“What’s your plan? Let Grendan accept these students?” President Karian frowns asked. He hadn’t thought about it, but the asylum of refugees is not that simple. Zuellni has 60,000 students. This will bring a very heavy burden to Grendan. Is it really possible for Grendan to accommodate all the students?

“Grendan? Now Grendan may not be able to escape the disaster, and now the residents of Grendan are also being evacuated. From the current situation, these guys should be targeting two cities. I will try to block them. Leaving Zuellni is only temporary. If you are lucky, Zuellni can be saved.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, but he was very cruel when he told the truth.

Yes, now Grendan is powerless to defend himself, so what should I do now? Are you just waiting to die here? Can Li Yalin alone really block these locust-like Filth Monsters? Suddenly there was a tumult in the Student Council office, and everyone’s expressions looked very flustered.

“What’s the noise? It’s not the last moment, what are you worried about? Didn’t I say! I will block them! You just leave Zuellni as soon as possible for me, what’s the point of arguing here? ?” Li Yalin let out a violent shout, shocking everyone present, and then Li Yalin turned around and walked out of the Student Council office.

“Wait Yalin! I will go with you too!” At this moment, Dalshena suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Li Yalin, and said to Li Yalin with very firm eyes.

“Yes, I want to fight side by side with you too, haven’t we all agreed! Even the contract has already been signed, so don’t want to leave us to be a hero by yourself!” Nina did too Hurriedly stepped forward and said.

“Fight together, we are all with you.” Immediately after Felli took a step forward, although there was no expression on his face, the determined appearance told Li Yalin that she would never left.

Then Naruki, Sharnid and Harley all expressed their intention to go with Li Yalin. Although Li Yalin was touched, it is not a trivial thing after all. There are quite a few Matures in the Filth Monster group, and even The perverted guy with the fifth sixth stage, Li Yalin has been a little overwhelmed with these guys, and simply can’t spare the energy to take care of Nina and the others.

“Please, I’m not going to be generous to justice, I don’t need to do this!” Li Yalin laughed bitterly.

“I understand everyone’s mood. We will fight together in the future, but now is really not the time. Shena, with the red-eyed Black Dragon card, your strength is the strongest among everyone. , If there is an accident, release the card immediately, don’t hesitate. Nina, you are Captain, take care of everyone, especially Mifi and Mayshen, the two of them are still low in strength, even ordinary juveniles are not opponents, more Needless to say it’s now, so you must do your Captain duties.” Then, Li Yalin told everyone again and again.

After the instruction, Li Yalin disappeared in front of everyone. When Felli’s Nen-I Terminal searched for Li Yalin’s, Felli was startled.

“What’s the matter with Felli? What happened?” Seeing Felli’s astonishment, everyone approached with great concern and asked, something that can make expressionless young girls show this kind of expression, certainly not It’s that simple.

“Lili he…” Felli pointed at the mid-air outside Zuellni in surprise. After everyone picked up the Telescope and looked into the mid-air, they were all shocked like Felli.

At this moment, Li Yalin in mid-air is no longer the outer combat suit. Instead, he is replaced by a full-body armor that emits pale-gold light, engraved on the armor. The simple pattern, with six pairs of wings spread out on the back, looks so holy and solemn, making Li Yalin look very majestic and full of sacredness.

Now Li Yalin is not dealing with ordinary opponents, so he must use his full strength at first, so after flying in midair, Li Yalin has put on Zeus God Cloth and holds Heaven’s Blade. Li Yalin’s Li Yalin has now made up a full set of Divine Artifacts, coupled with his own Supreme High-Level strength, now even God Rank High-Level powerhouse Li Yalin can put it together, although the opposite looks true. Several of them have reached the mature sixth stage of God Rank.

The best way to deal with these Filth Monster swarms like locusts is to attack them, so Li Yalin has added the Thunderbolt power grid as soon as he shot it, with the lightning attribute of Zeus God Cloth. Success, this thunderbolt power grid is full of power. Those Mature Filth Monsters are simply dead and dead. Except for some Filth Monsters that are about to evolve into Mature male fifth stage sixth stage, the remaining Low-Rank Filth Monsters Basically it is completely wiped out, but even so it is of no avail, the real main course has just arrived.

After killing Larva of Low-Rank, the mature behind began to attack, and countless energy cannons moved towards Li Yalin were launched, and Li Yalin had already opened up the Holy Protection to the maximum. Wall, but even so, there were still several energy shells hitting Zuellni, and at that moment, several black smoke appeared above Zuellni.

Li Yalin also knew in his heart that he couldn’t go on like this anymore. He had to hold the Filth Monster and let the Zuellni students evacuate as soon as possible, otherwise the students who were still in Zuellni would be in danger.

At this time, there were bursts of roar in the direction of Grendan. Felli’s Nen-I Terminal informed Li Yalin that Heaven’s Blades had already met the Filth Monsters, but at this time the Filth Monster There are too many, even if Heaven’s Blade strikes, it is still at a disadvantage.

The residents of Grendan are also evacuating quickly. Now the city is too dangerous. Even if it is hiding in the lowest level of the Machinery Department, Filth Monster’s energy cannon can still penetrate there, no matter what It is impossible to hide, so Queen Alsheyra can only choose to let the people evacuate Grendan.

Grendan’s Li Yalin can’t take care of it for the time being, and Leerin didn’t get any harm in his perception. Li Yalin’s current target can only be the group of Filth Monsters in front of him. This makes Li Yalin a headache, and Zuellni has been bombarded beyond recognition after this period of effort, and no building is complete.

Fortunately, the evacuation of Zuellni was very rapid. At this moment, everyone has evacuated Zuellni. Even President Karian who wanted to coexist and die with Zuellni was taken away by Vanze. Electronic Fairy Zuellni is now also In the arms of Nina. At this time Zuellni had completely become an empty city. After leaving Zuellni, the evacuated students also moved away from the battlefield according to Li Yalin’s instructions, and moved towards the barrier’s peripheral zone.

Since there are no more worries, Li Yalin can let go of his hands and feet and do a big job, a Shelled City. As long as there are enough materials, Li Yalin can make another one, precisely because of this reason. , Li Yalin was relieved and boldly asked everyone to evacuate Zuellni before. Li Yalin had already made plans. If he can’t protect Zuellni, then just give up Zuellni.

“You guys, it’s really annoying, very, very annoying!” Although I had already prepared to give up Zuellni, I saw Zuellni destroyed by Filth Monster. After the hand, Li Yalin still felt very unhappy. After this unhappy mood reached its extreme, the energy in Li Yalin’s body also completely exploded.

After Li Yalin exerted his full strength, with the bonus of Divine Artifact, Li Yalin has reached the God Rank Low-Level by imposing manner alone. After his strength has fully exploded, that The moment that world vibrates, as if the wrath of God.

After a wave of the Heaven’s Blade in Li Yalin’s hand, a huge thunderbolt moved towards Filth Monster and launched, and with it, there were countless lightning and thunder in the sky. This is Forbidden Spell-Thunderclap Unlimited Scorching. This blow is really heaven-shaking, earth-shattering. No Filth Monster shrouded in thunderbolt can escape the catastrophe.

After sending out his own Forbidden Spell of this full strength attack, Li Yalin could not help taking a breath. If it is a small-scale Forbidden Spell, it will not make Li Yalin do this, but Li Yalin is a hateful one. There is simply no show mercy, so the energy consumption of Li Yalin within the body is very large.

Of course, Li Yalin is also impossible show mercy. After all, those mature sixth stage guys are very abnormal. If they are not completely dead if they are merciless, once let They get a chance to breathe, and the consequences will be very serious.

“Felli, check if there is any alive.” Li Yalin, who landed on the ground, regained his energy, and said to Felli, now Li Yalin has no time to explore, and wait until his Spiritual Power is still After the physical strength is restored, those Filth Monsters of Grendan are still waiting for Li Yalin to settle.

For this, Li Yalin poured a lot of potions into his stomach to fully rejuvenate potion, physical potion and fairy tears. These restoration potion Li Yalin finally came in handy.

“There was no surviving Filth Monster, but Zuellni was completely destroyed, the power system could not be started, the building was seriously damaged, and there was no possibility of any repair.” After the investigation, Felli reported to Li Yalin After hearing the result, Li Yalin couldn’t help showing a bitter smile on his face. Zuellni was destroyed after all. This city where he lived in his memory for three years and actually lived for several months, This was destroyed by Filth Monster.

“Tell President Karian, don’t worry, I’m going to help Grendan handle Filth Monster now, and I’ll discuss the matter with him when I come back.” After Li Yalin told him, he stood up. By himself, this blow killed countless Filth Monsters just now, allowing Li Yalin’s strength to jump directly from Supreme High-Level to Peak status. In this case, Li Yalin was more confident to kill the opposite Filth Monster. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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