“You guy, it feels very incredible.” Queen Alsheyra looked left and right in front of Li Yalin’s, looking at Alien’s appearance, but strictly speaking, Li Yalin is indeed for Regios World. It’s Alien.

“Don’t look at me like that, My Queen Your Majesty, I’m just an ordinary person that’s all, not a strange species.” It’s really awkward to be looked at by Queen Alsheyra’s eyes.

“If you are an ordinary person, then these civilians are who? I am who?” Queen Alsheyra gave Li Yalin a white look, and then began to visit the new city.

The area of ​​the entire city is twice as large as the original Grendan, and it can accommodate more than 200,000 residents. What’s surprising is that there is a huge barrier in the middle of the city that divides the entire city into two. Two parts, one side is the antique Laned Shell City Grendan, and the other side is the vibrant Academic City Zuellni.

Although it is a huge barrier, it does not completely isolate the two sides, because this barrier is a large palace belonging to Li Yalin’s. The upper layer of this barrier belongs to Li Yalin’s palace, and below the palace There are countless channels connecting the two parts, which looks very harmonious and full of characteristics.

Queen Alsheyra, the Heaven’s Blade, the ministers of Grendan, President Karian, and the positive Vice-Captains of the elite squad were the first to enter this new city. After visiting the entire city, everyone was everywhere. Amazed. While Li Yalin successfully restored the buildings of Grendan and Zuellni, it also added many other elements. What’s most surprising is that many unique technologies of mobile city have also been copied by Li Yalin. This also adds more security to this new city.

“Let everyone enter the city now. I believe everyone will be anxious too. Tell everyone not to panic. This booklet has all the distribution of this city. You can resume normal life according to this. It’s up to the Queen Your Majesty and Student President.” Li Yalin pointed to the tens of thousands of new city survival guides stacked in a room.

“What do you mean by this? Didn’t you say that you want to be the ruler of this city? Why are you pushing these to us now?” Queen Alsheyra said in surprise, from Li Yalin’s words Among them, Queen Alsheyra keenly sensed something wrong, so she immediately asked Li Yalin.

“That’s not an expedient measure, and I also said that this city is still managed separately by the Royal Family and the Student Council. Generally speaking, I will not interfere with your internal issues. I also have mine. Things are going to be busy, and I will be leaving soon.” Li Yalin said with a smile, but after that, Nina, Dalshena and the others behind President Karian, and Barmelin behind Queen Alsheyra all walked quickly. Ran in front of Li Yalin’s.

“What’s the matter Yalin? Are you leaving so soon?” Nina grabbed Li Yalin’s arm and asked anxiously. The new city has just been established, why are you leaving so soon? Do you want to leave with Li Yalin? When you just have the ability to fulfill your wish? Now Nina is very confused. Although it has long been known that such a day will happen, this day is too fast. It makes Nina a little completely unprepared.

“Have you completed your Quest? Why didn’t you tell us in advance?” Dalshena was also very surprised. Although she is ready to leave this World, she and Nina’s are in a very similar mood at this moment. Do you really want to leave so soon?

“Where are you going? Finally got together! Why do you want to separate again? You tell my mother clearly! Otherwise, you can taste this!” said, Barmelin has restored her Heaven’s Blade. Barmelin is already good at all kinds of firearms, and her Heaven’s Blade form is a heavy gun with two different barrels. Looking at the golden gas Kei flashing on the muzzle, Li Yalin’s body can’t help it. A cold sweat broke out.

Barmelin doesn’t know what Li Yalin said just now. She just thought that Li Yalin would leave this city. But even so, Barmelin was still very upset, and finally Zuellni and Grendan merged into But now Li Yalin, who is now regarded as his younger brother, said to leave again. How can Barmelin not get angry? It’s no wonder she would shoot straight away.

“Sister Melin, don’t get excited, I will tell you the details carefully when there is no one.” Seeing so many people looking directly at themselves and Barmelin, Li Yalin is still there At the moment, he could only say soothingly to Barmelin.

“Okay! When the time comes, make everything clear to my old lady, or else my old lady will never finish with you! Because I am so worried about you, there are still so many things to hide from my old lady!” Barmelin Although I was very dissatisfied, there were a lot of idlers around now. It was indeed not about Li Yalin’s secret, so after Barmelin could only shout a few words, he didn’t speak any more.

“I won’t say anything more. I hope everyone can live together peacefully so that we can survive in this World. Let’s take civilians and students into the city now.” Then Li Yalin didn’t. Nonsense, under the command of Grendan soldiers and Zuellni Martial Arts Department students, ordinary people and students quickly entered this new city, although there are still a lot of chores to be dealt with, and everything is waiting to be done. But thanks to everyone’s joint efforts, everyone’s life was quickly on the right track, and everyone’s faces showed a smile.

During this period, Li Yalin has told Barmelin and Queen Alsheyra some things that can be explained, and both of them have learned a lot about the contract. After Li Yalin finished talking, Barmelin would naturally contract with Li Yalin. Li Yalin was not surprised at all, but what surprised Li Yalin was our Queen Your Majesty. After Li Yalin finished talking, Queen Alsheyra was silent. For a long time, but the first thing she said after the silence was: “Let’s contract!”

“Have I heard you wrong? My Queen Your Majesty?” Li Yalin looked at it in amazement. Looking at Barmelin, and then at Leerin on the side, the surprised expression on her face made Queen Alsheyra’s face a blush.

“Don’t get me wrong, but you said that after contracting with you, there can be many benefits. I don’t need to use Kei to maintain…what to see! Why don’t you contract with me!” Queen Alsheyra explained in a flustered manner, but at the end she almost missed her mouth. Then she yelled at Li Yalin with a flushed face, as if she had been prodded in a sore spot.

Queen Alsheyra’s expression made everyone snicker. You must know that Alsheyra is not young anymore. Although she looks very young now, she usually pretends to be a student of Grendan Institute of Advanced Studies. Random, but Kei is used to maintain her appearance. She is actually about the same age as Yuriko. No wonder she cares so much.

“I said Queen Your Majesty, you have to think about it. After contracting with me, although you are still the Queen Your Majesty of aloof and remote, in fact, you have become my Subordinate God. When the time comes, everything is up to you.” Li Yalin is still making the final explanation. Li Yalin doesn’t want the queen Your Majesty to regret when the time comes.

“I thought about it a long time ago. A wordy man will not please women.” Our queen Your Majesty is definitely tsundere. She waved her hand very impatiently. It seemed to be driving something, but the more she made this kind of action, the more it showed that her heart was actually very uneasy. This can be clearly seen from her dark green eyes.

“Well, since you said so.” Finally Li Yalin sighed and signed a contract with Queen Alsheyra, but after the contract was signed, Alsheyra found Kanaris.

“What do you mean by Queen Your Majesty?” Li Yalin asked Queen Alsheyra puzzledly.

“Don’t call me Queen Your Majesty, as you said, I’m Queen of Grendan outside, but now I’m just a member of your Subordinate God. Call me Elder Sister Alsheyra. Okay, everyone can call me that in the future.” Queen Alsheyra felt very uncomfortable after hearing Li Yalin’s name. If it was before the contract was signed, Li Yalin would call it that way, but now the contract has been completed. Now, after hearing what Li Yalin calls, Queen Alsheyra’s feeling is very uncomfortable.

“Kanaris is my Martial Artist and my servant. She vowed to assist me for life, so you have to sign a contract with her, or if she dies in a hundred years, where will I go? Go to my servant?” After speaking, Queen Alsheyra looked at Li Yalin very proudly, but after saying this, the expression on Kanaris’s face was very ugly, it seems that the position of her plaything has been determined. However, Kanaris can only complain about his life tragic, but can’t say anything to refute it.

“Elder Sister Alsheyra, I will call you that way from now on, Elder Sister Alsheyra, have you ever thought about it, although your idea is good, but you have to consider Sister Ris’s mood, why she wants for ever and ever serving you? I don’t care about others, but as long as I contract with me, everyone will become a family. I don’t want any discordant things to happen.” After seeing Kanaris’ expression, Li Yalin He quickly stepped forward and said that he didn’t want to force others to contract with himself. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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