“Aiyaya, it’s really a disaster. Didn’t expect an ordinary combat exercise, which caused so many accidents.” During the lunch break, Li Yalin, Qi, Lingyin, Celicia, and Charlie came to the top floor of the teaching building to have a dinner together. Just after sitting down, Li Yalin complained a little.

To be honest, today’s result Li Yalin didn’t think about it. Although Laura suffered a little bit, Li Yalin thinks it’s worth it. At least it will change some of Laura’s personality. A fifteen-year-old girl with a straight face all the time is a waste of resources.

“You still said, if you don’t fight that Budiweiyi, you won’t cause so much trouble, right.” Lingyin gave Li Yalin a blank glance and said.

“But Yalin is really strong, Budiweiyi’s Black Rain can be regarded as a very powerful third-generation machine, and her own strength is also very strong, but such Budi Classmate Wei Yi has no power to fight back in front of Yalin’s.” At this time, Charlie also said to Li Yalin with a hint of admiration.

“I feel sorry for you to say that.” Li Yalin Touched his nose, there is nothing to be proud of defeating Laura, even Li Yalin feels like he is bullying a little girl.

“Okay Yalin, come and taste my work, this is my confident work.” At this time, Lingyin put her bento box in front of Li Yalin’s and put the lid on After opening it, it was filled with fragrant green pepper pieces.

“It smells very fragrant, did you put in a lot of work, ringtone?” Li Yalin asked the ringtone while sniffing the aroma in the bento box, the work was very delicate, a little bit It’s no different than the one in the restaurant.

“This is our agreement, and I will make it for you every day in the future.” Lingyin’s face blushed and muttered.

“This…about the agreement…” Li Yalin’s forehead had a few drops of cold sweat, damn it, forgot about this.

“Yalin, don’t say it, hurry up and eat.” As if she knew what Li Yalin was trying to say, Ling Yin actually pushed the bento box into Li Yalin’s arms and interrupted by the way. What Li Yalin has to say.

“What on earth do you have an agreement?” Qi and Cecilia on the side asked suspiciously at this time.

“Haha, it’s nothing, it’s really nothing. Let’s eat. Today is Charlie’s first day at IS Academy. By the way, I also made a lot of dishes this morning. Let’s try it together. Taste it.” Li Yalin touched the back of his head and punched Haha, and then took out the dishes he cooked in the morning. There were three bento boxes in total, which contained three kinds of fresh vegetables, fried broccoli and shredded pork with fish flavour. It’s just a very ordinary home cooking, but after Li Yalin opened the lunch box, a strong fragrance attracted the attention of every girl present.

“Yalin, did you make this?” Lingyin, who is also Chinese, naturally knows the three dishes in front of him, but it smells too good, right? Is it really made by Li Yalin?

“It’s just home-cooked dishes that you can make, let’s try it.” With that, Li Yalin also took out two boxes of white rice.

“It’s so delicious!” After trying Li Yalin’s bento, all the girls in the room exclaimed, but Cecilia and Charlie are not good at using chopsticks, so Li Yalin only Let them eat with a spoon.

At this time, the girls are all eating Li Yalin’s bento with keen interest pleasure, but there are three bento boxes in front of Li Yalin’s. Lingyin, Cecilia, and Qi are all Li Yalin prepared a bento, but the Bentos of Lingyin and Chuan were good and could be called delicious, but the sandwich in Cecilia’s lunch basket was really unsatisfactory.

After a small episode of lunch, Li Yalin did not return to the dormitory after school in the afternoon, but came to the health room where Laura was located. At this time, Chifuyu seemed to be talking with Laura in the house. , Li Yalin did not step forward to disturb, but stood outside the entrance of the health room, waiting quietly.

“Yalin? Why are you here?” Chifuyu, who walked out of the room, looked at Li Yalin on the opposite side, his expression also slightly surprised.

“Why don’t you care about your new classmates, Sister Chifuyu, don’t you also care about your old dísciple?” Li Yalin smiled and said to Chifuyu, with a joking expression on his face. .

“Stupid!” Chifuyu was actually shy. Li Yalin slapped Li Yalin and left quickly. Seeing Chifuyu’s back, Li Yalin couldn’t help but chuckled.

“Laura classmate, can I come in?” As he said, Li Yalin had already opened the door of the health room. At this time, Laura was awake and was staring blankly. Looking at the sky outside the window.

“You…Why did you come?” Laura felt quite at a loss for Li Yalin’s arrival, her face was flushed, and she was struggling to sit up.

“You lie down, I guess the load on your body has reached the limit, right? If you move around, it will definitely hurt.” Li Yalin hurriedly pressed Laura on the bed. Let her keep moving.

“I really want to be like Chifuyu sister, right? That’s why I work hard with Chifuyu sister as my goal, and even imitate everything about Chifuyu sister.” Laura’s face was very ruddy, just lying on the bed Staring at Li Yalin without speaking, the atmosphere is really embarrassing, so Li Yalin decided to find a topic first.

“…” Laura opened her mouth, trying to say something, but she couldn’t say anything when she reached her lips.

“Don’t think too much, you are Laura Budiwei, not Chifuyu Orimura, and you cannot become Chifuyu Orimura. On the other hand, no one can be you Laura Budiwei. Yi, this is a fact, don’t blindly follow in the footsteps of others, it will make you stuck in the quagmire and unable to extricate yourself.” Looking at Laura on the bed, Li Yalin’s face showed a gentle smile. Just like a sun, it illuminates all the haze world in Laura’s heart.

Just after Li Yalin left the health room, Laura struggled to take out his communicator and dialed the IS private channel.

“Kura Rei Sha…”

At this time, Li Yalin had already returned to the dormitory. As Charlie was the so-called’second male ISUser’, she was naturally Assigned to Li Yalin’s room, but Li Yalin, who has already understood the facts, thinks it is better to pick everything out. If when the time comes, it will really feel embarrassing.

“Yalin, you’re back.” Charlie seemed to have just taken a shower. She was wearing daily sportswear and said to Li Yalin with a smile when she saw Li Yalin open the door.

“Well, I’m back.” After entering the room, Li Yalin sat on the chair and stared at Charlie quietly, until after the blushes appeared on Charlie’s face, Li Yalin spoke.

“Charlie, you are actually a girl?”

„Ah? What? Haha, Yalin, what are you talking about, how can I be a girl?” Charlie startedled first , And then quickly retorted with a smile, but this smile was very dry, and it was not from the heart at first glance.

“But your expression has already told me.” Li Yalin made an expression that I already knew.

“…I’m sorry.” After Charlie was silent for a while, he was asked to say something that made Li Yalin very puzzled.

“Why do you say sorry to me?” Li Yalin showed a rather funny expression. It was really speechless to apologize when he came up.

“Actually…” Next, Charlie explained the reason why she transferred to IS Academy. It was nothing more than that the family company was in a business crisis, and Charlie needed to attract the attention of the world. One is to get information on the Li Yalin dedicated machine Byakushiki.

“Asshole!” Li Yalin said bitterly, but this sentence shocked Charlie.

“Your father is really a bastard! What is he doing? Does he use you as a bargaining chip? Is it a tool that comes and goes?” Li Yalin’s expression was very angry, although I had already understood it in the original plot, but after Charlie finished speaking with her sad expression, Li Yalin couldn’t help getting angry.

“Yalin…” Charlie looked at Li Yalin in a daze. She originally thought that the bastard was Li Yalin scolding her. Didn’t expect Li Yalin to be angry for herself.

“What are you going to do next?” At this time Li Yalin continued to ask.

“My daughter is exposed, she will definitely be recalled to the country, and then she will be resigned to her fate. If the government’s sentence is light, she will probably go to jail.” Charlie’s expression was flat, but Li Yalin was quite unhappy.

“In that case, if you don’t expose your daughter, then it’s okay? But even if it’s exposed, it’s okay. The regulations in Article 21 of Special Precautions are clearly stated. …So the final decision is in your hands. The choice is up to you, but you have to remember that I will protect you.” Li Yalin’s hands were placed on Charlie’s shoulders , The expression on his face is very serious.

“Yalin…” Charlie’s face was moved, and he didn’t know what to say.

“If Yalin wants me to stay here…” It’s a soft girl attribute, after Charlie hesitated for a long time, he still gently nodded.

“Then Charlie, you are willing to stay in IS Academy.” Li Yalin’s expression is also very happy.

“Um… Yalin can you call me Charlotte from now on?” After hesitating for a while, Charlie suddenly said to Li Yalin.

“This is your real name?”

“Well, the name my mother gave me, my real name.” Charlie, which is Charlotte’s gentle nodded.

“Understood, I will call you Charlotte when there is no one.” Li Yalin said with a faint smile.

“Yalin…you are so gentle…” (to be continued, if you want to know what’s going on, please visit www.qidian.com, more chapters, author support, genuine support Read it!)

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