Li Yalin left the National Security Bureau headquarters with Rei and Saeko and went directly to the training base of the Independent Mecha Army. In order to avoid leaking secrets, all formal Mecha training was transferred to the underground base, only ordinary The physical strength training will be carried out on the ground.

Looking at it’s getting late, Li Yalin didn’t talk nonsense, so he found Chu Zixin directly, but after Chu Zixin came out, his expression was very strange, his face flushed. Know what is thinking.

“I heard that you did well in training, how do you feel?” Li Yalin asked with a smile.

“Well, everyone is very difficult to deal with. If I don’t work hard, I will definitely be surpassed.” With Saeko and Rei present, Chu Zixin showed that there are no two people alone. Shi was so generous, just lowered his head and said quietly.

“That’s right, my mother said I’m going to have a meal together tonight, let me pick you up by the way.” Li Yalin nodded, Chu Zixin was originally a very hard-working girl. Li Yalin in the year is naturally very clear.

„Ah? Let’s eat together?” Chu Zixin was taken aback, didn’t expect Li Yalin to say so.

“Well, my mother returned to Wang Family and became the Family Head of Wang Family. Now she is quite proud. No, I originally planned to let Father Mother go to my place, but Mother is not You can’t go to Wang Family.” Li Yalin shrugged rather helplessly.

“It turns out that Aunt Ya has returned to Wang Family. This is really something to celebrate.” When Wang Ya returned to Wang Family, Chu Zixin’s face also showed excitement. Wang Family has always been It was Wang Ya’s heart disease. Now Chu Zixin is naturally happy for Wang Ya.

“A Wang Family, what’s good, forget it, don’t mention this, hurry up with us, anyway, Mecha’s training doesn’t care about this day or two.” shook the head, Li Yalin There is no sense of belonging to this Wang Family at all. It doesn’t matter if he returns to Wang Family, as long as his mother is happy.

“Oh, well, I’ll go back and clean up.” Chu Zixin quickly nodded, but at this time she was wearing a Mecha combat suit, so naturally she couldn’t go out wearing this thing, so she hurried back to the dormitory. Ready to change to a new set of clothes.

But not long after Chu Zixin left, Zhong Mengying ran over with a few female soldiers. After seeing Li Yalin, Zhong Mengying’s face flashed with excitement.

“I said the instructor, you haven’t come to see us for a long time, have you forgotten us?” Before Li Yalin could speak, Zhong Mengying was already rather resentful looking Towards Li Yalin, even with a few female soldiers around her, the expressions of sadness were all over her face.

“Isn’t I in a hurry? Besides, Miria and the others are there. I simply don’t need to come to me.” This woman is indeed a natural actor. For the expressions of Zhong Mengying and others, Li Yalin didn’t know anything, he could only touch his nose and explain.

“This is different. Although the instructors Miria taught very well, you are the Captain of the Independent Mecha Army after all. You are our spiritual pillar. What can we do without you?” Zhong Mengying’s performance continues.

“Okay, just tell me what’s going on. You all know that I have to go to school. You didn’t say anything at the beginning, so now you come to act with me.” Li Yalin gave Zhong Mengying a white glance and said.

“Who is acting? We are telling the truth, okay? But we really need some help from the instructor!” Zhong Mengying said with some dissatisfaction, but when it came to the end, Zhong Mengying’s face showed a sorry look.

“Just tell me if you have anything, aren’t you tired, who are circumspect?” Li Yalin said quite amused.

“Well, it’s actually like this. I’ve been training here for more than two months, and we have almost used the supplies we brought. Although the munitions here are good, our girl’s family needs it. The things that can’t be supplied by munitions, and those things can’t be bought in such a fully enclosed base. Taking advantage of the fact that the training of Quest is now loose, can we go to the base for instructors?” Finished, Zhong Mengying also looked at Li Yalin with a full face, hoping that Li Yalin would approve it.

“Buy something?” Li Yalin was taken aback. The secrets of the base are not allowed to be leaked. According to regulations, all personnel are not allowed to go out after entering the base. Of course, Li Yalin is naturally excluded, and Li Yalin also has the right to take people out.

“Yes, instructor, please. We also know the confidentiality regulations. If the instructor is not at ease, you can follow us.” In order to get out, this Young Lady Zhong even used to act like a baby On it.

“Okay, but if you want to go out, you must be accompanied by me throughout the journey. It’s not that I don’t trust you, but we must at least do something about it.” After thinking for a while, Li Yalin nodded agreed.

“Yeah! Long live the instructor!” Zhong Mengying and several female soldiers jumped up happily.

“Don’t be too happy, three people. I only take three people out. As for who to go out, you can choose for yourself.” Looking at these female soldiers who are laughing and jumping again, A slight smile appeared at the corner of Li Yalin’s mouth, but then Li Yalin continued to say that the enthusiasm of the female soldiers on the scene was extinguished.

“Ah? Can’t you all go out?” Zhong Mengying said disappointedly.

“Do you think I am taking you to shopping? Young ladies? After purchasing all the necessary supplies, I will come back immediately! I am very busy!” Looking at the female soldiers, they were disappointed. Expression, Li Yalin said after a chuckle.

“Well, it’s so stingy.” Zhong Mengying pursed his mouth in dissatisfaction, and then discussed with a few female soldiers, and it took a long time to assign three places.

“Have you been waiting for a long time… Um? Sister Mengying, why are you here?” At this moment, Chu Zixin had changed his clothes and ran over, but when she saw Zhong Mengying’s At that time, it was slightly stunned.

“Xinxin, why are you going there?” Looking at Chu Zixin who has changed into a casual outfit, Zhong Mengying also asked a little surprised. Although it is casual, it is Chu Zixin. Well-dressed, people will feel bright at the first glance.

“Well, Aunt Ya asked me to go to Wang Family for dinner, so…” At this point, Chu Zixin’s face blushed.

“It turns out that it’s like this. Different people are treated differently. We want to go out. It’s extremely difficult, but now you have someone to pick it up in person.” Zhong Mengying made a suddenly realized expression. Then he gave Li Yalin another glance and said.

“Sister Mengying, you don’t say this, it’s just Aunt Ya she…” Chu Zixin explained quickly, but at the end, she was already blushing speechless, but this made Li Yalin I feel very puzzled. It seems that Chu Zixin is not such a shy person, but now…

“Women, I really don’t understand.” Li Yalin shook the head, saying that he didn’t understand very much, but he Rei and Saeko at the back were very clear. Seeing Li Yalin’s puzzled appearance, the two girls couldn’t help but pffft gave a chuckle.

When Zhong Mengying came out with two female soldiers’ changed clothes, Li Yalin looked at his watch and it was already five o’clock in the afternoon. There was simply not enough time to accompany Zhong Mengying and the others to go shopping.

“I said Young Lady, you can’t change your clothes quickly? You can see that you have been dying for half an hour.” As soon as Zhong Mengying and the others appeared, Li Yalin said very dissatisfied. Although Saeko and Rei are with them, Li Yalin is still very upset.

“Please instructor, we are a girl, of course we have to dress up before we go out.” Zhong Mengying looks like it should be by rights. After speaking, he also spoiled with a few female soldiers. Laughed.

“Forget it, time is running out, just go shopping by yourself. Just remember to return to the base before 7pm. The confidentiality regulations must be remembered.” Li Yalin rolled the eyes helplessly, then turned around I want to leave.

“Wait, instructor, didn’t you say you want to go together? Instructor, you’re not talking!” Li Yalin just walked a few steps and was pulled back by Zhong Mengying, and at the moment Zhong Mengying still has a face of anger, as if he is acting like a baby at Li Yalin.

“I said, big sister, don’t drag me, everyone in my family is still waiting for me. There is no time in the U.S. to go shopping with you, and you don’t want to check what time it is now. “Speaking, Li Yalin also took out his phone and shook it in front of Zhong Mengying.

“I don’t care! Anyway, you said you want to take us with you. As a Captain, you have to speak up, otherwise, how can you establish prestige for us in the group!” Zhong Mengying Regardless of this set, anyway, you said you, I dragged me, anyway, today she must go shopping with Li Yalin.

“How about Yalin, take everyone to have a meal first, and then go shopping together in the evening?” At this time, Rei suddenly suggested.

“This is not good, right? Wang Family is my first time to go. I just take you with me. What are these Young Lady?” Li Yalin shook the head did not agree.

“Why can’t we go? I am familiar with Aunt Ya too!” However, after listening to Rei’s words, Zhong Mengying’s eyes lit up, and he entangled Li Yalin to follow him to Wang Family.

“Well then, but remember to be smart when you get there and don’t bother me.” Unable to bear Zhong Mengying’s aegyo, Li Yalin finally decided to take everyone to Wang Family together. It’s just a potluck anyway, it’s nothing at worst.

After leaving the base, Li Yalin and the others drove their own car, while Zhong Mengying and the others drove a military jeep, but Li Yalin was slightly taken aback, because he didn’t even ask Wang Family Where is the address.

This oolong made Li Yalin a little bit didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. In the end, Li Yalin turned on his own satellite monitoring system and found the specific location of Wang Family. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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