“No! We want to join! Why do boys and girls have to be treated like this? We are not convinced!” Even though the members of the Ancient Martial Club were persuaded, the scene was still out of control, even the students who were unsuccessful. We all booed on the sidelines as well, which made the members of the Ancient Martial Club some not knowing what to do.

“Everyone, please be quiet!” At this moment, a crisp voice suddenly remembered that a group of many enchanting females came out from the activity room of the Ancient Martial Club, and the leading girl was a legend. It’s no wonder that the Ancient Martial Club Club President in, is sought after by so many boys. He does have the capital and is a first-class beauty. Especially the dashing heroic spirit that comes from practicing martial arts all the year round also adds a lot of points to her.

“I heard that everyone is dissatisfied with the rules of my Ancient Martial Club. Here I want to explain. Originally, Ancient Martial Club was just a club for women. My original intention was to teach sisters women. Anti-wolf skills, only later for some reasons, it was renamed Ancient Martial Club, but my original intention has not changed. And you can also think about it, but there are many weak women in our Club, if the male members If we don’t have the strength, then who do we little girls rely on to protect?” It’s really a club’s president. The inner words and the outer performances fainted this group of boys, which made Li Yalin and the others. Pu Chi couldn’t help but laughed out.

However, Li Yalin and their smile seemed very abrupt, at least very eye-catching at the scene, but after seeing Rei and Saeko behind Li Yalin, the group of students immediately discussed spiritedly Up.

“This Kouhai and two Junior Sisters are new students, right? Do you want to join my Ancient Martial Club?” It is strange that the expression on the face of this beauty Club President after seeing Li Yalin First, there was a stun, and then there was a joy, but the expression on the face of the beautiful Club President changed quickly, that is, at that moment, she had recovered her calm, and she walked up to Li with a full of smiles. Yalin asked the three of them.

“No, we just accompany friends to have a look. It is purely passing by with soy sauce.” Li Yalin waved his hand. Although he is still interested in this Ancient Martial Club, he listened to the prototype here. After turning out to be a women’s anti-wolf club, Li Yalin has lost interest. Just now, Li Yalin, the beautiful Club President, heard the words very clearly, didn’t he just want to find some strong boys to serve as sandbags? Just think carefully Li Yalin can see through it at a glance.

“Hehe, it’s okay. Kouhai Junior Sister can come in for a visit. If you are interested, you can go through the formalities for joining the group directly.” Listening to Li Yalin’s words, the beautiful Club President smiled. There was a sound, and then he continued.

“Forget it, Lord Club President is not afraid of arousing public outrage? Even if Lord Club President is not afraid, I am still afraid of becoming a target.” Li Yalin smiled and pointed to the beautiful Club President with a face filled with righteous indignation. All the freshmen who signed up to join the group also showed a joking smile on their faces.

“It’s okay. As Club President, I still have one or two recommended places. If Kouhai is interested, I can directly recommend you to join the club. We have a lot of beautiful women in the Ancient Martial Club. , Or you can come in first.” Looking at the freshmen behind him, the beauty Club President did not pay much attention to it, but continued to tempt Li Yalin.

“I’m not interested, we have something to do, so I won’t bother.” Li Yalin shook the head. It was obviously the first time we met. Why does this beauty Club President want to pull herself into the Ancient Martial Club? No matter what you do, you will steal if you don’t have anything to do. Although it’s a bit exaggerated, this beauty Club President must have her own purpose. Li Yalin, who doesn’t want to make trouble, will naturally not wade into this muddy water.

“Wait Yalin, I am really interested in this Ancient Martial Club. Let’s go in and see.” Just when Li Yalin was about to turn around and leave, he was pulled by Saeko. Up.

“This Club President obviously knows you, so let’s go first and find out what kind of medicine she sells in her bottle gourd.” Before Li Yalin could speak, Saeko had already used Spiritual Power and Li Yalin communicated.

“Oh, if that’s the case, it’s okay to go and have a look.” Li Yalin was right, and he didn’t know what the beauty of Club President came from. It was a good choice to try it out.

“That’s really welcome, Kouhai Junior Sister, please come with me.” The beauty Club President slightly smiled, and then made a gesture of asking Li Yalin three people.

On the way into the Ancient Martial Club activity room, the beauty Club President also introduced herself. What surprised Li Yalin was that the beauty Club President’s name was Wang Siya, and she was with her mother. Wang Ya’s name is only one word missing. Is there any connection in it?

Although I was wondering in my heart, Li Yalin introduced that he still had two women. After learning Li Yalin’s name, Wang Siya’s eyes flashed with a clear look, but he knew After Rei and Saeko’s names, Wang Siya showed a playful smile on his face.

“It turns out that Junior Brother Yalin is a famous honorable man, I really haven’t noticed it.” Wang Siya said with a chuckle.

“The man who wins glory?” Li Yalin looked at each other in blank dismay with the two women in confusion, but they were a little unclear.

“Junior Brother Yalin didn’t know? At the beginning, these two Junior Sisters held your hand, but they made a sensation on the entire campus. Everyone said that you are winning glory for the country. Ah, the two Junior Sisters don’t Mind, everyone is not malicious.” This Wang Siya really has a very hearty personality. After Li Yalin just introduced himself, he called Li Yalin Junior Brother Yalin. After Wang Siya gave an explanation of the honorable man , And then immediately said to Rei and Saeko with an apologetic expression.

“It’s nothing, besides, we can’t be considered as people from Japan anymore.” Saeko is quite indifferent to this. Japan in this World has nothing to do with her, not to mention it in her own World. There is no Japan anymore. After talking about the contract with Li Yalin, Saeko has already seen very lightly in this regard, so Saeko just waved his hand and didn’t care about anything.

Rei did not speak, but held Li Yalin’s arm tightly. Except for his parents in Highschool of the Dead world, Rei is the only one left with Li Yalin. Everything else has nothing to do with her. , She doesn’t care about anything.

“It turned out to be like this. I thought I was low-key enough. I was still ruined by your two girls. My peaceful campus life.” Li Yalin was taken aback for a moment. Then they looked at Rei and Saeko helplessly, the grievances on their faces made the three girls laugh out loud.

“snort! Our purpose is to watch you! Otherwise, you may not be able to hook up with which beauty.” Rei’s small mouth glanced, Li Yalin said sourly after a glance, but these words Let Wang Siya stunned for a moment.

“Didn’t expect Junior Brother Yalin is really fancy, I really haven’t noticed it.” Wang Siya smiled unabatedly, but there was a hint of abruptness in his words. It made Li Yalin a little puzzled, it seemed that it had nothing to do with her if he didn’t care about it.

“Senpai, you are misunderstood, Yalin, he is not bothered, but… forget it, I can’t explain the reason.” After listening to Wang Siya’s words, Rei originally wanted to Li Yalin explained, but the more the explanation, the more chaotic this thing, so after Rei hesitated for a moment, he didn’t say anything more.

At this time, the Li Yalin entire group has entered the Club activity room. It is a very good activity room with all kinds of exercise equipment and the venue is spacious and bright. At this time, there are not people practicing here. There are many, about 40-50 people, most of them are girls, and only a few boys are still practicing basic skills.

“As soon as I saw the Club, I remembered the first time we met.” Looking at the men and women in training, Li Yalin smiled and said to Saeko.

“Yeah, you were really funny at the time. You actually squatted at the door of Kendo Club’s, at first I thought someone came to spy on Kendo Club’s information.” Saeko also chuckled lightly, as if Recalling the situation at that time.

“Oh? Junior Sister Saeko, have you also studied martial arts? Kendo of Japan?” Wang Siya asked Saeko with interest when he heard Li Yalin and Saeko’s conversation.

“Not only did I learn, Saeko is also Kendo Club’s Club President.” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“Oh? Junior Sister Saeko turned out to be Kendo Club’s Club President. We are really fate.” Li Yalin always feels that Wang Siya is close to herself and the others. What is she going to do? ?

“It’s just a small club, it can’t be compared with this Ancient Martial Club.” Saeko said very modestly,

“Club President, come back, these guys Really?” At this moment, a tall guy with a stubborn body ran over, but Li Yalin can tell from his eyes that this guy absolutely loves this beauty Club President, and the admiration in his eyes Not to mention, there is also a hint of diligence in the words.

“Well, this is my friend. Come and visit the Ancient Martial Club.” Unexpectedly, Wang Siya said lukewarmly, unlike when he talked to Li Yalin. Gentle and hearty.

“It turned out to be so.” After seeing Rei and Saeko, the muscular man’s eyes flashed a bright light, but when he saw Li Yalin’s, his eyes flashed with disdain.

“But since he is a friend of the Club President, he must be an Expert, Little Brother, do you want to play with my big brother?” The muscular man pretended to be generous and wanted to shoot. Slap Li Yalin’s shoulder, but Li Yalin just flashed away slightly, and then escaped the shot of the muscular man, but this made the muscular man’s face suddenly show dissatisfaction.

“Fang Wanyong! What do you want to do?” Before Li Yalin could speak, Wang Siya had already shouted to the other party in a cold voice.

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