“Yo, Yalin, are you here, ringtone? Are you back? You two…” Since they were already quite familiar, after greeted the Gotanda couple, Li Yalin opened the door of Gotanda bomb After seeing Li Yalin, Gotanda bomb naturally greeted, but after seeing the ringing sound behind Li Yalin, Gotanda bomb was slightly stagnant.

“Today, I went out shopping with Lingyin, came to your house for a meal, and came to see you and Lan by the way.” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“You two are shopping together? Isn’t it?” Dan’s face was filled with incredible, but he saw the ring tone behind Li Yalin clenched his fists, which made Dan immediately dare not speak Up.

“Old Brother! Come down for dinner!” But at this moment, the younger sister Gotanda Ran came upstairs, but after seeing Li Yalin and Ringtone in the playing room, Lan’s expression was also slightly taken aback.

“Elder Brother Yalin? When did you come? And…Sister Lingyin.” After seeing Li Yalin, Lan’s expression was of course very excited, but for Lingyin, Lan’s expression was not That’s good.

Gotanda Ran, 14 years old, is now a top student in a famous private girls’ school. She has long, shallow red hair. This is the same as her big brother. It seems to be inherited from the family and is very lively and lovely. The little girl, but with the ring tone is quite uncomfortable.

“I said Lan, look at your casual dress, you will be thought to be…” At this time, the bomb has made an old fogey preaching appearance, but in Lan’s fist Under the threat, Dan quickly closed his mouth.

Speaking of playing, I am still so afraid of Lan. It’s no wonder why men’s status is lower than that of women. In the war with Lan, I’ve never won it. I guess I’ve never won. I can’t get rid of the fate of Xiaoshou in my life.

In other words, the weather is really hot now. Lan at home is just wearing small suspenders and hot pants, which looks very cool, but this is not a big deal to Li Yalin, after all, the girls in the ISAcademy dormitory Basically they are all dressed like this.

When eating in the restaurant downstairs, Lan had already put on a decent dress, which looked very solemn and generous. Li Yalin also smiled and praised, although this claim made Lan’s face flushed. , But the complexion of ringtones is gloomy down.

“It turned out to be like this, Elder Brother Yalin, you and Sister Lingyin go out shopping, I really envy you.” While eating and chatting, Lan said to Li Yalin in a very envious tone.

“What’s so envious of this. If you are fine in the afternoon, you can also go shopping with us.” Li Yalin said nonchalantly, but he just finished saying this. Suddenly suffered a sneak attack of ringtones.

“Okay, it happened that I was fine in the afternoon, so I’m not welcome.” Although Lingyin was very reluctant, Lan’s expression was very happy, so after lunch, Li Yalin and Lingyin have another Lan in the dating team.

“There is one more?” Kei, who was hungry for noon outside Gotanda Gate, almost didn’t call out. Fortunately, Cecilia on the side quickly covered her mouth with her hand, otherwise she would be caught Li Yalin they found out.

In the afternoon, Li Yalin, besides wandering around in the commercial street, came to the playground. When it was getting dark, Li Yalin took the two girls to have a big meal. , This makes the two girls feel very happy.

During this period, Lan also told Li Yalin that he was about to sign up for IS Academy. Although he knew it in the original plot, his memory told Li Yalin that Lan was a super class. Students, the kind that can directly apply to the university, and now I have applied for IS Academy, it is all because of myself, it is really a sin.

“Okay, Ran, I will be here today. I will see you again when I have time. I look forward to you joining IS Academy in one year and becoming my Junior Sister.” I sent Ran to Gotanda Canteen After that, Li Yalin moved towards Lan waved his hand and said.

“I know Elder Brother Yalin, I am very happy today, thank you so much.” However, Lan walked up to Li Yalin’s with some twist, suddenly leaned over and kissed Li Yalin lightly. After that, he immediately turned around and ran back home.

“This little girl.” Li Yalin stroked the kissed cheek and shook the head with a smile, but just as he turned his head, Ling Yin’s face was already terrifying gloomy, and Ling Yin’s left hand The IS armor has undergone partial conversion, and even her Azure Dragon Blade has been summoned out.

“Wait for the ringtone, what are you going to do? Summon is not allowed to send IS here.” Li Yalin’s face went dark, is this girl irritated?

“you guy! I’ll give you a chance to explain! If you can’t explain it, then eat my blade.” At this time, the ring tone has been completely blackened. It seems that if Li Yalin doesn’t give it If you give an explanation, it is estimated that this blade will really be hacked off.

“Why are you angry? Lan is like my younger sister. Is it because I kissed my cheek? Don’t crack a joke. This is just a common etiquette in Europe. , Simply has no other meaning.” After Li Yalin’s talk or talk, the ring tone was restored, but even so, the ring tone still curled his lips and his expression was very unhappy.

“Okay, don’t be angry. By the way, we passed by a delicious pastry shop, let’s go again.” Li Yalin smiled and picked up the ringtone. Little hand, moved towards a pastry shop in the commercial street.

“The pastry shop? What are you going to do there? Haven’t we already gone to eat?” Lingyin was a little puzzled.

“I ordered some desserts in that pastry shop before, and I plan to take them back to IS Academy. Although the desserts made in the cafeteria are good, they are still a little different from this one. I I want to buy some back for everyone to taste.” Li Yalin didn’t mean to hide it at all, and his smile made people feel very warm, so that Lingyin could not arouse feelings of jealousy.

“You guy, you are so gentle.” Lingyin didn’t know what she should say, so after a few more talks, Lingyin just held hands with Li Yalin. We walked towards the pastry shop together.

Because it has been booked before, so you can take it away after paying the money, but this dessert box is a bit too big, right? The dessert inside is enough for at least 40-50 people.

“Are you going to let all the girls in your class eat?” Lingyin asked Li Yalin incredulously.

“Don’t girls like to eat desserts? Let everyone have a taste.” Li Yalin didn’t feel anything wrong, just carrying the pastry box in one hand and Lingyin’s little hand in the other. The two got on the tram to return to IS Academy together.

After breaking up with Lingyin, Li Yalin returned to the dormitory with the West Point he bought, but after returning to the dormitory, Celicia and the 箒 sat in the room with a gloomy look On the bed, only the dim lamp was on on the wall, and the atmosphere in the room was quite strange.

“Cecilia is here too, I said, what’s the matter with you? Why don’t you turn on the lights?” Li Yalin also felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, but he didn’t think too much, but turned on After the fluorescent lamp, the pastry box was taken out.

“Look at what this is? When I was out shopping with Lingyin today, I found a delicious pastry shop. The desserts they made were better than those in our cafeteria, I But I bought it specially for you to try, and it happened that Celicia was there.” After speaking, Li Yalin took out two very delicate small pastries from the box and put them on a small plate with a knife and fork. They handed them to Qi and Celesia respectively.

“oh!” Qi and Celicia glanced at each other, and then they were sighed again. The two girls were hungry for a day and did not eat. They followed Li Yalin and they knew they were together. After dinner, Qi and Celicia couldn’t help it in the end before they returned to IS Academy, but even so, the two girls didn’t even eat a bite of food, and just sat here with luck.

In the original idea of ​​the two girls, they were going to take the opportunity to go crazy when Li Yalin came back, but after Li Yalin came back, not only did Li Yalin quite generously tell her whereabouts today, but even Thinking of myself, I brought back pastries for myself, and seeing the gentle look of Li Yalin’s face, how could this make the two girls feel embarrassed?

“What’s the matter? Don’t you like this flavor? There are others here.” Li Yalin didn’t know the reason, and thought it was the cakes they brought. The two girls didn’t like it. He really likes this chocolate flavor, but if he doesn’t like it, there are other flavors, such as strawberry or banana flavors.

“No, I like to eat very much.” At this time, the two girls both snatched the dessert from Li Yalin and ate them with big mouthfuls. Even Cecily, who has always advocated the lady’s code Ya is no exception. After looking at the appearance of the two girls, Li Yalin was very puzzled. Although the cakes are quite delicious, it is not this too ridiculous?

At this time, Li Yalin also took out the desserts in the pastry box. These desserts were packed in delicate small boxes. The packaging alone was very cute. Girls simply can’t resist this cute temptation.

“Yalin, what are you?” Qi asked Li Yalin somewhat puzzled.

“I usually take care of everyone, I this can be considered a small gift, although it is not worth much.” Li Yalin smiled and replied.

“Are you going to give it to all the girls in the class?” Cecilia actually asked a question similar to the ring tone.

“There is nothing wrong with this, is it?” Li Yalin asked rhetorically in puzzlement.

“You guy! How many girls are you going to lie to?” Qi still pressed her temples and made a headache.

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