Originally, after Li Yalin and Yuriko negotiated, they bought a large piece of land. In addition to building a building on the upper floor, a small military fortress was also built underneath, where a small number of Mecha was also stored. With all kinds of weapons, it can be regarded as satisfying Li Yalin’s quirks, but he likes Mecha very much.

With the camouflage of the ECS, the helicopter entered the capital without hindrance. After placing Mecha in the designated place, the two helicopters took off. However, for the time being, the news about Mecha is still in the confidential stage. Li Yalin and the others did not publicize it with much fanfare, but sent Mecha directly into the secret warehouse.

Because of this, very few people know these Mecha, and the high-level bans issued by the senior management, all news about Mecha is not allowed to be spread.

“This is the real Mecha? How did you bring them here?” Looking at the two steel giants in front of you, several leaders of the military gathered body refiner master too, one by one. It was stroking the two Mechas in front of him with excitement, and staring at Li Yalin with an incredible look.

“I naturally have my method, but don’t be too happy too early. The cost of this Mecha is very expensive, so everyone should be mentally prepared. Driver training is also very necessary. Yes, in addition to the professional knowledge of driving Mecha, a strong physique is also a necessary condition for driving Mecha. Mecha is not like an ordinary vehicle. In combat, various impacts are very powerful. If you cannot withstand such impacts, It will definitely be shocked internally.” Li Yalin said in a flat tone. However, Li Yalin also understands the excitement of these old generals very well. He was also quite excited when the first Mecha was produced. However, as more and more high-level Mechas were produced, Li Yalin’s vision has also improved to more than one level, and the current M6 and RKsimply cannot raise his interest.

“The cost is not a problem, but what you call impact, how strong is it?” President Gu was also very excited at this time, but in addition to his excitement, he still retained a little bit of excitement. Reasonably, after Li Yalin finished speaking, President Gu immediately asked the key question.

“At least there needs to be a physique of special forces. Ordinary soldiers still have some difficulty in driving this thing, especially for long hours of driving. This will definitely bring a lot of damage to the driver, and the system is not enough. Don’t think about it.” Li Yalin replied.

“Well, driver training will start now, but we can’t train a group of qualified drivers…” At this point, President Gu’s face was revealed A trace of sadness.

“This is no problem. I can also help with the driver training. The driver can be selected from the major military regions. When the time comes, the unified training will be carried out. The number of people will not be too large. Hundreds of people are good, and there are no that many Mecha can be used.” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“If this is the case, then very good, Yalin, let me call you that. Thank you very much for your help to the country this time. The country will not treat you badly.” President Gu was very excited. I patted Li Yalin’s shoulder. With the help of Li Yalin, a professional, I would definitely avoid a lot of detours in terms of training drivers.

“I don’t care if I don’t do anything wrong, I just hope that more people can survive this disaster.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, and didn’t take the other party’s words seriously.

After giving Mecha and some conventional weapons information to the National Academy, Li Yalin no longer participates in the manufacture of Mecha, but even with these Mecha information, I want to develop it in a short time It is purely funny to produce Mecha. So Li Yalin immediately transported eight Mechas over, making up ten Mechas and handing them to the academy guys. Among them, there are two Mechas in each model, so I think it will be enough for the other party to study.

And his space fleet has flown out of Earth at this moment, and is now mining ore on the fire star. The results are not bad. A lot of precious ore and energy have been obtained. After these , Super Military Factory will not have to worry about raw materials for a period of time.

However, in addition to Mecha, various conventional weapons have also begun to be produced in large numbers at this time. After seeing Li Yalin’s Mecha, everyone has believed 80% of the Alien invasion. After all, Li Yalin has no reason to spend such a big price to deceive everyone.

At this time, the entire senior level of China has all been mobilized. Of course, the leaders of the news about the end of the world are still tight-lipped, but now it is a new round of conscription. This time the country has expanded its conscription. This kind of large-scale conscription caused an uproar in the country. China used to cut its troops all the time, but now why has it suddenly started to increase its troops? And it’s still a large-scale one. Is there any reason for it?

Because of this conscription incident, the Internet has also become a lot of noise. Some people think that China is preparing to invade other countries, and some people think that this is caused by a major change in China. There are also a small number of people who think that there will be a crisis coming. The country has already foreseen ahead of time so it carried out conscription and mobilization. In short, there is everything. However, conscription has indeed become a boom recently, and everyone’s focus has stayed on. Up this above.

“Didn’t expect, someone really guessed it.” Li Yalin said with a smile while watching the post on the computer.

“Yes, but this is also because the blind cat encountered dead mice. When the Alien creatures invade, everyone will probably be dumbfounded.” Saeko also sighed. It was like this in the previous world. At peace, everyone clamored about the arrival of the Resident Evil, how good it would be, but after the arrival of the real Resident Evil, all are stupid!

“Anyway, I will destroy these Alien invaders. Although I don’t know how bumpy the road ahead will be, at least you will be by my side.” Li Yalin gently He hugged Saeko into his arms and said emotionally.

“Yeah, we will forever be by your side.” Saeko stroked Li Yalin’s face with both hands, then kissed lightly, and there was a hint of flushing on his face, but Li Yalin thought When he was about to proceed to the next step, the phone in his pocket rang.

“I said Ling girl, why are you calling me so late?” After looking at the ID, it turned out to be Ye Ling that girl, and moved towards Saeko helplessly after a bitter smile, Li Yalin pressed the answer button.

“Elder Brother Yalin is not good, my father mother was taken away. It seems that the Yang Family’s young master in the capital did it, and he wants me to go to the Yang Family in the capital to find him! Want me to marry Give it to him!” By the time Ye Ling said this, she was already crying.

“Ling girl, don’t cry, don’t you dare not, what about Uncle Ye and Aunt Han, you go to Yuriko now, let her arrange to send you here as soon as possible, and I’ll take you to find That idiot of Yang Family!” Li Yalin was quickly comfortable after listening.

It was hard to comfort Ye Ling. After hanging up the phone, Li Yalin said apologetically to Saeko: “Sorry, I planned to stay with you tonight.”


“It doesn’t matter, did something happen to Ye Ling’s younger sister’s house?” Saeko shook the head, and then asked with concern.

“Well, that Yang Family idiot dared to take Ling girl’s parents away, and threatened Ling girl to go to Yang Family. It’s too arrogant!” Li Yalin said angrily.

“If this is the case, then we have to stand up again, this time we will use Yang Family to operate.” Saeko smiled politely, and simply didn’t pay attention to Yang Family.

“Of course, who told them to hit our guns.” Li Yalin also said with a smile.

In less than half an hour, Ye Ling was sent to the destination. As the incident happened suddenly and urgently, Yuriko immediately dispatched the VF-1 which was staying in the base. It is not that there is no higher-level VF series in the base, but only this VF with ECS equipment.

“Elder Brother Yalin!” Ye Ling immediately fell into Li Yalin’s arms after seeing Li Yalin. Although he did not cry again, the voice of grievance still made Li Yalin very distressed. Especially her big red and swollen eyes, it seems that she has never shed tears before.

“Well, Elder Brother Yalin is with you, no one can bully you.” Li Yalin patted Ye Ling’s head, softly comforted.

“What are you going to do this time? Directly rush to Yang Family to save people?” To Li Yalin’s surprise, it was Miria who was driving the VF-1, but if you think about it, this is also true. Normally, in addition to the battle robots, the Mecha driving skill strongest of these claymore beauties are the only ones. After all, they stay in the Evolved Space for a long time, and they have learned a lot about Mecha.

“Since people are bullying the door, then we don’t have to give face anymore. We just come to ask for someone. If they still persist in your own wrong doings, then don’t blame me for being. It’s impolite!” There was a fierce light in Li Yalin’s eyes. He knew Li Yalin’s Saeko very well and understood that Li Yalin was really angry this time.

But before going to Yang Family, Li Yalin also greeted his parents. After all, Li Yalin was not going to play this time. If he didn’t agree, he would fight hard. Use thunder means, no matter how you say Yang Family is also one of the Four Great Families in the capital, once the Yang Family is destroyed, the capital will definitely be turbulent for a while. In order to reduce losses, advance notice is still required. But Li Yalin’s notice was anxious for Li Zhicheng and Wang Ya.

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