“I have a girlfriend.” Li Yalin frowned. It seems that this guy is really a wolf friend. He started staring at the girls as soon as he entered the school gate.

“Have a girlfriend? It doesn’t matter, we are just appreciating the beauty, it has nothing to do with whether there is a girlfriend.” Jiang Hongqing was taken aback, then patted Li Yalin’s shoulder loudly saying with a smile .

“You really are…” Li Yalin was a bit speechless. He was a talent with development.

After a while, the door of the classroom was opened, and a middle-aged woman about forty years old walked in, with a pair of big glasses stuck on the bridge of her nose, looking very dull.

“Hello everyone, I will be your head teacher from today…” After a self-introduction and a long talk, Li Yalin was drowsy. This teacher is really top grade. It is indeed the teacher of the Chinese Department. There is a tendency for menopause to be a sign of menopause. The wordy is life-threatening.

“Okay, let’s introduce yourself now, everyone.” Finally, the head teacher of surnamed Zhou prepared to let the freshmen present to introduce themselves, but at this moment, the door of the classroom But it was knocked. After the door opened, Li Yalin was surprised to find that Rei and Saeko were standing outside the door cheerfully.

“Why are you here? You are late. Get a seat quickly.” This Teacher Zhou seemed to be upset about the lateness of the two beautiful women, but after seeing their faces, they First, he was taken aback, and then he pointed to the seat to let the two sit down.

“It’s really sorry, our procedures are a bit more troublesome, so we were late.” Just a little explanation, and then Rei and Saeko went straight to an empty seat and sat down. Talking to Li Yalin, but Li Yalin’s heart is very puzzled, what are these two girls doing?

“I said brother, these two are really top grade, this time our class can also produce two School Flower level beauties!” At this time Jiang Hongqing touched Li Yalin, and then Staring at Rei and Saeko couldn’t relax.

It seems to be aware of Jiang Hongqing’s gaze. Saeko also turned his attention to Jiang Hongqing’s body. Being able to be seen by beautiful women naturally makes Jiang Hongqing very excited, but before he can show himself, Saeko’s gaze The coldness and contempt in it had completely sealed him up, and the imposing manner of imposing anger caused Jiang Hongqing to shudder a few times.

“Icebergs, absolutely icebergs!” After chanting a few words in a low voice, Jiang Hongqing didn’t dare to look at Saeko anymore, but this made Li Yalin on the side amused. It’s really a live treasure.

Soon, it was Li Yalin’s turn to introduce themselves. Jiang Hongqing’s self-introduction was quite wordy. It was just a matter of how old he was, and when did he wet the bed? Speak up. But unlike him, Li Zhuo’s self-introduction is very simple and quick. After introducing his name and hometown, it’s over. It’s hard to imagine that these two guys with the difference between Heaven and Earth can become friends.

After the two introduced, it was Li Yalin’s turn to introduce himself, but Li Yalin didn’t have much to say, just like Li Zhuo, it was done after a little introduction of himself, and I didn’t give it to everyone. What a deep impression, of course, if there was no small conspiracy between the two beautiful women, Rei and Saeko.

“Hello everyone, my name is Miyamoto Rei. This is my first time to go to school in China. I would like to ask everyone for advice in the future.” It’s Rei’s turn to introduce herself, but after she finishes speaking, the class There was an uproar here. It turned out to be an international student from Japan. Although there are many foreign students at Q, I didn’t expect to meet one in my class.

“Busujima Saeko, please give me some advice.” Rei’s speech was very brief, but Saeko’s speech was even shorter, just got up and nodded and gave a sign and then sat down again, but Saeko’s words made the class noisy again Get up, another Japanese student? How come two out at once?

“It’s developed, two Japanese beauties, brother, it’s time to win glory for the country!” After listening to the introduction of two beautiful women, Jiang Hongqing said confidently moved towards Li Yalin and Li Zhuo. At the same time, he also made a devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence.

“I advise you not to take their ideas. First, they already have the master’s name. If you want to loosen the soil, you need capital. Second, if you want to go If you provoke them, then you have to be prepared to be heroic at any time.” After listening to the other party, Li Yalin almost didn’t laugh out loud to win glory for the country? It’s really bad for him to say it, but Li Yalin still managed to hold back his smile, patted Jiang Hongqing on the shoulder and said.

“Do you know them?” After listening to Li Yalin, Jiang Hongqing looked at Li Yalin in surprise and asked.

“Um…Isn’t it familiar?” Li Yalin said after hesitating.

“Tch! Forget it, but since you know them, why don’t you have a waterside pavilion gets the moonlight first? Despise you!” rolled the eyes, and Jiang Hongqing told Li Yalin again Made a look of contempt.

“I said I have a girlfriend.” Li Yalin said very vaguely, and before Jiang Hongqing could speak, he immediately sat upright and made an effort to listen to the lecture. Looks like a good child.

“Tch! I despise you people who have girlfriends the most. How do we Mages live?” Jiang Hongqing curled his lips, and then there was a bit of sadness in the words, and Li Zhuo on the side heard it too. He patted his shoulder approvingly.

“From tomorrow, it will be a fifteen-day military training, when the time comes…” After I introduced myself, the head teacher explained the precautions for the military training tomorrow, but Li Yalin simply didn’t listen. He didn’t plan to participate in this military training anyway. At this time, his attention had shifted to Rei and Saeko’s.

“What’s the matter with you two? I came here to go to school without telling me? Do you want to be dealt with by the family law?” At this moment, Li Yalin is using Spiritual Power to communicate with the two women. It’s very simple Fast.

“We are not here to surprise you.” Upon hearing Li Yalin’s treatment, both Rei and Saeko’s faces blushed, and then Rei quickly explained.

Li Yalin’s so-called family method is very simple, it is to do things that you love to do. Of course, this is a kind of enjoyment for Li Yalin, but for the two girls, it is love and fear. Li Yalin’s alone can’t resist Li Yalin’s alone. Last night, Rei and Saeko played together, which was also defeated by Li Yalin.

“Surprise? Hi, I didn’t see it, but I must be surprised.” Li Yalin rolled the eyes.

Soon, after the head teacher finished the precautions, he announced the end of the get out of class, and then waited for tomorrow morning to gather for military training. Today, everyone can move freely.

But just after the head teacher walked out of the classroom, Rei and Saeko got up, took Li Yalin’s arms from left to right, and went away. All the students in the class were stunned this time, especially Jiang Hongqing, the boy was muttering with a dull face: “Famous flowers have masters, and famous flowers have masters. You really have won glory for the country!”

“I said you two, what the hell is this? What do you mean?” Li Yalin asked with a wry smile looking at the two girls sandwiching themselves from the left to the right. Attracting so many eyes along the way, it really makes Li Yalin feel very awkward.

“It’s not interesting, we just want to accompany Yalin to the school together.” Rei’s face is full of bright smiles, but Li Yalin who knows her very well can be sure, this girl must be There is a conspiracy.

“Yes, this is the first time we have seen such a beautiful campus.” Saeko on the side also echoed.

“I mean why you two came here to go to school, don’t change the subject for me!” Li Yalin stepped forward and knocked Rei’s head with a hand knife. Although it didn’t work hard, Rei still Holding his head very exaggerated, his eyes were bright and intelligent, and he looked at Li Yalin innocently.

“Rei, you learned badly…” After a long silence, Li Yalin had no choice but to say this sentence. The previous Rei simply wouldn’t make such an expression. Who taught him? her? Let Li Yalin know that she cannot be spared!

“Snee!” At the same time, Helen, who was dealing with affairs at Gods Corporation, suddenly sneezed.

“What’s the matter, Helen? Did you catch a cold? Haven’t heard that we still have a cold?” Deneve immediately asked with concern, but Deneve was also very confused. They are Claymore. shouldn’t be sneezing.

“I don’t know, who should be talking about me, who could it be? Did Yalin miss me?” Helen said with a smile.

“By the way, Deneve, I got a new TV series today. Would you like to watch it together?” Helen then moved towards Deneve and asked.

“Forget it, I don’t dare to be interested in those nasty things, it’s really because you can see it.” Deneve shook the head, expressing no interest.

“It’s very interesting, at least I learned a lot, and I also specially taught Rei and Saeko a lot of tricks. They should have used them now? I will also have to wait for Yalin to come back. Use a few tricks.” After speaking, a weird smile appeared on the corner of Helen’s mouth.

“Who is talking about me?” At this time, Li Yalin’s body shuddered for no reason. Is anyone staring at me? Li Yalin thought very puzzled. But now I am not in the mood to worry about this. Li Yalin, Rei and Saeko have attracted a lot of attention. It is better to leave as soon as possible. Thinking of this, Li Yalin took the two girls and left the campus of Q University.

But at this time, a gossip had already spread on the Q campus. A freshman was actually left by two beautiful women, one arm on the left and one on the right. They looked very intimate. It is rumored that these two beauties are also international students in Japan, which further aroused the gossip of the students.

according to the leak by some Chinese Department student, these two Japanese beauties are very likely to have two girls and one husband. This explosive news immediately made a sensation on the campus again. Various versions of gossip can be described as Flying all over the sky.

Li Yalin, who has gone home, won’t know anymore. He has become one of Q’s influential figures only after he reported it. Among the gossip rumors, he is the most extremely powerful and arrogant. Candidate. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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