“Yalin, is your Quest finished this time?” Saeko asked Li Yalin with a smile looking at the three people in front of them sorry.

“Well, it’s done.” Li Yalin said to Saeko with a smile.

“Then what should we do next?” Shizuka tilted her head and tapped her lips with her index finger, looking natural.

“Next, of course, it should be time for the four of you to level up. Except for Saeko, all three of you are still too weak. And even Saeko has only reached the standard in terms of military force. Spell is still very rusty. Although Martial Artist’s spell talent is very poor, basic spell is still possible? Now Saeko, how long does it take you to send out the lowest-level Flame?” Li Yalin said a few beautiful women The shortcoming asked Saeko.

“Indeed.” Saeko groaned, “Now it takes 3 seconds for me to send a Flame, but within 3 seconds I can be attacked countless times by the enemy.”

“That’s it.” Li Yalin said solemnly, “Saeko aside, she is Warrior Class. But what about Saya and Shizuka-nee? Both of you are Mage Class. Now, how much does it take to send out a Flame? Long time? Maybe longer than Saeko needs?”

“Younger Brother Yalin, how did you know?” Shizuka was surprised, “I want to send a Flame but it takes 5 or 6 In seconds!” Saya on the side also looked at Li Yalin in confusion.

“Nonsense!” Li Yalin said irritably, “There is no level limit for spell attacks, so as long as your strength is high enough and Magic Power is strong enough, then the power of Magic you emit is also The bigger it is, the shorter the time it takes to issue Magic. You two are still First-Rank High-Level strength, of course it will be very slow.”

“Actually, Yalin, you still missed a bit.” Saeko added, “Since I learned these spells, I have also studied them carefully. I found that when I sent the spell at first, it was still very jerky, but with practice, the launch time of the spell can be shortened.” /p>

“Yes.” At this time, Rei also said, “I have also thought about the use of this spell. Although WIZ’s spell is not as good as Saeko-senpai, I am still very good at HEAL’s spell. Okay, at first, it takes a long time for me to use the treatment, but now I can also use the treatment spell within 2 seconds.”

„Oh?” this time Li Yalin is really I didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. The two Mage Classes did not practice spell, but the two Warrior Classes were practicing spell. It really feels like a mess, but Saeko and Rei’s talk about it. Saya and Shizuka blushed.

“It’s not that I don’t want to practice, but the house is too busy…” Saya blushed and explained.

“Okay.” Li Yalin touched Saya’s hair affectionately, and said softly: “I understand.”

Indeed, Saya, as the Takagi Family’s Young Lady, Although she is not needed for big things, but some trivial things require Saya to do it herself. Especially the training, supplies, and car modification of these people in Li Yalin squad all need Saya to worry about, especially during the period when Li Yalin is absent.

“We still have time now, and we will have more time in the future…” Just when Li Yalin was about to comfort Saya’s, there was a sudden roar of cars outside the window.

“That’s…” Li Yalin groaned a little while looking at the various vehicles coming back from the balcony.

“Yes, the leader of the old bed owner group, the Takagi Family is now in charge, a man who is all judged by his own rules, my father!” Saya on the side seems to have some resentment to her father. what.

Looking at the man who looked very tall and mighty in the distance, Li Yalin understood that this was Takagi Family’s Family Head-Takagi Souichirou. Although Takagi Souichirou in the anime was still a good man, Li Yalin I didn’t have a good impression of the rightists, so I turned around and went back to the house. When the girls saw that Li Yalin was gone, they all followed along.

“Okay, continue our conversation.” After Li Yalin settled his mind, he said to the women: “The Quest that the Big Family Head wants now is to practice the spell that I have learned now, and add a pair of spells. Understand, shorten the time of spell. The general direction is this, and Saya, will you not meet your father?”

“Well, I will see him in a while.” Saya pointed at Li Yalin nodded.

“Well, now everyone disbands, Saeko will supervise the girls’ training in a while. And Shizuka-nee, you have to practice spell, don’t always be in a daze.” Li After Yalin said, he laughed and teased Shizuka.

“Okay, I know! What a bad younger brother!” Shizuka said while playfully pouting dissatisfied.

After leaving the room, Li Yalin walked out of the house alone, and it has been more than a month since he came to this World. Li Yalin feels that he has really grown up and is no longer as ignorant as before. , After killing in another world and this World, this was completely unimaginable before Li Yalin. Looking at his hands, although they looked clean, Li Yalin still felt blood stained on them.

Although this is the case, Li Yalin has also gained family affection, friendship, and even his own love that he rarely experienced before. Regardless of whether Saeko and the others are considered love to Li Yalin, at least Li Yalin is determined to protect them and forever to be with them.

“Big Brother.” While Li Yalin was thinking, Alice’s cry awakened him from contemplation.

“Hurry up…and Alice…” I saw Alice panting and said anxiously. The puppy Jiku was also behind Alice.

“Kohta-chan…Kohta-chan, he and everyone are not good!”

On the other side of Takagi Family’s, Hirano, Hisashi and yellow-haired men are in the hands They all had their own weapons, but a few Takagi Family’s men surrounded the three of them.

“No…no!” Hirano squatted down holding his weapon tightly.

“Don’t crack a joke, hand it over soon!” shouted a Takagi Family’s next to him.

“Hey, I said you, now in this state of the world, so many weapons impossible for you to monopolize, leave it to us…” It was a middle age person headed by a white uniform. It seems that he came back with Takagi Souichirou this morning.

“No way, because these are borrowed! And…no one here can use it better than me!” Hirano was now kneeling on the ground and shouted hysterically.

“Yes! The gun in my hand was given to me by Master Yalin! Why should I give it to you!” Although the yellow-haired man was also scared in his heart, he shouted loudly. Although Hisashi on the side did not speak, his expression was also very firm.

“Hey!” A bald man winked at the person next to him, and the person next to him immediately walked out intentionally.

“snort! So far, there is no way to control a child.” After speaking, several people surrounded the Hirano and prepared to forcefully grab the gun.

“peng!” A huge gunshot frightened everyone present. Everyone turned their heads and saw a gentle and weak boy with glasses holding up his hands. The pistol, the blue smoke from the muzzle showed that the shot just now was the boy’s masterpiece. Next to the boy, there was a beautiful little girl. She half-closed one eye and covered her ears with her hands, but she didn’t show a trace of fear.

“Yalin!” Looking at the boy in front of him, Hisashi was overjoyed, as did the Hirano and the yellow-haired man on the side.

“Who you are!” Looking at the boy in front of him, everyone in Takagi Family’s was a little surprised, but there was a voice that surprised them even more.

“What are you arguing about?” Only a heavy voice was heard, and Li Yalin moved towards the source of the sound. Sure enough, I saw that both Takagi Souichirou and Yuriko were coming.

“General…Commander.” The Takagi Family’s people hesitated to speak.

“This… these children mistakenly used guns as toys.” The people on the side quickly explained that Takagi Souichirou didn’t pay attention to them, but stood in front of Hirano and the others.

“I’m Takagi Souichirou! Former Tokonosu Chief, Commander of Heavenly Dao Logistics, youngsters, tell me your names.” Takagi Souichirou said with his arms around his hands and pointed at the teenagers in front of him.

As a rightist leader, Takagi Souichirou is naturally amazing, so Hirano, Hisashi and the others are shaking unconsciously in front of him.

“Ping…Hirano Kohta, Grade B of Fujimi Academy, student number 23!” Hirano has been pressed by Takagi Souichirou’s imposing manner and dared not look up.

“Hisashi and Hirano’s classmates.” Although I am familiar with Saya at school, Igou Hisashi and Takagi Family are not familiar anymore, so now Igou Hisashi seems a bit nervous and unnatural. .

“Ozawa Shunji, a second-year class A student at Fujimi Academy.” The yellow-haired man’s answer also had a hint of vibrato, but he was obviously better than Hirano.

“Very good, but there is no arrogance in the voice, especially Hirano-san! I must have suffered hardships before arriving here!” Takagi Souichirou was not dissatisfied with the slight cowardice of a few people, but calm “I don’t mean to hand over the gun anyway?”

“No…Don’t…” Hirano on the side was completely hysterical.

“Takagi-oji-san! I think even if you want these weapons, then you need to ask the original Master of these weapons if they agree or not?” At this time, Li Yalin did not continue to watch the excitement. , But stood up and looked directly at Takagi Souichirou.

“Oh?” Takagi Souichirou looked at Li Yalin carefully, “Are you…Li-kun?”

“Takagi-oji-san remembers me. .” Li Yalin laughed.

“It was your child who shot just now, right?” Yuriko on the side asked gently.

“No way.” Li Yalin touched his nose, “Who told me to see these adults bullying children, but I said Hisashi, aren’t you training? Come here like this Is it?”

“We are going to come over to practice firearms, so only a few of us came to get the firearms.” Hisashi said sorry.

“Then take the gun now and hurry up to practice! Now we don’t have time to dily-dallying for some trivial things! And Hirano! When will you really grow up? You are not even afraid of those zombies, afraid of these People?” Li Yalin said impatiently.

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