Shocked by Li Yalin’s powerful aura, everyone present was speechless for a while, until Li Yalin condensed his aura, everyone in the Ouyang Family was relieved of their aura, only to be absorbed by Li Yalin’s aura Attracting, the two Innate members of the Ouyang Family have already arrived in this room at this time.

“What’s the matter with the boss?” These two Innates are also pretty good. After entering the door, they asked Ouyang patriarch nervously.

“Old Third, you guys are waiting aside now, and I will talk to you in detail later.” Ouyang patriarch bitterly laughed, although there are three Innate Experts on his side, the breath radiates from the youngster in front of him. Obviously it has surpassed Innate. Could it be that it has entered the legendary Golden Core Avenue? Ouyang patriarch can’t imagine it.

“Senpai please forgive me. Actually, it’s not that we want to go against the country. It’s just that our Ouyang Family has a reason why we can’t leave here.” Ouyang patriarch first carried out the ceremony towards Li Yalin deeply, and then his face was full. It is bitter to say to Li Yalin, no matter how young Li Yalin is, but Martial Artist lineage whoever attains shall be first, Ouyang patriarch calls Li Yalin Senpai, which makes sense.

“Oh? What’s the reason? Speak up and listen.” Li Yalin was not polite, and asked directly.

“Our Ouyang Family has lived in seclusion here for generations to protect this Fire Phoenix Mountain. According to legend, in this Fire Phoenix Mountain, there is a Heavenly Fire Phoenix sleeping. Our ancestors have suffered The favor of Heavenly Fire Phoenix, in order to repay the kindness, so I decided to live in seclusion for generations.” It is a fantasy plot. After Ouyang patriarch finished speaking, everyone in the 19th Group looked disbelief, only Li Yalin and Saber. looked at each other in blank dismay, is there really a Heavenly Fire Phoenix? Since coming here, Li Yalin and the others can indeed feel a breath of energy that seems to be there, and it is also very powerful .

“I said Ouyang patriarch, can your trick of deceiving little children be made up a bit more outrageous? Heavenly Fire Phoenix? Why don’t you say what Azure Dragon Suzaku is guarding?” Wang Ya Said with disdain, but before she finished speaking, Chu Zixin next to Wang Ya tugged her cleverly, so Wang Ya did not continue.

“I’m telling the truth. Our Ouyang Family once swore an oath that unless Heavenly Fire Phoenix wakes up, otherwise Ouyang Family will never leave here. Our Ouyang Family’s teenagers are 18 years old. They will go out to practice after the age of forty, but they return here when they are forty years old, and the rest of their lives will be spent here. This can be regarded as a kind of sadness.” Speaking of this, Ouyang patriarch seemed to recall something The past was normal, and after a long sigh, he stopped talking.

“Then Ouyang patriarch means that as long as the Heavenly Fire Phoenix wakes up, then Ouyang Family has no reason to guard this place and can cooperate with the country?” Li Yalin asked at this time. .

“This…of course! If Heavenly Fire Phoenix really wakes up, then we will cooperate with the country!” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Ouyang patriarch was taken aback first, and then nodded, but In his eyes, he wanted the Heavenly Fire Phoenix to wake up and it was almost impossible, so saying this was nothing.

“Well, now take us to Heavenly Fire Phoenix, I will wake it up personally!” Li Yalin slightly smiled, when the time comes, wakes up this Heavenly Fire Phoenix, see if you pay so.

“I said my son, does this really have Phoenix?” Ouyang patriarch led the way, Li Yalin entire group followed. Halfway through, Wang Ya had quietly come to Li Yalin’s side with a very expression. He asked Li Yalin in a puzzled way.

“This is true, but I only have ordinary Phoenix. If it is Heavenly Fire Phoenix, I have not seen it.” Li Yalin speak frankly, but after listening to Li Yalin’s words, Wang Ya was stunned for the first time.

“Son, did you say you have Phoenix?” Wang Ya cried out in disbelief, and immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

“What are you looking at! What is your business when I talk to my son?” Wang Ya knew that this is related to Li Yalin’s secret, and immediately glared fiercely at all around those curious guys. Due to Wang Ya’s coercion, everyone withdrew their curious expressions and continued to follow the Ouyang Family guys to walk forward.

“Low-key Mother. If you want to see it, after I go back, I will let you take a good look and it will end.” Li Yalin chuckled lightly and said.

“You smelly brat, I really don’t know how much there is to hide from us.” After Wang Ya muttered dissatisfiedly, she didn’t say anything. She knew it was Li Yalin’s secret, so ask more. It’s not good anymore.

After the entire group walked for nearly half an hour, they came to a hidden cave on the mountain, where the jungle was densely overgrown with weeds, and it seemed that no one had been here. desolate.

“This is the phoenix cave where the Heavenly Fire Phoenix sleeps. It’s just that the cave looks no different from an ordinary cave on the surface, but there are other mysterious things in it. The more you walk in the cave, the more Feeling hot. When I first stepped into Innate, I also challenged to enter the cave, but when I traveled about 800 meters, I couldn’t bear the heavy heat of the cave. I’m really ashamed.” Even though he said that, Ouyang patriarch didn’t have a trace of ashamed on his face, and he seemed to be very proud.

“Well, father Mother, wait for us at the entrance of the cave. Toria and I will go in first.” After a careful perception, Li Yalin discovered that the seemingly absent energy breath is indeed from It is emitted from this cave, but it is not safe in this cave. It is better for the 19th Group to stay in place.

“Well, then, be careful, and return immediately if there is an accident.” Li Zhicheng also knows that he and the others are indeed cumbersome. Just now Ouyang patriarch said that with his Innate strength, he can only If they advance 800 meters, their strength is not as good as Innate’s, and naturally they can’t continue to advance.

“Let me go with me too, at least my ice and snow ability should be able to help.” Chu Zixin stepped forward at this time.

“No more, if there is an accident, I may not be able to take care of you, wait for my good news.” Li Yalin smiled and patted Chu Zixin’s shoulder, and said confidently .

“Well then, but you must come back safely.” Chu Zixin’s blushed, and then repeatedly exhorted.

“Don’t worry, this little thing doesn’t bother me.” Li Yalin gave a thumbs up, and then took Saber, Saeko and Rei into the legendary phoenix cave.

I didn’t feel much when I was outside, but as soon as I entered this cave, there was a heat wave assaults the senses. Could it be that this cave is directly connected to the underground lava? With this question in mind, Li Yalin and the others continued to walk towards the depths of the cave.

There is no danger along the way, but the temperature is getting higher and higher. When I walked about 500 meters, the rock walls and the ground of the cave have gradually glowed red. Zhi Se, after walking forward for about three hundred meters, a little lava has begun to flow out of the rock wall. The temperature at this time is indeed scary. No wonder Ouyang patriarch can’t stand it here.

But this temperature is nothing to Li Yalin and the others, but after moving on for 500 meters, Rei and Saeko’s foreheads are already sweating.

Seeing this situation, Li Yalin also immediately opened the Holy Protection Wall, and after putting on the Holy Light coat for everyone, the Holy Protection Wall blocked all the scorching breath from the outside.

After another five hundred meters, Li Yalin entire group finally reached the end of the phoenix cave. Sure enough, the sleeper here is a colorful Fire Phoenix, which is comparable to Li Yalin Evolved Space. The Phoenix in China is much more beautiful, although it looks very similar, but if you carefully and quietly, Li Yalin’s Phoenix can be completely inferior to this one.

This Heavenly Fire Phoenix seems to have suffered a serious injury. The breath of life is very weak, but this shouldn’t be it. The legendary Phoenix is ​​an undying bird, and Phoenix will be reborn after nirvana. Ah, even Li Yalin’s Phoenix has the ability to regenerate. There is no reason why this Heavenly Fire Phoenix has to rely on a deep sleep to sustain its life.

Although I am wondering, this Heavenly Fire Phoenix still needs to be saved. It is nodded with Rei, Li Yalin and Rei immediately have the same heart and displayed healing skills at the same time. Rei’s complete healing and Li Yalin’s Healing Carol at the same time Send out, in this fiery-red world within the realm, a golden rays of light shines.

But after a wave of treatment, Li Yalin could clearly feel that the vitality of Heavenly Fire Phoenix had increased, but it hadn’t reached the point where it could wake it up, so Li Yalin and Rei immediately increased the skill output , But after more than 20 minutes of continuous treatment, the vitality of Heavenly Fire Phoenix was restored.

“This is? Who are you? How can I wake up?” Heavenly Fire Phoenix’s voice is a crisp little girl’s voice, but after her eyes opened, she is very puzzled. Li Yalin and the others asked.

“Of course we are the ones who saved you. We rescued you.” Li Yalin stepped forward and said.

“It turned out to be like this, thank you so much.” After experiencing his physical condition, Heavenly Fire Phoenix said to Li Yalin very happily.

“This is nothing, but now that you have woken up, do you have any plans?” Li Yalin asked with a smile, the strength of this Heavenly Fire Phoenix is ​​Supreme Low-Level , But it should be the reason for the loss of strength, maybe she was only Divine Beast before.

“I don’t know this. I don’t know how long I slept in this deep sleep. I really don’t know what happened to the battle on the continent.” Heavenly Fire Phoenix shook the head, and the words are too With a trace of worry.

“The battle on the continent? What is the battle on the continent?” After listening, Li Yalin asked very surprised. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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