. When the queen Your Majesty was called Synola Areisler, she would often tease when she approached her. I always make myself blushing every time. When I learned that his friend Miss Synola turned out to be Queen Your Majesty, Leerin even wondered if God made a joke with him.

Sinola is usually a carefree, like cracking a joke, and also very hearty beauty in Leerin’s eyes, but is this kind of person really Queen of Grendan? Leerin had asked herself more than once, wondering.

“But you have been really comfortable these years, and you have that many soulmate again.” At this moment, Leerin suddenly remembered the girls who contracted with Li Yalin. Although Grendan was originally a Royal City, polygamy is a very common thing here, but the thought of having so many soulmates for the male child he likes still makes Leerin feel very uncomfortable.

“What do you mean again? But I’m really sorry, Leerin.” Li Yalin was surprised at first, and then he stepped forward to hug Leerin. Regarding Leerin of this World childhood friends, Li Yalin still With a very deep emotional bond, after he has completely substituted himself into this World, Li Yalin feels more guilty towards Leerin.

“I am ashamed to say, did you provoke Miss Barmelin? Just after you left Grendan, Miss Barmelin has been to the orphanage more than once, and she has also spent a lot of money to fund the orphanage. Although on the surface she said she wanted to help orphans, I could tell that she was all because of you. Otherwise, why did the dignified Heaven Blade’s Wielder care about an ordinary orphanage?” Another name came out of Leerin’s mouth, and after Li Yalin listened, another memory came to his mind.

Barmelin Swattis, one of the Twelve Heaven’s Blade Wielder, has a good relationship with Li Yalin’s in Twelve Heaven’s Blade, but she has never said her origins. Her Heaven’s Blade is very in shape. The special thing is that there are two heavy guns with different barrels, and her mouth is really bad, and she frequently explodes.

It’s just such a person. She treats Li Yalin but is completely different from others. After meeting Li Yalin’s first time, Barmelin took Li Yalin’s hand and recognized him as a younger brother. In the days to come, Li Yalin has been maintained, which can be regarded as a kind of fate.

“It’s Sister Melin, didn’t I tell you, she is just my elder sister, we simply have no other relationship.” Li Yalin said bitterly laughed.

“Forget it, let’s not mention this. The contract you just mentioned is very interesting. As long as we sign this contract with you, we can forever without separation, so let’s contract as soon as possible. “Leerin shook the head, as if he wanted to get rid of all these unhappy things. After a while, Leerin remembered the contract problem mentioned by Li Yalin just now.”

“Well, let’s start the contract now.” Li Yalin started the contract with Leerin without saying a word, but after the contract was completed, Leerin’s body suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light. A petite silhouette appeared on Leerin’s right eye, but this silhouette disappeared without a trace after only a flash.

‘Is this Saya? ‘Li Yalin didn’t say her voice. Of course, this Saya is definitely not the Saya that Li Yalin is familiar with, but the prototype of Electronic Fairy, the actual controller of the first Shelled City. She was originally in Grendan, but now Already boarded in Leerin’s body.

Perhaps because of Saya’s reasons, after completing the contract with Li Yalin, Leerin suddenly became a Seventh Rank High-Level powerhouse from an ordinary person, only one step away from becoming a Saint Rank powerhouse. This change is very terrifying, and Li Yalin has been very startled.

“This is?” Leerin looked at his hands in a puzzled manner. With the movement of Leerin’s thoughts, powerful energy has emerged in Leerin’s hands, but at this time Leerin is still unable to be free The energy of controlling within the body, so after the energy is used, it cannot be recovered. Fortunately, Li Yalin is by the side. Otherwise, Leerin will definitely be hurt by the energy he emits.

“It’s really incredible. It turned out to be a Seventh Rank powerhouse. Let’s talk about it. What class do you want to turn into?” After Li Yalin sighed, he continued to ask Leerin.

“I’ll choose Priest, the same Class as Yalin you.” Leerin didn’t think about replied. The previous Leerin was just an ordinary girl without the power of a chicken, even now she has it. Strong strength, but she still doesn’t think too much about the main attacking class. After all, the Priest class is very suitable for her. It can protect herself and help others. This is already the best choice for Leerin.

For Leerin’s choice, Li Yalin also very much agrees. After the Class Change was completed, Li Yalin exchanged a suitable weapon for Leerin. Originally he had one of Angel’s Hammer Li Yalin, which simply didn’t need to be exchanged. Just give it to Leerin, but the armor still needs to be exchanged.

So Li Yalin directly redeemed Leerin for a Holy Spirit Robe, which is also the most suitable armor for Leerin. Subsequent items like Wing Boots, Thunderbird’s Tooth and Phoenix’s Feather don’t need to be detailed. Having said that, in the end Li Yalin gave Leerin another Spatial Ring so that she could put these equipment in it. After all, Leerin can’t wear these equipment every day.

Next, Li Yalin and Leerin talked for a long time, and Leerin also confided a lot to Li Yalin, the happiness and sadness in Grendan, everything was said to Li Yalin. And Leerin also mentioned that the Senior Brother Gahard of Gorneo had been invaded by Filth Monster, turned into a monster, and attacked Leerin and adoptive father Diluku Saihadian.

“Actually, I should have killed this guy!” Li Yalin said angrily. If Li Yalin was really there at the time, Li Yalin would definitely not take care of anything and just kill it. Well, Li Yalin will never show mercy for this scourge.

“Forget it, it’s all over, but Yalin, will you go back to Grendan with me?” Leerin shook the head, and then she brought the topic back to Grendan, which made Li Yalin Some do not know what to say.

“Let’s talk about it when the time comes, but since you have all come to Zuellni, stay here for a while. I’ll talk about it later.” Li Yalin said perfunctorily.

“Forget it, I can’t force this kind of thing, you can do it yourself.” Seeing this, Leerin only sighed and said, there is really no way to take Li Yalin.

2nd day, Li Yalin introduced Leerin to everyone. For Li Yalin this childhood friend, everyone had heard of it for a long time, and after meeting each other, everyone got along more harmoniously. There is no atmosphere with swords drawn and bows bent.

In this way, Leerin has been staying in Zuellni for nearly half a month, which makes Leerin feel that this is the happiest time in the past few years. With Li Yalin’s company, Leerin will never feel lonely and lonely.

However, just after half a month, Zuellni suddenly sounded the alarm one morning. This loud alarm sounded through the entire city, and it was clear to people that Zuellni must be I’m in trouble.

At this time in the Student President’s office, all the elite Vice-Captains of the elite squad gathered together, waiting for President Karian’s explanation. At this time, Karian’s face was hard to see the extreme, and Vanze Head was aside. The mood of Military Arts is also very low.

“Everyone, I want to announce the bad news. After a drone investigation, it was discovered that the Laned Shell City Grendan is moving towards Zuellni head-on. If nothing happens, we might talk to Grendan. There is a city battle.” President Karian finally spoke after a long silence, but what he said caused an uproar in the audience.

“What? Lanced Shell City Grendan? I heard you right? Wouldn’t you be killed in an instant against this kind of city?”

“Yes! That’s Grendan. Ah, many powerful martial artists came from there. I heard that our hero Li Yalin is one of the Twelve Heaven’s Blade Wielder of Grendan. Even if we have a Heaven’s Blade, Grendan still has eleven. How to fight?”

“That is, the selenium mine that was finally knocked down is now losing again!” (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, please visit www.qidian .com, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!)

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